Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

I'd like to see Brock take out Reigns sometime before WrestleMania. And The Rock comes out to replace him at WM, leading to Rock vs Brock. Especially with The Rock coming out at Royal Rumble and Heyman mentioning Brock's title match and The Rock not getting a rematch, I think they could easily make it happen.

But they probably won't. 

Ah.  Maybe they can use my idea later when they make their fans rage again.

I stuck with the network even after the RR. I will probably stay subscribed to it for the time being, unless it gets really bad at some point. 

HHH's long babyface promo was more bizarre than it usually is. He teased something huge for Raw with Roman, and then got interrupted by the Superstar of the Year, the Royal Rumble Winner, THE BIG DOG HIMSELF who faces THE BIG SHOW next. They had a bad match "highlighted" by Roman trying a new headscissors on the ropes and it just being messed up in every way. Roman won and THERE'S NOTHING BIGGER THAN BEATING BIG SHOW ON LIVE TV, LOVE HIM PLEASE! Vince's promo on the free month was fine. Kidd-Jey was too short, but I dug the Kidd win. Loved Cena and Rusev since Cena went a bit into the rapper gimmick with the jokes. Randomly, the Ascension are now a serious team and Byron both loves them and hates them. Goldust and Stardust are now I think faces, not sure. I guess they'd be defacto faces. They lost thanks to Stardust tagging himself in selfishly, so I guess Goldust will be a face in their feud. Miz magic skit ruled thanks to Truth. HOLY GOD WAS THE CASKET MATCH BAD. It just refused to end. At least they teased Bryan going into the WWE Title match via a Raw announcement.

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Impact -

The show started and everyone talked and talked and talked. I dug the 4-way match by the end of it all. I like Lashley being a confident face champion who didn't make Aries cash in to get a shot in the four way. Lockdown was mentioned as being next week for the first time ever, in an ad, and they announced Team Angle vs. the BDC and showed a dive off the cage from Spud. KOs 3-way was pretty good. Everyone shined in it and they even got something out of the Ferrell movie deal. EY-Dreamer was a bad idea in theory, but it worked out well with EY taking him out and then Roode making a save. Loved Jeff Hardy's wacky promo rattling off weapons he'd use to destroy Abyss tonight.

The Bram-Magnus saga was great. It starts off with Magnus going to a bar, he and Bram mending fences by talking it out. Magnus apologized if he was offended by grabbing the case, but Bram was out of it and he had to make a judgment call. He got the tag title case and who did he think his partner would be? Bram cools off a bit and asks to see Magnus's son and they talk about how Bram's anger has cost him before - playing off his WWE firing without bringing that up directly, and then Bram misdirects Magnus to trap him and attack him using the real-life geography of the building they were in. This was way better than it seemed in theory. The Monster's Ball was about what I expected, although I wasn't expecting the backstage stuff. This was a fine way to eave the tag title match into singles matches and Hardy's bump to the floor off the missed Poetry in Motion to the floor was sick.

Loved the Spud and Mandrews-BroMans tag. EC3 making a handicap match against Tyrus made sense, but they've got to stop spoiling so much with the video ads hyping shows up. Amusing little bit with JB saying "competitor number thr...two!" when MVP came out second and Taz ribbed him. Fine start to the title match with some fast action before an ad break. The main event was a really good match overall and a bit more than just a parade of finishers. Loved the dominator out of the chancery and the finish was great too - this was the best match of the DA era so far. The Team Angle reveal was largely good and I like the faces needing a last-minute surprise to even the odds.

This was a "sum is greater than the sum of its parts" show. TNA really seems to have nailed down the format of the show and it results in past events being cited and shown regularly, so things feel important. They also put over the rankings strong for the main event and re-integrated the Biscoff-style shooting outside of the building and talking head bits.

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So, with my travel recently, I haven't read all of this thread. Sorry, but whatever.

I'm curious how many people noted that WWE tried to jam this same "big dude" shit down fans' throats last year, and found themselves stymied that the "WWE UNIVERSE" did not want to see Orton v Batista as the Wrestlemania main event.

Two years in a row of favoring the company sponsored Tom of Finland wet dreams over the dude(s) who the fans have been going apeshit over. Two at the very least.

Maybe this is all Triple H's dastardly plan to take the Main Event spot for himself at Wrestlemania when he faces Sting. Just because Reigns is currently in the Title Match, that does not mean it has to be the Main Event. 

...With regards to Cena's match at Fast Lane, I wouldn't hate it if he won and brought back the spinner US Title for a couple of months. Maybe I hit my head or something, but it could be fun and give Rusev something to do. 

Well my Wrestlemania schedule is set. So psyched (even though the WM card itself is looking like it might be the worst one in awhile)


-VIP meet with HHH at Axxess


-Meet with Wyatt, Ambrose, and Rollins at Axxess

-Hopefully catch the ROH show if tickets are still available


-Wrestlemania 31


-2 rows right behind the announcer's table for Raw

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Well my Wrestlemania schedule is set. So psyched (even though the WM card itself is looking like it might be the worst one in awhile)

-VIP meet with HHH at Axxess

-Meet with Wyatt, Ambrose, and Rollins at Axxess
-Hopefully catch the ROH show if tickets are still available

-Wrestlemania 31

-2 rows right behind the announcer's table for Raw
Very cool. Hope you have lots of fun.
Well my Wrestlemania schedule is set. So psyched (even though the WM card itself is looking like it might be the worst one in awhile)


-VIP meet with HHH at Axxess


-Meet with Wyatt, Ambrose, and Rollins at Axxess

-Hopefully catch the ROH show if tickets are still available


-Wrestlemania 31


-2 rows right behind the announcer's table for Raw
Just realized I totally forgot to get RAW tickets before they sold out. Whoops, oh well.

The free November thing was open to those who had cancelled previously.
I was charged for November and I was a lapsed subscriber at the time, so it definitely was not free.

I canceled a few days ago. No interest in the placeholder ppv this month. Will buy it the day of Mania and likely cancel it again within a few weeks unless the show and the shows following it are flat out incredible.
I don't know what happened with you, but I had 2 friends who had cancelled after the initial 6 months who both got November free without issue.
Our Steel Chair model for our No Mercy clone The Squared Circle. We're thinking about making it F2P like Dota 2 and League of Legends and stat-tracking the heck out of everything to focus on the competitive aspect of those games.


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They ran down THE CONTROVERSY. No Rusev in this at all. Lots of talking. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS WHAT IT'S LIKE TO CARRY ON A LEGACY EXCEPT FOR STEPH! AFTER 21 MINUTES Seth told Bryan Brock would eat him alive. Loved him saying the deep end is "where the big boys play"  After 5 more minutes, HHH makes Seth vs. Bryan tonight for a match to face Roman at Fastlane and the winner of that goes onto WM for the title shot. HHH says it's tough for Roman, but HE CAN END THE CONTROVERSY AND END THE BOOING. The balls on them for that. "The most defining moment of your career" is everyone chanting for Daniel Bryan. Then we got the announcement of Show vs. Reigns again - they're trying to kill Roman. That's the only logical explanation here. And then Show beat Reigns after a case shot and interference.

He's doomed - there is nothing they can do with the path he's on now to save him. They've outright said the goal is to do this to end the boos, but him winning at Fastlane will make those worse since Bryan is now directly in the mix. The best bet is to have Bryan beat him, put Roman with Dean in a Shield-ish faction, have them dominate for a long time and then redo Roman's push in a year.

Loved Axel being delusional and pointing to the WM sign. Not a fan of it leading to Ambrose killing him and then wanting to be IC Champion, even if his "I take a good mugshot!" line ruled. The guy's done enough jobs without having that albatross around his neck. Ascension killed the Dusts. Stardust rambled to himself backstage before Goldust slapped CODY and then Stardust hissed. EVERY. SINGLE. PART. OF STARDUST. CAN fuck OFF!

Cena's eye's fucked up and now they're playing up that NXT is just HHH's way to replace Cena - so are the NXT guys defacto heels? Sting on Raw recap. WE MADE HISTORY AND NOW WE'RE GONNA DO IT AGAIN...with the return of Dolph, Ryback, and Erick Rowan. They all get some sub-par matches next. Harper-Ryback wasn't exciting in theory, but was pretty good in execution thanks to Harper. Cesaro-Jey was a backdrop to an app angle, but had a great finish. BRAY-DOLPH SUCKED.


Bray can't even have a good match with Dolph, who is super-fast. I can't believe how bad Bray-Taker will be. Paige-Alicia was nothing. Miz-Sin Cara was a showcase for Mizdow's angle and his titties. Cara won with a distraction cradle. Bray talked about HOW THEY FEARED YOU but now he's the new face of fear. Bray-Taker is a fun video game match, it will not be a fun match unless Bray figures out how to have exciting matches. Rusev-Rowan was an excuse for an awesome Rusev video package and THE FLAG FAILING TO FALL. That ruled! Then Roman was a cock to Bryan backstage.

Main event was fantastic. Loved the goons getting laid out with the dive and then Seth taking an amazing bump on the table. Finish was a bit too wacky though, with THE BIG DOG helping Bryan win. Good post-match promo from Bryan, but it seems like they're either still set on Roman main eventing or deciding on the night of Fast Lane what to do.

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As I see it, WWE has really backed themselves into a worse position now than the one they were in with the original plan. Allow me to explain:

Outcome number 1: Bryan beats Reigns and goes to mania main event. This is not good for a couple of reasons. You just publicly cut the legs out from under Reigns, taking the guy you were pushing as the next top guy out of that spot, which gives the impression you have no faith in him. If that is the impression management puts out there, why would fans have faith? On top of that, you are now starting to put across a certain feeling that you are now pandering to the public, which you do need to do somewhat in the WWE Business model, but not in a reactionary way they are doing it.

Outcome number 2: Reigns beat Bryan and goes on to Mania main event.  This is going to do NO GOOD in any way, shape, or form in your goal of getting Reigns over more with the fans. The guy is already getting the shit booed out of him for reasons not of his own doing, and by having Bryan put him over, clean, dirty, any way at all, is just going to load Reigns with so much X-Pac heat his career is going to be gimped for a long time. 

I know there are other ways this can/will resolve itself, but in all honesty, I really feel they took a bad situation that could have just been ridden out and made it exponentially worse. 

fuck, my brain hurts now from putting this shit out there lol.

I'm guessing Reigns is going to get "screwed" out of it by some sort of interference by Rollins and Ambrose so we'll get the Shield triple threat match that we should have got in the first place. Regardless of what happens at Fast Lane, I'm still convinced that Rollins is walking out of Wrestlemania as Champion with the first WM Money in the Bank cash-in ever.
I don't think it's impossible to use Bryan to put over Reigns in a "respect" capacity to at least stave off some of the venomous hatred from internet fans going into WM. It's not a lost cause - don't get me wrong, the booking of the RR match was questionable, and I'd like to see Reigns run with a secondary singles title for a minute to see if he can actually get over and get a quality babyface titleholder on his own.

I don't care for the current direction of the booking, but it's not a lost cause. It can, as you note, certainly get there though.

I don't think it's impossible to use Bryan to put over Reigns in a "respect" capacity to at least stave off some of the venomous hatred from internet fans going into WM. It's not a lost cause - don't get me wrong, the booking of the RR match was questionable, and I'd like to see Reigns run with a secondary singles title for a minute to see if he can actually get over and get a quality babyface titleholder on his own.

I don't care for the current direction of the booking, but it's not a lost cause. It can, as you note, certainly get there though.

I don't think it's impossible to use Bryan to put over Reigns in a "respect" capacity to at least stave off some of the venomous hatred from internet fans going into WM. It's not a lost cause - don't get me wrong, the booking of the RR match was questionable, and I'd like to see Reigns run with a secondary singles title for a minute to see if he can actually get over and get a quality babyface titleholder on his own.

I don't care for the current direction of the booking, but it's not a lost cause. It can, as you note, certainly get there though.
A quality run with a mid-card singles title?!? That is unheard of in today's WWE! Rusev has been a dominate monster and has held the U.S. Title for awhile now, but he definitely hasn't defended it more than a handful of times, just like Dean Ambrose did. They treat the U.S. and IC belts like props instead of championships.

I really would just like to Reigns have a strong run chasing the title after Wrestlemania, which I think would get him over and certainly more ready in time for next year.

A little bit off topic, but I really hope that Cena doesn't beat Rusev at Fastlane. That would be a travesty.

Well, I suppose I mean quality run isn't about the end product to the fans, but showing that the individual can handle being a singles titleholder in terms of promoting the product, drawing in fans, enhancing or leveraging the prestige and meaning the title holds (or improving it), and getting over as a legitimate singles star with future potential.

Rusev has *absolutely* done that with the way he's been booked. The US title hella means something now. Compare that to the IC title. Sorry, kids. Bad News Barrett is doing nothing for the title nor getting anything from the title. And, historically speaking, I much prefer the IC belt to the US belt (esp. its current look resembling the 'classic' IC title).

I think the Reigns situation is another perfect example of why getting rid of the Big Gold Belt was a bad idea. New guys still need to prove themselves as Champion.

Also, Cena's throwback merch says to me that the return of Cena's US spinner belt is a foregone conclusion.
Watching the Mid South stuff on the Network, and I don't think I have ever seen anything from Rick Rood (Rude) when he was this young and so green. I hope they add more Mid South and more GWF stuff soon.
Watching the Mid South stuff on the Network, and I don't think I have ever seen anything from Rick Rood (Rude) when he was this young and so green. I hope they add more Mid South and more GWF stuff soon.
I didn't realize there was any Mid South on the network. Good to know. I'll have to take a look.
I think the Reigns situation is another perfect example of why getting rid of the Big Gold Belt was a bad idea. New guys still need to prove themselves as Champion.

Also, Cena's throwback merch says to me that the return of Cena's US spinner belt is a foregone conclusion.
Help me understand this: how would having BGB back help? The belt itself (i.e., the lineage/history), or having two primary titles (so you could experiment with one without risking undermining the foundation of the product)?

Or maybe something else altogether?

I still think Reigns could decimate Barrett, spend the better part of 2015 as the baddest mf'ing IC champ of the past decade, drop it later in the year to make a much smaller, conniving, cheating heel a white hot villain, and run into WM 2016 as the destined-by-gawd-to-become-champion-by-gawd.

Hindsight being 20/20, that ship has sailed.

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Help me understand this: how would having BGB back help? The belt itself (i.e., the lineage/history), or having two primary titles (so you could experiment with one without risking undermining the foundation of the product)?

Or maybe something else altogether?

I still think Reigns could decimate Barrett, spend the better part of 2015 as the baddest mf'ing IC champ of the past decade, drop it later in the year to make a much smaller, conniving, cheating heel a white hot villain, and run into WM 2016 as the destined-by-gawd-to-become-champion-by-gawd.

Hindsight being 20/20, that ship has sailed.
Being able to experiment and establishing someone as a "World Champion" without them having to be the face of the entire company. Although, that probably worked better when Raw and Smackdown were somewhat separate shows.

Being able to experiment and establishing someone as a "World Champion" without them having to be the face of the entire company. Although, that probably worked better when Raw and Smackdown were somewhat separate shows.
That used to be what the IC title was for before they just start giving it to every new guy that got cheered.
I think the Reigns situation is another perfect example of why getting rid of the Big Gold Belt was a bad idea. New guys still need to prove themselves as Champion.

Also, Cena's throwback merch says to me that the return of Cena's US spinner belt is a foregone conclusion.
But... JBL and his Cabinet destroyed that belt!

So, I read on 411Mania that WWE wants to give an unmasked Kalisto a "gay hairstylist" gimmick. Oooh boy.

Also saw this just now on 411:

Roman Reigns’ loss to Big Show on Monday was his first pinfall loss on the main roster in singles competition. While he has lost some singles matches over the past couple of years since his debut, they have been by DQ. His last pinfall loss in a singles match was a loss to Leo Kruger in FCW in 2012.
I think what is far and away killing me the most is that we now likely get another year of the authority. Unless Sting gets involved again in some way(which is likely)I cant see a way to make a match that puts the authority out of power. Even with that scenario unless they are doing a HHH vs Sting match I just do not see a stipulation that gets rid of the authority.

I can recall sitting here 2 or 3 years ago excited before WM because I thought they were building that the Shield were going to be punks stable. Remember the backstage scenes with the three of them and Paul Heyman that went no where? I thought way back then they were going to have the underdog champion punk make his babyface return with the shield at Wrestlemania to oust the Authority. They kept it going another whole painful year though dicking us around with the Bryan saga which went no where. So here we are a few years later and they are still in power, still doing the same boring/annoying/fan insulting schtick with not so much of a whiff of change floating under HHHs big nose.

We are in for another long, boring, painful and insulting year( really think they get off on insulting fans under the guise of kayfabe). And to what end really? I mean lets take another look at what we have coming out of this year. Fans are more restless and annoyed then ever,  WWE financials have been downward for awhile, Ambrose is the only member of the shield I would argue is over bigger then he was before the split, the Wyatts are mid card jokes at this point and they have too few guys ready to step into the roll of being top guy after letting Cena/Lesnar feud most of the year. Maybe its time to realize whats best for business is to listen to your damn fans who have been screaming the same things for the last 2-5 years in a louder and louder voice.

I think what is far and away killing me the most is that we now likely get another year of the authority. Unless Sting gets involved again in some way(which is likely)I cant see a way to make a match that puts the authority out of power. Even with that scenario unless they are doing a HHH vs Sting match I just do not see a stipulation that gets rid of the authority.

I can recall sitting here 2 or 3 years ago excited before WM because I thought they were building that the Shield were going to be punks stable. Remember the backstage scenes with the three of them and Paul Heyman that went no where? I thought way back then they were going to have the underdog champion punk make his babyface return with the shield at Wrestlemania to oust the Authority. They kept it going another whole painful year though dicking us around with the Bryan saga which went no where. So here we are a few years later and they are still in power, still doing the same boring/annoying/fan insulting schtick with not so much of a whiff of change floating under HHHs big nose.

We are in for another long, boring, painful and insulting year( really think they get off on insulting fans under the guise of kayfabe). And to what end really? I mean lets take another look at what we have coming out of this year. Fans are more restless and annoyed then ever, WWE financials have been downward for awhile, Ambrose is the only member of the shield I would argue is over bigger then he was before the split, the Wyatts are mid card jokes at this point and they have too few guys ready to step into the roll of being top guy after letting Cena/Lesnar feud most of the year. Maybe its time to realize whats best for business is to listen to your damn fans who have been screaming the same things for the last 2-5 years in a louder and louder voice.
B-b-but Roman Reign's muscles...

B-b-but Roman Reign's muscles...
LOL! Perfect response though. My gut for the last few months on the shield has been all 3 men are heading down different paths but ones that remind me of 3 big stars.

Reings I know I am not alone in thinking Cena. Big muscular guy, average in pretty much every way but it doesnt matter because that big build and his looks make him such a natural for the industry. I saw and still see the guys carear following a path like Cenas for the most part but the upset over Bryan could change that if he is forced into a heel role so early.

Seth Rollins reminds me of HBK. Skinny little trouble maker who gets off on causing controversy, stiring the pot and being the smartest man in the room. I have always though HBK was overated on the mic and a legend in the ring, rollins seems the same to me as well. His look/build/story keep him open to at any given time switching in and out of heel/babyface as needed and because of his selfish personality it wont seem out of place(where someone like Reigns cant always get away with that).

Ambrose reminds me of Stone Cold Steve Austin. The hell raiser rebel in a pair of jean in a wife beater(not that I recall Austin wearing a wife beater). He is also the closest to a traditional wrestler of the group with his style but often goes into some unorthodox smash mouth brawling just like Austin too. While he is a babyface he can get away with doing things like attacking a top/popular guy and it not only makes sense but he still goes over with the fans too. Finally he has that natural charisma and ability to connect with the fans that I feel Rollins/Reigns lack. Ambrose can go out there and get two sentances and steel the show from his two long winded former brothers.

It has been interesting to see them split and it is quite obvious that Reigns and Rollins are being groomed for next year. I am hoping though that just like Austin that Ambrose is that wild card sitting there just waiting to go off the way Austin did. Then again Bryans popularity went off like a bomb 2 years ago and nadda. Hopeful Ambrose being a fan favorite/respected isnt a curse.

Help me understand this: how would having BGB back help? The belt itself (i.e., the lineage/history), or having two primary titles (so you could experiment with one without risking undermining the foundation of the product)?

Or maybe something else altogether?

I still think Reigns could decimate Barrett, spend the better part of 2015 as the baddest mf'ing IC champ of the past decade, drop it later in the year to make a much smaller, conniving, cheating heel a white hot villain, and run into WM 2016 as the destined-by-gawd-to-become-champion-by-gawd.

Hindsight being 20/20, that ship has sailed.
Roman could have helped the IC title regain prestige and it would have helped elevate him as well, but as you said the ship has sailed on that now. I still think Regins will become great, the guy works his ass off. He hasn't been the business nearly as long as guys like Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, etc. When I first saw Roman on NXT shortly before The Shield formed, he looked great despite being green. Roman was booked very similar to Baron Corbin, who I think is a more interesting character than Reigns and has a huge upside to him.

Only for new subscribers.
I wish they would give us loyal subscribers that have had the Network since day one and paid every month something special for being loyal. I don't want much. If they could just throw up some more Monday Nitro, ECW on TNN, and Sunday Night Heat, I would be extremely happy.

I wish they would give us loyal subscribers that have had the Network since day one and paid every month something special for being loyal. I don't want much. If they could just throw up some more Monday Nitro, ECW on TNN, and Sunday Night Heat, I would be extremely happy.
Thats a big part of why I stopped subscribing. Not nearly enough WCW stuff listed and it is unbelievable that every episode of raw is not available. It is completely unacceptable that the entire attitude era is missing, that stuff should have been there from day one. I think one of the biggest issues with the network was that they overestimated the value of PPVs for a lot of people. Interest in PPVs is driven by the quality of your product and going into the launch of the network through current programing people have been outraged, tepid and luke warm but far from ever really excited IMO. With recent/current programing not being red hot the network needed to launch with a complete or near complete library to fall back on.

I cancelled shortly after Rumble (has nothing to do with the outcome) and did not get the network for free this month. So far I signed up for the free one week trial , free November, and paid for January. If I never paid that one time, I probably would get this month for free. I still plan to buy WWE Network for Wrestlemania and King of the Ring if it returns.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes Dean Ambrose. I think it would be cool if we got a champion vs. champion scenario (imagine that happened with Rusev winning the Rumble) with Ambrose vs. Reigns down the road. This could lead to Ambrose getting the belt and turning Roman heel - similar to Bret Hart vs. Diesel at Survivor Series 96.

BTW, how was the Austin podcast with Triple H?

Thats a big part of why I stopped subscribing. Not nearly enough WCW stuff listed and it is unbelievable that every episode of raw is not available. It is completely unacceptable that the entire attitude era is missing, that stuff should have been there from day one. I think one of the biggest issues with the network was that they overestimated the value of PPVs for a lot of people. Interest in PPVs is driven by the quality of your product and going into the launch of the network through current programing people have been outraged, tepid and luke warm but far from ever really excited IMO. With recent/current programing not being red hot the network needed to launch with a complete or near complete library to fall back on.
I somewhat agree, but with any streaming service they are going to gradually add and take away things. I think what the Network has currently is more than enough to make it worth $9.99 each month, but I would like to see them add more RAWs and Nitros to the line-up. I am especially interested in re-watching some of the later Monday Nitro episodes from 99-2001, when WCW was truly at it's worst, but there was some good matches during that time and towards the very end AJ Styles and Air Paris wrestled a few matches. I'd also love to get ECW on TNN episodes as well as stuff like Heat, Thunder, Shotgun Saturday Night, WCW Saturday Night, Old School WWF Superstars, etc.

I like myke's idea of letting Roman run roughshod over the roster as IC champ. Lord knows that belt needs to have its stock rise significantly after the way it's been handled over the past few years. I'm a firm believer that no champ should ever be pinned unless it's time to drop the title, and really the IC champ could use that treatment. While I'm kinda bored with Rusev, at the same time he's done wonders for the US title, both in the sense of being its champ while being an evil foreigner and getting tons of heat for it, and the fact that he's run over every challenger for the past few months after having them been build up as credible threats to his streak (I was genuinely shocked when he made henry tap while back).

I somewhat agree, but with any streaming service they are going to gradually add and take away things. I think what the Network has currently is more than enough to make it worth $9.99 each month, but I would like to see them add more RAWs and Nitros to the line-up. I am especially interested in re-watching some of the later Monday Nitro episodes from 99-2001, when WCW was truly at it's worst, but there was some good matches during that time and towards the very end AJ Styles and Air Paris wrestled a few matches. I'd also love to get ECW on TNN episodes as well as stuff like Heat, Thunder, Shotgun Saturday Night, WCW Saturday Night, Old School WWF Superstars, etc.
I don't think much of anything has ever been removed, with a select few temporary exceptions. It takes time to clean up and prepare some of that older stuff for streaming. Also, if they give away everything all at once, there's no more classic content to anticipate.
bread's done