I'm looking forward to pre-ordering the PS4 when it is available, I really liked the conference points and if they keep up PS+, it'll be a nice system.
To those saying the PS3 was technically better, Sony made one crucial flaw with the PS3, that is RAM. They heavily cut-corners cost-wise on RAM for the sake of the CELL and Bluray. PS3 was light years behind out of the gate because the online infrastructure that MS set up allowed so many things that the PS3 couldn't do.
Stream your own music, cross game chat, in-game xmb to check messages...I think people forget that one most of all. When the PS3 released, for over a year when someone sent you a message, you had to quit game in order to check it. All of these problems were due to ram. So between launch price and inferior online features, everyone flocked to the 360.
Now that Sony is listening to developers to give them a console they don't have to struggle building games on and have included enough open hardware to allow flexibility in multi-tasking, things should be way different for Sony this time around.
Personally, i find it difficult to stay with Microsoft if features will finally be identical online except MS wants to charge you $60 / yr ($30 CAG / yr) to access their network. I think MS will have a lot to prove in order to keep their following...