PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

You always seem to bring up this same argument every time but were exactly are you getting this information form?

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You always seem to bring up this same argument every time but were exactly are you getting this information form?
My guess is out of his ass.

It's true Nintendo consoles have been suffering, but I am not sure your looking at it the right way...

1) just moved to 720p gaming
2) still uses DVD technology
3) not as multimedia friendly as 360/ps3 or x1/ps4
4) too high of a price tag
5) little third party support besides the one they "acquired"
6) no block buster titles (sorry but, how many Mario commercials do you see compared to games like halo or god of war)
7) poor explanation of why the general consumer needs to upgrade to the Wii u
8) terrible naming for the "next gen" console which confuses general consumer more
You arent going to see any commercials till at least August. There is no point in advertasing when you don't have anything new out.

Starting in August though, they have a lot of games coming out for the system all the way till 2014. And they already said they have even more to announce in form of new games. Some due out this year.

It worries me that they don't have an actual new Mario coming. All Ninty consoles have had at least one "revolutionary" Mario game. How much longer can they get by with spin-offs & the "New" series? Nintendo really neds a couple more killer new IP, and their current stable needs to grow more... They're starting to feel played out. And that's from a lifelong Nintendo fan. I've gotten closer & closer to Sony's side as the consoles have gone on, and while I already have one, it's hard to have faith in Wii U right now.

It's sad, but it makes me even more excited for PS4.
You arent going to see any commercials till at least August. There is no point in advertasing when you don't have anything new out.

Starting in August though, they have a lot of games coming out for the system all the way till 2014. And they already said they have even more to announce in form of new games. Some due out this year.
I meant about NSMB U compared to CoD or Halo 4 or God of War: Acension.

I think I see more commercials for the handheld Nintendo games than I do for their consoles.
My information is based on the opinions and tastes of those around me, family, friends and younger cousins and their friends and what they think about games. Also based on what I see selling in this area. For example are the shelves emptied of CoD games or are Mario games nowhere to be found, if the shelves are empty then it's obviously selling. Again my opinion is for my area only, other areas may differ and vary depending on what is popular. Game popularity can also vary greatly within friend circles of kids, when one kid picks up on something the others will pick up on it too.

I have had almost every kid I have come in contact with tell me they have given up Nintendo for Xbox, this includes 3 weeks of yardsailing and seeing Nintendo systems put out for sale by kids who do not play them anymore and based on what I encounter with friends and family. I go to a lot of yard sales but this is the first year I have seen this trend of kids giving up on Nintendo, although most who put it out say they havent played it in years. Again these are kids, some are very young, definitely too young to be playing CoD over Xbox live, parents are okay with it because they have no idea what the kid is even doing and because its such a good babysitter. I do not see people putting out Sony or Xbox systems and saying they are giving them up for Nintendo, if I was seeing that then I would have no problem saying that here as well. In fact people don't even put out their original Xbox consoles, they want them so they keep them, I see maybe one console every 2 years due to this. The dumping of Nintendo is just something that is happening with the overwhelming majority of children in my area.

I do believe there is something worth playing on every system (plenty for me to play on the Wii believe me) and these systems in no way deserve the treatment they are getting, people just don't purchase new games for their systems which is the real crux of the problem, if they purchased even one game every 6 months there would be no reason to get rid of any games console.
Well ill tell you this much, every major Nintendo game that has come out this year sells like fucking crazy as far as 3DS goes. Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, Fire Emblem were all flying off the shelf. The Gamestop I visit a lot always tells me its crazy how much they sale.

Its not COD numbers but honestly, nothing is. And thats just sad really since there are a lot more better games out there.

Well ill tell you this much, every major Nintendo game that has come out this year sells like fucking crazy as far as 3DS goes. Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, Fire Emblem were all flying off the shelf. The Gamestop I visit a lot always tells me its crazy how much they sale.

Its not COD numbers but honestly, nothing is. And thats just sad really since there are a lot more better games out there.
I agree with you 100% on how well their portable titles sell. They also have like 40x more third party support for their hand held. Where as their home console seems like a barren wasteland.
I agree with you 100% on how well their portable titles sell. They also have like 40x more third party support for their hand held. Where as their home console seems like a barren wasteland.
I get that with the home consoles, I just think its going to get better starting next month.

No idea with 3rd party, but I bet once they start to move systems, Ubisoft will show even stronger support. EA will likely get back on board too im sure.

I get that with the home consoles, I just think its going to get better starting next month.

No idea with 3rd party, but I bet once they start to move systems, Ubisoft will show even stronger support. EA will likely get back on board too im sure.
Like I said before, they should probably just stick to portable gaming now as they seem to be lagging behind on the home consoles. Now if they just made an adapter to play the 3DS on a television (without use of a console) they would be set.
I agree with you 100% on how well their portable titles sell. They also have like 40x more third party support for their hand held. Where as their home console seems like a barren wasteland.
Nintendo always sold more portable consoles than home gaming consoles though.


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The also lumped the portable consoles from the beginning together. I am sure the original game boy didn't sell nearly even close to a fourth of the 118.69 million. The Game Boy Pocket probably helped that number a lot.
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The also lumped the portable consoles from the beginning together. I am sure the original game boy didn't sell nearly even close to a fourth of the 118.69 million. The Game Boy Pocket probably helped that number a lot.
Err, that's like saying the PS3 never sold close to X because of slim versions.

Well ill tell you this much, every major Nintendo game that has come out this year sells like fucking crazy as far as 3DS goes. Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, Fire Emblem were all flying off the shelf. The Gamestop I visit a lot always tells me its crazy how much they sale.

Its not COD numbers but honestly, nothing is. And thats just sad really since there are a lot more better games out there.

Yeah the 3DS sells a ton of games and systems here, nationwide and worldwide, it seems to be the one thing people still want to buy Nintendo in my area. The problem is that our gamestops deliberately under stock Nintendo 3DS games so if you go there to buy one on the release day they will not have any copies, they might get 2-3 copies of each if you are lucky and I don't buy into the whole digital games scam either so none of that for me especially with full priced games. However Walmart, target, best buy etc have plenty of copies, not that they aren't selling cause they are but they just have a better stock than GS. Nintendo definitely still has a stranglehold on the handheld market that is for sure.

The popular games like Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing have sold like hotcakes and I have seen a dramatic increase in the amounts of streetpasses I get after every popular release so they are definitely selling. The Pokemon games in October will surely bring an insane amount of sales.
Lots of people think it has something to do with SSM's new IP, that would be awesome if true. I'm not getting too excited though, dont want to be let down if it turns out not to be.

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probably a new ratchet and clank, or maybe a crossover title. jak and ratchet

playstation facebook posted the pictures from the ign article and tagged insomniac games.

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Stop saying all the right things, Sony! Just stop it! You're making me want to buy your console even though I really shouldn't. :lol:
Sony is doing all the right things for next gen, so far.

  • Hiring Mark Cerny.
  • Allowing him to openly discuss the issues that affected PS3.
  • Telling us and showing us how they will not repeat the same mistakes again.
  • Treating developers and customers with respect.
  • Giving us the most value for our money.
The only thing left is...

  • Release date
  • Marketing (Sony's marketing was kind of bad in the past except for the Kevin Butler stuff, but maybe the new marketing agency they hired will be better.)
  • and more games! (A good chunk of worldwide studios still has not announce games yet.)
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We really need a launch date stat.  There's at best four months left before the likeliest window of release.  GS has shut off orders and we're almost out of the summer lull for gaming.  Time to start up the hype machine Sony!

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I heard Gamerscom is when we will get an official release date announcement, along with more games being introduced. I also heard rumors that the PS4 could launch as soon as October.

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I love R & C but it's gone downhill after a Crack in Time, hope it gets back to its roots.
From Insomniac's Twitter:

Speaking of Heroes Returning. You should 'Follow Wednesday' Creative Director @BrianAllgeier as I'm sure he's excited for tomorrow too.
Brian Allgeier wasn't involved in the past two R & C games. His last game (not counting Fuse), was Crack in Time.


Let me try to put this together in my head and a post.

Insomniac is working on Sunset Overdrive after FUSE (liked Overstrike better). Which EA made them change to realistic bland graphics from bad focus testing, opposite situation with Borderlands 1.

If the Jak crossover is true, that's cool. Naughty Dogs Uncharted 2 team did The Last of Us, while their 2nd team did Uncharted 3. Said 2nd team has been working on a secret project, this crossover could be it? Meaning Insomniac would play more of a smaller role.

Let me try to put this together in my head and a post.

Insomniac is working on Sunset Overdrive after FUSE (liked Overstrike better). Which EA made them change to realistic bland graphics from bad focus testing, opposite situation with Borderlands 1.

If the Jak crossover is true, that's cool. Naughty Dogs Uncharted 2 team did The Last of Us, while their 2nd team did Uncharted 3. Said 2nd team has been working on a secret project, this crossover could be it? Meaning Insomniac would play more of a smaller role.

Erm, I hope not... I feel like that would be a step backwards for ND.

I don't think it's possible to make a Jak game good enough to surpass Uncharted & TLoU - and if it is a crossover game, that just throws up even more red flags as those types of things rarely turn out to be worthwhile. I think the best we can hope for with this new announcement(tease?) is a new mainline R&C that hearkens back to the previous trilogy.

Otherwise, this isn't the type of game I was really looking for to be announced... I love R&C and all, but I'm a bit burned out by it and would rather see newer IP instead.

I would be down for another R&C game if its on the same level as A Crack in Time, but INSOMIAC has seriously been slacking for a while now (FUSE, All 4 One) so I'm skeptical. Also probably coming to ps3/vita only.

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I would be down for another R&C game if its on the same level as A Crack in Time, but INSOMIAC has seriously been slacking for a while now (FUSE, All 4 One) so I'm skeptical. Also probably coming to ps3/vita only.
Agreed. I want another R&C only if it's going to be like either the original trilogy or the Future trilogy, both of those(except maybe Quest for Booty) were awesome. All the other ones they've been making (All 4 One, Full Frontal Assault) are garbage.

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Oh lord, if games go up to $70 I don't think I'm ever getting one release day ever again, I barely get ones on release day now unless I think they are going to be hard to find or clearly have a ton of content.

Well EA, Ubisoft & Activision might be, I mean with DLC and online passes and whatnot you already spend more than that on their benchmark titles, I could easily see them doing that for the next-gen maddens and CODS and ACS , etc.Then again I still remember paying $100 for Phantasy Star IV like a sucker (not that it wasn't awesome but I'm pretty sure the price bottomed out on that real quick).

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FYI the new R&C game is for PS3 and is $30
bread's done