PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

I dunno. I really don't think Microsoft is going to totally destroy Sony over the holidays like some people think. If anything it might bring them up to par or a little better but its not like people are just going to stop buying PS4s because Xbox One is $50 cheaper.
not to mention we don't know what Sony will offer and we already kind of know The Last of US and GTA V may be one bundle.

Im sure they will do something. But they have had so much selling power since it came out I just don't suddenly see it dropping because of a $50 price cut. Ive seen them do a lot of things and people always thinks its going to be huge and it doesnt. We saw $450 Kinect Xbox Ones with Titanfall came out and also offering Forza 5 for free, we saw $399 Madden bundles with a free game on top of that and it didnt make a huge impact.

Granted, this is a nice deal too since you get either AC IV and Unit for free at $350/$450 and then the 1 TB Call of Duty at $450 but it seems like the bundle most people were excited for was the Sunset Overdrive bundle and yet they dropped the ball on that and apparently made it very limited.

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Im sure they will do something. But they have had so much selling power since it came out I just don't suddenly see it dropping because of a $50 price cut. Ive seen them do a lot of things and people always thinks its going to be huge and it doesnt. We saw $450 Kinect Xbox Ones with Titanfall came out and also offering Forza 5 for free, we saw $399 Madden bundles with a free game on top of that and it didnt make a huge impact.

Granted, this is a nice deal too since you get either AC IV and Unit for free at $350/$450 and then the 1 TB Call of Duty at $450 but it seems like the bundle most people were excited for was the Sunset Overdrive bundle and yet they dropped the ball on that and apparently made it very limited.
that is very true on the sso

The big thing is the PS4 has been profitable since May, so a price cut could kill MS.

Honestly I expect Sony will still win the holiday's and I''d be surprised if they don't. They have a lot of momentum going into the holiday season and I'd say their marketing has been a lot stronger than Microsoft's. 

Honestly speaking I've used both a lot, and as far as features go I like the Xbox One's UI more, but I prefer Sony's for fluidity. Using the Xbox One's UI lately, everything just feels like it loads way too slowly and it's pretty off-putting. I also think having to do things like Snapping to invite friends or send messages in-game is just too much of a hassle because it loads too slowly.

That being said Sony needs to do a lot of work with the PS4's messaging and trophy syncing. Messaging is a complete mess in the sense it either takes forever to load, or it just doesn't work at all and the same goes for trophy syncing.

Would have to look into that. Sony made it known they started to turn a profit. Not sure if Microsoft has said this yet
Back at launch they indicated they wouldn't lose money on the hardware and they'd just about break even. I imagine that profit has only gone up with the costs for hardware going down. Not to mention Kinect costed a fortune so it's likely they make more profit on the kinectless units.

These are old articles. I don't think Microsoft's said anything recently about the matter, but that might just be because they don't feel the need to. Since the PS3 was a mess production cost wise Sony probably just wanted to clarify they now make a profit per hard basis.

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Would have to look into that. Sony made it known they started to turn a profit. Not sure if Microsoft has said this yet
Doesn't really mean much. Both systems have been profitable since launch.

Only thing is factoring in the Kinect cost.

Honestly I expect Sony will still win the holiday's and I''d be surprised if they don't. They have a lot of momentum going into the holiday season and I'd say their marketing has been a lot stronger than Microsoft's.

Honestly speaking I've used both a lot, and as far as features go I like the Xbox One's UI more, but I prefer Sony's for fluidity. Using the Xbox One's UI lately, everything just feels like it loads way too slowly and it's pretty off-putting. I also think having to do things like Snapping to invite friends or send messages in-game is just too much of a hassle because it loads too slowly.

That being said Sony needs to do a lot of work with the PS4's messaging and trophy syncing. Messaging is a complete mess in the sense it either takes forever to load, or it just doesn't work at all and the same goes for trophy syncing.
I think it will be close with MS edging them out, we havent seen all of what Sony has to offer but $350 plus a pack in game is a hell of a deal that will be tough to match. As for messaging, it been near instant for me since last night on the ps4 and app. Lets see how long that will last though.

Doesn't really mean much. Both systems have been profitable since launch.

Only thing is factoring in the Kinect cost.
No actually they haven't. They take into account cost of initial manufacturing, marketing, etc... makes each system priced out to a certain amount per console until a certain are sold. until then they are in the red. Took PS3 years before it went into the Green. PS4 did it in a record amount of time going green in may

id honestly be shocked if x1 outsold ps4 this holiday season. i get it, zomg halo, but i just dont see it pushing massive amounts of x1's
it may outsell in November or december... but it would take a lot of months with big sales to make up the overall difference

No actually they haven't. They take into account cost of initial manufacturing, marketing, etc... makes each system priced out to a certain amount per console until a certain are sold. until then they are in the red. Took PS3 years before it went into the Green. PS4 did it in a record amount of time going green in may
Just going based off the news articles, both production costs are lower than the retail prices.

PS3 is an completely different story. Used a ton of tech that for the most part wasn't needed during that gen.

a multiplatform game is going to push 1 certain console? why, because they get over priced map packs a month early? highly unlikely, especially with CoD pre-order numbers down and down each year
$450 for the bundle is cheaper then $400+$60 for game and for a lot of people it's the only game they play. I also assume the 360 is the most played COD machine so if people want to upgrade which do you think they will pick? Also all the ads seem to portray the 360 version. Heck even if you buy the sso bundle and cod separately it's still only $10 more then the ps4

a multiplatform game is going to push 1 certain console? why, because they get over priced map packs a month early? highly unlikely, especially with CoD pre-order numbers down and down each year
Advanced Warfare has performed better than Ghosts so far.

AW bundle is MS's answer to the Destiny bundle.

Im sure they will do something. But they have had so much selling power since it came out I just don't suddenly see it dropping because of a $50 price cut. Ive seen them do a lot of things and people always thinks its going to be huge and it doesnt. We saw $450 Kinect Xbox Ones with Titanfall came out and also offering Forza 5 for free, we saw $399 Madden bundles with a free game on top of that and it didnt make a huge impact.

Granted, this is a nice deal too since you get either AC IV and Unit for free at $350/$450 and then the 1 TB Call of Duty at $450 but it seems like the bundle most people were excited for was the Sunset Overdrive bundle and yet they dropped the ball on that and apparently made it very limited.
I agree with this too. I remember reading all these comments that Titanfall and all these sales will finally help Microsoft take the lead in the NPD, but that has not been the case. Even Pachter predicted that Microsoft will soundly outsold the PS4 last month with their extra games bundle deal, than it turns out that the PS4 number tripled!

The only bundle that is being sold out is the Sunset Overdrive bundle due to the limited numbers. I think the $50 temp price drop will help a little, but it won't be that much of a big difference like many has speculated it will be. Even with this temp price drop and Halo MC coming out soon, I still think that the PS4 will have the higher NPD for the holiday season. I think the majority of the people that want Halo MC have already bought a Xbox One.

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PS4 system update v2.01 is live now. People are posting that it fixes the "rest mode" issue for those that are affected.

[quote name="8bitArtist" post="12214211" timestamp="1415220840"]it already has, ghosts didnt sell as much as black ops 2.[/quote]
AW is gonna outsell Ghosts easily. It's a lot better than Ghosts.
PlayStation CS is pretty great. I decided to livechat them today because I've been reading online that some people were able to get DriveClub refunded due to the issues with it.

Entire chat took less then 5 minutes as I basically explained that the online has been on and off (mostly off) for some time now and it's gotten tiring. He ended up saying while PSN purchases are considered to be final he'd make a one time exception for a "Loyal Customer".

About turning a profit, the only concern I'd have of one over the other is that Microsoft technically has to pay Sony for blu-ray technology.

I'm not really sure why it matters if Microsoft is paying Sony for licenses, that's just how business works. I believe Sony profits around $2 per Blu-Ray player and it's not even that much profit because they have to pay the Blu-Ray association fees in order to be a member. 

I mean Sony (And other manufacturers) pay Microsoft billions in Android royalties and it's not like they're all at each others throats. It's just business.

I'm not really sure why it matters if Microsoft is paying Sony for licenses, that's just how business works. I believe Sony profits around $2 per Blu-Ray player and it's not even that much profit because they have to pay the Blu-Ray association fees in order to be a member.

I mean Sony (And other manufacturers) pay Microsoft billions in Android royalties and it's not like they're all at each others throats. It's just business.
Do you mean google?

Edit: Okay I know what you mean know. I didn't know that Microsoft had a patent.

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Umm... as the major financial backer of blu-ray and the main developer of blu-ray technology, I'm pretty sure Sony gets a rather large chunk of the money from licensing out the tech.

According to the mejer ad there might be another PS4 bundle for this holiday season. The other bundle will include lego batman 3 and Littlebigplanet 3 for $399 and is called the family bundle.
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Umm... as the major financial backer of blu-ray and the main developer of blu-ray technology, I'm pretty sure Sony gets a rather large chunk of the money from licensing out the tech.
It's $9 Per Blu Ray drive. That money isn't even directly paid to Sony it goes to the BDA (Blu-Ray Disc Association) who then split it up among the very many partners of the association. One website I read indicated Sony doesn't even own 30% of the Blu-ray IP.

Sony isn't the main developer and I'm not sure where people get that idea from. The technology was developed by hundreds of companies together.

Take the figure I threw out there and that means they make $2.70 per drive and it's probably less than that counting the membership fees they pay to the BDA.

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