PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Where there is a will there is a way. If you have external speakers you can probably use something like then you would just need another cable to carry audio
I do have one of those. It's actually an HDMI to DVI cord. And my TV does have optical audio out, but not in and neither does my receiver. It would be one convoluted mofo to get it working.

It's a shame too because I would love it for the living room.

One day perhaps.

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NBA2k14 seems to be the actual standout title, but I'm not a sports guy. I have enjoyed basketball, but the last one I probably played was 2k2 on the dreamcast. Would I still enjoy it? For some reason my dumbass local video store doesn't have it to rent. Madden, sure, NBA no dice.

NBA2k14 seems to be the actual standout title, but I'm not a sports guy. I have enjoyed basketball, but the last one I probably played was 2k2 on the dreamcast. Would I still enjoy it? For some reason my dumbass local video store doesn't have it to rent. Madden, sure, NBA no dice.
I was in the same boat, being the last time I played basketball was on Dreamcast, but this game helped me rediscover my love of the sport.
Well I am trading in Killzone either tomorrow or Saturday, I could use something besides Injustice & Warframe... Or I could just download it, I mean if it's good I'll be playing it regularly for the next 4 months at least.

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I expressed my issues with KZ in an earlier post, even on easy it seems really punishingly brutal.
Do you play FPS' often or just every once in a while?

I know you stated that you aren't *great* at them, but are usually good enough to get by.

As for your complaint about the controls, KZ has always been that way. They like to develop their games with "weight", to give a more realistic feel that your average FPS. There's no running off a building, 360 quick scoping headshot, switch to rifle and taking out two more guys within two seconds of hitting the ground in KZ. lol

All that being said though, It's easily the weakest in the series... Also, even though I enjoyed it, your other points are completely valid and I totally understand your disappointment with it.

Admittedly the last one I seriously got into was probably Modern Warfare, like the original Modern Warfare. But I played both Halo 4 & Black Ops II with little difficulty, just didn't get heavily into them.

Oh hell, I didn't realize that's a possibility. I am going there for BF anyway. So here is an interesting question.

Could I buy BF4 for PS3, upgrade, then trade the BF4 to GS?

Because if that's true I could get BF4 for super cheap.
Need the disc in the system to play the DL'd version unfortunately. But hey, you'll have both versions! It works for me actually, as I have co-workers with PS3 I can play with, and then PS4 for when I'm playing solo

So I know this is a PS thread, but I just grabbed and XBox ONE.  Gonna try to flip it to offset some of my PS4 costs.

I think the XBOX is gonna be in mad demand because the supply was so low.  Feeling lucky I got in on it.  Wish I'd have just done this for the PS4 in the first place.

So I know this is a PS thread, but I just grabbed and XBox ONE. Gonna try to flip it to offset some of my PS4 costs.

I think the XBOX is gonna be in mad demand because the supply was so low. Feeling lucky I got in on it. Wish I'd have just done this for the PS4 in the first place.
Good luck with that. I'd rather have the $500 in my pocket than deal with the hassle of flipping one. I seriously think you'll be lucky to make $100 off it.

Good luck with that. I'd rather have the $500 in my pocket than deal with the hassle of flipping one. I seriously think you'll be lucky to make $100 off it.
I hear ya bro. I am not usually into flipping consoles at all. If it looks like a raw deal I will just return it. I have 90 days.

I really want my freaking PS4 but since Walmart is a complete toolbag when it comes to preorders, I am sitting here empty handed. I really like the idea of the XBox, but because it doesn't have the performance of the PS4, it's a no go for me. At the end of the day it's all about games.

My PS4 is and has been paid for. I am just waiting for Walmart to ship it.

I hear ya bro. I am not usually into flipping consoles at all. If it looks like a raw deal I will just return it. I have 90 days.

I really want my freaking PS4 but since Walmart is a complete toolbag when it comes to preorders, I am sitting here empty handed. I really like the idea of the XBox, but because it doesn't have the performance of the PS4, it's a no go for me. At the end of the day it's all about games.

My PS4 is and has been paid for. I am just waiting for Walmart to ship it.
That sucks. I went with gamestop because i had a bunch of credit and it's a mile from my house and I can actually trust them. Walmart has no idea what they are doing most of the time. I want an xbox just not $500 worth of xbox.

That sucks. I went with gamestop because i had a bunch of credit and it's a mile from my house and I can actually trust them. Walmart has no idea what they are doing most of the time. I want an xbox just not $500 worth of xbox.
I really despise Gamestop. I avoid it like the plague - but I have been fortunate in the past to score both PS2 and PS3 at launch there.

They try to upsell you on everything (to the point it's uncomfortable) and generally treat you like you're stupid (at least in my experience).

I really despise Gamestop. I avoid it like the plague - but I have been fortunate in the past to score both PS2 and PS3 at launch there.

They try to upsell you on everything (to the point it's uncomfortable) and generally treat you like you're stupid (at least in my experience).
Well it's their job and they make money by up selling you so I don't blame them too much. I just shrug it off. Can't really get upset about somebody trying to make a few extra bucks can you? Life's too short to get upset over something so stupid and meaningless. Also it's literally the only store that sells videogames within walking distance of my house which helps.

They try to upsell you on everything (to the point it's uncomfortable) and generally treat you like you're stupid (at least in my experience).
I don't know why I'm posting a large post like this, but I'm bored.

I feel your pain but here are some thinks to keep in mind. They try to upsell you because they are sales people. At Walmart they are clock punchers. If you walk into any specialty store (e.g. tailors to buy a suit, jewelry store, car lot) their job is to upsell. Sadly we have become accustom to stores where you decide what you want, you go in, and you buy it from a cashier. If not that then you buy it online. Sorry they creep you out, they operate on a sales technique lost to new generations.

Here is a tip for a successful Gamestop relationship:

1. Find one where the employees are not complete morons. These exist and are in greater number than you think. You will have to cut through some of the depression the employees may have to find the real person inside.
2. Make friends with them. Yes, friends. They make crappy wages and typically got the job because a) they wanted a job where they could talk games or b) they were a moderately pretty girl (b can include a). Making friends with any type of sales person has it's perks. See the perks section at the bottom.
3. Once you have a relationship with them and they know you they usually stop treating you like one of the soccer moms that that come in and want "Super Uncharted Bros XIII: Master Chief Edition". They will greet you and get that you know what your doing.

This may all seem like a lot of work. Yes, it can be especially if you are an introvert. Guess what? They are usually too. If you don't like this then you MUST shop at Walmart or Amazon for your own sanity.

Benefits of fostering a relationship with a sales person:
- They give you freebies when they see you (e.g. I've gotten tons of pre-order goodies that are left over)
- They do things for you above and beyond what they should (e.g. hold product they shouldn't for you, keep on the lookout for rare used things for you, call you when something comes in, etc)
- Give you a job at the store if you need some part time work or want the discounts

If I was smart I would have kept my PS4 pre-order but at one point I cancelled it. I missed the window to pre-order but guess what? They are my friends and held one of the few extra for me. Did you miss out on one? Sorry, I didn't treat them like crap so there ya go. You may not either but you didn't treat them special. That is what you can expect at ANY specialty store. I so miss these types of stores and hate Walmart for killing so many of them.
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Finally got to play NBA 2K14. I haven't played any NBA games except for NBA Jam (the recent one on PS3). Well, yeah, I have a lot to learn. I kept shooting from full court because I was still pressing square to steal on defense. My son was getting pretty angry with me because we were playing 2-player on the same team ;).

I guess I'll have to go through the career thing and learn how to play.
That's strange, the share button has been working flawlessly for me. I edited and uploaded a couple of vids to facebook and it was very easy to do so. Sucks that you cant upload to youtube right now, but I hear thats coming eventually. I also watched someones Black Flag stream earlier and it looks a lot better then AC3, made me want to go out and buy it. I havent broadcasted anything myself yet but I just love being able to jump in and out of people streams, the comment section can be a hit or miss though, people can be idiots sometimes lol.
Tonight I tried to figure it out and I discovered if you read the fine print, opening the menu automatically generates a screenshot and a clip of the last 15 minutes of gameplay so herp derp working as intended. At any rate, nothing I can do with the clips or screens yet anyway so for now they'll just be for private use heh.

I think I'm done with Killzone, the controls are sluggish, the weird angle throws me off (I feel like a midget)
Thank god I wasn't the only one to notice that. I play plenty of shooters and I felt like Killzone's FOV was way off while playing it. It can even cause motion sickness in some players so I wonder if anyone is having that problem.

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Don't get me wrong!  I understand why they do it.  And I don't BLAME them for doing it.  It's good that they take their livelihood seriously enough to do it (though some of them get it beat into them by management).

It's just not who I am and it's not who I like to expose myself to.  So when I have a choice, I avoid the environment.  I don't get angry about it.  I just don't prefer to shop that way.

Dude just go to as many stores as possible and find out. I seriously doubt every single one is accounted for.
I get the feeling that at least Walmart, Best Buy and Gamestop are all saving their stock for Black Friday. Inventory checkers are saying they are in stock at certain stores, but the stores are saying no. "Check on Black Friday" they say. I asked one flat out if they were holding them and she got angry with me. Why would she get angry if there was no truth to the idea? It's very weird. Wondering if Sony somehow requested it - almost to create another launch.

So there is no way I can buy a ps4? :(
Like has been said many times in this thread, Sunday Best Buy will be releaseing all unclaimed preorders, it will be like a new release where they will have a line before they open to claim them, that isyour best and bet of getting one!

Don't get me wrong! I understand why they do it. And I don't BLAME them for doing it. It's good that they take their livelihood seriously enough to do it (though some of them get it beat into them by management).

It's just not who I am and it's not who I like to expose myself to. So when I have a choice, I avoid the environment. I don't get angry about it. I just don't prefer to shop that way.
Na, I wasn't intending to be mean to you, I just wanted to inform. I miss the old ways of doing business and I'm not even that old (mid 30s).

Na, I wasn't intending to be mean to you, I just wanted to inform. I miss the old ways of doing business and I'm not even that old (mid 30s).
At the same time, I am a cheap ass gamer. :)

People in the xbox line were all excited about getting launch games for $50. I was enthusiastic about paying $27-$30 for 6 PS4 launch games!

At the same time, I am a cheap ass gamer. :)

People in the xbox line were all excited about getting launch games for $50. I was enthusiastic about paying $27-$30 for 6 PS4 launch games!
Yeah that really helps make the decision to jump in right away for me. 3 games for $120 is a really good deal. Unfortunately one of those games was COD Ghosts which i beat and flipped for $45 because i can't stand the multiplayer anymore. I was really hoping I could get back into it.

So there is no way I can buy a ps4?
Go to the stores, talk to the peoples, find out when they get their video game shipments in and call them on those days.

Some stores are also advertising the PS4 and Xbox One for black-friday, so those stores should get a new shipment for Black Friday. Although, it's possible that stores are holding onto their additional shipments until then.

I'd be down for a PS4/Vita bundle box.

I (thankfully) sold my sealed PS4 today locally.  Funny part was I sold it to a cop (in full uniform).  Went off without a hitch.

Wonder if the vita includwd in the bundle is gona be the wifi version only. I dont think sony is producing 3g/wifi right? The ones we see with the instant game collection and the walking dead bundles seems like just repacked versions of the 3g/wifi that never got sold.
Have a question for the group.

I bought a PS4 on launch day. My unit bricked a day later. I returned to Best Buy for my money back.

My buddy from work also bought a PS4 on launch day. He didn't open his. He just wanted to turn around and sell it. It's his decision so oh well. I was going to wait until Sunday when Best Buy opens to try and get the system since the pre-order holds will be lifted then. But if I wanted to buy my friends PS4, is there a way that we both can walk into Best Buy, where he returns his PS4 and I immediately buy it? Will Best Buy do that?

Reason why I want to do it that way is because I'll have 15 or 30 days to return it from that specific day, where as he's already 7 days into his return period. If the PS4 dies a week or two from now, then I can't return to best buy for a refund, i'll have to go through sony. Which isn't neccessarily a bad thing, but I would rather not having my money tied up and wait for a unit to be sent back to me with the possibility it's refurbished.

Anyways, do you think it's possible for both my buddy and myself to walk into best buy where he returns his unopened unit and i take that one and purchase it?


Have a question for the group.

I bought a PS4 on launch day. My unit bricked a day later. I returned to Best Buy for my money back.

My buddy from work also bought a PS4 on launch day. He didn't open his. He just wanted to turn around and sell it. It's his decision so oh well. I was going to wait until Sunday when Best Buy opens to try and get the system since the pre-order holds will be lifted then. But if I wanted to buy my friends PS4, is there a way that we both can walk into Best Buy, where he returns his PS4 and I immediately buy it? Will Best Buy do that?

Reason why I want to do it that way is because I'll have 15 or 30 days to return it from that specific day, where as he's already 7 days into his return period. If the PS4 dies a week or two from now, then I can't return to best buy for a refund, i'll have to go through sony. Which isn't neccessarily a bad thing, but I would rather not having my money tied up and wait for a unit to be sent back to me with the possibility it's refurbished.

Anyways, do you think it's possible for both my buddy and myself to walk into best buy where he returns his unopened unit and i take that one and purchase it?

Depends, I worked at Best Buy and did returns... Now what usually happens is when you return stuff unopened it does just go back on the floor... however there were some products that would spit out a label and have us send back to manufacturer. So there would be a risk, once that lable prints it would be impossible to resell and no idea what Sony has sent to the system. If a current employee who had done a return for one might be able to tell you. But the odds of an unopened being returned for no reason is slim, most were opened and in that case definitely sent back...

I would say just buy it from him for what he paid, and keep his receipt, it wouldn't matter... Not to mention you should buy Sony's extended warranty, they are now expediting bricked consoles and it should only take a couple of days instead of 10 from day one.

Anyways, do you think it's possible for both my buddy and myself to walk into best buy where he returns his unopened unit and i take that one and purchase it?

My quick guess is that you probably would not be able to do that. Their return processes are weird. (It depends on if he did the pre-order online or in the store as to how it re-enters the store inventory.)

Your best bet would be to call them and see if it would work out.

My quick guess is that you probably would not be able to do that. Their return processes are weird. (It depends on if he did the pre-order online or in the store as to how it re-enters the store inventory.)

Your best bet would be to call them and see if it would work out.
Again they wouldn't be able to tell you. I did some weird returns in my day and would start to put them in a box to be put on the floor and the label to send it back would pop up... there is no way to truly know. I still don't see the purpose in doing this if you could let me know why you would do a return rebuy?

Depends, I worked at Best Buy and did returns... Now what usually happens is when you return stuff unopened it does just go back on the floor... however there were some products that would spit out a label and have us send back to manufacturer. So there would be a risk, once that lable prints it would be impossible to resell and no idea what Sony has sent to the system. If a current employee who had done a return for one might be able to tell you. But the odds of an unopened being returned for no reason is slim, most were opened and in that case definitely sent back...

I would say just buy it from him for what he paid, and keep his receipt, it wouldn't matter... Not to mention you should buy Sony's extended warranty, they are now expediting bricked consoles and it should only take a couple of days instead of 10 from day one.

My quick guess is that you probably would not be able to do that. Their return processes are weird. (It depends on if he did the pre-order online or in the store as to how it re-enters the store inventory.)

Your best bet would be to call them and see if it would work out.

Again they wouldn't be able to tell you. I did some weird returns in my day and would start to put them in a box to be put on the floor and the label to send it back would pop up... there is no way to truly know. I still don't see the purpose in doing this if you could let me know why you would do a return rebuy?
Thanks all for the advice. Perhaps I will just purchase from my buddy and if anything happens with the unit, I'll just deal with Sony at that point.

Bestkeeper - The purpose in doing this is only because best buy takes back faulty product. So if I were to buy a PS4 from best buy and it breaks, I can just take it back to best buy for my money back rather than having to deal with sony. That's honestly the only purpose of doing this. As of right now, he purchased this last friday on launch day so he's already 7 days in for his return window. If I open the system, play it for a week and it breaks on day 8 I'm out of luck with returning it to Best Buy. At that point sony is my only option. That's pretty much it.

I'm going to go into best buy on sunday and see if I can buy a pre-order ps4 unit that wasn't picked up. If I have no luck I'll just buy it from my buddy and immediately call Sony to buy into their warranty system with accidental coverage.

Thanks again for the advice all!

Yea don't worry, Sony is really stepping up to the plate to make sure defective consoles are taken care of!  The worries of day one are a thing of the past, and waiting 10 days for a new one won't happen.

Well I am finally going to get my bing gaming in on Sunday!  Wife has a big paper for her Masters program, Freeing up the TV and my free time for an all day sesh!!  Now to figure out what to play, I am trying to get as many trophies in FIFA, stuck on the all silver for skill games, dam long pass into barrels challenge sucks!!!!

Well I am finally going to get my bing gaming in on Sunday! Wife has a big paper for her Masters program, Freeing up the TV and my free time for an all day sesh!! Now to figure out what to play, I am trying to get as many trophies in FIFA, stuck on the all silver for skill games, dam long pass into barrels challenge sucks!!!!
Some of those challenges are pretty damn hard, so getting silver on all of them is going to take me a while. I do love that they are just part of the loading before each match. I've had to stop myself from playing them sometimes, as I have to remember that Crystal Palace needs me to play their game...

Some of those challenges are pretty damn hard, so getting silver on all of them is going to take me a while. I do love that they are just part of the loading before each match. I've had to stop myself from playing them sometimes, as I have to remember that Crystal Palace needs me to play their game...
They are not too bad, sometimes frustrating. The dribbling ones are super frustrating, you have to dribble through a bunch of the moving dummies and can't touch them. Worst part was I would do it, score and goal, and still come up short as far as points! So annoying!

My experience was that some of them just didn't give you enough information as to how to complete things before they hand it to you to complete.  We'll see... I have no idea how many of them I've completed to this point, but I know that I have at least a few silvers in there.  

My experience was that some of them just didn't give you enough information as to how to complete things before they hand it to you to complete. We'll see... I have no idea how many of them I've completed to this point, but I know that I have at least a few silvers in there.
Oh yea there are some super easy ones... I wante to become a legend at one for that trophy, consensus is the goalkeeper one is the easiest

I do have one of those. It's actually an HDMI to DVI cord. And my TV does have optical audio out, but not in and neither does my receiver. It would be one convoluted mofo to get it working.

It's a shame too because I would love it for the living room.

One day perhaps.

So heads up I am in same boat as you. This was my workaround. I already had an HDMi to DVI cable for video from my ps3 time.

For audio on ps4 this time around it was a bit tricky but I got it going on same tv.

For your dvi port I am guessing you have red and white compsite for audio.

The video has to be outputted via HDMI

The audio can be outputted via the Optical Audio out and converted to composite with an adapter. You have to output by Linear PCM not DTS.

The adapter can cost like 16$ on cheap end, apparently its hit or miss with those look on amazon or ebay.

I chose to pay $38 for something im pretty sure will last longer and looked more durable and well put together and it includes an optical cable. If you buy one that does not sell with the cable you can just by the amazon one for $5

Its worked great for the hour I have tried it for. Hope that helps!

Thanks bro!  But that's too much work.  I am gonna put the PS4 in my office where I have the Samsung ES6500 and keep my PS3 in the living room.

I'll have to wait to get the XBOX until I have a real TV in that room.

Well, when you make it mandatory for online MP, then yeah -- people don't really have a choice.

Speaking of which, if PS+ is going to be required for MP then they need to stop with the trophies for it.  I've skipped so many platinums because of shitty trophies like attaining max rank online, it's stupid.  I like extending a game's life by doing trophies, but I'll be damned if I'm going to force myself to grind MP levels.

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bread's done