PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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I highly recommend it if you think you'll like it. It was a contender for my GoTY the year it came out. It's absolutely fantastic, but, and this a major issue -- it does not play like any other SRPG on the market. At all. It has completely unique mechanics that demand you understand them, and if you don't, the AI will crush you. This is why most reviewers hated it -- people often harp on things [like getting bum rushed by chained attacks] that are, quite plainly, their own damn fault for allowing to happen.

The game allows you to chain and link attacks. Most people don't seem to understand either - but the AI sure does.

Basically, any time a unit takes a turn there are 'link conditions' and it may allow another team member to get to move. For example, if you attack enemy X, any other unit that is capable of attacking enemy X gets the option ["option", this important to understand] to take a turn. If they have already moved this round, that's a bonus move [great!]. If they haven't moved yet, this uses up their turn [bad! only use as a last resort!].

Most people that don't 'get' the game don't understand the above. They think they understand linking, so they just move unit 1, chain everyone else, call it a day, then get absolutely destroyed by a couple orcs that understand how to chain/link.

What you actually need to do is [best case scenario, where you can and where it makes sense] is to move unit 1. Now, move unit 2 and chain unit 1 [bonus turn!]. Now move unit 3 and chain unit 2 [bonus turn!] and 1 [bonus turn!]. Now move unit 4 and chain unit 3,2, and 1 [bonus turnx3!].

You are the one choosing the turn order, so you can plan out some really solid strategies that allow you to attack units and then chain back into protective formations. It's also key to protect your flanks and don't overextend -- because if you leave 1 unit too far out, he's might suddenly going to get attacked 15 times in a row as the AI chains all their dudes together and demolishes your unit -- suddenly some lowly orc attacks your unit 5 times on a single turn. This is why the game seems so hard to beginners.

But... if you take the time to learn the game above, it's absolutely amazing. It actually has strategy and tactics [turn planning, positional awareness, flanking, terrain considerations, terrain height considerations].

There are also other cool things - as you set up all those chains and links, you get extra bonuses for how your units are positioned for the attack. This can make every turn look like a complex football play -- check some screenshots, you'll see what I mean. But in practice? You'll pick it up fast.

Game is tremendous. it's a shame most/all reviewers didn't actually try to learn the game... yes, it's complex... but it's so utterly worth learning.

Any questions, just ask.
Thank you for the thoughtful response. I love hardcore SRPG games. Will PM you in the future when I snag a copy. Already have myself a backlog of Vita games. (Just got system)

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Not sure how long it'll last, but Super Robot Taisen is $13.25 with prime shipping on Amazon. In Japanese, of course, so buy at your discretion.

That changed quickly. Looks like it's back up to $21.

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You seem to do that a lot. :shock:
Whats that? Buy multiple copies of games to keep or order tons of copies from BBY?... i guess the answer to both is yea, but the BBY thing is just in order to get a couple non smashed ones. They're ecoming ridiculous with their shipping quality

You're lucky you actually got a boxed shipment. I've ordered 12 copies now from Best Buy and all of them were stuffed into various sized bubble mailers.

First order (x3): three separate single-copy packages

Second order (x3): two separate packages

Third order (x6): three packages of 2 copies each

All of them were crushed beyond belief... even for a bubble mailer shipment. It's like they tossed them all in trucks and set TVs on top of them.

My local store has to have the largest selection of Dengeki Bunkos around now (and hilariously they are all now spider-wrapped to boot).

My next attempt at getting one in good shape will be an Amazon order.

EDIT: Nevermind... apparently Amazon is now OOS.
Holy crap man are you serious? Even i've never had to do that many. Shit if i wasn't at my 3 item limit with the 2 vita and 1 ps3 one im keeping id send you one of the good ones i have to return for cost+shipping

I can't tell if you guys that are ordering extreme multiples of games just because you don't want a crinkled box are trolling or just insane.
I just want a copy or two that is not smashed. Im a collector. Its not fun to have a box all crushed to hell

I imported Oreshika english physical yesterday.

That is all.
where? Most places are out of stock of that. I missed my chance to snag one

Thanks. Would love to see your collection. Not many people I know that collect PSP games with the whole .ISO thing being so easy.
I'd like to see it too. I have a crap ton of psp games actually. Most of the original new ones are lined up on a couple shelves. I still have a bunch i need to sort throgh back when GS was having sales on them. All those are complete too but theyre stored away because i need to go through and clean them all and either clean the cases or toss them and replace them with the stack of replacement UMD cases i got (.50 clearnce UMD movies, heh)

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You know, Sony could really breathe new life in the Vita if they allowed a Netflix like service to all PSP games available. That would be cool .

You know, Sony could really breathe new life in the Vita if they allowed a Netflix like service to all PSP games available. That would be cool .
I'd buy that for a dollar.

Especially if I could have it on each of my Sony devices, or at least the portable ones. I still have about 6 gigs of space free on each the PSP and PSPGo, so... plenty of space for some "new to me" PSP games

You know, Sony could really breathe new life in the Vita if they allowed a Netflix like service to all PSP games available. That would be cool .
Because that's worked so well and is so reasonably priced on PS4.

Should just put then all on sale for $2 each and let us buy the whole library.
I've heard mixed reviews about Tokyo Twilight Vita. Like the text being way too small. I sometimes have a hard time reading small text, mainly on small screens. is that true? I do hope we get the definitive edition so I can just default to that later.

Also on a random thought it's funny how different Best Buy stores can be around the city. On one everything is nicely organized, they get pretty much all niche games and it's a good experience (becoming a regular there for games I didn't pre-order). The other everything is disorganized, many releases aren't there such as Dragon Quest Heroes and Tales of Zesitria, but they do have ultra beaten up P4DanLEs with spider wrap even! Kind of annoying since the best one is on the other side of town, but it's near where I work so I usually head there after work. 

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You know, Sony could really breathe new life in the Vita if they allowed a Netflix like service to all PSP games available. That would be cool .
No, that wouldn't really help much at all. Something like that would have been nice back when Vita first launched, the audience for something like that at this point is very small and wouldn't have much (if any) impact in the grand scheme of things.

They'd be better off supporting it more with first & second party games but that's not gonna happen either.
You know, Sony could really breathe new life in the Vita if they allowed a Netflix like service to all PSP games available. That would be cool .
I don't know if this would move the meter at all. Now, if they suddenly announced it could play PS2 Classics bought on the store, turning the Vita into a portable PS2... then, yeah, that might be big enough to actually make some sort of impact. But the Vita isn't powerful enough to emu PS2, and the odds of us getting any sort of Vita revision are slim to none with an emphasis on none [though I'd buy it].

I don't know if this would move the meter at all. Now, if they suddenly announced it could play PS2 Classics bought on the store, turning the Vita into a portable PS2... then, yeah, that might be big enough to actually make some sort of impact. But the Vita isn't powerful enough to emu PS2, and the odds of us getting any sort of Vita revision are slim to none with an emphasis on none [though I'd buy it].
Too bad that those and PS3 games wil never be on PS4. Then we could all just get rid of our PS3s and remote play them to our Vitas.

I paid about that price for a used copy of Sorcery Saga. Worth buying if you don't have it, but I can't justify me getting another copy for the limited edition when there are other games I want.
I wish they would confirm whether the extra content version is coming west or not. I've been wanting to grab TTGH for ages now, and once it finally started getting into a price range I can justify, they announce there's a new version coming in Japan.
I picked up a couple of games today from searching on Ebay. Ridge Racer, Tearaway, and Street Fighter X Tekken for just under $40 shipped for all of them. Because of this thread I'm starting to get the collecting itch. 

I agree game isn't good. Not terrible but not's playable and some of the girls are cute. Game play is generally meh. It's a really easy game at least for the 80% or so of the game I've finished.

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I think the Corpse Party for the Vita looks really cool.

Can I just pick it up and play? Or do I really need to play the PSP versions? If so, which ones do I need to play? The games seem really expensive.
The PSP games were only $10 each on PSN a few weeks ago which isn't all that expensive considering each game is around 15-20 hours long.Yes, you need to play the first Corpse Party to understand anything in Blood Drive, the first Corpse Party is technically a better game anyway so it's kind of pointless to skip it. There's a BloodDrive prologue chapter that you should play in Book of Shadows, but it's not completely necessary since BloodDrive sums it up pretty well at the beginning of the game. I'd still suggest playing Book of Shadows for the backstory of the characters though, and it has some pretty cool "what if" scenarios.So basically, you can't skip Corpse Party 1, but you can skip Book of Shadows if you need to.
They both go on sale from time to time. Book of Shadows contains plenty of canon and they don't really explain everything that happened in Blood Drive that well anyway. Skipping it is a pretty bad idea, even if there is a few "what if" scenarios. The character development and motivations worth the couple what ifs alone. I would have hated to miss Book of Shadows. Definitely, not what I would recommend.
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I've heard mixed reviews about Tokyo Twilight Vita. Like the text being way too small. I sometimes have a hard time reading small text, mainly on small screens. is that true? I do hope we get the definitive edition so I can just default to that later.

Also on a random thought it's funny how different Best Buy stores can be around the city. On one everything is nicely organized, they get pretty much all niche games and it's a good experience (becoming a regular there for games I didn't pre-order). The other everything is disorganized, many releases aren't there such as Dragon Quest Heroes and Tales of Zesitria, but they do have ultra beaten up P4DanLEs with spider wrap even! Kind of annoying since the best one is on the other side of town, but it's near where I work so I usually head there after work.
The text size never bothered me. But,I definitely have a love/hate relationship with TTGH. I still play it and enjoy it, but sometimes the cheap shit the enemies pull really, really piss me off.
The tutorial is total shit too. For anyone new to it, if you read up on the different links on this page it could help a lot (I think that's the site I used anyway)
Plus, for newbies: Make sure you press L&R on the computer to bring up the special page and press triangle in between missions to talk to characters.
(Also make sure you lick everyone. Like in real life it's just proper etiquette!)
They both go on sale from time to time. Book of Shadows contains plenty of canon and they don't really explain everything that happened in it that we'll anyway. Skipping it is a pretty bad idea, even if there is a few "what if" scenarios. The character development and motivations worth the couple what ifs alone. I would have hated to miss Book of Shadows. Definitely, not what I would recommend.
Yeah, that's why I said to skip it only if he needed to, I suggested he play it. Both games only go on sale about once a year though, so he might not be able to get them cheap again for a while. Amazon used to have a permanent sale on the double pack for $20 which was a good deal, but I think they stopped carrying it, which sucks. They usually go on sale every year during October, but unfortunately that sale has passed for this year.

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Yeah, that's why I said to skip it only if he needed to, I suggested he play it. Both games only go on sale about once a year though, so he might not be able to get them cheap again for a while. Amazon used to have a permanent sale on the double pack for $20 which was a good deal, but I think they stopped carrying it, which sucks. They usually go on sale every year during October, but unfortunately that sale has passed for this year.
Yeah, sorry I actually thought you were recommending skipping it. (My stupid laptop broke and it seems I'm not the best at comprehending and responding with this tablet I've been using).
At least Xseed has been pretty adamant on insisting that people play the previous games, so hopefully they'll consider a price drop or discounted bundle or something. I just loved some of the chapters in BoS and couldn't imagine skipping it. Even little things like the part with Miss Yui in the classroom, while not that important to the overall story, I found to be pretty amazing.
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Too bad that those and PS3 games wil never be on PS4. Then we could all just get rid of our PS3s and remote play them to our Vitas.
I think we'll get ps1/ps2 classics on PS4. Money on this PSX.

is this game any good? I see there is a 3ds version too. I'm sure the vita looks better, but does it play better?

One of my least favorite games -- which is a shame, it had loads of potential if it wasn't so easy.

What should I get on PSN for my vita?

I saw conception 2 for $9.

Played 3ds version and was meh. I got bored after a couple of hours.

Going to get WWE 21k6 and Catherine(Ps3)

Would like to add something else because I have 20% off.

Any good vita games under $20?

What should I get on PSN for my vita?

I saw conception 2 for $9.

Played 3ds version and was meh. I got bored after a couple of hours.

Going to get WWE 21k6 and Catherine(Ps3)

Would like to add something else because I have 20% off.

Any good vita games under $20?
skip C2.

Is the requirement physical only?

I hear tearaway and Pixel-junk shooter are good.

Likely get those.

Is tearaway worth $16?
It's not a bad game for $16. Like Little Big Planet, it has a lot of charm and is very creative. You are a bit late to the party though as far as cheap games go, Target clearanced all of their Vita games out over the past few weeks at 70% off and most of us were able to get several games for less than $10 apiece. Unfortunately most stores are dry at this point, though.

What did you guys think of street fighter x tekken?  I'm debating on keeping it or trading it. I picked it up from Target during the vita clearance. I don't really play fighters, so I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to playing it.

What is a good price on a new Vita?  Just saw them on clearance at Meijer for $149.  The Borderlands bundle was included at that price but they apparently sold out. 

Also on clearance was PS TV for $49.

I know there are some colored versions supposedly coming out soon that will probably be cheaper, but my guess is they will be made with cheaper components and fewer options.  Worth picking up or should I wait?

BTW, do not own a Vita yet.

The text size never bothered me. But,I definitely have a love/hate relationship with TTGH. I still play it and enjoy it, but sometimes the cheap shit the enemies pull really, really piss me off.
The tutorial is total shit too. For anyone new to it, if you read up on the different links on this page it could help a lot (I think that's the site I used anyway)
Plus, for newbies: Make sure you press L&R on the computer to bring up the special page and press triangle in between missions to talk to characters.
(Also make sure you lick everyone. Like in real life it's just proper etiquette!)
I can't speak to a small text size (played on PSTV hooked up to a 27" monitor) but I couldn't get into Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters. It's got some weird maze step on a certain spot battle system or something. And you're right the tutorial wasn't much help. I'll check out that link though.

Art is really nice, even blown up on a big screen. Dialogue was kind of odd 'What? You would hit a girl!' etc.

I'll have to give it another chance some time.
bread's done