PSN has returned. What freebie games are you getting?

anyone know what's going to happen in the future? Will it be up and running soon? I ask because I was going to bite on the TRU ps3 deal tomorrow but I don't wanna buy a ps3 again if Sony is going to have problems
[quote name='mwynn']If he saw the charges for under 1 dollar, why did he not cancel the card?[/QUOTE]

"There was a number of early transactions on the 23rd of amounts under $1, which they say is the usual kind of test run that fraudsters do and then there's been a number of transactions of larger amounts, including domestic flights within Australia, bookings at Best Westerns [hotels] and what not," he said.

They/He must have only noticed them afterward when it was too late. Makes sense as they were test CC purchases that could fly under the radar. I know that's how it's happened to other people I know without them paying attention to it. Like convenience store purchases/dvd rentals etc.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']And the first reports of CC fraud have started coming out, this time from Australia where a man had his CC charged to the likes of $2000

Nice job Sony.

Changed my CC and put it on monitoring/watch. fuck Sony.[/QUOTE]

How do you know it is because of Sony? Right now it's just presuming it is. Just because it was linked to a PSN account doesn't mean it's from that. There are a lot of ways to have a credit card compromised.
Concerning Netflix: What I read is that the app only requires you to sign into PSN every few days or every 5 days (people aren't sure how many days) but once you haven't signed in for a certain time period it requires you to sign into PSN again. That's why people who used the app before the network went down can still access it.

I haven't used it for a week or two so that's why i couldn't connect. As time goes on with the network disconnected more and more people will start being unable to use Netflix because it will require a new PSN log-on. The same thing happened to people who were on Custom Firmware and not signing into PSN. Netflix worked for a few days and then stopped working.

Breaking News: Sony continues to be the worst, makes even more poor software design decisions.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']They/He must have only noticed them afterward when it was too late. Makes sense as they were test CC purchases that could fly under the radar. I know that's how it's happened to other people I know without them paying attention to it. Like convenience store purchases/dvd rentals etc.[/QUOTE]

Okay I see how it went now. I check my account daily. I get notified by e-mail or text on every transaction.
Anybody can claim debit/credit card fraud right now and max out all their credit cards/ spend all the money and blame it all on Sony.

First the ARS article, now this? Seems like a bunch of opportunists to me. Like when someone wins the lottery and then all of the sudden you have friends you never seen before..... One person screams Class Action and then everyone wants a piece.

Seems kinda bogus to me.

Reminds me of people who have their friends set their buddies car on fire or steal it just to collect on the insurance. Have a friend come by, take the card, rack up charges, split everything 50/50....Then call the bank and cry about all the money people took from you. Profit!

Identity theft is #1 out here in Arizona with all the meth heads running around peaking in people mail boxes. I'm more scared of a junkie taking my information then some 16 year old savant that has nothing better to do.
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[quote name='GTmaster39']Anybody can claim debit/credit card fraud right now and max out all their credit cards/ spend all the money and blame it all on Sony.

First the ARS article, now this? Seems like a bunch of opportunists to me. Like when someone wins the lottery and then all of the sudden you have friends you never seen before..... One person screams Class Action and then everyone wants a piece.

Seems kinda bogus to me.

Reminds me of people who have their friends set their buddies car on fire or steal it just to collect on the insurance. Have a friend come by, take the card, rack up charges, split everything 50/50....Then call the bank and cry about all the money people took from you. Profit!

Identity theft is #1 out here in Arizona with all the meth heads running around peaking in people mail boxes. I'm more scared of a junkie taking my information then some 16 year old hack that has nothing better to do.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, poor sony. Nobody sees how they're the victim in all this. All those cruel opportunists.

The Ars Technica peice was written by one of the best writers in the industry - the former editor of one of the best gaming mags of all time, Next-Generation. But then, you wouldn't know too much about that, being blinded by your need to defend sony from the "opporunists".

Sony fucked up, they deserve any negative press they get. And how dare people be concerned about their personal information! Sony couldn't help it!
[quote name='Oaxan']They said they did the previous PSN attack BEFORE the blackout.
It knocked out PSN for a DAY. The next week, this happened, Anon denies doing the current attack because it's punishing PSN users too, which is against their cause. They only wanna punish Sony for suing Geohot and removing OtherOS.[/QUOTE]

I noticed the post with the video was deleted but I thought I heard "a few days ago" at the beginning which would fit in with this current attack. Another link to their site had a comment at the top that said it may have been one of their online members (ala who stole the cookie from the cookie jar). Then again, I'm not part of the "it's on the internet so it must be true" crowd so I'm taking what I hear at face value until I see some more concrete evidence.

Speaking of which, I'm disappointed that the second part of the Sony blog's Q and A was so short. I like Sony and all, but to go days without an update makes me uncomfortable.

Extending PS+ and/or a 2 week trial of PS+ for everyone would be a nice compensation. Overall though, I just want things back to normal and the person(s) responsible for this mess punished.
[quote name='jer7583']Yeah, poor sony. Nobody sees how they're the victim in all this. All those cruel opportunists.

The Ars Technica peice was written by one of the best writers in the industry - the former editor of one of the best gaming mags of all time, Next-Generation. But then, you wouldn't know too much about that, being blinded by your need to defend sony from the "opporunists".

Sony fucked up, they deserve any negative press they get. And how dare people be concerned about their personal information! Sony couldn't help it![/QUOTE]

This guy.
[quote name='GTmaster39']Anybody can claim debit/credit card fraud right now and max out all their credit cards/ spend all the money and blame it all on Sony.

First the ARS article, now this? Seems like a bunch of opportunists to me. Like when someone wins the lottery and then all of the sudden you have friends you never seen before..... One person screams Class Action and then everyone wants a piece.

Seems kinda bogus to me.

Reminds me of people who have their friends set their buddies car on fire or steal it just to collect on the insurance. Have a friend come by, take the card, rack up charges, split everything 50/50....Then call the bank and cry about all the money people took from you. Profit!

Identity theft is #1 out here in Arizona with all the meth heads running around peaking in people mail boxes. I'm more scared of a junkie taking my information then some 16 year old savant that has nothing better to do.[/QUOTE]


Man, the Sony apologists never fail.
sonofabeep, you're not known as a MS ballsucker for no reason.

Sell your effing ps3 and stop clicking on ps3 threads if you are so outraged. I am sure your personal info has been stolen and sold multiple times and the companies never even told you, but because this happened to sony, its the apocalyps3. GTFO with this garbage, just fear mongering for the sake of fear mongering.
[quote name='jer7583']Concerning Netflix: What I read is that the app only requires you to sign into PSN every few days or every 5 days (people aren't sure how many days) but once you haven't signed in for a certain time period it requires you to sign into PSN again. That's why people who used the app before the network went down can still access it.

I haven't used it for a week or two so that's why i couldn't connect. As time goes on with the network disconnected more and more people will start being unable to use Netflix because it will require a new PSN log-on. The same thing happened to people who were on Custom Firmware and not signing into PSN. Netflix worked for a few days and then stopped working.

Breaking News: Sony continues to be the worst, makes even more poor software design decisions.[/QUOTE]
I don't think the Netflix app only requires signing in every X amount of days since that's not how it's ever worked. Netflix wants to connect to PSN every time you start up the app, but doesn't need you to stay on PSN to actually use it use it since I've often signed out after logging on. It then asks me to sign back in maybe six hours later, but it's not necessary for it to run. Since PSN is down, that aspect just errors out so that it has no choice but to start up since the system is still connected to the internet.

Netflix's servers go down once a month or so nowadays, so I'd be willing to bet that these are just isolated issues with their servers that occasionally happens.
No, the netflix app just plain does not work. I can get in and see the queue but when you try to play anything it fails and then the netflix app gives an error that you can't connect to PSN in the app, not in the XMB. It did this for at least 10 attempts in a row.

The same thing happened to people who used CFW and had their PSN sign ins blocked or disabled. They were able to use it for a short bit of time and then it stopped working. Yours will too. Mine just wasn't working because I don't use the PS3 one as much since it's setup for use in the bedroom rather than the living room.

MS ballsucker lol. If anything I'm a nintendo fanboy. Get it right! Not my fault sony has failed over and over again this generation.
[quote name='Cage017']

which has me wondering: Who in particular at Sony should be held responsible for this?[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing someone in the security department, or IT. Man, talk about career suicide.
Whoever thought that security wasn't a top priority for them.
Also whoever thought that picking a fight with the homebrew/hacking community in court was a good move.

Nintendo has gone after sellers of counterfeit devices and stuff but no one has actually gone after an individual for homebrewing a console. Stupid move.

Also whoever told their PR department to keep their mouth shut and word this like it wasn't their fault at every turn.
[quote name='simmias']Netflix works for me and I haven't used it on my PS3 in ages. I just had to do like that video and keep hitting the login.[/QUOTE]

well maybe it's tied to the last time you signed into PSN then? I don't know, but it's clearly not working for everybody. A quick google search shows that there's plenty of people who can't get past the screen for buffering a video.
[quote name='Cage017']

which has me wondering: Who in particular at Sony should be held responsible for this?[/QUOTE]

Sony already seems to be deflecting any sort of responsibility on to hackers and outside attacks. With the way the Sony apologists and the company talks, you would think Sony is completely innocent and just caught in the crossfire of a terrible situation.
[quote name='jer7583']No, the netflix app just plain does not work. I can get in and see the queue but when you try to play anything it fails and then the netflix app gives an error that you can't connect to PSN in the app, not in the XMB.

The same thing happened to people who used CFW and had their PSN sign ins blocked or disabled. They were able to use it for a short bit of time and then it stopped working.[/QUOTE]
I just watched Futurama earlier, so Netflix works just fine for me and others. Since it was mentioned that the UI might be the issue, which one do you have?

It's that bottom right one you are showing there. as far as I know it's the only one i've ever used for my PS3. I actually am not sure what the in-video looks like cause i can't access it.
I am keeping up on this thread for info because it is vital to my purchase.. and frankly I'm pissed. If the network isn't up by Saturday the 7th, I pass. If the problem is sorted out, I buy. 7 days.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Since it was mentioned that the UI might be the issue, which one do you have?[/QUOTE]
I have the one on the top right.
I wonder if this will be the last time PSN gets targeted by some pissed off hacker.
[quote name='Capocci 007']I am keeping up on this thread for info because it is vital to my purchase.. and frankly I'm pissed. If the network isn't up by Saturday the 7th, I pass. If the problem is sorted out, I buy. 7 days.[/QUOTE]
It's still a fantastic system. Sony just seems to mismanage everything about it this gen for some reason. I'm pissed about the situation as well, but to be honest with you I'm still considering buying a second one for my bedroom!
I am a store owner and I own both systems, could not be more objective about this situation and I really just don't like the way Sony has handled the entire situation.

They should have been more upfront and honest regarding all the details from the very beginning, including how long it would be down for (at least SOME sort of estimate).

I also think they should take SOME of the blame here, which they seem to be passing completely onto the hackers. Yes, the hackers did the action itself, but they were able to do that in the first place because of sony.

I have had multiple people (and this is a tad crazy to me and I tell the people this) trade in their PS3's towards 360's due to this entire situation.

This is just a complete nightmare of a situation for Sony, the least they could do is take some of the blame here.

I just hope the network gets back up soon and nothing comes of the credit card information (IE, it was never compromised). This is definitely getting a bit extreme.
[quote name='raregamergirl']I

They should have been more upfront and honest regarding all the details from the very beginning, including how long it would be down for (at least SOME sort of estimate).


If they had given a time table, even an estimate and missed it what would have happened?

[quote name='raregamergirl']
I also think they should take SOME of the blame here, which they seem to be passing completely onto the hackers. Yes, the hackers did the action itself, but they were able to do that in the first place because of sony.

What more would you like them to do?

[quote name='raregamergirl']

I have had multiple people (and this is a tad crazy to me and I tell the people this) trade in their PS3's towards 360's due to this entire situation.

You asked them why they were trading in the console? Is this a 1 for 1 trade or did they have to throw in some cash?
[quote name='raregamergirl']I have had multiple people (and this is a tad crazy to me and I tell the people this) trade in their PS3's towards 360's due to this entire situation.[/QUOTE]
I kept thinking that that was just hyperbole on some people's part to voice their disdain for how this situation has been handled, but I guess some people are just too frickin' impatient for their own good.:roll:

I have to wonder what age group these impatient people are in because if they were around in the days when tv was broadcast only over the air and they couldn't get in their favorite station did they sell their tv's too?:)

As long as a game has a robust single player experience I don't really care how long PSN is down for. I'm currently going through the MK story mode and after that I'll most likely try to complete the challenge tower(all THREE HUNDRED LEVELS:shock:) and if PSN is still down then, then I'll start up one of my other backlogged games and start playing through that.

Thanks to CAG I have no shortage of stuff to play while waiting for Sony to get their fuckin' act together and get shit running right.
[quote name='raregamergirl']I also think they should take SOME of the blame here, which they seem to be passing completely onto the hackers. Yes, the hackers did the action itself, but they were able to do that in the first place because of sony.[/QUOTE]

That's some pretty silly logic. If someone has their house broken into, we don't blame the people who owned the house. We blame the people who actually took the stuff. We don't know what it was that allowed hackers access to their databases, and we'll likely never know. But no matter how secure any person thinks their database is, there will always be a way into it. Always.

Just about every country PSN operates in is having some agency try to establish how well Sony was protecting its users personal info. Those agencies are going to be privy to getting details that you or I will never know. I'll wait for them to figure out if Sony did their due diligence in protecting our info before I decide if they did.

On a completely different note, has anyone seen any articles compile data on how much personal info / cc info is currently on the black market? Just curious how many of the 72 million PSN users is likely to already have their info available to those who want it.
[quote name='raregamergirl']

I have had multiple people (and this is a tad crazy to me and I tell the people this) trade in their PS3's towards 360's due to this entire situation.


Me personally, I see every sale as money. Not who want's to go where. Up-sell the shit out of them. Have
them buy every game they had on PS3 all over again for the 360, get them the Kinect, some extra controllers....oh, and dont forget the Xbox Live Card. :) Ah man, when I worked retail and I used to BANK off people like this all day.

Whatever makes them feel like it's a justified choice, I roll with it. Means more money in my pocket.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']It's easy to take your card off the 360, just go to the site and click delete.[/QUOTE]

I found out why I can't remove it...

[quote name='Micro$hit']You cannot remove a credit card that is associated with an active Xbox LIVE Gold Membership.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Salamando3000']That's some pretty silly logic. If someone has their house broken into, we don't blame the people who owned the house. We blame the people who actually took the stuff.[/QUOTE]
Actually there have been cases of people who broke into houses being hurt by the homeowner when confronted suing the owner for injuries and winning.:roll:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Actually there have been cases of people who broke into houses being hurt by the homeowner when confronted suing the owner for injuries and winning.:roll:[/QUOTE]

Al Bundy.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Actually there have been cases of people who broke into houses being hurt by the homeowner when confronted suing the owner for injuries and winning.:roll:[/QUOTE]

That you why you need guns to make sure any intruder is dead. Dead people can't sue. :)
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Actually there have been cases of people who broke into houses being hurt by the homeowner when confronted suing the owner for injuries and winning.:roll:[/QUOTE]

Great, I just spent the past fifteen minutes wondering if a Hacker would have legal recourse if his machines got infected with a virus or something during a hacking attempt.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Actually there have been cases of people who broke into houses being hurt by the homeowner when confronted suing the owner for injuries and winning.:roll:[/QUOTE]

yep its true. there was a story i remember a few years ago 2 guys and a pregnant chick were trying to steal some stuff from some guys trailer ( i think a motor and some stuff) the owner wakes up and comes after them shooting.

they drive off but during the exchange the property owner hits the preganant chick and i believe she loses her baby so the guy whose home was being burgalariized gets sued and jailed.

like you can imagine peopel were all in an uproar that the chicks kid was killed seems like they basically forgot why she was there to begin with.
[quote name='laaj']That you why you need guns to make sure any intruder is dead. Dead people can't sue. :)[/QUOTE]
Except in that case you may go to jail for homicide.:whistle2:#
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Except in that case you may go to jail for homicide.:whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

Each state has their own guide lines as far as Rules of Engagement go.

In Arizona, you have to warn them first. If they don't leave after that, anything below the waist is fair game. :)

My friends dad out here owns am antique shop, dude comes in......makes a rukus, starts going after my friends dad. Father puts a whole magazine into him, guy dies....My friends dad goes to jail for 4 years....shit sucks.

Phoenix Newtimes had a whole article on it. And I know this guy. Wow.
bread's done