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[quote name='we3jesters']I will help with this as well. Basically you get an invite to the move space, wave at the picture to get the first outfit, then you can go in the move shaped door and play the game for the other color costumes. Add me if you guys need help or just an extra body. Ive got another pal that can probably help with this. Then maybe go kill some zombies? We will def have a full group then![/QUOTE]

I'm in, can try tonight probably around 10PM PST, not sure if that is too late or not. I also am looking for a 4-person group for Zombies. Although, for some reason I keep getting kicked out of the multiplayer game. Not sure why.
Hopped on and finished the Zombie multiplayer challenge. Thanks we3jesters! Still need to find someone to host us for the move space. Going to try again tomorrow night, probably around 10PM ish PST.
[quote name='Andami']If anyone wants the PlayStation Move Outfit, message me on PSN. If we can get 3 people (other than myself) on at once, we can also get the colored outfits.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='hellmutt']I'm interested in this, but I don't know what it is or how to help...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='we3jesters']I will help with this as well. Basically you get an invite to the move space, wave at the picture to get the first outfit, then you can go in the move shaped door and play the game for the other color costumes. Add me if you guys need help or just an extra body. Ive got another pal that can probably help with this. Then maybe go kill some zombies? We will def have a full group then![/QUOTE]

[quote name='we3jesters']Ill be there. Maybe a bit early if I need to help anyone else. Just add me and let me know! Andami I sent you an add request btw[/QUOTE]

I'm interested in helping as well... but where is the Move Space in Home?
Okay, I went ahead and logged in and re downloaded mini and move spaces, so I can invite you guys whenever you see me on. I'm gonna try to start looking for people needing invites or help around 8 p.m. or so (central), though Ill be off and on all day.
[quote name='we3jesters']Its there. Just add me and Ill worry about the rest! Lol[/QUOTE]

I don't need you to worry about it, I would just like to know where it is. In the EU home it had it's own event space, but I don't see it anywhere in the NA Home.

As for getting together as a group, I'll be able to log in this evening (after 11pm EST).
Well Im not literally worrying about it. I had to get access to it so i can invite those that don't already have it, as you can't just go to it via the navigator without it being in your favorites. Same as with the mini space. I did go ahead and make sure I have them both by logging on today and hitting up one o my pals (i used to have it before but my HD drive in my ps3 got busted). So to get there, you need an invite.
Well you cant get to it except through your favorites. So when I lost my HDD, I lost my favorites. Therefore I had to get re invited to the space which involved redownloading and resaving in my favorites.
[quote name='we3jesters']Well you cant get to it except through your favorites. So when I lost my HDD, I lost my favorites. Therefore I had to get re invited to the space which involved redownloading and resaving in my favorites.[/QUOTE] Oh Ok
hey we3jesters, can i add u?, i want 2 check the mini space, also if anyone wants 2 go to the move space just send me an friend request with the move space in the msj.
[quote name='we3jesters']Well Im not literally worrying about it. I had to get access to it so i can invite those that don't already have it, as you can't just go to it via the navigator without it being in your favorites. Same as with the mini space. I did go ahead and make sure I have them both by logging on today and hitting up one o my pals (i used to have it before but my HD drive in my ps3 got busted). So to get there, you need an invite.[/QUOTE]

Ah, I see. So it's like the VIP SingStar space. Sounds great. I'll send you an add-me when I get online later tonight. Is your PSN ID we3jesters? If you get online before me and want to send me an add-me, my PSN is D-Nitrate.
I may have to get you to invite me to the vip singstar space if that is the case! And yes, my psn is we3jesters. I try to use it for anything ps3 related.
Well I sent out add-me requests an hour ago and have been hanging out in Home for the last hour, but no one has responded yet. Let me know if anyone is still up for a group session in the Move space.
we3jesters found me and so I saved the Move and Mini spaces, while waiting for him to get back I was able to find 3 others and got all 25 right, so I now switched to my sons account (supernova-EAL) to unlock them for him as well. Add his account if you want to play tonight.

[quote name='sehpirot']sorry, i didn't write my psn: it's zehpiroth[/QUOTE]

Send add-me to supernova-EAL
[quote name='Digital-Nitrate']we3jesters found me and so I saved the Move and Mini spaces, while waiting for him to get back I was able to find 3 others and got all 25 right, so I now switched to my sons account (supernova-EAL) to unlock them for him as well. Add his account if you want to play tonight.

well that was fast, thanks to hellmut, zehpiroth, and recycle I got all move outfits for my son and daughter and wife's accounts as wel! thanks guys!!!!! That was fun!
[quote name='Digital-Nitrate']well that was fast, thanks to hellmut, zehpiroth, and recycle I got all move outfits for my son and daughter and wife's accounts as wel! thanks guys!!!!! That was fun![/QUOTE]

Yah, thanks, that was fun. FAST too. I remember when it first came out how many people would just stand in there and ruin the game for everyone else. Intentionally missing the move just to screw with the rest of the team...
[quote name='condukta']go to konami space free reward. pyramid head statue[/QUOTE]

Confirmed! by me just now. I went to the Konami Penthouse, and to the closest store, then looked in silent hill and saw the thing was 1.99, but seconds later it says i got a new item. if you don't see it, it's because you need to see it viewing rewards, it's probably a monsterous paperweight.
Does anyone have a extra US Dead Island wall art code? or maybe a UK Resistance 3 promo T-shirt code? I never got these emails :( and I would really be thankful if someone would pass one my way :3
EU only! multi use code :cool:


[quote name='condukta']go to konami space free reward. pyramid head statue[/QUOTE]
[quote name='redrumblefish']EU only! multi use code :cool:


Props ppl!
[quote name='Digital-Nitrate']Ah, I see. So it's like the VIP SingStar space. Sounds great. I'll send you an add-me when I get online later tonight. Is your PSN ID we3jesters? If you get online before me and want to send me an add-me, my PSN is D-Nitrate.[/QUOTE]

theres a VIP room for Singstar? ... probably have to own the game to access it tho', right? ... sorta like the Sodium1 & Resident Evil 5 spaces
If anyone can help me with the Move Mini space and multiplayer in Dead Island sometime, please let me know a good time to be on. Thanks CAGS!
i may be able to help with that ... i'm usually online between 10pm - 1am EST ... send a request if ya want, my PSN is the same as my username here (^__^)
Ill be off and on all day, so feel free to add me too if you guys need a fourth at move or whatever! Also, the dead island stuff unlocks tonight... What were the rewards again? A chair and....?
[quote name='we3jesters']Ill be off and on all day, so feel free to add me too if you guys need a fourth at move or whatever! Also, the dead island stuff unlocks tonight... What were the rewards again? A chair and....?[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure the rewards. All I think I need to do tonight to finish it up is make a buzz-saw or whatever it's called and gift it to the world. Oh, and finish wave 3, of course.
[quote name='we3jesters']Also may have to do the last finishing move with it. And the rewards is the exploding meat. Checked and were over 14 mil on zombie kills btw. And I read that we get a Xmen outfit or something in cp. Source:

Also this: codes:::

Posted just now

Codes are for Deus ex theme[/QUOTE]

Good point on the finishing move...
Thanks for the theme codes, I was able to get one.
I wonder what this means in the post you referenced:
"Afterwards, head to the Central Plaza to receive an exclusive X-MEN: FIRST CLASS reward!"
Glad I was able to get some codes on here that And that article reads kinda like the reward will be an ornament but it shows a male and a female in costume, so I dunno. We'll know soon enough!
Looks like the stuff has opened up in CP, people are already getting thier codes for the exploding meat, though they wont be active till Tuesday or so.
[quote name='we3jesters']Also may have to do the last finishing move with it. And the rewards is the exploding meat. Checked and were over 14 mil on zombie kills btw. And I read that we get a Xmen outfit or something in cp. Source:

Also this: codes:::

Posted just now

Codes are for Deus ex theme[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the link. I manage to find one still one working.
[quote name='we3jesters']Looks like the stuff has opened up in CP, people are already getting thier codes for the exploding meat, though they wont be active till Tuesday or so.[/QUOTE]

meat codes are active i already redeemed mine.
[quote name='lokizz']meat codes are active i already redeemed mine.[/QUOTE]

I redeemed mine through the qriocity site. The 'exploding meat' shows in my transaction history but not in my download list. Were you able to actually download the DLC today?
My bad. I guess you can go ahead and redeem them. Im still gonna wait till next week when I have my game, to try and avoid any issues.
[quote name='we3jesters']Also may have to do the last finishing move with it. And the rewards is the exploding meat. Checked and were over 14 mil on zombie kills btw. And I read that we get a Xmen outfit or something in cp. Source:

Well I checked CP today, and I didn't get any Xmen item(s). I also checked the CP commerce point and didn't find anything either. Anyone else have any luck? If not, maybe it got delayed.
bread's done