PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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I bought a $60 VIta during the AWD madness a few weeks ago, been looking for some cheap games and this thread definitely delivers.

I hit up my neighborhood Target last night and found Soul Sacrifice for $5, Resistance for $5, and LittleBigPlanet for $11.

I hesitated on LBP but decided to go for it, figuring the touch controls would be fun to use in Create mode. Does anyone have opinions about this game that they would like to share?

I bought a $60 VIta during the AWD madness a few weeks ago, been looking for some cheap games and this thread definitely delivers.

I hit up my neighborhood Target last night and found Soul Sacrifice for $5, Resistance for $5, and LittleBigPlanet for $11.

I hesitated on LBP but decided to go for it, figuring the touch controls would be fun to use in Create mode. Does anyone have opinions about this game that they would like to share?
LBP on the Vita is IMO the best game in the series. The campaign is a lot of fun, the touch stuff really fits, and the creation tools work the best with the ability to use the touch screen. Totally worth playing.

The fact that a bunch of people are using Star Trek memes/gifs means I'm slowly taking over the world of CAG. Ah hahaha, ha ha, ha ha...ha.

Senran Kagura limited edition is 39.99$ W/prime

I hope i dont get yelled at for posting this here and not the japanese thread

I bought a $60 VIta during the AWD madness a few weeks ago, been looking for some cheap games and this thread definitely delivers.

I hit up my neighborhood Target last night and found Soul Sacrifice for $5, Resistance for $5, and LittleBigPlanet for $11.

I hesitated on LBP but decided to go for it, figuring the touch controls would be fun to use in Create mode. Does anyone have opinions about this game that they would like to share?
Can't go wrong with lbp, its fun playing other people levels... I remember playing a flappy bird clone haha. But yes 11$ is a good deal i own the digital copy but would love to find that one for 11$
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GTA sale going on for those who don't go to the PSN topic...

Chinatown Wars - $4.99
Vice City Stories - $4.99
Liberty City Stories - $4.99

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how good are the Vita versions of these? I'm assuming the graphics haven't been updated but are the controls decent?
I just played Chinatown Wars last month and it still holds up pretty well. Looks a bit better than what I remember the DS original to have looked like and depending on how you feel about the original top down perspective is arguably one of the best in the series.

I bought a $60 VIta during the AWD madness a few weeks ago, been looking for some cheap games and this thread definitely delivers.

I hit up my neighborhood Target last night and found Soul Sacrifice for $5, Resistance for $5, and LittleBigPlanet for $11.

I hesitated on LBP but decided to go for it, figuring the touch controls would be fun to use in Create mode. Does anyone have opinions about this game that they would like to share?
That's the best of the 3 by a mile. It's essentially LBP2 with a bunch of great touch stuff. Admittedly it has sub par floaty controls but considering has nearly infinite decent user made content it may very well be the last Vita game anyone's playing.

FYI my Target had a PS3 copy of Sly Cooper:  Thieves in Time on clearance for $5.98.  I may go back and pick it up because it offers a cross-buy option.

Which leads me to a question.  I'm not familiar with how adding a game to my Vita via this method works.  Will the game be added to my account so I can re-download it to my Vita at any time, or will I need to keep the PS3 version around in case I delete the game from my Vita and need to re-add it?  TIA.

FYI my Target had a PS3 copy of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time on clearance for $5.98. I may go back and pick it up because it offers a cross-buy option.

Which leads me to a question. I'm not familiar with how adding a game to my Vita via this method works. Will the game be added to my account so I can re-download it to my Vita at any time, or will I need to keep the PS3 version around in case I delete the game from my Vita and need to re-add it? TIA.
There should be a "Disc Benefits" option below the game selection in the XMB menu when you throw the disc in. Since it's brand new, you have no worries about the disc being registered. Accept the agreements and I think the Vita version gets automatically added to your account. Log into PSN and download. It's been awhile but I recall it being a lot easier than it seemed.

Saw these on an end cap at target yesterday. I am assuming these are reprints or super old stock that was 'cleaned up' as I know with certainty titles like Monkey Ball have been out on the shelf for ages, the cases were poked, plastic torn, etc. All of these games were pristine and not a spec of dust anywhere on them, such as Dungeon Hunter, and that was never at this store in years.

Also, please do not quote images if you're replying!



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[quote name="Romeo" post="12641960" timestamp="1429132674"]
Saw these on an end cap at target yesterday. I am assuming these are reprints or super old stock that was 'cleaned up' as I know with certainty titles like Monkey Ball have been out on the shelf for ages, the cases were poked, plastic torn, etc. All of these games were pristine and not a spec of dust anywhere on them, such as Dungeon Hunter, and that was never at this store in years.

Also, please do not quote images if you're replying!

Super jealous.
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Has anyone seen Dungeon Hunters Alliance on clearance? Tons of them around me, but all listed as 29.99 still for some reason

Has anyone seen Dungeon Hunters Alliance on clearance? Tons of them around me, but all listed as 29.99 still for some reason

All of these reprinted games are MSRP. I'm not sure if it's universal at target now, I've never seen these white stickers on the front of media before.
There should be a "Disc Benefits" option below the game selection in the XMB menu when you throw the disc in. Since it's brand new, you have no worries about the disc being registered. Accept the agreements and I think the Vita version gets automatically added to your account. Log into PSN and download. It's been awhile but I recall it being a lot easier than it seemed.
Yeah. That's accurate. You must have a PS3 logged into your PSN to get the Vita copy. No download code.
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Not sure which version you are looking for, but this is the one I have:
I love you thanks so much for not being the negative cag!

You ask for a lot of things. This thread is for posting deals, not personal requests.
Personally I like how he makes a request, finds 2 of the three covers, and then asks for the final one without sharing what he has found.

fk those guys. Only reason i asked is because someone else asked earlier in this thread and i think it was you who contributed with the cover?

I don't know of any sites, but I scanned mine in for you. 300dpi, it's a little crooked, but I assume you are just going to print and cut it along the edges anyway. Let me know if that works out.

Yep found your post thank you.

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I love you thanks so much for not being the negative cag!

fk those guys. Only reason i asked is because someone else asked earlier in this thread and i think it was you who contributed with the cover?
Right, we're the assholes for cluttering up the thread with nonrelevant posts. On the same page you requested the cover scans, you also made a few posts asking for someone to pick you up the Ninja Gaiden games on clearance at Target for you.

Now I know you didn't read the forum rules, but you could at least read the bolded part where it says spamming, affiliate links, and trade requests/posts are not allowed in this forum. What do you think would happen if everyone posted the games they wanted? That's what the trading forum is for. Don't act like you didn't do anything wrong and we got bent out of shape over it. Just refrain from doing it in the future.
Start with blahblahblah and then write your own wall of text longer than his and without any formatting. I don't think you have any idea how retarded you are.

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The last time I ordered a backordered vita game, I didn't get it for 3 be prepared to wait a while if you order it.
Still a good price especially if your ordering for your backlog, i remember resistance being backordered honestly only took a month and saw some people get it like you said 3 months later. But for 7$ and its gravity rush? Do it if you find it cheaper you can always cancel this one.

[quote name="SInX4Lyfe" post="12643048" timestamp="1429188371"]Still a good price especially if your ordering for your backlog, i remember resistance being backordered honestly only took a month and saw some people get it like you said 3 months later. But for 7$ and its gravity rush? Do it if you find it cheaper you can always cancel this one.[/quote]
True. Resistance was the game I was referring to that took 3 months to get. It is a good price though. I was just warning that it may take a while to get.
My friend bought 6 Vita games for like $40 on Ebay. They're really cheap for some reason...
Because there just as cheap, or cheaper at retail. I own almost 50 physical games, and the average price I paid was about $15. I bought some at $20, and some at $10. The only ones I paid retail for where LE, or physical from other regions not released in the US.

probably a stupid question but what you mean by cross save? It cause I had my ps4 since launch never owned a PS3 and barely got my first vita over a week ago so not sure what you mean cross save?
You can play on a system (ps4 or vita) and save your game to the cloud, then pick up that save on a different system. Now that I think about it you might need ps+ for that. I'm not sure.

EDIT: you don't need ps+ to cross save, but it is a different system then the ps+ cloud storage. I haven't done it yet for retro city rampge, but in Fez it was a specific save slot for cross save. Also, it's 40mb.
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Yeah, the "cross save" feature was one of the early selling points of the Vita actually. I'm not sure if they have used it much, but it's a cool feature I suppose.

So if your playing baseball at home on your console, and then decide your going to a friends, bus trip, or whatever, you can grab your vita and continue the game on the go. Neat idea, although I've never used it, as I'm just not that in to games where I need to continue from one system to the next, but I guess some would.

My local Best Buy had 16gb cards for $59.99. Is that the normal price? They also had 32gb for $79.99. Why would people pay $60, when they can get twice as much space for $20 more? Seems stupid for the 16gb card to still be so high. Especially when memory card and hard drive technology has advanced so much since the VITA was released only a few years ago.
bread's done