PS HOME Free Items / Clothes / Freebies Wiki

Just got my PS3 today and played home for a bit. Thanks for this guide by the way. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute to it soon enough. Still exploring and figuring things out.
Watch the last Tester ep again at Theater 8 for the last two Game Over shirts
for Amped and Naseous
[quote name='AiNoKame']Watch the last Tester ep again at Theater 8 for the last two Game Over shirts
for Amped and Naseous

Awsome I got the last two shirts, but I guess I missed the Star shirt. But I guess thats what I get for waiting till the last day to go into home..
In the Japanese HOME, Go to the :applause:LIARGAME lounge:applause: under the recommendation tab, go straight after u enter and behind the TV screen pillar there will be a voting spot (in front of the Adam and Eve door), you have to wait a few minutes for the voting spot to load up.

Basically people voted on the prizes they want but this is the last week (which ends on Sunday US time), so they are giving out EVERY PRIZE they ever offered throughout this contest in the 3rd option.

:applause:It's the option all the way to the RIGHT with x1 on it. :applause:

If you mess up your vote you can re-vote, after selecting vote booth, choose: Top, Bottom, Bottom, then make sure you select the option all the way to the right with all the prizes.

Basically Everybody is voting for the Red x1 because it has all the prizes and since the game ends this week nobody is gonna vote otherwise, so basically you get all 10 prizes for free. The game ends on Monday Japanese time which is SUNDAY IN US so make sure you vote in time. You will get the prizes when you log in again on Tuesday.

:applause:Prizes include a big Display Screen, 2 chairs, 2 sofas; see-saw, rabbit chair and the 3 apples are all display items.:applause:

The prizes are very nice as you can see them throughout the room. (The Elk and the swing were never offered as prizes which is too bad...)
For US Home, the new SOCOM Opfor space has a few new items. You can get the following-

-Two shirts for just playing the regular AK-47 strip and five finger fillet games
-Another shirt for finishing the regular AK-47 strip game in 30 seconds
-A gold AK-47 ornament for finishing the gold AK-47 assembly game in 12 seconds

There's apparently a shirt for doing a survey in the new gamer's lounge too, but I can't get into it at the momen
gacktplays - thanks for the heads up on the Liar Quiz - got on sunday night. The quiz was still there - hopefully I got in a-ok.

NovaKane - thanks, got the shirt. Even found the video mildly amusing.

Azure Seas- will check the SOCOM Opfor space on monday night - thanks for the info!

(UK Server) Potential freebie (maybe at a later date?) -- Was on the UK server tonight and saw a movie poster stating there were Iron Man prizes in the Audi space. I took the Iron Man quiz but didn't get anything! :( I was expecting a code or something. Anyone interested, here is the link to the quiz and answers (in case it gets updated and starts giving codes):

1.A, 2.C, 3.A, 4.C, 5.B, 6.A, 7.C, 8.A, 9.A, 10.A

The Audi Baseball cap (m/f) in the Audi Store is free.
Update for the EU Server Iron Man Promo:
In the PS Home forums over at Playstation, someone posted this link - so it looks like PS Home stuff is coming (for the EU server at least). No idea what or when though:

ALSO - saw a billiard table added to Music Cafe over at JP Home - not sure if there are any prizes for playing though. Anybody know how to get the orange cat that your avatar can carry? Saw a guy walking around with one last night - hoping it wasn't an April fool's prize.
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There is a supposed way to get the FFXIII Costumes in the NA server. You need to put a URL in your browser on the ps3 and it takes you right to the costumes to buy in the PS Store and they all work (except Lightning's isn't showing up in HOME). Does anyone happen to know that URL?
[quote name='Seanicus']There is a supposed way to get the FFXIII Costumes in the NA server. You need to put a URL in your browser on the ps3 and it takes you right to the costumes to buy in the PS Store and they all work (except Lightning's isn't showing up in HOME). Does anyone happen to know that URL?[/QUOTE]

Saw that mentioned over in the play station forums, but the moderators removed the link from the post. Might want to check out the forums there and see if the OP will msg you the link.
[quote name='Seanicus']Here it is:
all you do is put it in your ps3 browser and bookmark it, because you'll be going back alot to get missed items. When you choose something and it asks you to close the browser, hit yes, then it brings up the store. Buy or take the free items, and reopen the browser and visit the page again to get what you want.

Props. All the free stuff I got showed up except the fighter caps. The Killzone parts are sick, but only for males.
[quote name='Seanicus']Here it is:
all you do is put it in your ps3 browser and bookmark it, because you'll be going back alot to get missed items. When you choose something and it asks you to close the browser, hit yes, then it brings up the store. Buy or take the free items, and reopen the browser and visit the page again to get what you want.

Seems to work. Got what I wanted from the freebies. Thanks for the link too.
Wow can these guys basically make links to the rare items? Lol Seems like they copied the item's ID and made a PSN link which work on PS3 or something.
That is so awesome!!! I'm almost tempted to go against my strictly-freebie nature and buy the FFXIII costumes :D
[quote name='Seanicus']Here it is:
all you do is put it in your ps3 browser and bookmark it, because you'll be going back alot to get missed items. When you choose something and it asks you to close the browser, hit yes, then it brings up the store. Buy or take the free items, and reopen the browser and visit the page again to get what you want.

Just read the news posted on N4G that these kinda sites might be hackers hacking into your account for your credit card information:


So be careful guys and get the "free stuff" at your own risk. might want to follow the news sites suggestions and remove your credit card info through the official Playstation website if you've already went and clicked on the links to get the free stuff or purchased stuff through these links.
thanks for that info, i read it and it seems more like the person(s) were hacked possibly through the email they received than the site itself, but to be precautionary I deleted my credit card info anyways and changed my password. I am going to buy some ps cards from now on too instead of using a credit card for safety concerns.
I'm looking for someone who has the Chamber apartment... and still has the email confirmation from it. If *ANYONE* here does, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP! PM me. The sooner the better, consider this urgent. Email will be the Playstation Purchase Confirmation one, if ANYONE has the email from the Chamber apartment still please let me know.
[quote name='georox']I'm looking for someone who has the Chamber apartment... and still has the email confirmation from it. If *ANYONE* here does, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP! PM me. The sooner the better, consider this urgent. Email will be the Playstation Purchase Confirmation one, if ANYONE has the email from the Chamber apartment still please let me know.[/QUOTE]

uh...something going on, Geo?
[quote name='Jerajdai']uh...something going on, Geo?[/QUOTE]

Possibly. I might be onto something. If you still have the email let me know. :)

We might have a breakthrough though *if* this works.

Looks like it works. If anyone has PS Home reciepts from free items that are older, please contact me ASAP.
[quote name='georox']Possibly. I might be onto something. If you still have the email let me know. :)

We might have a breakthrough though *if* this works.

Looks like it works. If anyone has PS Home reciepts from free items that are older, please contact me ASAP.[/QUOTE]

I might have it - won't be able to check my email until after work though. I'll check tonight and let you know.
[quote name='Jerajdai']I might have it - won't be able to check my email until after work though. I'll check tonight and let you know.[/QUOTE]

Alright. I'm regretting cleaning my gmail account out earlier. Also, if anyone has email confirmations from free Home items that are not already on that list, please let me know. I grabbed the MAG shirts already, but anything else is needed still. I'll be compiling something with the information, and yes, it will be publicly available, not some closed-door bullshit.
[quote name='georox']Alright. I'm regretting cleaning my gmail account out earlier. Also, if anyone has email confirmations from free Home items that are not already on that list, please let me know. I grabbed the MAG shirts already, but anything else is needed still. I'll be compiling something with the information, and yes, it will be publicly available, not some closed-door bullshit.[/QUOTE]

Are you looking for used codes or the whole email that contains the codes?
[quote name='georox']Alright. I'm regretting cleaning my gmail account out earlier. Also, if anyone has email confirmations from free Home items that are not already on that list, please let me know. I grabbed the MAG shirts already, but anything else is needed still. I'll be compiling something with the information, and yes, it will be publicly available, not some closed-door bullshit.[/QUOTE]

I didn't get email confirmations on any of my free items... Is that a setting?
[quote name='hellmutt']I didn't get email confirmations on any of my free items... Is that a setting?[/QUOTE]

Need the thing that looks similar to this:
I know the MAG shirts sent me an email with the info, even though they were free, but I'm not sure if all free items do.

PS Home MAG T-Shirts, SVER, RAVN and VALR for male+female. Same as other link, use on PS3 browser. If I get access to more information I'll get more items up.


It looks like you only get the codes for free items if you had a purchase on the same checkout.

So, if you bought an apartment at the same time you got the Chamber one for free, you have the code I need. Same goes for free clothing and such.
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[quote name='georox']

PS Home MAG T-Shirts, SVER, RAVN and VALR for male+female. Same as other link, use on PS3 browser. If I get access to more information I'll get more items up.


It looks like you only get the codes for free items if you had a purchase on the same checkout.

So, if you bought an apartment at the same time you got the Chamber one for free, you have the code I need. Same goes for free clothing and such.[/QUOTE]

You, sir, should get CAG of the year for this one. :applause:

Will check it out when I get home tonight and will see if I have any email codes to send you.
The best way for people to say "thank you" is to check their email for receipts from free items. I believe if you bought stuff on the PS Store and have free limited-time content (Like LittleBigPlanet holiday costumes) on the same checkout as a real purchase, you will have the needed information to let people download those too! So please check. I went through *all* of my Playstation Store receipts, which was a fuckton, believe me.

Edit: This site has links for various regions of stuff, note items only work on an account of that region:

I can not verify the safety of this website though.

Added some free Resistance 2 and LittleBigPlanet DLC, along with a Gi Top and Pants for Home.
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Cot damn I cleaned up on free stuff from those two links. Good lookin' out georox. Got all the free stuff I missed out on when I didn't make an EU account and some themes.

The only thing that didn't show up was the Santa Beard (EU) and there's an error when tryin' to get the LBP GroundHog Day DLC. I forgot to check the themes I downloaded.

I'm gonna start holdin' on to them receipts from now on though.
Just checked my email and looks like I deleted all my PS home email receipts :( Sorry, Geo. If I run across the chamber apt code, I'll post or pm ya.
It's alright. I've got the apartment myself from back then, but I figured if we could get the code, others would want it. =P

I can't sleep so I learned a bit more about networking (and by learned a bit more, I mean it turns out I had another firewall running I forgot to turn off...)

For the record... that is *cough* "not" *cough* me, because I would *never* get a skeleton costume on NA Home from *cough* possibly *cough* strange methods.

Like magic.
Hey georox awesome find.

I was just wondering though by using those sites can there be any repercussions by Sony? I really dont want this stuff to effect my Home account or get my PSN account banned..

Also I went though my PSN receipts, but no luck. Seems I never purchased anything at the same time I get free stuff.
[quote name='brewer']Hey georox awesome find.

I was just wondering though by using those sites can there be any repercussions by Sony? I really dont want this stuff to effect my Home account or get my PSN account banned..

Also I went though my PSN receipts, but no luck. Seems I never purchased anything at the same time I get free stuff.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, no idea. It's questionable area seeing it's not intended, but any paid content still has to be paid for (minus Qore themes I suppose, but there are better free themes out there imo.) I doubt Sony would, lot's of better things to ban for that they don't.

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']when the hell were skeletons given out?[/QUOTE]

I think in Japan, I'm not sure.
[quote name='georox']Honestly, no idea. It's questionable area seeing it's not intended, but any paid content still has to be paid for (minus Qore themes I suppose, but there are better free themes out there imo.) I doubt Sony would, lot's of better things to ban for that they don't.

I think in Japan, I'm not sure.[/QUOTE]

They were part of the faux fantasy MMO for IREM's April Fools day. Heard they were going on sale soon.

the mag tshirts are the ones from the mall but yur method saves them a visit to the mall lol.
you should probably remove the gi top and bottom because it costs a dollar and isn't free. someone with a stored credit card might click it and think it's free. also theoretically i think that even if you did get the chamber apartment psn code it won't be free because the link to it is modified with the updated price it has in the mall where you have to buy it if you didn't get it for free when it was free back then during the free chamber event.
[quote name='Holydarkness']also theoretically i think that even if you did get the chamber apartment psn code it won't be free because the link to it is modified with the updated price it has in the mall where you have to buy it if you didn't get it for free when it was free back then during the free chamber event.[/QUOTE]

I don't think the chamber apartment is even available from Estates, is it?
[quote name='Jerajdai']I don't think the chamber apartment is even available from Estates, is it?[/QUOTE]

It was available for 1-2 weeks, which is why even if it was updated to being a paid item, I would still want the info to add it, as some people would gladly pay for it due to the inability to get it.

GI Top removed by request.
Oh the FFXIII costumes are available in NA home now as of today
Dang. I thought it was kind of cool that I would have been one of the few people with a vanille costume in NA home haha :D
bread's done