PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Because the Xbox One is $500? Plus again it's bad messaging on MS' part, they initially pushed it as completely necessary, then said you didn't need it, then sold you it anyways with the console along with reports coming out that the console could actually be significantly cheaper without Kinect. On top of that at least among core gamers who will make up those initial buyers, Kinect is a bad word. They don't like motion control or spotty voice commands. And what has MS done to really push Kinect as the future? There aren't any promising games and most people seem to say it's confusing to use and the second the voice recognition doesn't work properly, they never want to deal with it ever again. The guys on giant bomb basically called it a hot mess, and so have Cheapy D, Wombat and Shipwreck for that matter. They've said some negative stuff about the PS4's UI as well, but not nearly to that extent.
i never have issues with command and same with alot of people. i trully understand why some people don't like it then i just say well don't buy it. ms sold 3 million systems in month and half span so obvious people want the system. i think ms is looking into feature with the x1 with it being more then gaming system. This day and age i want a system that can do all the things i enjoy doing videogames, netflix,amazon,wwe network, other apps. the day and age with video game systems only being for video games are long gone and in my opinon the kinect makes the x1 better with the voice commands for apps and so awsome to say xbox party and xbox friends and have them pop up while ikeep playing with out pushing buttons.

Wow, talk about apples & oranges... The Gamepad is the main controller for the Wii U, while the KINECT is basically an expensive unneeded accessory.

Yes, lots of games don't require the Gamepad, but plenty of them do. Besides, lots of times you're controlling the game in the worst way possible when you aren't using the Gamepad. The Wii Remotes are mostly for local multiplayer, Nintendo could have just as easily left them out from being compatible.

Try harder next time.
again that's just your opinion don't bash me on my opinion when you are freely giving yours i don't think kinect is useless and i don't think ps4 cam will be useless once they get more features going for it.

again that's just your opinion don't bash me on my opinion when you are freely giving yours i don't think kinect is useless and i don't think ps4 cam will be useless once they get more features going for it.
I wasn't bashing you, just saying that you can't really compare a controller on one system to a camera on another.
Yeah I hate all motion control stuff and don't want to support it with my wallet. I'll never buy an X1 if there's not a kinectlless sky and I'll never buy a PS Eye camera and would be skipping PS4 if they'd forced it in.

Wii u gamepad was fine by me as I like the off TV play ability for when my fiancée is using the main tv. Plus it was $300 with NSMBU and the Luigi expansion bundled in which is a great deal relative to the PS4 or X
im just still puzzled why people say well you are being forced to buy KINECT are people not being forced to buy wii u with the wii u gamepad when most wii u games can beplayed with wii motes? kinect is part of the x1 system as a whole which if people would use x1 they would understand why ms wanted to include it . i think people forget whe systems in the past came with ad ons like nes came with dunk hunt and dunk hunt gun and people were not like omg i don't want that junk.
You didn't have to buy Duck Hunt to get an NES. You also didn't have to buy ROB the Robot to get an NES. Nintendo sold multiple configurations of the NES. The Control Deck, the Action Deck, the Deluxe Set, the Basic Set, the Power Set and the AV Console. You could choose what you wanted to buy.

Yes, the GamePad is part of the Wii U. You can't get to the start screen or use the store without one. However, it is actually used in games. The Xbox One Kinect doesn't have any games I care about and it's worthless to me. At least ROB the Robot looked cool.

No, you were bashing his opinion as well as mine
What the... Seriously?

So first you guys present your arguments as fact, get mad when I counter argue and bring up my own feelings/findings on the matter as a part of the discussion, and now I'm simply bashing what is now your "opinion"? It's not like I called you guys idiots and fools for having your own opinions while mindlessly trolling you. If you can't take someone disagreeing with you and then getting all butthurt when they make compelling arguments then perhaps you shouldn't be posting on these boards in the first place.

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i never have issues with command and same with alot of people. i trully understand why some people don't like it then i just say well don't buy it. ms sold 3 million systems in month and half span so obvious people want the system. i think ms is looking into feature with the x1 with it being more then gaming system. This day and age i want a system that can do all the things i enjoy doing videogames, netflix,amazon,wwe network, other apps. the day and age with video game systems only being for video games are long gone and in my opinon the kinect makes the x1 better with the voice commands for apps and so awsome to say xbox party and xbox friends and have them pop up while ikeep playing with out pushing buttons.
Literally everything you listed the PS4 can do, hell the Xbox One won't have the WWE Network at launch! Anyone who says duh I guess the PS4 ONLY plays games/is for gamers is a moron, it has Nettlfix, Hulu, Amazon, Crunchyroll, IGN, etc. It covers my streaming needs very well. Hell most current gen consoles do as well as tablets. It makes the Xbox One as a $500 multimedia device a hard sell.

i never have issues with command and same with alot of people. i trully understand why some people don't like it then i just say well don't buy it. ms sold 3 million systems in month and half span so obvious people want the system. i think ms is looking into feature with the x1 with it being more then gaming system. This day and age i want a system that can do all the things i enjoy doing videogames, netflix,amazon,wwe network, other apps. the day and age with video game systems only being for video games are long gone and in my opinon the kinect makes the x1 better with the voice commands for apps and so awsome to say xbox party and xbox friends and have them pop up while ikeep playing with out pushing buttons.
The whole watch TV on your TV with the Xbone never appealed to me, neither has snapping apps while gaming, I usually have my phone or my tablet right next to me anyway. Plus it being a 720p machine is kinda lame. I also like how xbots think the ps4 has no multimedia options at all and only plays games. Enjoy 6v6 Titanfall with bots at 720p. So next gen LOL

I think you can make the argument for the Xbox One on the game side, that's more personal taste. If I was more interested in the lineup the $100 difference wouldn't matter to me, but the multi-media all in one argument is a losing one when they only "advantages" it has is chaining you to ancient dinosaurs like cable and live TV.

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I think you can make the argument for the Xbox One on the game side, that's more personal taste. If I was more interested in the lineup the $100 difference wouldn't matter to me, but the multi-media all in one argument is a losing one when they only "advantages" it has is chaining you to ancient dinosaurs like cable and live TV.

That's all what console gaming always boils down to. I mean, the fanboy rants and all can be fun at times - but it really just comes down to what games you prefer. All the other stuff is usually just BS that really doesn't matter after a year or two(mostly b/c if one company is doing something successful, the other has to follow suit in order to keep up. In a lot of ways the industry is full of copy-cats.).

All the MS franchises mean nothing to me(though I'll always be curious about Sunset Overdrive), and IMO are far less varied. I enjoy most Sony franchises so of course that's where my preferences lie.

It really is all about the games.

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Doesn't matter it's a mindshare thing. MS HEAVILY promoted Twitch as a huge pillar of their console. They still don't have it. Sony just up and said, yeah we have that too and it's been available since day one. Sure there are kinks to work out, but clearly it's successful given how much it accounts for total twitch streaming (something like 20% which given the install base is nuts), it's impossible to find PS4 cameras anywhere and something that really has bitten MS in the ass considering they still won't have it for several more months at least.

Microsoft if probably working out the kinks so women don't get exploited on film like a few fucking days after the PS4's release/Twitch release...

This is why we can't have nice things
At risk of bashing your opinion again, I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that's not even a small reason why it's been delayed and that they really don't even care so much about that. It'll probably happen on XBO within it's first week as well, and really there's no real way to stop rare occurrences such as that one without banning streaming altogether.

At risk of bashing your opinion again, I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that's not even a small reason why it's been delayed and that they really don't even care so much about that. It'll probably happen on XBO within it's first week as well, and really there's no real way to stop rare occurrences such as that one without banning streaming altogether.
I mean if the PS Camera/Kinect can detect and recognize faces, I'm sure there's a way for them to be programmed to recognize dicks and tits. If they can be made to do that, the stream could be cut off once something is noticed and the user can be flagged. I can imagine the brainiacs at Sony and Microsoft can implement something like that.

I mean if the PS Camera/Kinect can detect and recognize faces, I'm sure there's a way for them to be programmed to recognize dicks and tits. If they can be made to do that, the stream could be cut off once something is noticed and the user can be flagged. I can imagine the brainiacs at Sony and Microsoft can implement something like that.
Being that they both mostly only care about what $$$ the streaming capabilities bring them in, I think they don't really care about those rare instances as long as the trade off equals more profits/consoles sold in the long run. While, theoretically speaking, such scanning is possible, I doubt either of the companies wants to waste the resources or time to do such a thing. It's just going to be a problem that they'll have to deal with as they show up...

I think banning accounts or offering straight up IP bans are probably the quickest and easiest ways to handle these issues.

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The whole watch TV on your TV with the Xbone never appealed to me, neither has snapping apps while gaming, I usually have my phone or my tablet right next to me anyway. Plus it being a 720p machine is kinda lame. I also like how xbots think the ps4 has no multimedia options at all and only plays games. Enjoy 6v6 Titanfall with bots at 720p. So next gen LOL
did anyone ever bash anything about ps4? no and again xbone is not only 720 p forza five is full 1080 p 60fps. not sure how next gen always = more players. i don't mind having less players if it means game plays betterwhich seems like the case with titan fall. Sounds like they had issues with game being balenced with more then six players. Thing with titan fall is that when your player is not in a robot it still is moving and shooting as a ai player.

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when i comes to twitch thing i really would have liked sony and microsoft to come up with their own streaming service. The company that owns twitch has been awful since they launched jtv and twitch still has bugs pretty much every day. 

did anyone ever bash anything about ps4? no and again xbone is not only 720 p forza five is full 1080 p 60fps. not sure how next gen always = more players. i don't mind having less players if it means game plays betterwhich seems like the case with titan fall. Sounds like they had issues with game being balenced with more then six players. Thing with titan fall is that when your player is not in a robot it still is moving and shooting as a ai player.
Why would anyone bash the PS4 in it's own thread? :lol:

To be fair he is right though, most MS first-party games are 1080p.
Why would anyone bash the PS4 in it's own thread? :lol:

To be fair he is right though, most MS first-party games are 1080p.
Forza is the only MS first party game that is 1080p. I think 720-900p will be the norm for the Xbone unfortunately. But hey, at least they have that kickass sharpening filter for all sub 1080p games haha.

did anyone ever bash anything about ps4? no and again xbone is not only 720 p forza five is full 1080 p 60fps. not sure how next gen always = more players. i don't mind having less players if it means game plays betterwhich seems like the case with titan fall. Sounds like they had issues with game being balenced with more then six players. Thing with titan fall is that when your player is not in a robot it still is moving and shooting as a ai player.
IDK man, my hype deflated when I heard the news, and Im not the only one. Playing with/against bots just seems whack to me.

Any suggestions on the best place to find a PS4 camera at retail? I have one set up with the PS4 that is at my house but I'm getting a second PS4 for work and I'd like a camera to communicate with my girlfriend and of course they are sold out everywhere (no exaggeration).

I was figuring they'd show up at stores in small quantities until I went to and saw that they are taking orders with an estimated ship date of 3.31.2014. I mean is it really going to be ~ 3 months before Sony can get more inventory out?
Wal-Mart, K-Mart, GameStop and Best Buy all have inventory trackers. I just checked Wal-Mart and they had two near me. Be sure to check new and used listings at GameStop, a local one near me has one used, but nothing new. You can also try your local Toys R Us, the ones near me always seem to have stock of that kind of stuff.

Otherwise you may be out of luck at the moment. To me it seems like they had one shipment at launch and they never restocked it.

Forza is the only MS first party game that is 1080p. I think 720-900p will be the norm for the Xbone unfortunately. But hey, at least they have that kickass sharpening filter for all sub 1080p games haha.

IDK man, my hype deflated when I heard the news, and Im not the only one. Playing with/against bots just seems whack to me.
i like how you judge a system from launch window. how about ps4 only running bf4 at 900 p both systems are very capable to run every single game at 1080p. The issue that could come up with xbone is that like ps3 its harder to program from then the competition. in a year or two x1 and ps4 will be pumping 1080 p games left and right.

in all honest i have played 1080 p games on pc for years and after playing games like 2k14 and forza 5 that is full 1080 p on x1 it's just meh what ever for me. i really don't see how res of game is anything to troll about at this point. for bf4 only running at native 720 p upscalled to 1080 p on x1 in all honest it looks just as sexy as bf3 does running 1080 p on my pc. x1 just like 360 has amazing upscale tech in it.

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It looks like Rayman Legends will be launching at $40 next month. I originally had it pre-ordered for Wii U when it was still a launch title/exclusive, but dropped it after they delayed it to make the PS3/360/Vita versions. I think I may just pick up the PS4 version just because.
Im picking this up for the PS4, Im so glad I didn't play the PS3 or Vita version. This is gonna be so awesome to play with the DS4. Plus I get to bust out my second controller which its still sealed. :D

i like how you judge a system from launch window. how about ps4 only running bf4 at 900 p both systems are very capable to run every single game at 1080p. The issue that could come up with xbone is that like ps3 its harder to program from then the competition. in a year or two x1 and ps4 will be pumping 1080 p games left and right.

in all honest i have played 1080 p games on pc for years and after playing games like 2k14 and forza 5 that is full 1080 p on x1 it's just meh what ever for me. i really don't see how res of game is anything to troll about at this point. for bf4 only running at native 720 p upscalled to 1080 p on x1 in all honest it looks just as sexy as bf3 does running 1080 p on my pc. x1 just like 360 has amazing upscale tech in it.

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Unacceptable, I would let them know about it asap.
I created a huge rant thread HERE but yeah my jaw dropped when I heard UPS roll up this morning and saw them carrying this (like this):


And you can't really tell from the picture but the top is pushed down.... those who have one know it's kind of shaped like a rectangular pizza box where the top opens up but mine doesn't line up with the edge and is submerged about 3/4". If it works it's not really a big deal but damn.....

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^ Hopefully it works, but the way UPS workers throw packages around I wouldn't be shocked if didn't. Plus the PS4 isnt really packaged all that great in terms of protection IMO. Not sure why they would think this is a good idea.

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amazon loves to send stuff like that in zero boxes which is why im shocked more of those did not ship like that at launch. i have gotten computer printers,surround sound and other bigger size items in non boxes and they were pretty beat up. Most online storesthese days don't put bigger stuff in box just plop sticker on and lets it go it sucks.

Hiw come no one flagged this shipment since during launch amazon sent out ps4 in boxes. Sheesh! Wonder how many ps4 or xbox1s were shipped like this! Tsk!
Outlast developer says that their game will hit PS4 and PS+ in February 2014.

Outlast Review

Hopefully Sony will start giving us full games. Indie games are nice, but I wants me some full retail titles! :whee:
Not sure if I understand from your post or not... but isn't outlast a full retail game that has been out on PC? I consider it a bigger title? And also rumor is Drive Club will be next month

I wouldn't expect any full retail titles til at least the coming holiday season, they have to actually build a library and no one is going to give away $60 title right away. I wouldn't be surprised if come November/December Knack & Killzone would be free.

i wish i could say im surprised people are whining there isnt a full retail title out for ps4's ps+ but im not. the console has been out for 2 months and you want retail titles already? c'mon people. besides, the games they released have been from great(resogun) and decent(contrast). i downloaded dont starve, but havent played it yet.

what games have xbox 1 given away for free so far? oh... right...

I created a huge rant thread HERE but yeah my jaw dropped when I heard UPS roll up this morning and saw them carrying this (like this):


And you can't really tell from the picture but the top is pushed down.... those who have one know it's kind of shaped like a rectangular pizza box where the top opens up but mine doesn't line up with the edge and is submerged about 3/4". If it works it's not really a big deal but damn.....
That's just unacceptable. I'd contact Amazon about this if I were you

i wish i could say im surprised people are whining there isnt a full retail title out for ps4's ps+ but im not. the console has been out for 2 months and you want retail titles already? c'mon people. besides, the games they released have been from great(resogun) and decent(contrast). i downloaded dont starve, but havent played it yet.

what games have xbox 1 given away for free so far? oh... right...
Exactly! And I get the whole "indie" thing, but Indie games have come a long way and some of the best video games started out indie. I mean really it is just a small developer who is taking advantage of publishing there own game, who does that not deserve the same recognition of a game that is released at a $60 price point? Outlast is a full on 3d horror game that could very well sell at full price retail, but the developer decided to self publish thanks to new avenues such as Steam and now with Sony.

I think the games have been great, and to get them for free makes them that much better!

Exactly! And I get the whole "indie" thing, but Indie games have come a long way and some of the best video games started out indie. I mean really it is just a small developer who is taking advantage of publishing there own game, who does that not deserve the same recognition of a game that is released at a $60 price point? Outlast is a full on 3d horror game that could very well sell at full price retail, but the developer decided to self publish thanks to new avenues such as Steam and now with Sony.

I think the games have been great, and to get them for free makes them that much better!
outlast is going to be free for ps+ in february. people will still complain its not a $60 retail game though. if they got Knack for free though, those same people would probably complain that got a shitty retail game instead of a good, non $60, indie game

I'm finally getting value out of PS+ TBH.  For all of PS3 years, all they gave us were games I didn't give a shit about or already owned.  Now with PS4, already these games are something I wanted to try and are relatively new.  If anything, I'm one of its biggest critics and even I can't complain now.

You know what I just realized?  With Playstation Now coming and the need for higher speeds, WHEN IS GOOGLE FIBER COMING TO MY CITY?!

I mean I loved the idea of Google Fiber when they announced it and so far the reviews are pretty good, the only complaint is that there really isn't a need for 1000MBPS, but for the price, I would be paying less for google's tv and internet then I am with Comcast!  Anyone have Google Fiber?  This is the perfect thing that will make streaming games that much more perfect

i wish i could say im surprised people are whining there isnt a full retail title out for ps4's ps+ but im not. the console has been out for 2 months and you want retail titles already? c'mon people. besides, the games they released have been from great(resogun) and decent(contrast). i downloaded dont starve, but havent played it yet.

what games have xbox 1 given away for free so far? oh... right...
killer instinct,xbox fitness,project spark will be free in spring,xbox free games with gold coming to x1 sometimes this year.kinect sports long demo is out for free.

bread's done