* A little help!*
I've decided I wanna trade in my Wii U and preorder a PS4. The PS3 has always been my main console this gen, and I love Nintendo games, but after seeing their "conference" I have no faith in Nintendo anymore, at least for now. I'll just wait till they have those big games and buy one again. It's just been gathering dust for the past like 6 months. $350 dollars just sitting there.
I already have a year of plus left until like next May thanks to the extra 3 month special they had, so I'm all set once the PS4 launches.
So does anyone know where's the best place to trade in my Wii U? I want to preorder the PS4 at Best Buy, because my friends preordered from there and I have a good experience with them. But I don't see any trade bonuses. Are there better places, should I just trade it in now, or should I wait for an offer?
I'm confused!