[quote name='GTmaster39']Anybody can claim debit/credit card fraud right now and max out all their credit cards/ spend all the money and blame it all on Sony.
First the ARS article, now this? Seems like a bunch of opportunists to me. Like when someone wins the lottery and then all of the sudden you have friends you never seen before..... One person screams Class Action and then everyone wants a piece.
Seems kinda bogus to me.
Reminds me of people who have their friends set their buddies car on fire or steal it just to collect on the insurance. Have a friend come by, take the card, rack up charges, split everything 50/50....Then call the bank and cry about all the money people took from you. Profit!
Identity theft is #1 out here in Arizona with all the meth heads running around peaking in people mail boxes. I'm more scared of a junkie taking my information then some 16 year old hack that has nothing better to do.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, poor sony. Nobody sees how they're the victim in all this. All those cruel opportunists.
The Ars Technica peice was written by one of the best writers in the industry - the former editor of one of the best gaming mags of all time, Next-Generation. But then, you wouldn't know too much about that, being blinded by your need to defend sony from the "opporunists".

ed up, they deserve any negative press they get. And how dare people be concerned about their personal information! Sony couldn't help it!