Playstation Deals, PS Plus games, and Discussion


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Thanks to Frisky for all of the hard work that he put in for the previous deals threads!

Feel free to post here about the newest Playstation deals, PS Plus games, and discussions about the previously mentioned items.

Official PlayStation™Store US

March 2024 games (available on March 5th):

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog

March 2024 games (available on March 19th):

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog
PlayStation Premium | Classics
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So I just got my PS5 and started playing God of War for the first time.  I'm not very far in (just completed the first chapter I think?).  Does the game stay this great?  I'm digging the storyline so far and the mix of combat/exploring/cinematics.

I also picked up:

Nioh 2

Spider-Man Remastered

Last of Us II (played and loved I years ago)

Miles Morales

Looking forward to getting into the exclusives on this console

So I just got my PS5 and started playing God of War for the first time. I'm not very far in (just completed the first chapter I think?). Does the game stay this great? I'm digging the storyline so far and the mix of combat/exploring/cinematics.

I also picked up:

Nioh 2

Spider-Man Remastered

Last of Us II (played and loved I years ago)

Miles Morales

Looking forward to getting into the exclusives on this console
GOW is one of the best games I've ever played. It's also a platinum I wanted to do anyway even if there weren't trophies.

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So I just got my PS5 and started playing God of War for the first time. I'm not very far in (just completed the first chapter I think?). Does the game stay this great? I'm digging the storyline so far and the mix of combat/exploring/cinematics.

I also picked up:

Nioh 2

Spider-Man Remastered

Last of Us II (played and loved I years ago)

Miles Morales

Looking forward to getting into the exclusives on this console
GoW was IMO one of the few games that actually lived up to its hype! Also a very good example on how to reboot a series properly.

So I just got my PS5 and started playing God of War for the first time. I'm not very far in (just completed the first chapter I think?). Does the game stay this great? I'm digging the storyline so far and the mix of combat/exploring/cinematics.

I also picked up:
Nioh 2
Spider-Man Remastered
Last of Us II (played and loved I years ago)
Miles Morales

Looking forward to getting into the exclusives on this console
Those are good pick ups! You may have Horizon Zero Dawn if you got it free from PSN last April. If not, it’s a great game on sale right now for $8 if you have PS+ and received a 60fps patch.
Those are good pick ups! You may have Horizon Zero Dawn if you got it free from PSN last April. If not, it’s a great game on sale right now for $8 if you have PS+ and received a 60fps patch.
I got my PS5 a month or so ago and I love it. I’m working my way through Spider-Man Remastered now. It’s a different experience from my Series X. Both great, but the PS5 has me slowing down and actually playing through games instead of bopping around from game to game and barely scratching the surface on any one title. I picked up a cheap copy of Uncharted 4 to get the legacy pack upgrade at the end of the month. Not sure if I’ll move on to that one next. Theres just too many compelling single player games to choose from. Not that I’m complaining!
I got my PS5 a month or so ago and I love it. I’m working my way through Spider-Man Remastered now. It’s a different experience from my Series X. Both great, but the PS5 has me slowing down and actually playing through games instead of bopping around from game to game and barely scratching the surface on any one title. I picked up a cheap copy of Uncharted 4 to get the legacy pack upgrade at the end of the month. Not sure if I’ll move on to that one next. Theres just too many compelling single player games to choose from. Not that I’m complaining!
I'm now wondering if it means $10 upgrade for EACH title.... or if an Uncharted 4 disc will get you both games for 10...

I loved Scarlet Nexus. It was like playing an anime series and I never thought I would enjoy anime prior to the game.

Got the Platinum. Had a ball ripping apart monsters. Just a crazy time doing attacks and boosts and ripping out brains.

Loved the way the story filled in missing bits when you play a second time as the other character.

Loved building relationships with the other people on my team.

Easily one of my top favorite PS5 games so far.
and yet..I saw none of this. Played for 10 minutes and felt the character moves were responding like they had weights on them...

So getting around to setting up my PS5 finally.
Can I vent about how frustrating their BC is in comparison to Xbox? Apparently a ton of demos aren't whitelisted, so VR demos and even stuff like RE7 Beginning Hour aren't playable. And on top of that, a bunch of PS4 games have issues in BC mode and there doesn't seem to be an official list anywhere (or any fixes in sight). The only real list I found was on ResetEra but it's pretty out of date. I don't get why their BC implementation is such a mess in comparison.
I do appreciate the official list of incompatible titles (and how short it is) but it just seems like they washed their hands of it once enough games were "playable".
I'm now wondering if it means $10 upgrade for EACH title.... or if an Uncharted 4 disc will get you both games for 10...
As previously mentioned, it's both because Sony sneakily put them together digitally for $40 (so you can't just buy one or the other for cheap). Worst part is GS doesn't even sell used copies of U4 anymore (they were dirt cheap iirc), so you're stuck paying a decent chunk of change for a physical copy of Lost Legacy.
Getting real tired of this "PS Plus games don't count" horseshit. It's like you're getting the gimped version of a game.
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Are PS5 controllers effected by the chip shortage? Seems like most stores are out of the white ones. Or maybe it's still the post Xmas effect?
Out in SoCal every store has white Dualsense controllers. Although, the black are harder to find in my experience. I grabbed a couple from a Best Buy near me since they had like 20 in stock over the weekend randomly, but other stores in the area have none lol.

Now if we are talking about Dualshock PS4 controllers, thats a whole different story. Good luck finding new ones. But I expect them to come back into supply now that Sony has begun manufacturing the PS4 again.

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Out in SoCal every store has white Dualsense controllers. Although, the black are harder to find in my experience. I grabbed a couple from a Best Buy near me since they had like 20 in stock over the weekend randomly, but other stores in the area have none lol.

Now if we are talking about Dualshock PS4 controllers, thats a whole different story. Good luck finding new ones. But I expect them to come back into supply now that Sony has begun manufacturing the PS4 again.
As soon as I posted, 5 of them showed up at my local GS. I'm trying to spend down my TIC so picked one up.

According to the employee there, they couldn't sell them seperately again until a few days ago because they were being held back for the bundles. 🙄
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So getting around to setting up my PS5 finally.
Can I vent about how frustrating their BC is in comparison to Xbox? Apparently a ton of demos aren't whitelisted, so VR demos and even stuff like RE7 Beginning Hour aren't playable. And on top of that, a bunch of PS4 games have issues I'm BC mode and there doesn't seem to be an official list anywhere (or any fixes in sight). The only real list I found was on ResetEra but it's pretty out of date. I don't get why their BC implementation is such a mess in comparison.
I do appreciate the official list of incompatible titles (and how short it is) but it just seems like they washed their hands of it once enough games were "playable".
As previously mentioned, it's both because Sony sneakily put them together digitally for $40 (so you can't just buy one or the other for cheap). Worst part is GS doesn't even sell used copies of U4 anymore (they were dirt cheap iirc), so you're stuck paying a decent chunk of change for a physical copy of Lost Legacy.
Getting real tired of this "PS Plus games don't count" horseshit. It's like you're getting the gimped version of a game.
No. Sony is perfect. The BC thing is your problem. Keep a PS4 hooked up. PS5 is perfect. How dare you.

So I just got my PS5 and started playing God of War for the first time. I'm not very far in (just completed the first chapter I think?). Does the game stay this great? I'm digging the storyline so far and the mix of combat/exploring/cinematics.
Story seemed fine, I just have no paternal tendencies so the son fell completely flat for me but not overly annoying. The combat and level design told me I just have no patience for corridor beat-em ups anymore. You could argue that it has open world elements but no: it's still very go here, corridor that. Ultimately for me, I think I made it as far as starting to travel by boat to a few places and lost interest sadly. At least I was able to flip the CE with statue for a decent amount since it was around launch.

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So getting around to setting up my PS5 finally.
Can I vent about how frustrating their BC is in comparison to Xbox?
BC isn't a priority to Sony like it is for Microsoft. People can argue until they are blue in the face about why each side takes the position they do but that really sums it up. If you adjust your expectations you will be less frustrated.

BC isn't a priority to Sony like it is for Microsoft. People can argue until they are blue in the face about why each side takes the position they do but that really sums it up. If you adjust your expectations you will be less frustrated.
I deleted this shit since all it is going to do is start a war of posts and I don't want that.

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Just to chime in, but that is all MS really has at this point is BC. MS has dumped a shit load of cash into BC, and Sony has dumped a shit load of cash into acquiring multiple studios to pump out first-party titles. Yea MS has had their fair share of acquisitions as well, but IMO Sony is way far ahead in terms of the quality of titles that have come out and are in the pipeline.
Don't forget that MS announced that the library of BC for both the original XB and the 360 isn't going to grow anymore. It was ceased back in November.
And yes I like both MS and Sony, but at this point it isn't what Sony needs to do more than it was MS needs to do to keep up.
I mean I’m not trying to start any fanboy wars or anything but I think it’s really overstated how many “quality” exclusives are in the pipeline for Sony over MS, especially after the Bethesda acquisition. Here’s an image of what is coming for each.

I also like both companies but I’m looking forward to exclusives on BOTH machines as there are plenty coming on each.
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I mean I’m not trying to start any fanboy wars or anything but I think it’s really overstated how many “quality” exclusives are in the pipeline for Sony over MS, especially after the Bethesda acquisition. Here’s an image of what is coming for each.

I also like both companies but I’m looking forward to exclusives on BOTH machines as there are plenty coming on each.
I get it. I wasn't trying to either but I can see how it came off as that. Hell I own 2 original XBox consoles, 5 360's and 3 XBox One consoles. I've had 2 Series X consoles that I opted to give to friends rather than keep just because the content on it doesn't interest me as much as Sony's does. I say play whatever it is you like. I'm just tired of the back and forth even though my post contributed to it lol which was my own fault.

Also I edited my original post so I don't start a war of posts lol. That isn't what this thread is about.

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I would wait to see in a few months about BC. It seem they were able to figure something out based on the rumors out there and the Spartacus project of merging Plus and Now.

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BC is not the only thing Microsoft has invested in though. Another factor that has made decisions for me recently is FPS boost. Games like Dying Light and the Far Cry games play at 60fps on Xbox, and are (currently) stuck at 30 on PS. I love both platforms for various reasons, but I like and benefit from some of the features offered on Xbox.
Yeah... I don't see it as a "console war" or whatever.  Each is so very different IMO.  There is something about the immersion in PS games that I honestly find lacking in a lot of MS first party titles.  But backwards compatibility and ease of use IMO are major selling points for MS.

RPGolf Legends is coming to PS5/PS4 1/20.
Looks fun. I was tempted to say it looks like they're ripping off Golf Story, but it looks like they actually took that formula and added a decent amount of new ideas to it. The only thing that concerns me is that "Kemco" at the end.... my experience with their games has been very negative.

That does look cool, but I haven't really enjoyed a Kemco RPG ever haha. I got a few on the phone and played a bit of like 2 or 3, but they couldn't hold my attention. This one looks interesting at least. Also we need a Golf Story 2 as well.

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Looks fun. I was tempted to say it looks like they're ripping off Golf Story, but it looks like they actually took that formula and added a decent amount of new ideas to it. The only thing that concerns me is that "Kemco" at the end.... my experience with their games has been very negative.
It's made by ArticNet and published by Kemco, so it's not made by Kemco.

No. Sony is perfect. The BC thing is your problem. Keep a PS4 hooked up. PS5 is perfect. How dare you.
HEEEEELP!!! I forgot my PSN password. HEEEELP!!!! There are invisible walls in a PS5 game HEEEELP. I cant remember where I put my controller HELP!!! Some one isn't pole smoking Metroid. HEEEELP!!!! Why'd you post clear pictures of the new PS5 controllers when I posted blurry ones a week ago. HEEEEELP!!!

Don't get mad just because YOU get called on your shit posting. :whistle2:

HEEEEELP!!! I forgot my PSN password. HEEEELP!!!! There are invisible walls in a PS5 game HEEEELP. I cant remember where I put my controller HELP!!! Some one isn't pole smoking Metroid. HEEEELP!!!! Why'd you post clear pictures of the new PS5 controllers when I posted blurry ones a week ago. HEEEEELP!!!

Don't get mad just because YOU get called on your shit posting. :whistle2:
You made 3 of those up. It must be a sad life not knowing how to be objective.

You made 3 of those up. It must be a sad life not knowing how to be objective.
Says the bitter person with the passive aggressive post "How Dare You".

Dude, You constantly open yourself up to be roasted with the dumb stuff you say. Lol!

The Sky is blue HEEEEELLP!!!

Ice is cold HEEEEEEEEELP!!!

btw. I was just joking about two of those, but I can easily replace them with three or four other over dramatic posts of yours. Just saying.

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Was just venting about PS4 BC, but yeah, I hope the expanded BC rumors for older PS consoles are true.
I really just wish they had never had this "we believe in generations/who plays old games?" philosophy to begin with, as it's why crossgen ownership and saves, PS4 BC, the UI and even the web store are such a clusterfuck.
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Back in my day....

All video game bad guys were men...

That's the way it was and we liked it that way.....
bread's done