Playstation 5 Re-stock Thread

I got right in early but never could checkout.  Had it in cart twice but knew when i saw in another tab one location had 2 and the other one had one it was over for me.  Should have tried a bundle.  I still have the app saying trying to add a bundle to my cart but i know its over.  man what craziness.

Stuck on please wait on best buy as well.

Does this waiting period act similar to PS direct waiting line?

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How the f does this work? My store says out stock so I charge store and it acts like I can buy it than I can’t now it’s waiting for more inventory what a shit show
I had the option for adding to cart... kept adding it, getting error adding to cart, try again later... stayed like that for 15-20 minutes.. now they are all gone.

this is just an absolute cluster f. the bots are what are killing everyone!!

There was one in my cart for the last 20 minutes, but I couldn't access my cart during that time.  Now, when I do, it is sold out and none available within 250 miles.  I'm in SoCal btw for anyone that is trying around me.  Shit show

I've been battling the cart for the past 40 minutes.  Every ~10 minutes or so, the checkout button would appear....but was never able to get past that point.  One cycle back, my home location changed to 'Not available for pickup' on the site and app, and I watched as other locations slowly were added to this group.  Now, everything is showing as OOS in my 250 mile radius. 

Methinks this drop is over, barring some additional inventory for bundles that don't seem to have gone live (yet?).

I got to the checkout screen. Said my store didn't have it. I selected another one 22 miles away. Tried again. Said not at that store and now check another store is not showing up. I see have the system in my cart.

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This was/is a massive clusterfuck. They seem to have abandoned sending you an email code too. I got stuff into cart but couldn't find a spot within 250m to pickup

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I know this is the ps5 thread but did anyone see the xbox go up? Thats what I was actually after. Trying to get a ps5 was more of a "well it's there" thing. Never saw the X show anything other than coming soon

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There was one in my cart for the last 20 minutes, but I couldn't access my cart during that time. Now, when I do, it is sold out and none available within 250 miles. I'm in SoCal btw for anyone that is trying around me. Shit show
i saw this too but a bunch of stores are showing up again for pickup at a later date.

still wont let me go through checkout after switching to one of them though

I know everyone is angry but reading these stories actually make me laugh.
I can't say I'm angry - I've been multitasking between this and home work all morning and have been moderately productive. Sure, I had to push my lunch back and I might be getting a little hangry...but that's all part of the chase.

I know this is the ps5 thread but did anyone see the xbox go up? Thats what I was actually after. Trying to get a ps5 was more of a "well it's there" thing. Never saw the X show anything other than coming soon
ive been refreshing the xbox pages since 9am ET and have not seen any change on them yet.

I can't say I'm angry - I've been multitasking between this and home work all morning and have been moderately productive. Sure, I had to push my lunch back and I might be getting a little hangry...but that's all part of the chase.
ive been pretending to work and did some house that counts as a little productivity i think.

Ugh, add to cart enabled from my "waiting..." button while I was working, and I missed the next batch.

I still have one in my cart and although it was going back and forth between in stock and out of stock, now it seems to be out of stock. How hard is it for stores to have an online ordering system where once an item goes into your cart, it gets taken out of live inventory for x number of minutes until you check out?
FWIW, I think we may not be fully done with Best Buy drops for today.  Although I have one PS5 sitting in cart purgatory, I went back to the main page and the listing now shows Coming Soon.   Normally, when availability is GONE, this message changes to Not in Stock. 

That said, I wouldn't put much faith in this possibility; chances are, we're done for today at this vendor. 

FWIW, I think we may not be fully done with Best Buy drops for today. Although I have one PS5 sitting in cart purgatory, I went back to the main page and the listing now shows Coming Soon. Normally, when availability is GONE, this message changes to Not in Stock.

That said, I wouldn't put much faith in this possibility; chances are, we're done for today at this vendor.
I get the same feeling. The bundles never really went live either, right?

Edit: BB now pulled the item out of my card. Nada.

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FWIW, I think we may not be fully done with Best Buy drops for today. Although I have one PS5 sitting in cart purgatory, I went back to the main page and the listing now shows Coming Soon. Normally, when availability is GONE, this message changes to Not in Stock.

That said, I wouldn't put much faith in this possibility; chances are, we're done for today at this vendor.
In the minute or so since I typed my message, the page updated to Sold Out. Peace out.

Those of you who got one, was it through the mobile app or online through a PC?  I never once saw an add to cart option in the last hour.  

Must have refreshed hundreds of times on the Digital and Standard console.

INTERESTING - my cart was just purged of the disc version.  I don't recall them ever taking this type of measure before (I've had a couple of occasions where holding an item in cart purgatory can allow faster checkout when the next stock is available).

Anyone ever see the bundles become available?
Yeah. The digital one with PS+ and PSN credit. I got it in my cart but then nobody around me had it for pickup. I was able to remove the PS+ and PSN credit and just be left with the console but that didn't help. So now it is stuck in my cart with no stock within 250 miles.

Well I got all the way to the verification process and then was told they were in stock at my local store. I then proceeded with 10 minutes having to choose different stores until it told me none with 250 miles. What a hassle.

Welp, it looks like Best Buy removed the standalone disc version for good from my cart. Congrats to anyone that got it. I have one already and was just trying to get one for my sister.

bread's done