Asia Home:
PlayStation Home Survey 2011 t-shirt and fan (M/F) - Take the survey in Home Square.
DC Universe Mask Codes (EU Only):
- Joker Mask - 23TB-JDN6-KK39
- Harley Quinn Mask - 2HB4-5GNG-CMRJ
- Two-Face Mask - 237E-P4NB-428D
Killzone 3 Helghast costume (EU Only) - DGNP-NNNA-BTLA
[quote name='Jerajdai']
Anybody frequent the Japan server? Everyone is running around with what looks like a glowing green squirrel (snake?) on their head. Anyone know how to get this? I've been everywhere and can't figure it out - maybe it's from the Macross concert??
More Japan stuff -- went to the Sony Aquarium VR space (
link) (sorry if this is old news) - first time in, you get 100 points. Go downstairs and and there is a blog you can check out - you get 100 points a day accessing it. Go to the toy capsule machine dispenser to get fish for your apartment (see pic below). Note: they are BIG, not like the tiny IREM fish. Better to hit the dispenser with 200 points as you get 3 fish (2nd option), 100 points gets you just 1 fish (1st option).
JP some more -- @ the Granzella space I managed to get a few more items from the underwater game: a ring, another earring, a matching earring for one I found earlier. The space also changes from day to night -- dropped in a few times and almost all of the time the space was daytime but one time I noticed it was nighttime (not sure if prizes change based on this - just thought it was interesting. Also appears to be kinda random and not dependent on current time.)[/QUOTE]
Thanks for this info. I really gotta get back on Home to check this stuff out. Just been so busy lately.
Here is a list of all the fish for the Aquarium:
1: ジンベイザメ Whale shark
2: ナンヨウマンタ Pacific manta
3: トラフザメ Zebra shark
4: マダラトビエイ Spotted eagle ray
5: グルクマ Longjaw mackerel
6: キハダ Yellowfin tuna
7: カツオ Skipjack tuna
8: ロウニンアジ Giant Trevally
9: オニカマス Barracuda
10: ウメイロモドキ Yellowback fusilier
11: クロマグロ Blue fin tuna
12: ギンガメアジ Sixbanded trevally
13: トンガリサカタザメ White-spotted shovel nose ray
14: コバンザメ Shark sucker
15: シイラ Common dolphinfish
16: オオテンジクザメ Tawny nurse shark
17: ウマヅラアジ Horse mackerel
18: ウジバナトビエイ Cownose ray
19: ヒョウモンオトメエイ Coach whip ray
20: ハマフエフキ Spangled mperor
21: タマカイ Giant grouper
22: スギ Cobia
23: タカサゴ Golden-banded fusilier
24: オグロオトメエイ Pink whipray
25: カマストガリザメ Blacktip shark
26: カスリハタ Potato grouper
27: ツムブリ Rainbow runner
28: ウシエイ Cow stingray
29: ムロアジ Amberstripe scad
30: カスミアジ Bluefin