Playstation 4 Pre-Order

[quote name='dgwillia006']I just hope they actually produce a decent amount of these. Theres no reason why consoles should actually be rare on launch day.

I'm hoping to pre-order either way, but I'd prefer if I didn't only have a 1 day window to do so.[/QUOTE]

Artificial Scarcity. Just look how people reacted negatively to the Wii U actually being on store shelves.
[quote name='VexxedCS']Artificial Scarcity. Just look how people reacted negatively to the Wii U actually being on store shelves.[/QUOTE]

Eh I guess. Still, seems like you would get more sales from the console actually being available than from hyping the thing up and barely being able to cover pre-orders.
[quote name='VexxedCS']Artificial Scarcity. Just look how people reacted negatively to the Wii U actually being on store shelves.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dgwillia006']Eh I guess. Still, seems like you would get more sales from the console actually being available than from hyping the thing up and barely being able to cover pre-orders.[/QUOTE]

in my opinion it perceived value, you see it on every shelf you wont think it worth much, you can buy it at any time. but if it got lot hype as a awesome hard too buy new game machine, your more likely too try buy it sooner then later. an when it hard for you too pre order or find it in store that average game machine becomes a item too gloat about an feel a sense of pride in owning. in till the new shiny effect wears off then buyer remorse may kick in

this just my cynical analyzes i looking forward too getting ps4 day 1 as i enjoy Sony
Eh I guess it depends on the item. If its like a Collectors Edition or something that I'm finding all over on day one, then yeah I'm likely gonna cancel it. But for a console, if I have to go way out of my way to find one when I know it'll just be available later, chances are I'd just wait for a price drop/better availability. Especially if there isn't one of those "Omg must have!" games at launch
I can see the reasoning behind artificial scarcity. It's basically free advertising, creates viral hype for the system, and distracts people from the probably underwhelming list of launch titles. That said, the current generation of consoles really burned me out on lining up for a chance to line up later, and if I can't just pre-order one without going through contortions, I'm just going to wait until it's more readily available if not cheaper.
Ill likely get a ps4 at launch if I get get a pre-order at gamestop since I can cut the price down a lot through trading and making payments till it comes out. Hoping at E3 they have the launch line up set cause nothing looks to interesting for me yet.
Posted as of 02/21/13, PS4 will play used games:

[quote name='Shuhei Yoshida, Eurogamer']

Eurogamer: One of the questions my readers really want an answer to is whether you're going to block the use of second-hand or 'used' games, because it's a huge concern for them.

Shuhei Yoshida: Do you want us to do that?

Eurogamer: No. I think if you buy something on a disc you have a kind of moral contract with the person you've bought it from that you retain some of that value and you can pass it on. Do you agree?

Shuhei Yoshida: Yes. That's the general expectation by consumers. They purchase physical form, they want to use it everywhere, right? So that's my expectation.

Eurogamer: So if someone buys a PlayStation 4 game, you're not going to stop them reselling it?

Shuhei Yoshida Aaaah. [Asks PR adviser.] So what was our official answer to our internal question? [Consults adviser.] So, used games can play on PS4. How is that?

Eurogamer: That's great. So in past generations, you had the PS2 with third-party exclusives, amazing marketing and the DVD player that helped it to be successful. With the PS3 the exclusive games were harder because it cost too much and the marketing was harder because at that point everyone else was making cool-looking electronic devices too, but you still had Blu-ray to give you an advantage. [/QUOTE]
[quote name='Deader2818']I don't think its likely you will see any pre-orders up till they announce a price and release date.[/QUOTE]

Safe bet.
all I know is, even if im at work when the announce it, I will take a lunch right then and there and rush over to gamestop, lol. There is one across the street from where I work but I really hate that one.
Are you guys planning to keep a pre-ordered PS4, or sell it on eBay? Will be interesting to see how high the demand is and if it is anything like the PS3 was.
Im just going to keep it. I had 3 Wii U pre-orders. I kept one, sold a Target pre-order card for $100 and then gave the 3rd one to someone on here that wanted it for free.
[quote name='TealPavelski']Are you guys planning to keep a pre-ordered PS4, or sell it on eBay? Will be interesting to see how high the demand is and if it is anything like the PS3 was.[/QUOTE]

Keep one sell one
[quote name='etcrane']Pre-ordered and paid in full, had to call in to Amazon and request to pay the full thousand now, but they gave me free two day shipping.[/QUOTE]

Now that is customer service
[quote name='dgwillia006']But for a console, if I have to go way out of my way to find one when I know it'll just be available later, chances are I'd just wait for a price drop/better availability. Especially if there isn't one of those "Omg must have!" games at launch[/QUOTE]

its the other way around for me.
I had a wii u pre-ordered and was going to get it, but when I realized I would be able to buy one at anytime I wanted, I just canceled to wait for pikmin 3 (seriously how is this not out yet and what made nintendo think they could have a successful launch without it? I'm sorry but you need to really like nintendo to have a wii u already.)
[quote name='spyder69']Thanks. Preordered 14 via Amazon. Hopefully, I can do at least 30 more at GS.[/QUOTE]

Why would you post that?
I'll preorder the next xbox, but I'm good with the PS4. Sony is going to have to prove itself maybe for a year or two, then I'll pick one up. My PS3 is maybe two years old and I rarely play it as it is, so I will hold off until I can walk into Target and pick one up.
[quote name='bromans12']I'll preorder the next xbox, but I'm good with the PS4. Sony is going to have to prove itself maybe for a year or two, then I'll pick one up. My PS3 is maybe two years old and I rarely play it as it is, so I will hold off until I can walk into Target and pick one up.[/QUOTE]

Isn't it the other way around?
item wont sell out for the hoildays very few people are going to buy a kid a 399 to 499 TOY when they have a ps3 or 360

its not like back in the 90s and 2000's where most people ran out and got systems day one.. most people now wait for either a deal or price drop.
[quote name='Flappycack']Why would you post that?[/QUOTE]

Ah, he's probably one of the people that got burned by doing this with the Wii U, so he's probably must trying to break even.
[quote name='musha666']Maybe in Japan it would be.[/QUOTE]

No i ment, he doesnt know squat about the next xbox ... Even if it required kinect he would still pre-order it no question ask? What if doesn't allow used game ... I want to see his reasoning on why he thinks xbox will be better to pre-order first.
[quote name='affa']just put in a pre-order. thanks.

and it's legit -- there are reviews wondering if it's a fake listing, but there is an actual amazon promo page that links to that listing.

price is an obvious place holder, but i figured i'd get in line and can always cancel if need be (though i doubt i will)[/QUOTE]

Is the price a place holder? Is it possible a vendor like Amazon could charge over retail?
[quote name='slidecage']item wont sell out for the hoildays very few people are going to buy a kid a 399 to 499 TOY when they have a ps3 or 360

its not like back in the 90s and 2000's where most people ran out and got systems day one.. most people now wait for either a deal or price drop.[/QUOTE]

What if it's $599 or $699! :)
[quote name='Indiana']What if it's $599 or $699! :)[/QUOTE]

One of the leakers that seemed to have reliable info.said there will be two price pointsat $430 and $530.

If true that's not bad for an 8 core console(even if its AMD :p) with modern GPU and blu ray player.

Or think of it as $130 more than a WiiU, with twice the power and many times the HDD space plus BR player.
[quote name='Indiana']Is the price a place holder? Is it possible a vendor like Amazon could charge over retail?[/QUOTE]

It's a place holder anything sold directly by amazon it will not go over the msrp
[quote name='3mocryz']I don't see myself getting this, I'm not gay![/QUOTE]

[quote name='3mocryz']I don't see myself getting this, I'm not gay![/QUOTE]

get off ur dad's laptop kid!!!
[quote name='Deader2818']all I know is, even if im at work when the announce it, I will take a lunch right then and there and rush over to gamestop, lol. There is one across the street from where I work but I really hate that one.[/QUOTE]

If you hate that GameStop , don't go and show them who is boss. Isn't that what Wal-Mart haters do? Bitch about Walmart but still go.
[quote name='oasisboy']If you hate that GameStop , don't go and show them who is boss. Isn't that what Wal-Mart haters do? Bitch about Walmart but still go.[/QUOTE]

You seem to be confusing me with people that blindly hate GameStop.

I hate that one because they have terrible service and the store is way to small.

I go to the one a few miles down the road because they are always very friendly and really helpful. Same as another one that is a little further down.

You do know its possible to hate one particular store out of a whole franchise? I do try to avoid the mall ones as well but I don't refuse to go there if they have something I want.
[quote name='3mocryz']I don't see myself getting this, I'm not gay![/QUOTE]

You don't have to be gay to twiddle a few knobs every now and again.
i'm gonna be pissed if i get myself into having to pay $1000 on ebay for a ps4 because I WILL do it if I have to

Gamestop better contact people on the wait list BEFORE they start taking pre orders and not the day after
[quote name='ChuckyDJ']So is the rumor true or not about it playing used games?[/QUOTE]
Yes, it will play used games. No, it does not require an internet connection to run.
[quote name='spatenfloot']Yes, it will play used games. No, it does not require an internet connection to run.[/QUOTE]

This is not accurate. There is a possibility that used games will function but no guarantee you won't have to pay a fee to make the work or something similar. Sony is playing coy about this.

Also, the internet connection is not always-on type. That doesn't mean you don't need an internet connection.
Yeah, if the thing just played used games straight up, there would be no issue to prevent them from just saying it straight up. Obviously there is going to be some caveat, and likely one gamers aren't going to like.
bread's done