PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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For me personally, I don't find the Vita to be "dead", as I'm going broke on a monthly basis buying new games, but I do understand how consumers in general can and would see it that way.

If CFW is made possible on the Vita, with the lame memory card options, I'm still not sure how popular it would become. But either way, it can only help widen the audience at this point, as I don't really see overall sales setting the world on fire.

I love my Vita, and I do wish Sony hadn't given up so soon, but despite those  fuck tards, the system is still doing rather well. I can't think of a single system in the history of gaming that has had so little support from it's parent company, and still has so many new and interesting games being released on a regular basis.

It really is a sight to see, and in years to come, I only see it getting more popular as more and more would be fans discover it's greatness.

The 3DS/2DS has had the last 2 months very big boost in hardware sales so I don't really get the 3DS Comparison
Yeah, that argument has always been weak, as Sony blamed piracy for the downfall of the PSP, and I just never understood that level of thinking. The DS was 10x easier to do piracy on, and it's one of the best selling systems of all time, and did very well overall.

Sony should have looked in the mirror and blamed their lame as memory sticks, piss poor analog nub, and that UMD drive, as those where the things that made CFW so inviting, but in the end, the PSP just lost to the dominant force of handheld gaming, "N"!

But the PSP was the best competition they ever had, so in that regard, I think they succeeded. I wish they would have approached the Vita with a better attitude and tried to fix what was broken with the PSP, but for me they did the same things again, and did it all with less support.

Anyway you wanted a game... how about Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero. It's dev'd by an american company for primarily an American audience and it's coming out on Vita next month.
True, that is one title I probably will pick up. I've enjoyed Odin Sphere as well recently. The problem is there aren't many great Vita exclusives and the vita games don't drop in price after initial release (example - Zero Time Dilemma ... would prefer to play on Vita over PC, but PC will eventually be cheaper). I think the iPhone and android gaming market is really what killed the vita ... even though those markets have declined in the past year as well. I won't even get into 3DS and Wii U, having previously owned and sold both, feeling that they're also DOA for the most part if you aren't k-12 and want regular high-quality releases.

Yeah, that argument has always been weak, as Sony blamed piracy for the downfall of the PSP, and I just never understood that level of thinking. The DS was 10x easier to do piracy on, and it's one of the best selling systems of all time, and did very well overall.

Sony should have looked in the mirror and blamed their lame as memory sticks, piss poor analog nub, and that UMD drive, as those where the things that made CFW so inviting, but in the end, the PSP just lost to the dominant force of handheld gaming, "N"!

But the PSP was the best competition they ever had, so in that regard, I think they succeeded. I wish they would have approached the Vita with a better attitude and tried to fix what was broken with the PSP, but for me they did the same things again, and did it all with less support.
Well at least Sony put a lot more effort into the design, specs, and features of both the PSP and the Vita. Nintendo really cheaped out on so many aspects of their recent handhelds, including poor quality, low resolution screens, weak internal specs, no 2nd analog, and cheap hinges. I'd much rather enjoy games on the far better handheld hardware Sony put out.
The Vita is pretty much a godsend for those of us that were craving JP games for years.  There were very few offerings during the last console cycle from '06-'12.  Seriously, go back and look at your PS3 and 360 game shelves; there are hardly any JP games. 

It's great that programming is easier now and developers can diversify their games into multi-platform and multi-regional releases.  New IPs aren't as risky. 

LRG has also reinvigorated fans' interest in the Vita. 

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Honestly, if this is what a dead system is supposed to be like, then I'm perfectly fine with it.

Heck, hand me a shovel, I'll start digging the grave.

Yeah, that argument has always been weak, as Sony blamed piracy for the downfall of the PSP, and I just never understood that level of thinking. The DS was 10x easier to do piracy on, and it's one of the best selling systems of all time, and did very well overall.

Sony should have looked in the mirror and blamed their lame as memory sticks, piss poor analog nub, and that UMD drive, as those where the things that made CFW so inviting, but in the end, the PSP just lost to the dominant force of handheld gaming, "N"!

But the PSP was the best competition they ever had, so in that regard, I think they succeeded. I wish they would have approached the Vita with a better attitude and tried to fix what was broken with the PSP, but for me they did the same things again, and did it all with less support.
The PSP was such good competition in fact that it's lifetime sales are still 20 million higher than the 3DS... The problem is the DS was just so darn good that it ended up being nearly tied with the PS2 as the highest selling console of all time.
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It's sad if this is going to be their last handheld. Then again they kinda fucked up with those stupid high memory prices, which means I can't impulse buy games like I can for other platforms. It's an actual good system with a lot of indie support unlike the Wii U which basically has no support and barely any games from third parties.

Also, fuck GS customers. Nearly every used game for V is in a generic case there.
So Criminal Girls 2 is not going to have a retail release! It is NISA Webstore exclusive for the U.S.A. and VGP exclusive for Canada!
Wish I had known this sooner as I would have budgeted to pre-ordered it, but now word has spread and both the standard and limited edition are sold out! Party Bag Edition ($75) is all that's remaining available through the NISA Webstore and only other purchase option at present moment is to go through VGP for the standard edition. All terribly unexpected, decisions decisions. :wall:

People having been doing the same thing with the 3DS for years now, nothing new. to see here.
i dont think any cg2 is left

There was a lot said over the last couple of pages, too much to fully address on my tablet at the airport, but I will say this: dead or not, when a system gets to this point like the Vita has, or maybe this can be considered unique to the Vita, one thing we don't have to sift through is shovelware.

There's hardly anything that can be considered a retail release (physical or digital) for the Vita that can be considered shovelware. And we definitely haven't gotten any in the past 2-3 years. 

So Criminal Girls 2 is available at VGP and so is Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni. I'm wagering NISA restocks on CG2 so  not too worried about that one. Valkyrie Drive though, that one is getting a physical release via rice digital  for the LE correct? So VGP is my only outlet for a standard physical release.

Another slow month of Vita pick ups for me. T_____T

I-is the miracle girls festival for me?

Honestly, if this is what a dead system is supposed to be like, then I'm perfectly fine with it.

Heck, hand me a shovel, I'll start digging the grave.
Maybe the Vita died and went to Heaven. I mean now it's surrounded by cute anime girls and waifus and lovely music and cool stories and stuff.

I hacked my old 3DS XL and I still don't play it very much. I even have a 128GB sd card full of 3ds games and I only played Bravely Second til the midway or something, a little into PW, a little Pokemon AS (beated first gym), and very very little TMNT (that game just sucks). But on the other hand, I haven't really played vita for a while as well after the big disappointment of ZTD. But I was playing 50+ hours of ToHR before ZTD, and I very rarely do that with my hacked 3DS.

Well at least Sony put a lot more effort into the design, specs, and features of both the PSP and the Vita. Nintendo really cheaped out on so many aspects of their recent handhelds, including poor quality, low resolution screens, weak internal specs, no 2nd analog, and cheap hinges. I'd much rather enjoy games on the far better handheld hardware Sony put out.
The mindset "N" takes with their consoles is the same they take in the handheld sector, but it works there, and not so much for the consoles. I would have loved the 3DS, or even the DS to have been more robust, but "N" has won every handheld battle, and everyone of their competitors had a superior spec-wise machine. So in the end, they have really won doing less, and made more on hardware in the process, so that can't be all wrong.

The Game Gear was better, as was the Lynx, so forth and so on, and every single time "N" sold way more than the nearest competitor. I give the PSP mad props for actually giving them a good fight, but they laid down and pretty much rolled over when it was time for PS3 development, as they have stated it was all hands on deck, and the PSP wasn't a part of that future.

They pretty much did the same thing when the PS4 came along, as it seems like they where more concerned with that machine than the Vita in the end. But where at least the PSP had many years of support from Sony, I think the Vita got 1 year at most, and that's debatable.

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I don't believe the vita is dead.

It no longer caters to the mainstream Western market but still successfully caters to the Japanese genre niche market which is obviously what everyone in this thread is interested in.

Every Month multiple physical games are released for the vita, & that must mean it is still worth it for developers to translate games for a profit here, and develop games for jp.

Just because you are not interested in a genre doesn't mean it's dead.

That would mean the 3DS is dead to a : FPS, Call of duty, Destiny, Titan fall type player, because the lack of online fps & surplus of platformers & jrpgs on the 3DS.

However I'm worried the new piracy might end Japanese developers bothering translating new games to the vita in the US now and than eventually stop supporting the system A LOT sooner than expected.
didn't they just release an fps game on the 3ds this year?

It's sad if this is going to be their last handheld. Then again they kinda fucked up with those stupid high memory prices, which means I can't impulse buy games like I can for other platforms. It's an actual good system with a lot of indie support unlike the Wii U which basically has no support and barely any games from third parties.

Also, fuck GS customers. Nearly every used game for V is in a generic case there.
It's my opinion that most of the Vita games that get traded in cart only were either stolen or traded in by a sibling of the actual owner, save for the couple of titles that were officially bundled with systems caseless.

The Vita is pretty much a godsend for those of us that were craving JP games for years. There were very few offerings during the last console cycle from '06-'12. Seriously, go back and look at your PS3 and 360 game shelves; there are hardly any JP games.

It's great that programming is easier now and developers can diversify their games into multi-platform and multi-regional releases. New IPs aren't as risky.

LRG has also reinvigorated fans' interest in the Vita.
There's a decent sized number of jpn titles between them. The problem is only 10% of them are exclusives to their respective systems since the majority of the games are ports or are multiplat between them or region exclusives in cases like tales of graces and vesperia. There's also the issue that of the games not many of them were that good.

There were definitely fewer rpgs out than the ps2/ds/psp gen but those are an exception. Look at any system and the numbers are pretty similar across the board. jrpgs have never been a strong seller so they don't often get support.

The vita suffers from the exact same issue actually. Of the 50 rpgs for the system just off metacritic I don't believe many of them are exclusives.

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The mindset "N" takes with their consoles is the same they take in the handheld sector, but it works there, and not so much for the consoles. I would have loved the 3DS, or even the DS to have been more robust, but "N" has won every handheld battle, and everyone of their competitors had a superior spec-wise machine. So in the end, they have really won doing less, and made more on hardware in the process, so that can't be all wrong.

The Game Gear was better, as was the Lynx, so forth and so on, and every single time "N" sold way more than the nearest competitor. I give the PSP mad props for actually giving them a good fight, but they laid down and pretty much rolled over when it was time for PS3 development, as they have stated it was all hands on deck, and the PSP wasn't a part of that future.

They pretty much did the same thing when the PS4 came along, as it seems like they where more concerned with that machine than the Vita in the end. But where at least the PSP had many years of support from Sony, I think the Vita got 1 year at most, and that's debatable.
well you have to give it to nintendo since they have multiple good ips they release almost exclusively on handhelds that are popular enough to keep people coming back. Biggest one being pokemon as its basically a system seller what with it being one of the highest selling game series and pretty long running. There are probably grandparents who have their grandchildren playing pokemon for generations to come.

I Just stopped by local walmart and found Spongebob Hero Pants for 10.00, Previously it was always 19.99 at the under 20.00 section in video games. 

I started really late to the physical Vita game hunt and now its almost impossible to find vita games new at a cheap price.

Also, they had shovel knight PS4 which is crossbuy for 15.00 to also play on my vita/pstv

The vita suffers from the exact same issue actually. Of the 50 rpgs for the system just off metacritic I don't believe many of them are exclusives.
Honestly, talking about Vita games not being exclusives because they're also on PS3/PS4/PC is kind of silly. Yes, it's technically true, but talking about Vita/PS4 multiplats the same way as PS4/XBone multiplats is being intentionally deceptive or intentionally dense. The PS4 and the XBone occupy the same market. They deliver better graphics on a bigger screen from the comfort of your couch. The Vita is in an entirely separate market, mobile gameplay. Some people do only care about getting it on the system the game looks the prettiest or performs the best or whatever, but there a lot of people, myself included, who don't care about that. What we care about is that we can't play the PS4 version during lunch at work, or on the bus, or while waiting in the doctor's office. So while I do own a PS4 and enjoy the system, basically any game that's available on Vita might as well be exclusive to Vita in my mind, because I'd rather be able to play on the road.

well you have to give it to nintendo since they have multiple good ips they release almost exclusively on handhelds that are popular enough to keep people coming back. Biggest one being pokemon as its basically a system seller what with it being one of the highest selling game series and pretty long running. There are probably grandparents who have their grandchildren playing pokemon for generations to come.
The problem is that the quality of N's IPs are slipping lately. Newest 3DS Zelda, AC Happy Home Designer, Metroid Federation Force, etc. Not to mention several of their console releases sucked last year (Starfox, AC Amiibo Festival, Mario Party 10, Mario Tennis, etc.) All previously great IPs all with horrible modern entries.
most of the series you are talking about haven't had a new game in years and or changed devs so of course the new mario party paper mario ect sucked.  Its disappointing but expected.  I definitely agree nintendos been really slipping.  So much so that I doubt I will be picking up their next consoles.

meanwhile I read ac happy home designer as assassins creed XD

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Honestly, talking about Vita games not being exclusives because they're also on PS3/PS4/PC/3ds is kind of silly.
Considering you admitted yourself that you pick the vita version because of portability and then went to list the other factors that support my argument um yeah its not silly. It can work in a systems favor just as many times as it works against it. You also forgot the 3ds. I'm sure there are other systems/phones or whatever we are forgetting though.

Take digimon cyber sluts. There are fewer people who purchased the vita version due to digital only for na. Only reason I purchased a vita version was that I imported the asian physical english release from vgaplus and that I don't have a ps4 and no intention of getting one. Some vita games don't even get a digital release on psn.

So yes being a port or multiplat and how well it runs are definitely some of the many deciding factors here.

While unable to fit in a pocket I would like to note that you can play pc games on a laptop so technically they are portable as well. Its not as practical for obvious reasons.

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Do new Vita games typically have PSTV support? Trails of Cold Steel has it, so I was hoping the sequel would be playable on the PSTV.
It depends entirely on sony and whether or not the sequel works on the vita tv for japan. That and Sony's weird for the games they randomly white list. Tales of hearts r for example originally worked on the vita tv in japan but then they blocked it for a bit until they unblocked it shortly before na's release.

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I thought link to worlds was aight. Nintendo hasn't been producing many great first person IPs.

I like both game systems honestly though I do buy more for my Vita.

Nintendo has some decent games like the Kirby ones, Fire Emblem games, Hyrule Warriors, and I try but i'm still not into Monster Hunter. Also those DQ games coming to the system are great remakes.

For Vita we get a lot of niche and experimental games. I like....maybe don't love a lot of it, but there is a lot of it. Project Diva games are great, Criminal Girls is nice, P4 Golden......a lot of other okay niche games with some better ones like Dungeon Travelers 2.

Both are good systems, though 3DS' graphics aren't as good. Both are worth playing and owning. I generally prefer playing Vita games on a bigger screen (particularly action games like Dragon's Crown) or even Senran Kagura Estival Versus, but the portability helps me finish a decent amount of RPGs and such.

Just have fun with both. Just know that niche game prices don't go down as often anymore, and 3DS games....take advantage of sales cause they are far and inbetween for Nintendo published titles.

Dug my Vita out of the mothballs it's been sitting in since DT2 came out. Updated to 3.61. Now none of my digital Vita games will load. They all freeze at the start screen. PSP games seem to be fine. 

Should I format and start from scratch or just delete and redownload the Vita stuff?

edit: answered my own question. Despite there being plenty of space, it wouldn't let me redownload a game because of lack of space. 64gb memory stick problems. :(

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Finally got the true end for Moe Chronicles, it got a little bit too grindy at the end, but overall a very good dungeon crawler. Not as good as DT2 though.

Dug my Vita out of the mothballs it's been sitting in since DT2 came out. Updated to 3.61. Now none of my digital Vita games will load. They all freeze at the start screen. PSP games seem to be fine.
Should I format and start from scratch or just delete and redownload the Vita stuff?

edit: answered my own question. Despite there being plenty of space, it wouldn't let me redownload a game because of lack of space. 64gb memory stick problems. :(
Exactly the same thing that happened to me. Hopefully your game saves are backed up in the cloud?

I ended up reformatting the 64gb card, then re-downloading all the games. Thankfully all my game saves were backed up in the cloud (especially my Terraria save), so I didn't lose anything. The card has been fine since that happened (over a year ago), but I generally shut down the Vita when not in use, which may help prevent the corruption in the future.
Didn't lose any saves I care about, and I usually do power down when done, but got frustrated in DT2 towards the end and put it down thinking I'd go back to it in a few hours- but didn't. 

Considering you admitted yourself that you pick the vita version because of portability and then went to list the other factors that support my argument um yeah its not silly. It can work in a systems favor just as many times as it works against it. You also forgot the 3ds. I'm sure there are other systems/phones or whatever we are forgetting though.

Take digimon cyber sluts. There are fewer people who purchased the vita version due to digital only for na. Only reason I purchased a vita version was that I imported the asian physical english release from vgaplus and that I don't have a ps4 and no intention of getting one. Some vita games don't even get a digital release on psn.

So yes being a port or multiplat and how well it runs are definitely some of the many deciding factors here.

While unable to fit in a pocket I would like to note that you can play pc games on a laptop so technically they are portable as well. Its not as practical for obvious reasons.
Yeah, you completely missed the point. Yes, you can play some Vita games on other systems. You cannot play them on the go on other systems. You mentioned 3DS? Precisely how many games are Vita/3DS multiplat? A small handful of indies? Phone you get some more overlap in the indies, but zero overlap with the Japanese games that are the Vita's bread and butter. A lot of people who buy a Vita aren't buying it for the the exclusives, they're buying it so they can play on the go, so saying stuff like "The Vita is dead, most of the games are available on PS3/PS4" completely misses the point.

Also, that point about a laptop might be one of the dumber arguments I've heard in a while. "It has none of the advantages of a handheld game system, and It's not actually practical, but it totally counts!"

But because there are so few "exclusives" for it, according to some bizarre logic put forward by some people, you should just throw it in the trash. Amirite?!?!
Well trash day isn't til Thursday so I got some time to think about throwing it away. If I toss it I'll also throw away my extra brand new 3G/wifi Vita I had for a backup. The Vita funeral could be on Thursday, I'll keep you guys updated.
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I find 3ds has alot of exclusives even third party exclusives like persona q, dragon quest thearythm, rythm heaven etc. Vita is and was a good system but ill never buy a sony console at launch 1 year aftet launch seemed like they threw in the towel. I was hoping for more 1st part support but nope didnt happen. The on hope in gravity rush 2 being on Vita and nope they snatch that away too. Sony is quick to move on with anything that doesny bold well sells wise. If you paid for or pre ordered their VR headset same will most likely happen to that. The psp seemed to get support for a long time. Sadly Vita is dead to normal gamers us interested in some of the niche titles and physical indies are what are going to keep it alive. If the nx is a handheld the Vita will die. Believe that!!

Guess all those games with anime girls on the cover are keeping your system alive on life support ... Shame it's now bedridden and unable to leave to the weeaboo nursing home. 😜
Well, I'm having the day from hell.

I went out to cash my check and do some other things. I stopped at one other place before, but before I could go to the bank I got a call that I had to go home for unrelated reasons.

So as I was riding the bus home, just when I was about to get off, I got a call from my boss. Turns out my check had fallen out of my pocket at some point, and some kind soul contacted the company to get a hold of me.

I struggled to talk to them both at the same time and get all my stuff off the bus.. and didn't realize until I got home that I did not have my Vita with me. I guess I was so distracted and panicked about the check thing that I left it on the seat. I have little hope to see that again; even if I didn't use up all my luck getting my check back, there's gonna be several people getting on and off the bus (and the station offices are closed on Saturday.

Im glad I backed up everything on it recently. But there goes my Slim Vita and Shiren. I was actually thinking about buying the New 3DS that just came out, but that's gonna have to take a back seat to replacing the Vita.

Edit: just realized that also means goodbye to my PS Mobile games and my 64GB memory card. Good thing I got that 32GB card a while back.
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Well, I'm having the day from hell.

I went out to cash my check and do some other things. I stopped at one other place before, but before I could go to the bank I got a call that I had to go home for unrelated reasons.

So as I was riding the bus home, just when I was about to get off, I got a call from my boss. Turns out my check had fallen out of my pocket at some point, and some kind soul contacted the company to get a hold of me.

I struggled to talk to them both at the same time and get all my stuff off the bus.. and didn't realize until I got home that I did not have my Vita with me. I guess I was so distracted and panicked about the check thing that I left it on the seat. I have little hope to see that again; even if I didn't use up all my luck getting my check back, there's gonna be several people getting on and off the bus (and the station offices are closed on Saturday.

Im glad I backed up everything on it recently. But there goes my Slim Vita and Shiren. I was actually thinking about buying the New 3DS that just came out, but that's gonna have to take a back seat to replacing the Vita.
Sorry to here sir [emoji33] [emoji26] [emoji26] [emoji26] [emoji45] may that vita rest in pieces.....
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bread's done