PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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Yes Odin Sphere for both Vita and PS4 has gone up in price from 3rd party sellers on Amazon. Gamestop is probably the place to get the game since not sure when Amazon will have it in stock. Got my used Vita copy 2 months ago for $23 from Gamestop. I have seen more PS4 copies at Gamestop but Vita version might be harder to find as maybe do to short print.
I wish those looking for Odin Sphere caught it from Play-Asia when it was $19.99; its truly a great game (and an easy Platinum if you're into that)

I wish those looking for Odin Sphere caught it from Play-Asia when it was $19.99; its truly a great game (and an easy Platinum if you're into that)
Yes, that deal that you can bundle a bunch of other games for free if you get Odin Sphere lol. Should have gotten it but decided not to.

The possibility of a Vita successor is not unreasonable. If anything, the current enthusiasm for the Switch might spur Sony into thinking along those lines. But I do have a few caveats for such a proposal that should be taken into account.

1. At the very least, have PS-TV style backwards compatibility. Having complete backwards-compatibility with the original Vita would not be realistic. The original Vita had a lot of extra hardware bells and whistles that make it difficult to provide full backwards compatibility for. But PS-TV style backwards compatibility would not be unreasonable, and being able to play original Vita games on the thing would be a big draw. A lot of those games still look and play well.

2. No proprietary memory cards. This one is obvious. Proprietary Sony-based memory cards have always been a massive pain, and no one wants them. Give the user a non-proprietary solution so they can boost the local storage for the device at a reasonable price.

3. Don't try to compete on power. The handheld does not need to be the most powerful system. It doesn't even need to be the most powerful handheld. If the other features are present and the game selection is good enough, people will jump on it even if it doesn't have the highest numbers. It should ideally be more powerful than the original Vita, but that's the only real bar. It doesn't have to be as powerful as a PS4. It doesn't even need to be as powerful as a Switch.

4. Make it as developer-friendly as possible. One of the real strengths of the PS4 was its developer-first approach. The same commitment to making developers happy should go into any theoretical Sony handheld. It paid off handsomely for the PS4, it will work for a handheld just as well. Happy developers make games for systems. Games sell systems.

5. TV-Out functionality? This has been popular for the Switch, but is slightly less necessary for a Vita-sequel. Still, worth looking into. While the PSTV wasn't a bad idea, it's limited appeal and poor post-launch support made it a pricey also-ran long before it had a chance to gain traction. Perhaps give people who already own a PS4 a little extra incentive by allowing the PS4 to act as a wireless dock for the theoretical handheld? Don't know if that would be technically feasible but it would be a chance to cross-promote.

Yeah, I would've gotten Odin Sphere day one if the Storybook edition was available for vita. So I instead got the PS4 version thinking I'd get the vita version later and then forgot about it. Much like how I forgot that I had preordered Summon Night 6 Wonderful Edition!! Looks cool.
The possibility of a Vita successor is not unreasonable. If anything, the current enthusiasm for the Switch might spur Sony into thinking along those lines. But I do have a few caveats for such a proposal that should be taken into account.

1. At the very least, have PS-TV style backwards compatibility. Having complete backwards-compatibility with the original Vita would not be realistic. The original Vita had a lot of extra hardware bells and whistles that make it difficult to provide full backwards compatibility for. But PS-TV style backwards compatibility would not be unreasonable, and being able to play original Vita games on the thing would be a big draw. A lot of those games still look and play well.

2. No proprietary memory cards. This one is obvious. Proprietary Sony-based memory cards have always been a massive pain, and no one wants them. Give the user a non-proprietary solution so they can boost the local storage for the device at a reasonable price.

3. Don't try to compete on power. The handheld does not need to be the most powerful system. It doesn't even need to be the most powerful handheld. If the other features are present and the game selection is good enough, people will jump on it even if it doesn't have the highest numbers. It should ideally be more powerful than the original Vita, but that's the only real bar. It doesn't have to be as powerful as a PS4. It doesn't even need to be as powerful as a Switch.

4. Make it as developer-friendly as possible. One of the real strengths of the PS4 was its developer-first approach. The same commitment to making developers happy should go into any theoretical Sony handheld. It paid off handsomely for the PS4, it will work for a handheld just as well. Happy developers make games for systems. Games sell systems.

5. TV-Out functionality? This has been popular for the Switch, but is slightly less necessary for a Vita-sequel. Still, worth looking into. While the PSTV wasn't a bad idea, it's limited appeal and poor post-launch support made it a pricey also-ran long before it had a chance to gain traction. Perhaps give people who already own a PS4 a little extra incentive by allowing the PS4 to act as a wireless dock for the theoretical handheld? Don't know if that would be technically feasible but it would be a chance to cross-promote.
I think the biggest hurdle is that Sony has burned a lot of their credibility in their tepid support for Vita almost from day 1. I loved the PSP, bought the overpriced early edition bundle of the Vita, and own over 125 vita games at this point. Despite all that, I still doubt I'd buy a Vita successor. Don't get me wrong, I have greatly enjoyed my Vita and have never felt like it was a waste of money or anything, but I'm just not getting on board their roller coaster again.

It's also largely the reason I've stuck it out and forced myself not to buy into hype and excitement of buying a PS VR. They're just too flaky on their support for anything except the core console PlayStation product. Any other gaming peripheral from them basically feels like it's days are numbered almost right after release.
Giving up on Akiba's Beat. The game is going to Amazon trade-in.

I really enjoyed Akiba's Trip which lead me to preorder it with GCU + VCO (was the filler for P5 TYH). This marks the first Japanese Vita game that I gave up before beating it. So disappointed.

Yes, yes they are! LOL

The Vita was a HUGE missed opportunity for Sony, as the remote play feature could have been a HUGE selling point, that was pretty much swept under the rug and left to die.

While I think a new proper handheld could be successful, Sony is their own worst enemy in much of what they do. To now bring out something, it would probably mimic the NS, and while the NS wasn't first in what it offers, it was the first highly promoted item that has the features that it does. So any new handheld from Sony, would look like a "move" style effort, that probably would never see much support.

So while I think a device that could run 1:1 with PS4 titles would be amazing, Sony seems to be much like "N", in that they have next to no ability to properly support and advertise two separate systems at once. So unless the new handheld, was the PS4 mini or something along those lines, I see little chance of them continuing in the handheld sector, which is rather sad, as their last two handhelds where great devices, that I still use daily(minus those stupid ass memory cards of course).
Not just swept under the rug but mishandled and lead to that lawsuit and people getting credit since it originally was supposed to be on the ps3 I believe.

Giving up on Akiba's Beat. The game is going to Amazon trade-in.

I really enjoyed Akiba's Trip which lead me to preorder it with GCU + VCO (was the filler for P5 TYH). This marks the first Japanese Vita game that I gave up before beating it. So disappointed.
Can you add some more context to that? I find your insights on games to be valuable so I'd like to know more what prompted this.

I've been checking Gamestop if they have copies of Odin Sphere every once in a while on the off chance they do (That's how I got Raiden IV and Raiden Fighter Aces). Last night, I found one in a Gamestop not so far from my work. So once I got out for the day, I immediately went there. Saw it. Bought it. And it's complete. It's honestly one of the harder games to find complete in the wild.

The possibility of a Vita successor is not unreasonable. If anything, the current enthusiasm for the Switch might spur Sony into thinking along those lines. But I do have a few caveats for such a proposal that should be taken into account.

1. At the very least, have PS-TV style backwards compatibility. Having complete backwards-compatibility with the original Vita would not be realistic. The original Vita had a lot of extra hardware bells and whistles that make it difficult to provide full backwards compatibility for. But PS-TV style backwards compatibility would not be unreasonable, and being able to play original Vita games on the thing would be a big draw. A lot of those games still look and play well.

2. No proprietary memory cards. This one is obvious. Proprietary Sony-based memory cards have always been a massive pain, and no one wants them. Give the user a non-proprietary solution so they can boost the local storage for the device at a reasonable price.

3. Don't try to compete on power. The handheld does not need to be the most powerful system. It doesn't even need to be the most powerful handheld. If the other features are present and the game selection is good enough, people will jump on it even if it doesn't have the highest numbers. It should ideally be more powerful than the original Vita, but that's the only real bar. It doesn't have to be as powerful as a PS4. It doesn't even need to be as powerful as a Switch.

4. Make it as developer-friendly as possible. One of the real strengths of the PS4 was its developer-first approach. The same commitment to making developers happy should go into any theoretical Sony handheld. It paid off handsomely for the PS4, it will work for a handheld just as well. Happy developers make games for systems. Games sell systems.

5. TV-Out functionality? This has been popular for the Switch, but is slightly less necessary for a Vita-sequel. Still, worth looking into. While the PSTV wasn't a bad idea, it's limited appeal and poor post-launch support made it a pricey also-ran long before it had a chance to gain traction. Perhaps give people who already own a PS4 a little extra incentive by allowing the PS4 to act as a wireless dock for the theoretical handheld? Don't know if that would be technically feasible but it would be a chance to cross-promote.
vita tv also had the compatibility issues with games and software and cannot do stuff like netflix hulu crunchyroll ect on top of poor pricing (100$ I believe is what it started at?) which would of helped sell it a little better since alot of people wouldn't mind having a 20$ device that lets them play all those.

I definitely agree about not repeating the ps3. Don't make it over priced and Especially don't make it a nightmare to work for or have performance issues for multiplat titles.

To have a successful handheld, there for sure needs to be an appeal across a wide user base, and the PSP/Vita while amazing, never did what was needed to make that happen.

"N" has always ruled the handheld market, and in each situation, they had an inferior product to the competition hardware wise, but they always appealed due to the value, battery life, and 3rd party support. Every other handheld, always had the potential for better games, but that formula has never won for anybody, and the PSP/Vita was no different.

At the end of the day, I think everyone wanted to offer the best gaming experience they could for their handhelds, but in the end, having a robust portable, meant little, when most of that potential audience preferred consoles. I've always loved handheld systems, as I didn't mind the trade off, in regards to playing at home. But I'm in the minority, and I can't fault Sony for sticking with the PS4 only, as that is the better route for them financially to take.

Finally got back to my vita Monday night.  I updated it, updated a bunch of games, and everything seemed fine.  I played a little bit of Everyday Shooter.  After I was done playing I noticed an update for Shovel Knight (the big Treasure Trove update) was waiting to install.  So I launched the game to install it... it installed... then the game crashed before the title screen with some odd error code.  I figured it was just a bad download or something and that I'd delete it and re-download.  No dice.  I tried deleting it from the menu, it wouldn't.  I tried from the content manager and it said files were left on the system... which ended up being all the files.  I tried downloading a new copy, but the download was 0kb so despite reinstalling using the copy from memory... it still crashed.  I figured, I'd just play something else... then I noticed every game I launched was giving an error.  I thought maybe it was PSN not authenticating right or something... tried a bunch of stuff and nothing.  When I went to reboot, it locked up on the screen with the power off button right as I pressed it.  I ended up leaving it till last night.  Thankfully it eventually turned off.  Restarting it, same issues.  I decided to just eat the frustration and rebuild the database in safe mode (I had maybe a full screen and a half of folders with most full and all my games organized into categories alphabetically).  It was sad seeing the icons all messed up after restarting.  Then I noticed only 1/10th of my icons showed up.  I tried rebuilding again and only 1/2 of the last lot came back.   Games launched but they wouldn't see my saves.  So all that progress in Axiom Verge... gone.  Rather than F with it anymore I booted back to safe mode and formatted.

Once formatted everything was good.  It was a new system but my info for PSN and stuff still worked.  So I downloaded about 10 games.  Reorganized the default crap into folders.   I decided since I had reset everything to download Shovel Knight and let it update because if it were to f up the system again, I wanted it to happen while it was easy to wipe back out and start over.  I nearly panicked when starting it up to install the update yielded another damned error.  But thankfully closing the game and restarting fixed it and the title screen came up.  I downloaded some of the saves I could get from the PS+ Cloud... but I have yet to see if any of them work.  I figure they will.  What is sad is all the progress I had on PSP games, Minis, and a few more current games were all gone.

For a moment last night I thought about just selling the vita & 64gb memory card and being done with this and just suffer with the limits of the PSTV when I needed a Vita fix.  But there's still so much I want to play (most all of which I already own) that wont play on the PSTV... so I definitely don't want to do that.  Not right now anyway.

TLDR: After Shovel Knight update, 64gb memory card corrupted, had to reformat it and start fresh


Finally got back to my vita Monday night. <snip>

TLDR: After Shovel Knight update, 64gb memory card corrupted, had to reformat it and start fresh
Welcome to the corrupted 64gb card club! Mine did that about 2 years ago, has been fine since. I still don't trust it and believe that the 32gb cards are much more reliable (have two of them). I still use the 64gb card in my primary Vita though.
Welcome to the corrupted 64gb card club! Mine did that about 2 years ago, has been fine since. I still don't trust it and believe that the 32gb cards are much more reliable (have two of them). I still use the 64gb card in my primary Vita though.
It's a kick to the face. I wonder if I would have had the same problem regardless of the card. I may do some experiments with my 8gb card since I know I can repeat most of the same circumstances again (Shovel Knight with old save... play it... then install the update and see if it crashes). It would be interesting if this was a more universal problem and it just so happens most of us diehard vita fans use 64gb cards and that's why it "appears" to affect them more.

"N" has always ruled the handheld market, and in each situation, they had an inferior product to the competition hardware wise, but they always appealed due to the value, battery life, and 3rd party support.
Yes, exactly. If Sony was willing to focus down on these strengths, they could potentially launch another handheld. Keep it lean, minimalist, and competitive. Make it only marginally more powerful than the original Vita, and strip out a lot of the hardware gimmicks that the original Vita boasted. (no back-touchscreen, no built-in camera, and possibly no accelerometer) Really boil it down to the basics, and make it very focused on the games. That would allow them to bring it in at a competitive price-point. ($200 or below) That would be a potential Sony handheld.

And pairing it with the PS4 is a good idea. The PS4 is a successful market leader, it can only help to associate a handheld device with it. Give PS4 owners various bonuses and benefits to having such a handheld. Integrate special bonus features in first-party games that would be unlocked by pairing their portable with their PS4.

I think it unlikely that Sony would want to invest the R&D into such a device at this juncture. But who knows?

Oh man! I just got a 64gb card used, hopefully no corruption issues. I hope sony announces a new handheld at E3.
Such wishful thinking....we all want it....but they're just going to talk about their Sony TV thing saying they now are the best value in entertainment or something.

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And I have a launch Xbox 360 that still works, that doesn't mean it's a reliable system.

For whatever reason, 64GB cards are less reliable than the other sizes.  For the small amount of Vita owners that have imported them, there are more issues posted about them than the other sizes combined. 

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I think it unlikely that Sony would want to invest the R&D into such a device at this juncture. But who knows?
Yeah, since the PS4 was announced I thought combining the Vita along with the remote play option was a perfect match, but Sony sit on their hands and really did nothing to make it happen. I think in their minds, they probably didn't want the Vita to hold the PS4 back, so instead of pushing the Vita as a companion to the PS4, they stuck it in the attic and forget it was there. LOL

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I've read the same issues from 32GB cards on other forums so it's not just isolated to the 64GB ones.
That's really interesting. It goes along with my thoughts that it's possibly NOT the cards and something else.

To have a successful handheld, there for sure needs to be an appeal across a wide user base
I think the real hinge of the entire handheld market goes to how much it appeals to kids first with the games (and mainly first party games). Then it comes down to the price of the accessories and what you have to buy to get started. Nintendo keeps throwing first party support to it's handhelds with games that appeal to everyone while using standard cheap off the shelf memory cards which they typically pack in with the system anyway. It's a winning formula. You buy a system and a game and you go play. Sony's game library pretty much appeals to more teens and adult gamers. There's not a lot of casual games or kids games. I can't see Sony changing.

With the Vita Sony lost a lot of developer support. The library for the Vita has really suffered compared to the massive support the PSP got for bigger more mainstream games. I mean, it's hard to believe we had Rockstar throwing some original stories into classic gta games which they updated to be more modern (like swimming in Vice City Stories)... and with the Vita we just didn't get any. Not even a lazy port of the iOS version of GTA:SA. The vast majority of games on the system are more niche with limited appeal even among the main target audience for the system.

I just don't see Sony releasing another handheld. It tried to appeal to the PS3/PS4 gamers by porting over the same games they had already played and offering some remote play options and it just didn't seem worth it to those gamers. I think the only way Sony has a chance is if they put more money into developing more universal games that can appeal to kids... but that'll be an uphill battle when Nintendo can publish a new Pokemon and it pulls the masses back in.

Giving up on Akiba's Beat. The game is going to Amazon trade-in.

I really enjoyed Akiba's Trip which lead me to preorder it with GCU + VCO (was the filler for P5 TYH). This marks the first Japanese Vita game that I gave up before beating it. So disappointed.
Can you add some more context to that? I find your insights on games to be valuable so I'd like to know more what prompted this.
I am also interested. Is it because of the supposed lag in combat?
[NOTE] Personal Opinion

I enjoyed the first game because they positioned themselves correctly. It's a low budget Vita titles for weebs like me. Story was wacky (ZOMG vampires in Akiba) and combat was accompanied by the hilariousness of stripping. The combat mechanism was simple enough for its purposes, all you need to do is decide to attack high or low, and when to strip. There are funny weapons like keyboards. There are also some characters I liked, mainly the female protag.

All that wackiness is gone now, replaced by a somewhat serious/"cool" tone, and that is the largest complaint I have, is the game didn't know its place. They know they don't have the production values to support a serious tone, and they know I know that. The story is very similar to P4/P5 in terms of "distorted desires turn into dungeons". Yeah, no, your game is not to that caliber.

Combat has a slight lag, which I am actually perfectly fine with, if there were some skill/planning involved. I am a gaming veteran, I can adjust for lag if needed. The combat and skill assignment is exactly like Graces F, which has potential to be good but because of the unresponsiveness of the controls, you cannot make quick doges (side step) like Graces F to make the combat interesting. And when I get to the ultra move, which is a music themed attack, I though I would get a DDR attack like in Ray Gigant (which I really liked), but no, you just enter a infinite AP state and battle as usual. So what's the point of the game being called "Akiba's Beat"???

But for me, bland combat isn't a problem if I have motivation to play, and it really doesn't take much for a Japanese game to draw me in. But I'm not getting anything here, no interesting side quests, quirky dialogues, lovable characters, eye candy, good music, beautiful cut-scenes, nothing.

Is Vita memory card corruption that common? I had never even heard of it until recently. I've been using the same 32 GB card with my original Vita since 2013 and never had any issues.
Is Vita memory card corruption that common? I had never even heard of it until recently. I've been using the same 32 GB card with my original Vita since 2013 and never had any issues.
Like anything, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so it's not like everyone here has had issues, but those that have are vocal about it. I've actually had every size card except the 16GB one I believe, and I've not had any issues with a single one so far. But that's not to say it can't happen, it just hasn't yet.

I have seen enough post here to know there is a problem with the 64GB card over the others, but how wide spread and how big of any issue, is anyone's guess.

It's finally happened, LRG has signed to do a physical release of a Double Fine Studio game!  :bouncy:


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Btw, about the memory card stories, I had an 8gb card that died on me while I was transferring files to it. Simliar situation. It just wouldn't read and couldn't open any games. It was under warranty so I sent the card in and Sony sent me a replacement. Of course you can't do that with a 64gb card. If sony's gonna make us pay so much for the cards, the least they could do is QC them.

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The curious thing to me is that the MicroSD card have had and still continue to have similar failure issues, which make me think the actual memory IC used on the Vita memory cards is the same technology as that used by MicroSD. When MicroSDs were still relatively new on the market I had three to simply die on me in a single year, and have had additional card failures since then. But with MicroSD cards I had always attributed the failures to accidental exposure to static fields, namely dropping them on carpet.

Vita memory is a somewhat different case though, but have seen and experienced the same type of data corruption issues with MicroSD and SD cards alike. Problem is likely the result of how the card handles data writes & deletions. With a SSD, the device has its' own memory management controller built-in which, as the name implies, is continuously shuffling files data based on deletions, additions, and modifications of files ensuring the memory chips are being used optimally. But MicroSD/MiniSD/SD/SDHC/SDXC and other memory card technologies out there are what we call a "dumb storage" device, the space is just there and it is up to the host device, to which it is connected with, as to how the formatting and data allocations are processed on the card. Due to this absolute reliance on the host device, data space is generally not reallocated very well during read/write/delete processing. Your data corruption on the larger sized cards where rebuilding and/or reformatting resolves the encountered issues is, in my opinion, the result of a bug in the coding of the memory controller of the Vita itself resulting in errors when reading/writing data to memory with high address tables.

But that is just my opinion.

exactly.  Especially when for the price of a 64 you could buy a used vita or 4 vita tv's a few years back.

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Wife and I both have 64gb cards in our Vita's, neither have had an issue since we got them in 2013. Also a 16 in my PSTV and an 8 in hers.  Never had problems with any of the memory cards. I've even done dumb shit like install every single NA game on both of our 64g vita memory cards to test which ones use cart saves and which ones save to the system. That all being said, you guys are making me nervous enough to backup my memory cards today.

Backing up is a good idea regardless of the chances of a failure.  I'm thankful mine was just data corruption and formatting fixed it.

Great vita channel, he just did a video last week on the same topic. He mentioned that as long as you dont swap the card out it should last you a long time.

Great vita channel, he just did a video last week on the same topic. He mentioned that as long as you dont swap the card out it should last you a long time.
Ironically, people complain about the 64gb card the most, which is the one you wouldn't typically need to ever remove/swap unless you are moving it between Vita's or a PSTV. I'd like to hear from anyone that had problems with their 64gb cards, did you remove it frequently?

Just for statistical purposes, I never remove my cards & never had problems.

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My 64gb card was never swapped out of my primary Vita, and it still failed (once). Has been fine after reformat, but I never leave the system in standby mode, just turn it off when not in use.
My 64gb card was never swapped out of my primary Vita, and it still failed (once). Has been fine after reformat, but I never leave the system in standby mode, just turn it off when not in use.
Sony's so damn inept, they may have had an update that caused problems, or any number of possible situations. I still rarely if ever use my PS3 due to how poor the OS is, and how every damn games needs an update, and all of which can take half the day, to the whole day to update. LOL

So seeing these memory card issues is of zero surprise to me personally. My biggest issue in the past has been errors when trying to download or update games on the Vita. That went on for years until they had it affect a large number of users, and it still took ages to finally get it fixed.

I've been lucky I guess, as that was my only issues, but if my card crashed tomorrow, I would wonder what took it so long. For cards that are so damn overpriced, you would think they could at least make sure they have a low failure rate.

PS Vita Region 1 Physical Game Directory and Both Regions 1 & 2 Checklists:

Announced & Upcoming Vita Physical Releases for Region 1:
Listed alphabetically by year and quarter with release date after game title.

- 2017 -
- 2nd Quarter
Broken Age (6/9)
Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours (6/23)
Deemo: The Last Recital (6/9)
Farming Simulator 18 (6/6)
God Wars: Future Past (6/20)
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders (6/27)
Tokyo Xanadu (6/30)
- 3rd Quarter
Chaos;Child (3rd Quarter)
Collar X Malice (7/28)
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (9/26)
Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion (7/25)
Mary Skelter: Nightmares (3rd Quarter)
Muv-Luv Trilogy (3rd Quarter)
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas (July)
Plague Road (3rd Quarter)
Rabi-Ribi (3rd Quarter)
Sharin no Kuni ~The Girl Among the Sunflowers~ (3rd Quarter)
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth (9/5)
- Release Date Not Yet Announced
Cosmic Star Heroine (TBA)
Dragon Fantasy: Volumes of Westeria (TBA)
Fault: Milestone One (TBA)
Forma.8 (TBA)
Narcissu: 10th Anniversay Anthology (TBA)
Nuclear Throne (TBA)
Runner 3 (TBA)
Salt and Sanctuary (TBA)
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore (TBA)
The Emerald Tablet (TBA)
Tokyo Tattoo Girls (4th Quarter)
World End Economica Trilogy (TBA)
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG (TBA)
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows (4th Quarter)
Ys Origin (TBA)
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA (9/12)

- 2018 -
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (TBA)


Also worth noting that Signature Edition Games tweeted this morning that they've received in the production copies of "Slain: Back from Hell" from Sony. They will begin shipping them out today!

And NISA has upped the ante with their Ys VIII Limited Edition, e-mailing out this rather amazing GIF of the box the game will come in.:


That is a nice box, and the extras look pretty cool too. I may have to go with limited edition version. They don't seem to be doing a limited edition of Yomawari unfortunately.

Best Buy has Toukiden 2 for $29.99 / $23.99:

Tempted to wait for <=$20, but I don't trust Vita stock to remain like I do with other platforms.
Psycho-pass mandatory is also on Best Buy for $29.99 / $23.99. With these games on both platform (PS4/Vita) it's really hard to choose if the Vita version lacks some stuff while the PS4 version has the full experience. Vita exclusive games are mostly gone now it seems. Sucks as some of the games being release are more suited to the Vita.

Been looking forward to "Slain:Back From Hell" PsVita..
Recieved my shipping notification earlier today..!!
Now maybe fingers crossed I can get Muv-Luv Trilogy this year..
I was waiting on the kiwami version- seems likely.
My $.02: Even if it gets a Kiwami release down the line (very possible), they may not want to spend money on a Vita release again. If you want the Vita version, now may be a good time to pick it up.
bread's done