PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


293 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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I'm buying it. F all y'all.

I vaguely remember a CAG posted a picture that listed all the Vita games coming to the west. It was categorized as Confirmed/No-Brainer/Maybe. I wonder if that is being updated, cannot find that link anymore now that it is buried deep in the thread.
Anyone know where said thread is? Would like to take a look
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Just hit my walmart... got gravity rush, toukiden, little deviants, and apparently a second copy of borderlands 2 because i doubted my own software catelog app... so its prolly gonna go back

Which uh.... Which long island wal mart. Being that I live there I may have to check it out
Awesome! I actually live here too during the weekdays. I didn't drive there but I think it's the one on Middle Country Road? It was a long, long time ago but it seemed lonely on the shelf. There's a Gamestop right next to the Walmart too that has a ton of CEs and stuff.

Awesome! I actually live here too during the weekdays. I didn't drive there but I think it's the one on Middle Country Road? It was a long, long time ago but it seemed lonely on the shelf. There's a Gamestop right next to the Walmart too that has a ton of CEs and stuff.
ahh wow you're pretty far out. You only live here on weekdays though? How's that work? That'd actually be quite a trip for me since I'm closer to the city. Probably not worth it since the game's probably long gone by now. Good to know about that area though. May be worth trekking out there some time.

Ehh if there's ever any NY CAG meetups or something though it sounds like I'll certainly see ya there though :D/

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ahh wow you're pretty far out. You only live here on weekdays though? How's that work? That'd actually be quite a trip for me since I'm closer to the city. Probably not worth it since the game's probably long gone by now. Good to know about that area though. May be worth trekking out there some time.

Ehh if there's ever any NY CAG meetups or something though it sounds like I'll certainly see ya there though :D/
Yeah, I go to school here in Long Island, but I live primarily in the city. Good thing the LIRR is pretty convenient.

There's a bunch of NYers on CAG actually, I know a few from the Japanese Niche thread. Everything seems closer together in the city, so deals are shared a little easier when everyone has access to the same Gamestop and Best Buys.

Yeah, I go to school here in Long Island, but I live primarily in the city. Good thing the LIRR is pretty convenient.

There's a bunch of NYers on CAG actually, I know a few from the Japanese Niche thread. Everything seems closer together in the city, so deals are shared a little easier when everyone has access to the same Gamestop and Best Buys.
First Aya Hirano studying abroad NY for 4 months, now learn BlackRockWaifu also lives in NY. All I ever get is either old people and Cubans in Florida or douche celebs and Mexicans in Cali.


Never got a email except after I complained no I dont want a refund no I dont want to return the game and cancel my order. I already got the 10 credit from chat though. Those we're my options.
You got your game, eh? I didn't get either one (3DS/Vita versions). Hmmmm. I did get the $10 credit but I still don't have my games....

You got your game, eh? I didn't get either one (3DS/Vita versions). Hmmmm. I did get the $10 credit but I still don't have my games....
Same here for my Vita copy. An Amazon CS rep was nice enough to give me a $5 credit and free upgrade to One-Day Shipping after I asked where the heck my game is, but at this point I just want the darn order to change from "Not Yet Shipped". :cry:

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You got your game, eh? I didn't get either one (3DS/Vita versions). Hmmmm. I did get the $10 credit but I still don't have my games....
Same here. My order on Amazon is sitting in limbo with no indication they are going to send the game first. Some people got their games several days ago - some are in route - and some have no indication what is being done. Makes you wonder why Amazon is not handling these orders the same across all customers. They are not a tiny company - they should be able to handle sending everyone's orders at a similar time.

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Did anyone who picked up Dungeon Travelers recently, also grab the DLC? I am debating whether to grab it, but Im worried having all those characters might be game breaking until I get a full party.

Did anyone who picked up Dungeon Travelers recently, also grab the DLC? I am debating whether to grab it, but Im worried having all those characters might be game breaking until I get a full party.
Is there DLC on sale? If so I should have gotten it because I stopped after about 10hrs because I got stuck and didn't want to grind.

Now I have SoSC tho so eh
Same here. My order on Amazon is sitting in limbo with no indication they are going to send the game first. Some people got their games several days ago - some are in route - and some have no indication what is being done. Makes you wonder why Amazon is not handling these orders the same across all customers. They are not a tiny company - they should be able to handle sending everyone's orders at a similar time.
Game came in Tuesday may call in and complain as to why I did not receive my watch [emoji41] [emoji39] [emoji3]

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Grinding is actually pretty fun in DT2 as you can always reset class for any individual character and experiment with different team strategies.

Yeah, I go to school here in Long Island, but I live primarily in the city. Good thing the LIRR is pretty convenient.

There's a bunch of NYers on CAG actually, I know a few from the Japanese Niche thread. Everything seems closer together in the city, so deals are shared a little easier when everyone has access to the same Gamestop and Best Buys.
I live close enough to the city where I end up in the city hunting for deals pretty frequently so I like to think I'm a part of that scene too. Also the LIRR is expensive but it's also a blessing. God I love those trains... Seriously though can we organize like a CAG meetup down at like 2 bits retro arcade or something. It'll be great until it turns out everyone's too cheap to drop $3.50 on a PBR :wall:

Oddly enough I was just in that walmart yesterday checking clearance....only things left in clearance were 2 $20 minecrafts tossed in the pile...
That's a damn shame. Thanks for the update! Would have loved to have scored a $10 Gravity Rush
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I live close enough to the city where I end up in the city hunting for deals pretty frequently so I like to think I'm a part of that scene too. Also the LIRR is expensive but it's also a blessing. God I love those trains... Seriously though can we organize like a CAG meetup down at like 2 bits retro arcade or something. It'll be great until it turns out everyone's too cheap to drop $3.50 on a PBR :wall:

That's a damn shame. Thanks for the update! Would have loved to have scored a $10 Gravity Rush
how about nycc?

I live close enough to the city where I end up in the city hunting for deals pretty frequently so I like to think I'm a part of that scene too. Also the LIRR is expensive but it's also a blessing. God I love those trains... Seriously though can we organize like a CAG meetup down at like 2 bits retro arcade or something. It'll be great until it turns out everyone's too cheap to drop $3.50 on a PBR :wall:

That's a damn shame. Thanks for the update! Would have loved to have scored a $10 Gravity Rush
Refusing to pay $3.50 on a PBR isn't being cheap, its being sane. I always imagine a CAG meetup would be BYOB and everyone would show up with those individually marked beers that are about to expire.

Rare find in that multiple people were saying that their Best Buys didn't even get any in for their in store pickups.
Grinding is actually pretty fun in DT2 as you can always reset class for any individual character and experiment with different team strategies.
I was really enjoying DT2 until I got to (one of?) the last dungeons and it was a convoluted mess. Fall down this hole walk over to those stairs now backtrack whoops you walked past the false wall no go up two floors and go over there to go down another level blah blah blah. That mixed with the every other step random encounter broke me. It's not like the battles were even that hard at that point (my gals were all mid 50s). They were just annoying.

Did anyone who picked up Dungeon Travelers recently, also grab the DLC? I am debating whether to grab it, but Im worried having all those characters might be game breaking until I get a full party.
The DLC characters themselves aren't gamebreaking, but the game definitely doesn't adapt for you having a full party in the first few dungeons. You wouldn't be missing much by flying through the first bit of the game though, because the game is huge and you get a full party normally by the third dungeon IIRC. The DLC characters also all start at level one, so if you get them later it's a pain to level them up.

I wouldn't really advise grabbing the DLC unless you've played To;Heart already, because that's what the extra characters are from. And you don't gain any new classes or anything functional, just more characters.

I was really enjoying DT2 until I got to (one of?) the last dungeons and it was a convoluted mess. Fall down this hole walk over to those stairs now backtrack whoops you walked past the false wall no go up two floors and go over there to go down another level blah blah blah. That mixed with the every other step random encounter broke me. It's not like the battles were even that hard at that point (my gals were all mid 50s). They were just annoying.
The path finding part requires a lot of patience. I actually enjoyed it. I did look up a map though, there is a kind soul who mapped out the paths including color door switching, if you trace out your path beforehand on paper (or in your mind if you are good with spatial simulations) then you can go through a dungeon pretty quickly.

And it is very important to build your team around grinding speed so that encounters are over mostly in the first round. The tradeoff is that bosses are harder but nothing a little leveling will not fix. I had a detailed post on that, buried in this thread somewhere.

EDIT: Adding one more point, you can alternate escaping with battles. Namely, battle one encounter, escape one encounter etc. This way your escape chance is very high (remember to use scout for escaping) and you halve your battles. Of course, only do this when you are already over-leveled.

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how about nycc?
.... because I missed out on buying a pass lol

Refusing to pay $3.50 on a PBR isn't being cheap, its being sane. I always imagine a CAG meetup would be BYOB and everyone would show up with those individually marked beers that are about to expire.
Oh it's definitely crazy but I also feel like it's not too crazy of a bar price for beer. That said BYOB is obviously the way to go.
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Happened to a lot of them if not all of them.
I ordered from Amazon and my copy is thankfully fine. Sucks that you guys got warped cases though. Seeing that insanely awesome Lego Star Wars Vita deal just reminds me how sad it is to have a Best Buy that no longer carries Vita games in-store. :(

gamestop only sent me the ZTD game.. i emailed about the watch asking since i preordered do i still get it... and they said


We apologize for that yes it is included however the pre bonus Zero Time Dilemma Watch is out of stock and we don't have any idea when it be in stock again."
So now I am even more confused if i will ever get one, and what is this case i should have gotten with it??

I ordered from Amazon and my copy is thankfully fine. Sucks that you guys got warped cases though. Seeing that insanely awesome Lego Star Wars Vita deal just reminds me how sad it is to have a Best Buy that no longer carries Vita games in-store. :(
Honestly, the only reason that deal existed at that one store is because it was an online only item and not available in stores. It was likely an online return that was done in store.

gamestop only sent me the ZTD game.. i emailed about the watch asking since i preordered do i still get it... and they said


So now I am even more confused if i will ever get one, and what is this case i should have gotten with it??
Check your order history on their site, if it shows the watch in the details as "1" order, but "0" shipped, it should be coming once they get inventory.

I had a 3DS and Vita ordered, and my Vita shows the watch as order, just not shipped, but my 3DS order doesn't even show the watch, so I contacted them, but still haven't heard back, as their CS is beyond atrocious. LOL

If I don't get my 3DS watch, I'll just return the game to the store, as I only wanted the Vita game to play, so I only ordered the 3DS for the extra watch.

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bread's done