PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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My theory (in general, as this issue isn't just limited to Vita releases) is that it has to do with the high penetration of broadband connectivity here. While the US isn't #1 in that category, other game regions tend to cover areas where high-speed internet isn't as common so a digital-only release in those regions would severely limit the scope of the game's addressable market. In the US that's not really the case, a digital-only release only shaves your addressable market by the small fraction of us boycott digital distribution.
Yeah, your probably right. I never really thought much about broadband usage, but that makes perfect sense, as I've known several people in the past who have that issue overseas.

Some people here in the states have it to, but I agree it's much more of an issue in other countries than it is here. Damn the US, and it's move in to the future, it's killing physical. LOL

Actually, Sony "abandoned" the Vita in Region 1 (US & Canada) at it's peak due to the Sony Corporation bankruptcy that was going on in Japan in 2014, which was not resolved (debts paid off and going out of business averted) until early 2015. During this time they dropped 1st party development of any new titles for the PS Vita as well as scrapping all PS Vita marketing in North America, along with reducing their PS4 marketing budget. Fallout from staving off bankruptcy was that they literally sold off manufacturing and product divisions to pay back the debts they owed, including their OLED screen manufacturing facilities, one of which produced the Vita 1000 series screen, and the Vaio Computer division which was rumored to have been responsible for the development of the Vita's proprietary memory card. And, if rumor is true this would be a logical explanation as to why no larger capacity memory card has been developed for the Vita despite demand globally for such. A second rumor exists that the very patent for the memory technology used by the Vita memory card may have been mistakenly sold off along with the Vaio computer division, but these are mere rumors, totally believable rumors, but rumors none the less.

It's not that Sony has abandoned the platform, they simply have executives at the top who are absolutely clueless when it comes to how to actually run a company and do so on a budget. Any fool knows that if the CEO of your company is making eighty million dollars a year, and your products are selling well, but the company is undergoing bankruptcy hearings in court that the CEO absolutely must have his pay cut. But literally in Sony's case neither the CEO nor the board of directors (also all making millions annually) took any pay cuts, which one can only logically conclude destines Sony to repeat their debt issues again sometime in the future.
Quit trying to defend Sony... ;)

This is what I saw that made me think that the EU and Japan did better than the US (# of sales it did anyway) Maybe thats why dev give them more love than the US

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As much as Sony abandoned the Vita... the physical released games in North America have been pretty steady.  I'm not even talking about LRG, just looking at Amazon and what is coming and what has come out this year... the main difference between it and say the 3DS is the lack of a lot of filler licensed games.  I think if you consider the niche gamer that loves handheld gaming and doesn't need to play something purely due to it being popular, the Vita is doing quite well.

Just look at the next few months...

August (1 game):

Hatsune Miku PDX,

September (6 games):

Shantae HGH, Trails of Cold Steel 2, Steins;Gate 0, Psycho-Pass, MeiQ, Valkyrie Drive -Bhikkhuni-

October (5 games):

Yomawari, World of Final Fantasy, Root Letter, Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls, Exist Archive

November (1 game):

Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star

December (1 game):

Akiba's Beat

14 games coming to Amazon (and most at Gamestop too)

Like the games or not there are no real filler games in there.  That is, no licensed barbie or whatever garbage games clogging up the lineup.  Add to that the physical version of Shovel Knight in October... and then also a few of the LRG releases which aren't mediocre garbage games.  Oh and Muv-Luv for the kickstarter backers!

I AM also a 3DS gamer... looking also for more core games ... and looking at the upcoming physical games and it's no better than Vita.  In fact in some ways it's worse because the lineup is actually smaller.

Eliminate Style Savvy:Fashion Forward, Disney Magical World 2... and maybe include Sonic Boom Fire & Ice (I mean, it could be good, right?) and you are left with...

Dragon Quest VII (which is a must buy for me, also DQ VIII but that'll probably be bumped to sometime next year)

SMT IV: Apocalypse

Pokemon Sun/Moon

Corpse Party Back to School Edition (first PSP corpse party remade + some extra new content)

Yo-Kai Watch 2 (2 versions)

Metroid Prime Federation Force

Sonic Boom Fire & Ice

Mario Party Star Rush (I shudder to include this as I don't really think of these as actual games)


Azure Striker Gunvolt :Striker Pack (a physical release for ASG1&2)

Runbow Pocket Deluxe (N3DS only, physical version of game + all dlc)

Overall that's 10 physical games.  You could say 12 if including both versions of Pokemon and Yo-Kai Watch 2... but then I'm being generous including Sonic Boom F&I and Mario Part SR in there as well as Azure Striker and the N3DS only Runbow.  Granted I'm hyped for DQ:VII and will want SMTIV:A to get my DS/3DS SMT/Persona collection back to being complete.

Of course I'm just looking at Amazon & Gamestop... and what is up for pre-order.  There might be more.

Still... as it stands in the world of handheld gaming... Vita seems to be ruling the roost with new physical copies of games.  Sure they may not end up in your local Walmart but between Amazon and Gamestop it seems Vita ... as abandoned as it may be by Sony, is the dominant platform for new physical games... and probably even digital games because the digital side is ROBUST!

And again, I am a 3DS gamer as well... I love the DS/3DS library as a whole.  Especially the DS stuff.  The digital side is ok but quite lacking as well.  Especially if you don't have a N3DS for the SNES stuff.

Yeah, you gotta admit the longevity of game releases for the terminal Vita has been quite extraordinary.  The high standard of quality is equally impressive. 

Thats why the Vita isn't "dead" like the game industry mags/blogs and other detractors claim it is.

A "dead" system wouldn't have all those games coming out.

5 games just for the rest of this year i'm buying at release. (from what you listed)

Yeah I'm buying or will be buying most of those as well. Still have Odin Sphere and Stranger City in my backlog, gotta get to them as soon as I finish Moe Chronicle (and Hot Shots Golf, I don't if I suck at it or the game is hard, but having a frustrating time getting past Silver Cup). Oh, and have not yet bought Grand Kingdom.

If 2017 is on par with 2016, I will be extremely happy.

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Shantae HGH, Trails of Cold Steel 2, and Akiba's Beat are the ones I mainly want at or near launch for Vita.   For 3DS I'll get DQ VII at launch and will wait on SMT IV:A to fall in price like I did SMT IV.  I'm also getting Muv-Luv and Shovel Knight.

Even though I make a good case the Vita isn't dead by comparing to the 3DS... it's really hard for me to do that legitimately when the reality of the market for physical games on any handheld system pales to past generations.  Heck even the consoles at this stage of their life have relatively small physical libraries compared to even last generation.   Still as it stands... the market isn't dead and at least the quality of what is getting released is really good.

As much as Sony abandoned the Vita... the physical released games in North America have been pretty steady. I'm not even talking about LRG, just looking at Amazon and what is coming and what has come out this year... the main difference between it and say the 3DS is the lack of a lot of filler licensed games. I think if you consider the niche gamer that loves handheld gaming and doesn't need to play something purely due to it being popular, the Vita is doing quite well.

Just look at the next few months...
Thanks for the list. I had missed two of those in my Vita pre-orders (Root Letter and Steins;Gate 0), so I've got them added. After having completed the currently released North American Vita set I'm just in maintenance mode now - pre-ordering every release at the Prime 20% discount. I'm sure I could save a few bucks by waiting on some of them but it's more convenient to just lock in the 20% and not have to worry about hunting down a missed release down the road

I wish there was a Wii U thread like this one too.

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I always say, "If the Vita's dead, someone should tell my wallet". LOL

I've spent more on the Vita in the last 2 years, than I think on any other handheld/console EVER!

I know I missed some stuff...

Criminal Girls 2 for instance...

I'm sure someone else out there has a better list of what is coming than what I threw together.

I always say, "If the Vita's dead, someone should tell my wallet". LOL

I've spent more on the Vita in the last 2 years, than I think on any other handheld/console EVER!
I wish I could say something like that... I think I surely spent a lot more on NES games than any other platform. I mean I used to frequently make rounds to all the rental shops buying used games along with the toy stores, department stores, and other places that sold games. At one point my nes collection was over 300 games deep... which wasn't anywhere near the the nearly 800 games released in NA. My Dreamcast collection was nearly the entire NA library plus a number of the best of the best imports from EU & Japan. I surely had more money in that than vita games. My GBA & DS libraries were also quite massive. I wasn't going for any kind of major collection, just buyign what I wanted to play ... and that added up real fast.

I think my vita library is around the 80 game mark... and most of what I don't have I don't really want.

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I wish I could say something like that... I think I surely spent a lot more on NES games than any other platform. I mean I used to frequently make rounds to all the rental shops buying used games along with the toy stores, department stores, and other places that sold games. At one point my nes collection was over 300 games deep... which wasn't anywhere near the the nearly 800 games released in NA.
Ugh, I hear you there! My pipe dream is to someday actually finish my CIB North American NES set. I'm at about 475 right now, but the prices on NES stuff has gotten absolutely ridiculous over the past couple years so my progress there has slowed to a crawl.

What's that really ridiculous Vita game that's coming out in the near future. It's whole trailer was basically "we're like Senran Kagura but with even more skimpyness". I wanted to show the trailer to a friend and can't for the life of me think of what that thing was called.

What's that really ridiculous Vita game that's coming out in the near future. It's whole trailer was basically "we're like Senran Kagura but with even more skimpyness". I wanted to show the trailer to a friend and can't for the life of me think of what that thing was called.
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkuni?

I know I will wait for Pqube games to go down in price (something tells me root letter is going to bomb...extremely niche....though I'm not sure and even that bikini game looks meh). I will get MeiQ since I recently got a $20 certificate to Bestbuy, and also Criminal Girls 2, since I really liked one. Exist Archive....looks like meh and wont buy on release. For 3DS it's DQ7 (been waiting for this remake forever!) and Pokemon whatever version I want. I can't afford every game on release truthfully. Lots to love coming out for Vita, though some I will get on other platforms such as Cold Steel 2 on PS3 and Akiba's Beat on PS4 since I want that one on the big screen. 

3DS is more catered to the casual masses and the Vita at this point is just for niche side of gamers in my opinion and its way to easier to collect for this system 

I was in Jr High when the NES came out originally, and I had to sale my Colecovision to buy it, so games came along, but not often.

Once I reached adulthood, I've collected many systems over the years, but have sold most of them off over the years due to space, finances, impending birth, etc. LOL 

The only other collection I've had that rivals my Vita set currently, would have been the PSP. One I added CFW to my PSP, I really had no reason to hang on to those games, as that UMD was a pain in the ass.

Right now I don't have any next gen systems, so they aren't in the equation, and I'll grab a 360/PS3 game when the price is right every now and then, but most of my purchases are for the Vita and 3DS, and the 3DS just doesn't have as many must buys for me, but I do have a decent little 3DS collection going.

I always say, "If the Vita's dead, someone should tell my wallet". LOL

I've spent more on the Vita in the last 2 years, than I think on any other handheld/console EVER!
And that is based on your personal tastes in games. Any person could make this argument for any system. This is of course ignoring that vita games rarely go down in price, many games are digital only and the memory cards costs add up to more than the system itself >.>

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I'm in the same boat.

I love my PS4, but I can't play it during my commute. I would like to play it after returning home from work, but after a long day, then preparing dinner, cleaning dishes, playing with the kids and putting them to sleep, I find it extremely hard to sit on the couch and concentrate on a big game (still working on Blood & Wine). So my Vita is my lifeline during my commute or flights, and my pick-and-play for the short time before collapsing into slumber.

I would like to game on my PC but after a day of coding at work, the desk-and-chair have to try real hard to compete with my couch, let alone the bed :lol:

Once I reached adulthood, I've collected many systems over the years, but have sold most of them off over the years due to space, finances, impending birth, etc. LOL
I've not sold off too many systems, but I've sold off entire game collections for basically the same reasons. So like my NES stuff, I think I own a copy of Spy Hunter and then there's my original NES Action set (complete in it's box)... but the rest of my actual game collection for it was sold. Sometimes it's just nice just selling off a collection to relieve the pressure of having such a massive backlog to play through... hanging onto the system is probably a bit silly but if I run across a game in the wild that I really want to play .. at least I have a way to play it. Like last weekend I was in a Replays store and found a mint complete copy of Outrun 2006 coast to coast for the PS2 (for $3.99). I sold off most of my PS2 collection a while back... but I can still go back and play this since I at least have the hardware. I think if I ever go back to collecting again for older systems this is how I would do it. Very purposeful specific games... nothing to backlog... just past loved games to replay.

I hope New Game! gets a Western release eventually after its release next year. ^__^


I know I've had about equal number of purchases for PS4 and Vita this year, which is impressive. I also have only gotten rid of one game, which is good too since I've gotten rid of at least 3-4 PS4 games. The Vita game was Tetris Unlimited, which was boring as heck, and I would never choose to play over Lumines, which is just great. I'm not a collector though. I just want to have games I will hopefully play one day. I am liking Shiren right now, hopefully this is the first Shiren I beat...these games are tough. 

And that is based on your personal tastes in games. Any person could make this argument for any system. This is of course ignoring that vita games rarely go down in price, many games are digital only and the memory cards costs add up to more than the system itself >.>
The only Vita games I have actually paid full price for are the LE sets, as I get those before release due to the possibilities of selling out. Otherwise, I've gotten games from Target, GS, Amazon, or BB during sales. I've even gotten some recently on Ebay, as the prices where right.

So while I haven't paid above and beyond for most things, the shear volume I think gives the Vita the title for me in regards to overall dollars spent. Although I did spend crazy dollars back in the day importing tons of games for SNES, N64, PS1, and Saturn. But while those where really costly, my purchases where spread out over many systems over many years.

I was also very lucky in regards to the Vita memory cards, as I got an 8GB card originally, and I've been able to flip each previous card to pay for the next bigger size. So even for the rest of this year, I think most of my purchases will be for Vita games, as I don't have a next gen system yet, and the 3DS is winding down, and the 360/PS3 are all but done(as is the Wii U), so for me, there's not much else.

On the note of keeping old systems a ps2 is definitely wise to keep some around since they are definitely going up in price down the road due to the extremely high failure rate.  I bought 3 backups just because of that.

Anybody know, if I preorder a game while my Prime trial is still active, would I still get the discount and free shipping after the trial expires?
I've seen this asked at least once before and I think the answer was no regarding the 20%. No idea on the free shipping.

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So, it's super late ond Wednesday night and still no reward certificate from Best Buy from pre-ordering Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens yet. Also no response back out of GameSlop concerning their local store's failure to apply the extra 10% off on Pro Members Day, despite thier own contact system saying they would respond with forty-eight hours. Kinda not so happy about all this.

I always say, "If the Vita's dead, someone should tell my wallet". LOL

I've spent more on the Vita in the last 2 years, than I think on any other handheld/console EVER!
For certain the amount I have spent on Vita is at the very least tied with Dreamcast, and will unquestionably surpass that.

I've not sold off too many systems, but I've sold off entire game collections for basically the same reasons. So like my NES stuff, I think I own a copy of Spy Hunter and then there's my original NES Action set (complete in it's box)... but the rest of my actual game collection for it was sold. Sometimes it's just nice just selling off a collection to relieve the pressure of having such a massive backlog to play through... hanging onto the system is probably a bit silly but if I run across a game in the wild that I really want to play .. at least I have a way to play it. Like last weekend I was in a Replays store and found a mint complete copy of Outrun 2006 coast to coast for the PS2 (for $3.99). I sold off most of my PS2 collection a while back... but I can still go back and play this since I at least have the hardware. I think if I ever go back to collecting again for older systems this is how I would do it. Very purposeful specific games... nothing to backlog... just past loved games to replay.
Done this as well, have had an ongoing love-hate relationship with every Nintendo hand held ever released save for the DS. Sold off my entire GB/GBC collection twice! Sold off my entire GBA collection once and still contemplating doing so again in the near future. Have been contemplating selling off my meager 3DS collection as the system lacks both the appeal and charm that the DS still has. And am also planning a purge of games I really don't care about from my rather massive DS library sometime in the near future as well.

Back in 1998 - 1999, the golden years of Ebay, I sold off massive chunks of of the games from my Game Gear, NES, Genesis, SNES, N64, and Atari 2600 collections and even sold off my entire Intellivision collection. Thankfully I didn't sell off any games that I've truly missed which I haven't been able to repurchase since. Still not terribly fond of collecting for Nintendo systems despite owning everything but a Wii U.

Anybody know, if I preorder a game while my Prime trial is still active, would I still get the discount and free shipping after the trial expires?
You only get the discount if your prime membership is active at the time of shipping. I think you still get the free 2 day shipping unless they changed it.

So, it's super late ond Wednesday night and still no reward certificate from Best Buy from pre-ordering Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens yet. Also no response back out of GameSlop concerning their local store's failure to apply the extra 10% off on Pro Members Day, despite thier own contact system saying they would respond with forty-eight hours. Kinda not so happy about all this.

For certain the amount I have spent on Vita is at the very least tied with Dreamcast, and will unquestionably surpass that.

Done this as well, have had an ongoing love-hate relationship with every Nintendo hand held ever released save for the DS. Sold off my entire GB/GBC collection twice! Sold off my entire GBA collection once and still contemplating doing so again in the near future. Have been contemplating selling off my meager 3DS collection as the system lacks both the appeal and charm that the DS still has. And am also planning a purge of games I really don't care about from my rather massive DS library sometime in the near future as well.

Back in 1998 - 1999, the golden years of Ebay, I sold off massive chunks of of the games from my Game Gear, NES, Genesis, SNES, N64, and Atari 2600 collections and even sold off my entire Intellivision collection. Thankfully I didn't sell off any games that I've truly missed which I haven't been able to repurchase since. Still not terribly fond of collecting for Nintendo systems despite owning everything but a Wii U.
I hope you held on to all the pokemon games at least since they are worth alot these days. especially soul silver/gold

My Shiren LE from VGP shipped! Whoop whoop!
Seems to be slightly cheaper to buy from the Aksys Store now if you don't care about tracking. $5 shipping for first class mail with no tracking. Not sure wtf they're doing, they have 2 shipping options listed for first class and priority with different prices listed for each (so 4 total).

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Seems to be slightly cheaper to buy from the Aksys Store now if you don't care about tracking. $5 shipping for first class mail with no tracking. Not sure wtf they're doing, they have 2 shipping options listed for first class and priority with different prices listed for each (so 4 total).
Wow that is weird. Here's how it looks for shipping options:

USPS First Class Mail (No Tracking Information) $5.00
USPS First Class Mail (No Tracking Information) 2 $10.00
USPS Priority Mail (with Tracking Number) $10.00
USPS Priority Mail (with Tracking Number) 2 $15.00
UPS Ground (with Tracking Number) $20.00
Seems to be slightly cheaper to buy from the Aksys Store now if you don't care about tracking. $5 shipping for first class mail with no tracking. Not sure wtf they're doing, they have 2 shipping options listed for first class and priority with different prices listed for each (so 4 total).
What makes even less sense is, First Class mail by default comes with a tracking number. The only method that doesn't through the Postal Service is letter mail with a stamp or stamps.

You only get the discount if your prime membership is active at the time of shipping. I think you still get the free 2 day shipping unless they changed it.
Which makes sense as billing takes place when the item ships anyway.

So if you want to try for the free shipping and the 20% off... don't do the trial for Prime until right before a game comes out. September (going by release lists) would be a great time to have prime. Especially for me with no tax by amazon, free shipping and the 20% off.

Okay how did you guys get various shipping options? I was forced with $10 then the next was $35 -_-
It was a recent change. I think it was limited to $10 (First Class no tracking), $15 (Priority with tracking) before, but they changed it in the last day or so.

So I guess anyone that ordered it before the change got screwed on shipping.

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What makes even less sense is, First Class mail by default comes with a tracking number. The only method that doesn't through the Postal Service is letter mail with a stamp or stamps.
Pretty much the only option that doesn't is media mail... And games don't qualify.

It probably has a tracking number, but they won't spend the time to send it to you. Or shipping at a later date and don't want you to see a tracking number that hasn't had any movement yet, cause they just prepaid the package and haven't actually shipped it.
Pretty much the only option that doesn't is media mail... And games don't qualify.

It probably has a tracking number, but they won't spend the time to send it to you. Or shipping at a later date and don't want you to see a tracking number that hasn't had any movement yet, cause they just prepaid the package and haven't actually shipped it.
Media Mail actually does come with free tracking. But like you said, it's not an option for video games.

Seems to be slightly cheaper to buy from the Aksys Store now if you don't care about tracking. $5 shipping for first class mail with no tracking. Not sure wtf they're doing, they have 2 shipping options listed for first class and priority with different prices listed for each (so 4 total).
Still cheaper for me if you count tax. ;D

bread's done