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(New August Deals: Ace Combat 6, Guitar Hero 3 Bundle, Guitar Hero 3 Game, Super Mario Galaxy


EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL!!!!! If you want to change anything or ask a question PLEASE EMAIL TONY.
[email protected]
[email protected]

0) How fast is the shipping?
He sends out via usps or ups. First class mail-$5. Usually arrives in three days, sometimes more. Priority mail- $6.50. Usually arrives in 2 days, sometimes three. UPS-$8. I honestly dont know how long this one takes
If you buy two games that get shipped together he automatically upgrade to priority.

1) When will games like GTA 4 and Halo 3 ship out?
Both of those games will ship on or one day before street date because they are street dated titles which means I(Tony) should have mine at least one day early. I would pay for priority mail. It is fairly quick. As fast as two day cross country sometimes.

2) When I trade in games to lower the price, will I get the trade in credit as well?
Yes. Not only do you get the trade in credit, you will also get the lower price depending on the number of trades(Limit three per game to lower the price). Games must be worth at least $10 trade in credit. Basically, you get the lowered price and store credit

3) Is this site reputable?
Yes. There have been two threads each reaching 30+ pages and many people have bought used and new games from him. Everyone has been happy with their purchases. If something does go wrong, you can email Tony and he will help you to make your purchase better.

4) How are these considered deals if the shipping is $5
Ok. First there is NO tax. That saves you about $4. Then if you trade in games towards your purchase it will lower the price $5 more(if they are worth $10). Used games are about $20 below EB/GS for newer games. So at $5 saveings per game if you bought 5 games a year thats at least $30 savings

5) Where does Tony ship from?

Lion Games
120 Willow Street
Winsted, CT 06098

Phone: 860-738-4336

Email: [email protected]

6) How can make money with such low prices?
Instead of advertising, Tony is offering lowered prices and excellent customer service in hopes that you will come back and tell others via forum or word of mouth. He mainly makes money on used games and he has an actual store in CT to further bring in money

7) Who are you? I've never heard of is a subsidiary of Age of Video II located in Torrington and Winsted Conn. The addresses are as follows:

Age of Video II
1151 Main Street
Torrington, CT 06790

Age of Video II
120 Willow Street
Winsted, CT 06098

We have been running Age of Video II in Torrington from 1987-present and our Winsted store 1991-present. As you can see we are no strangers to the retail environment.

8) I have purchased game(s) and sold game(s) on the same invoice. What happens now?
Since the game(s) you sold us reduced the total of your invoice, we cannot send you your game(s) until we received the game(s) you sold to us. Mail your games as quickly as possible to.

Lion Games
120 Willow street
Winsted CT

9) I want to buy a game(s) and sell you a game(s) and I want the game(s) I buy right away.
In this case do 2 separate invoices. One for the purchases and one for the game(s) you are selling us. This way we don’t have to wait for your games to get to us before we send you the one you purchased.

10) Am I allowed to trade in so many games that Lion Games will owe me money?
Sure!!! You can even just sell us games without buying one yourself. If you want to sell us more then 10 games, shoot us an email first.

11) Will I be guaranteed the price Lion Games quoted me for my game?
As long as you represent the game condition that you are selling us accurately, we guarantee the price we quoted you on our website. Lion Games noticed some of our competitors have reserved their right to reduce the game(s) after they’ve received the game(s), if they feel the market has changed. We don’t do that. We also don’t put bogus prices on our website. We take a straight forward no nonsense approach to doing business. The only other thing we ask is for you to mail your game(s) to us within 5 business days.

12) An example of a trade-in scenario:

Metroid Prime is $34.99 with 2 trade-ins

Trade in Shadowrun for $25 and Fantastic 4 for $15 would give you $40 credit.

MP is $34.99 (with 2 trades) + $6.50 USPS priority - $40 credit would leave you with a balance due of $1.49.

13)When do I pay off my balance?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it is about one month from the release date. Tony will send out an email stating when certain deals are ending and when your balance will need to be payed off

14) How do I upgrade my shipping?

If anyone wants to upgrade their shipping from first class to priority then you can just paypal me $1.50 to [email protected] Please include your invoice number in the comment section. It is $1.50 per game. Also after i make the change your invoice will still read first class but the amount that you actaully paid will be different and the amount paid for shipping is what i look at when i determine first class or priority.

Tony I hope you dont mind that I took some answers and question from your site
[quote name='majorscud']mail came and went down here in deltona fl. still no bio-love and the game came out over a week ago...[/quote]
I live right near you and I didnt get mine today. Maybe Florida's shipment got hijacked by ps3 fanboys...
None for me in NJ today. I guess at this point I'll just go to the store and buy it and eBay the preorder if it ever shows up. At what point are these considered lost and what is the resolution.

FWIW, I shipped a game to TX from NJ 1st class mail on Friday and it arrived today. Also, I order a lot of stuff from 1st class mail and i get it from CA in less than 5 days.

I'm wondering if the USPS didn't lose part of the shipment. As someone mentioned it seems that a lot of people not getting their games live in the same region of the ocuntry. Some carrier probably tucked a sack of games under a counter somewhere and it's still sitting there.
Well, tomorrow should be 7 business days from the day it was shipped so I'm not too worried yet. But this talk of storms in Chicago has me worried (I wasn't even aware it was bad up there--I just saw the news concerning Ohio). No biggie, I got my Heroes HD-DVD set!
[quote name='gorgo']Got mine yesterday (Monday) in Dallas, TX. Soon enough since I paid for regular mail. Gave me time to finish Resistance... Bioshock is WAY better already!

Thanks Tony, am glad I ordered from you.[/quote]
What the hell? I live right by you and as of today I have nothing in my mailbox. If I had known $1.50 would have caused this much of a headache I would have gladly paid it. I used to sell on Ebay back in the day and I could get a package first class anywhere in the country in 4 days, usually less. Usps is complete fucking bullshit...
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Has Tony ( had any deals on "Orange Box" yet?[/quote]

Wasn't that deal at the same time as Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Halo 3?
[quote name='wasabi_']I live right near you and I didnt get mine today. Maybe Florida's shipment got hijacked by ps3 fanboys...[/QUOTE]
Sorry to see you guys haven't gotten it, but I'm in Miami and I received mine yesterday.
[quote name='Kendal']Blue Dragon shipping today?[/quote]

Blue dragon is not a street dated title. That means my distributor gets them right on street date and they ship it to me and I am a 2 day ship. My blue dragons will go out thursday. Most titles that come out are not street dated titles. Really bigs such as halo and mass effect are street dated.
[quote name='liongames']Blue dragon is not a street dated title. That means my distributor gets them right on street date and they ship it to me and I am a 2 day ship. My blue dragons will go out thursday. Most titles that come out are not street dated titles. Really bigs such as halo and mass effect are street dated.[/quote]Ah, so I finally understand what street-dated is...kinda goes against my initial impression of what a "street-dated" title means. Kinda like nearsighted vs. farsighted.

I would've thought a street-dated title would be available to the retail channel prior to release for sale day and date.
[quote name='Kendal']I take it no Blue Dragon will be mailed today? Awesome... I am glad I paid extra for fast shipping.[/QUOTE]

This is why I'm glad I'll never open a video game store. Most places, with the exception of maybe Gamestop and EB, will get the game two days after the "ship date". Do you expect Tony's distributors to ship the to game everyones home for him, rather then get the item then ship to everyone else? That wouldn't be possible. You people should know what your getting into before pre-ordering or whatever it is your doing. If you don't want to save money and need the game day one shop elsewhere.
[quote name='liongames']Blue dragon is not a street dated title. That means my distributor gets them right on street date and they ship it to me and I am a 2 day ship. My blue dragons will go out thursday. Most titles that come out are not street dated titles. Really bigs such as halo and mass effect are street dated.[/quote]

How would the process work for a street dated title?
[quote name='Razzuel']Still no Bioshock here in my part of Florida either...[/quote]

Likewise...also in Florida.

I wonder if we (Florida folks) are the last.
Not necessarily, Vcize--I am in the DC area (Silver Spring, MD, to be exact), and have not seen hide nor hair of any Bioshocky goodness. Which is a minor stress, as I am moving to Bethesda, MD in a few days, and am really hoping it gets to me prior to the move.

Granted, it's nothing like what poor Tightclaws is having to endure by any means of the imagination. You have my sympathies, man.
[quote name='Agrippan']How would the process work for a street dated title?[/quote]

Tiger woods was a street dated title It came out yesterday and I got it yesterday, and I shipped it yesterday. Halo i expect to ship 1 day before street date. I feel all titles should be street dated to be fair to the whole industry. The gaming publishers really dont care about the little guys. It wouldnt take much to have a street date and make sure everyone has the game a few days beofre street date. They just arent interested in doing this. It works really well in the dvd business. As far as people breaking street date, the funny thing is it is usually the big players that screw this up not the little guys.
[quote name='spartan789']Really Evil? I got mine on Monday and I'm in NoVa. hmmm....[/quote]
Yeah, I thought it was strange that it was taking so long from CT, but now I am a little concerned something else is going on. We'll see what the mail holds this day, and go from there.
[quote name='Evil Herbivore']Not necessarily, Vcize--I am in the DC area (Silver Spring, MD, to be exact), and have not seen hide nor hair of any Bioshocky goodness. Which is a minor stress, as I am moving to Bethesda, MD in a few days, and am really hoping it gets to me prior to the move.

Granted, it's nothing like what poor Tightclaws is having to endure by any means of the imagination. You have my sympathies, man.[/quote]

It seems a large portion of the missing is on the east coast for some reason. CT, NY, NJ ,VA, PA, FL. I have called the post office and I am trying to get some answers. I dont know if I will get anything but canned answers but I am trying.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']This is why I'm glad I'll never open a video game store. Most places, with the exception of maybe Gamestop and EB, will get the game two days after the "ship date". Do you expect Tony's distributors to ship the to game everyones home for him, rather then get the item then ship to everyone else? That wouldn't be possible. You people should know what your getting into before pre-ordering or whatever it is your doing. If you don't want to save money and need the game day one shop elsewhere.[/quote]

Actually my distributor wanted me to merge my website with their database and the would ship all orders for me. I experimented with drop shipping early on and if UPS isnt used the process was to slow for my liking. It was actaully faster and more reliable for them to ship the product to me UPS and me ship to my customers then it was for them to ship directly to my customers. It is a lot more work for me but I feel I save the cusotmers a day or two and have tracking is a bit easier.
I think I'm gonna try using LG for my trades and used purchases. Right now, my biggest draw for my local stores is a) convenience and b) any trade in specials they're running.

I know Tony is dependant upon used sales to keep his business going and offering up these great deals; and if we don't take advantage of his used prices we may find ourselves no longer having these great prices available.

Long story short - if you're looking for used, check with Tony first; even if it's the same price you could be doing yourself a favor by getting it from LG.
With all the missing copies.. hate to think some stickyfingers out there saw the word "" on the label and dicided to swipe one here or there..
especially if they got left at the wrong location/address
I think I'm gonna have to bump my other order to UPS ground. How would I go about doing that, Tony? At least there's a step-by-step tracking of it there. I'm losing my faith in the USPS.
I find it somewhat hard to believe that so many copies could've been heisted via an 'inside' USPS job*, especially since we know that the games in shipping limbo are going to so many different states. The 'score' would've had to have been made very early in the shipping process, no?

And if someone is going to take a package that says "Liongames", wouldn't it stand to reason that "EBGames" and "Gamestop" packages, "such as, therefore", would be thefted more often?

This is bizarre and troubling, and as someone who lives in a state that apparently hasn't had any problems with receiving this game, I'm eager to see how this is resolved, as I obviously want people to get their games, Liongames to continue to build momentum, and the USPS explanation, if one can ever be offered or sussed out, to be revealed.

*--But then maybe some shady types who know that their 'tracking' details are anemic at best know that it's easier to make items disappear.
I'd like a good, logical reason from USPS themselves (which we'll likely never get). I get shipments all the time left at my door and a bunch of Monoprice USPS deliveries lately, so I know it's not my neighborhood. I was starting to think that it was possibly a misdeliver to the next door neighbors, but no one's out of town, so mail is checked daily. I'll give it 'till Friday before I start checking with the USPS. They really should offer a more robust tracking system as default for packages instead of the anemic delivery confirmation system currently in place.
I ordered Two Worlds from Tony on Sunday - it shipped on Monday (USPS First Class) and arrived here in Massachusetts Wendsday.

Still no Bioshock which shipped last Wendsday USPS First Class.

Oh well now I have something to play =)
I'll never understand a mailing company (USPS) that asks if you want to buy insurance when you send something. isn't that supposed to be included or am I missing something? I mean, they're basically saying "we might lose it. and if we do, too bad".
[quote name='SteveMcQ']I think I'm gonna have to bump my other order to UPS ground. How would I go about doing that, Tony? At least there's a step-by-step tracking of it there. I'm losing my faith in the USPS.[/quote]

Yes, please elaborate on this. I think I will upgrade my Guitar Hero 3 shipping also.
Mail came and went today, no Bio Shock in Chicago, at least I got new HDTV and 360 elite paid for by insurance! Lucky on that but I want Bio shock now, I think the game is lost. I sure hope you have a way to cover this for people Tony. I'm going to the store to buy a copy right now fuck it.
[quote name='dpadilla4']with all these shipping problems i'm thinking twice about the halo deal and just going to my local store to purchase it.[/quote]

U mean the one game? Hes never had any problems with other games....
I did not receive Bioshock either. I am right outside Philadelphia and ordered using the First Class option.

I just got off the phone with USPS and the lady told me their system did not show a delivery address for my DC number. I asked her if this was normal and she said that she has never seen a case where a delivery address was NOT present in their system.

Something weird happened and I think all the missing discs are just sitting in some post office because they don't have a delivery address for the packages. But, that is just a guess on my part.

Anyway, I filed a "concern" with USPS and was told someone will contact me in the next 24 hours. I will keep you guys posted on any developments. I would recommend that everyone else file a concern, so that there is some kind of a record. This is the number that I used, 1-800-275-8777.

[quote name='CrisK']I did not receive Bioshock either. I am right outside Philadelphia and ordered using the First Class option.

I just got off the phone with USPS and the lady told me their system did not show a delivery address for my DC number. I asked her if this was normal and she said that she was never seen a case where a delivery address was NOT present on their system.

Something weird happened and I think all the missing discs are just sitting in some post office because they don't have a delivery address for the packages. But, that is just a guess on my part.

Anyway, I filed a "concern" with USPS and was told someone will contact me in the next 24 hours. I will keep you guys posted on any developments. I would recommend that everyone else file a concern, so that there is some kind of a record. This is the number that I used, 1-800-275-8777.


Totally unacceptable I just went out and bought it for full retail at Best Buy fuck IT I am worried about Halo 3 now .............
Checked the mail again today and once again there was no Bioshock.

I think I may see if I can cancel my Mass Effect pre-order. I appreciate what liongames has tried to do, but I was not anticipating having to wait over a week for a game I wanted enough to pre-order to be delivered.

Once again, I'm not saying that liongames isn't offering good deals, but I think I rather just pay a little extra and get my game alot sooner.
Ok mail came and went today. Still no Bioshock for me. I am starting to think that this is liongames fault and not the USPS.

I mean, Ive had stuff sent to me/sent to someone else through First Class and it never takes this long, even if sending it all the way across the US.

I mean, how the hell were these shipped, USPS Hobo Mail.

My guess would be that Tony didnt have enough copies for the demand, and just got shipping numbers for orders he didnt send out yet.

If it doesnt get here by the end of this week, I am going to see if I can get reinbursed for my GTA IV, Mass Effect, and Halo 3 pre-orders, because this is getting rediculous.
Tony --- I emailed you last night about cancelling my pre-order for Mass Effect and getting reimbursed --- you have yet to respond to me. Please respond ASAP, and give an update on Bioshock. We all want to play one of the best games to come around in a long while, and it has been over a week since release. Toys R Us even released it a week in advance. Let's try to retain customers here with prompt service and prompt replies to important emails, such as order cancellation / refund emails.
[quote name='wasabi_']
My guess would be that Tony didnt have enough copies for the demand, and just got shipping numbers for orders he didnt send out yet.

I do not think that is the case. I received a tracking # which states that it has been accepted, whereas if he simply put in shipping numbers it would just say something along the lines of Electronic Information Received. I think he sent them, but they are just taking a long time. By the way I live in Tennessee and still have yet to receive my copy.
[quote name='saxman717']Tony --- I emailed you last night about cancelling my pre-order for Mass Effect and getting reimbursed --- you have yet to respond to me. Please respond ASAP, and give an update on Bioshock. We all want to play one of the best games to come around in a long while, and it has been over a week since release. Toys R Us even released it a week in advance. Let's try to retain customers here with prompt service and prompt replies to important emails, such as order cancellation / refund emails.[/quote]
You can try calling the store and see if you can get a quicker response:
Phone: 860-738-4336
My guess would be that Tony didnt have enough copies for the demand, and just got shipping numbers for orders he didnt send out yet.

Do you have a tracking number? If so, plug it in to the USPS site. If it says "Acceptance", they received a corresponding package, no question. If it just says something like "Electronic Shipping Info Received" (which means the postage has been purchased for that tracking number), well, then they haven't.

Mine was not shipped out on the 21st with the first 240 copies he received. My game was shipped on the 22nd. I got it Monday morning. Point is, my status on the USPS site changes from "Electronic Shipping Info" to "Acceptance" the early evening of the 22nd, so I saw both of them. I could not track one step of the package afterwards.
Look slickdeal nobody wants to see you posting unless you are helping by answering questions. You sticking up for tony does absolutly nothing. You are not accomplishing jack by criticizing the complaints of many frustrated(and rightly so) gamers who have yet to receive a game. For whatever reason these people have yet to receive a game thatthey preordered, which shows that they want a copy of the game enough to guarantee a quick copy, and they have every right to post valid complaints and concerns.
Regardless of whose fault it is this whole situation is a black eye upon liongames who were counting on his bioshock deal to be a gateway into futher purchases. Bitching to other people is not going to alter the opinions of anyone.
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