Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

According to the last earnings call, the conversion rate from the last free trial to paying subscriber was 65%, which is extremely high. It's good business.
According to the last earnings call, the conversion rate from the last free trial to paying subscriber was 65%, which is extremely high. It's good business.
Would you say that it's best for business?

Makes sense that April would be free, Extreme Rules is a fun, but rarely important show and they are debuting new series and live specials this month which is what keeps a lot of people subscribing.

Authority talked for a while before giving us Kane vs. Orton as an opener. They did some moves until Kane bonked him with a chair. Oh, and Seth vs. Orton that was announced on SD is off - instead, Orton faces Ryback and Roman in a triple threat tonight and the winner gets the shot. My money's on Orton! Boring Kane-Seth banter set up Seth in a match against...someone.

Seth-Neville was a surprise, but not a good enough showcase for Neville to make up for Neville losing so solidly. Cena vs. Stardust had elements of a good match at points, but was greatly hurt by this Stardust gimmick killing the quality of Cody's act and matches. Sick DDT bump from Cena, who also hit a sweet over the shoulder Michinoku Driver and the trust fall stunner!

Great stuff with PTPs mocking New Day and the Ascension. It led to Big E shining brightly backstage with Renee and then a fun tag match with the New Day doing CONSTANT tags and mudhole stomps for a while. Lucha Dragons won with an SDS, Fosbury flop, and swanton combo. Roman beat Big Show, who despite being many years older, a giant, and broken down, looked far more impressive. Kane was amusingly annoying by a gaggle of divas and made a divas battle royal to get them to shut up.

Okay little Sheamus-Henry match. LOL@ them re-making the SD tag. Ryback talking about THE BIG GUY BEING BIGGER THAN EVER in Texas got a chuckle out of me. Mizdow lost to Miz in a death slot match that actually got over thanks to Mizdow still being kinda over. Triple threat main event sucked, but Roman got a dive, got KOed, and then Orton won with an RKO and ate a curb stomp. Byron plugged the podcast after Raw...and didn't say it was on the Network. This was just another Raw - the bloom is off the Mania rose already.

Screens -  

NO FEAR! Three Up, Three Down!

Mizdow losing was worth it -

Smackdown's moving to USA Network in early 2016. As NBCUniversal is wanting all WWE shows on one channel apparently.
Too bad it would not happen this summer. Downgrading my Cable and no longer will get Syfy.... Though i may get it back in time next fallf for the new season of 12 monkeys and helix.

Then again maybe not, how it sounds Helix wont be picked up for season 3. O well was a stupid show anyways LOL

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Big E's twitter is pretty jaw-dropping in what he says culturally and very sincere. Well, skimming it since they've "turned heel."

It says a lot about WWE's lack of cultural awareness that they let a tweet with the term "Jigaboo Johnson" sit for over a week. B/c y'all *know* how much WWE likes to control what the sooperstars™ say on twitter.

I mean, I know it's heelish work, however as a super leftish liberal type person, I see a ton of value in what he's saying under the surface. These dudes are gonna be over in four months. Like white hot.

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Normally I would agree with you, but it seemed like Angle being a free agent kind of was a story that died quickly and never really picked up any traction. There are too many dirt sheets out there that would have sniffed out if there was legitimate interest from WWE and any trips to Conn. I don't think he is wrong to say that they left money on the table by not giving him a go. 

Went to my first Axxess event yesterday and man they werent kidding when they said your feet would be hurting from the walking and standing. Spent 80% of the time waiting in lines but I was able to get pics with Kevin Owens, Bayley, and HHH.

Afterward went to the NXT show and man that was probably the best live event I've ever been too. The crowd was super hot throughout the entire night, matches were spectacular (especially Sasha/Charlotte and Balor/Neville). Did see some camera people walking around and once in a while they displayed the hard camera on the titantron so I'm wondering if any of it was taped and will be shown on the Network. Hope they do because Owens/Zayn cut a killer promo and easily better than any of the Wrestlemania promos.
Nice to know another CAG was there! Went to NXT, WM, and the Raw the next day and NXT easily topped them all. They actually aired some of it on the Network tonight, as well. Really cool seeing some the highlights from that night again, along with my big dumb face on the Network for only $9.99.

Normally I would agree with you, but it seemed like Angle being a free agent kind of was a story that died quickly and never really picked up any traction. There are too many dirt sheets out there that would have sniffed out if there was legitimate interest from WWE and any trips to Conn. I don't think he is wrong to say that they left money on the table by not giving him a go.
When his contract was up, the story from several sources was that WWE wanted him back full-time, but he only wanted a part-time deal. Now he's saying that they didn't want him at all. And I don't buy for one second that he didn't know Trips was running shit now.

There was definitely a period of time where Angle was utterly full of nonsense when communicating to the press.

But this story, from his own mouth, is framed as him being unwanted by WWE. Think of how many times we've heard ex-wrestlers say the opposite ("I didn't want to work their schedule"/"They were offering too little downside for too many dates"/etc.).

It's in the wrestler's best personal interest to pretend like they were the one that said no. Angle is saying the opposite (they didn't even want to talk to him). I think that takes some pretty hardcore sincerity to say, and takes a very secure (or perhaps confused?) person to say publicly.

Angle - a healthy Angle - could have some great matches with D Brine, with Rusev, and others. I just want dude to be healthy, though - and his well being, on all levels, was really horrifying to watch in his late WWE run. If TNA means fewer dates and thus more career longevity, I'm all for it for a dude like Angle.

Unrelated, D Brine has some guts, man. He proposed bringing in Shinsuke Nakamura for a match or two in a co-branded WWE v NJPW kind of deal. I mean, sure, anything can be said on the dirt sheets ("Bill DeMott rehired as WWE CEO, looks to re-sign Owen Hart and push him to the world heavyweight championship!"). But I really hope that's true, and that it gets some traction. Realistically, though, more WWE Universe fans know who Mojo fuckin' Rawley is than the King of Strong Style. That's reality, sadly.

Honestly, there's no part of me that would be shocked if the real story was that WWE actually didn't want Angle. But not for the reason he's saying, that HHH said they don't need anymore talent. I'm thinking more along the lines of them saying "Hey, keep yourself clean for a year...keep healthy for a year...and we'll talk again." They'd want to make sure he can do both of those things before bringing him back and having him be a liability.

Oh, I can agree with that. The WM main event finish put a bunch of potential main events in place (Rollins/Reigns, Rollins/Orton, Rollins/Lesnar, Reigns/Lesnar II). It did a good job of setting the company up for future successes.

That middle-ground main event is really lacking (think of the times you've thought "oh, jesus christ, Kane and Big Show AGAIN!?!?!" when watching WWE the last six months plus), and that's where Angle would have fit in perfectly. If WWE didn't start-then-stop Ziggler/Barrett-esque guys so much, the crowd would be more invested in them. Also, Ziggler will be wrestling in ten years, Barrett will be wrestling in ten years. Why give Angle that spot? Build for the future.

(I guess I'm simply saying I see both sides of it.)

Chances are it was more like "We have enough part-time talent" and Angle is just changing shit up to get sympathy. Dude has always been a damn drama queen.

Angle's a liability.  Granted, his rehab stint seems to have gone well but WWE doesn't want to sign a guy, regardless of his in ring talent, who could relapse, possibly end up overdosing, doing something crazy, and bringing the same negative publicity they've been trying to get away from since Benoit, namely drugs, steroids, and early death.

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So the argument is that they don't want to risk relapse with a part time worker? They just had Kevin Nash as the face of the hall of fame coming off a domestic violence incident. Had Scott Hall out there as well. And gave both of them wrestlemania paydays. If relapse or incidents are the sole reasons for not bringing someone back I don't know how they brought those two back. Also Angle is bigger than Jericho and Batista so his rank in the part timer hierarchy would be higher at least IMO.

I know the wrestlemania thing is not a permanent go around, but to give that spot on such a high profile stage to people who have been liabilities in the past show it has to be more than that. Although maybe being in the klique outweighs all that negative stuff.
Although maybe being in the klique outweighs all that negative stuff.
The world would be a whole different place if we stopped believing in the fairy tale known as "meritocracy" and spent more time believing in networking and nepotism.

It is true in business, it is true in life, it is true in pro wrestling.

I love Scott Hall as a wrestler. But he is a fuckup of the highest order. Also, Jake the Snake. Both guys bloated, out of shape, fall-down-drunk-in-the-ring hot messes. Angle was at least always an active, very very fit hot mess. There's something peculiar about involving with two but not the other.

I think you're on the money by suggesting Kilque membership has its privileges.

I love Scott Hall as a wrestler. But he is a fuckup of the highest order. Also, Jake the Snake. Both guys bloated, out of shape, fall-down-drunk-in-the-ring hot messes. Angle was at least always an active, very very fit hot mess. There's something peculiar about involving with two but not the other.
Oh I have a feeling we haven't seen Angle at his lowest yet. One day I'm sure DDP will have to save him from himself too. Even reading that article i have a hard time believing Angle isn't lying about half the stuff. He sure makes Dixie out to look good and that she takes care of her Wrestlers. That is still contradictory to what everyone who has had to deal with that company expresses.

Kurt puts Dixie over in damn near every interview, and most of the shit he says about her may be true for him, but damn sure isnt for others. Remember the one KO champion who had to work at Sunglass Hut in the mall just to make ends meet? Yeah thats where you really want people seeing your Champions...

Or the other guy that had to go on friggin welfare to feed his family...... No WWE "sooperstah" has had to do that bullshit I am sure. fuck, I am sure JTG wasn't on food stamps or doing some bullshit part time job the years we were not seeing him on tv. 

TLDR: Kurt Angle is full of shit. 

How many dates and how many full houses were TNA talent working/selling. The two companies have never been comparable as far as scale goes. And WWE shits on all their mid card talent moneywise. Masked Man said everyone who isn't a top tier guy could work less and earn more working Japan/Mexico/the indies.
Has Bully Ray been on TV since the Rumble? Was he at WM?

How many dates and how many full houses were TNA talent working/selling. The two companies have never been comparable as far as scale goes. And WWE shits on all their mid card talent moneywise. Masked Man said everyone who isn't a top tier guy could work less and earn more working Japan/Mexico/the indies.
Which is why AJ Styles turned them down cold.

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No Bully. :(

Sucks too, he's still got some gas in the tank and is a great heel. I'd love to see him have a singles run in WWE or even NXT.
IMO, he's one of the best heels currently (not) working. His TNA singles run was absolutely stellar. Was his Rumble appearance a one-off or does he have a Legends contract?

IMO, he's one of the best heels currently (not) working. His TNA singles run was absolutely stellar. Was his Rumble appearance a one-off or does he have a Legends contract?
From interviews since the Rumble that I have heard with Bully, he said the Rumble was a one-off, but he would be willing to do more work with the WWE, no one has contacted him about a return or a Legends deal since the Rumble though. It's a shame too because like you said he is one of the best heels out there right now and he's doing nothing.

I'm with you guys. Bully was awesome in TNA. Even if WWE signed him, I doubt he'd get much of a push as a singles star at his age when most WWE fans only know him for his tag work.
I'm with you guys. Bully was awesome in TNA. Even if WWE signed him, I doubt he'd get much of a push as a singles star at his age when most WWE fans only know him for his tag work.
I doubt he would get a singles push as well, but he would be a great heel to go after the U.S. or IC title right now.

Can you imagine the shit-talking that Bubba could put on Daniel Bryan? It would be glorious.
A feud between Bully and Bryan would be amazing. I think he'd work really well with Ziggler too. He was well received in the Rumble and surely will be a future Hall of Fame inductee, so I can't imagine he won't be back at some point in the near future. I just hope he returns for one last run as a singles wrestler and not as a tag-team with D-Von.

bread's done