PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Gran Turismo 6 is coming out on December 6th, at least in Europe. (though it's likely to arrive in other markets on the same date, wait for confirmation)

Little Big Planet is going Free-To-Play with Little Big Planet Hub. This is a pretty natural fit, and good leveraging of that brand.

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price drop on system and memory cards, finally hopefully people will stop bitching and buy the Vita.

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And finally the price cut

Whats the memory card prices? 32 GB sub $40 would be great but I'll bite at $50

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Eh we already did the Sony loves indies thing, I don't think this is something they should focus a major part of their conference. On the show floor and interviews sure, but it's kind of whatever on the big stage, move on to the big stuff.

Sony is really trying to be the official indie console. That is fine but hopefully they have a couple 1st party surprises for the end.

"INDIE INDIE INDIE" is the new "TV TV TV." :lol:

Rime looked cool. Borderlands 2 and Fez on Vita is great news. Pretty decent conference so far.

Dedicated pipes for PS4 gamers, that sounds interesting. I hope they bring this opportunity to the US.

Yeah they need to announce some more AAA games.

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Oh joy more ACIV & Watchdogs footage. No one cares. And I still wouldn't pay $200 extra for remote play, that's not going to push Vita sales guys...

Why do they keep zooming out when showing a trailer?
Glad I'm not the only one screaming at my TV when they do this. STOP fuckING WITH VIEWS WHILE SHOWING GAMES! Every damn time they show a new title I can't even see the game because what the crowd is doing is apparently more important. They need to fire their idiot crew up in the booth because they're doing an awful job.

Secondly, this show has had ZERO momentum so far and it's really killing me waiting on a release date. The longer they drag on, the less I care about what they're showing. Don't care about PS3 games, don't care about Vita, don't care about indie games I can play on my PC. Now they're showing Ubisoft games I've seen a million times by now; hint: DON'T CARE. Ugh, just wake me when they're ready to deliver real news about gaikai plans and a launch date.

bread's done