PSN has returned. What freebie games are you getting?

Dr. Gene Spafford told the House of Representatives Energy & Commerce subcommittee that, according to security mailing lists he subscribes to, "individuals who work in security and participate in the Sony network" had learned "several months ago" that PSN was hosted on servers running "very old versions of Apache software that were unpatched and had no firewall installed."

The professor continued, "they had reported these [issues] in an open forum that was monitored by Sony employees, but had seen no response and no change or update to the software." The timeframe for these events was "two to three months prior to the incident where the break-ins occurred," according to Spafford.

Sony could not be reached for comment on this.....

What a complete cluster fuck. Sony is headed up by morons with the blind leading the blind.
[quote name='wwe101']wow I can't believe PSN is still down, this is ridicoulus.[/QUOTE]

My sentiments exactly.

Also, nice Kekkaishi sig, im gonna miss that show
[quote name='lokizz']im so freakin sick of their bullshit. instead of constantly telling us itd be up this week and that week they should have just said we dont know when itll be up and why. constantly jerking people around by getting their hopes up is annoying and only pisses people off.

fucking hackers and fucking sony.[/QUOTE]

Yea, it is really starting to get on my nerves being down this long, but even though it sucks, I would rather them estimate the time it will go up and be wrong than put PSN back up when it isn't ready. With hackers threatening another attack on Sony this weekend, throwing PSN up too early would just lead to another hack. I don't want PSN to go down for another several weeks after being up for a few hours :(

And then we would just have people complaining about Sony putting PSN up too early, and....ugh, this just never ends :( Hackers suck. Sony....well I can't really say they suck when they are sending me to California for a week of E3 on their dime (Plane tickets, hotel, etc) :D
[quote name='Oaxan']Odd question, but are Ps2 online games like Star Wars Battlefront II still up and running?[/QUOTE]
If the publisher hasn't taken the servers down, it should work just fine. They're not on PSN, so the downtime doesn't affect those games.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']If the publisher hasn't taken the servers down, it should work just fine. They're not on PSN, so the downtime doesn't affect those games.[/QUOTE]
Awesome! Now excuse me while I brutally pwn n00bs with Darth Maul. :cool:
[quote name='Oaxan']Awesome! Now excuse me while I brutally pwn n00bs with Darth Maul. :cool:[/QUOTE]

What a great game. I put hundreds of hours into that one. Loved every minute of it too.
[quote name='Oaxan']Awesome! Now excuse me while I brutally pwn n00bs with Darth Maul. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Is it even possible for their to be noobs at this point? :lol: Hope it works for you.
[quote name='kingkiller33']Well thank you Sony. Thanks to your shitty security, I now have no easy access to my money. I just found out that my bank debit card was canceled because it got compromised in the PSN hack. It will take them two weeks to mail me a new card.

I just pray that my paypal debit card lets me buy stuff on a 0.00 paypal balance, or I won't be able to buy anything online now. It'll be old fashioned check writing. I fucking hate Sony now.[/QUOTE]
Call the bank and get them to keep your card active until they send you a new one (if they won't overnight it.) They'll know it's been compromised, so they might call you if the card gets used to confirm it's you using it, but you'll still be able to use it if you want.
[quote name='raistlin']Dr. Gene Spafford told the House of Representatives Energy & Commerce subcommittee that, according to security mailing lists he subscribes to, "individuals who work in security and participate in the Sony network" had learned "several months ago" that PSN was hosted on servers running "very old versions of Apache software that were unpatched and had no firewall installed."

The professor continued, "they had reported these [issues] in an open forum that was monitored by Sony employees, but had seen no response and no change or update to the software." The timeframe for these events was "two to three months prior to the incident where the break-ins occurred," according to Spafford.

Sony could not be reached for comment on this.....

What a complete cluster fuck. Sony is headed up by morons with the blind leading the blind.[/QUOTE]


This deserves a repost. Now that is just fucking retarded. What a bunch of imbeciles. And someone posted this before, but taking away the OtherOS probably deterred q
uite a few sales as I remember reading as well about all these educational/military complexes and institutions purchasing PS3s, transforming them using some custom linux/regular linux and using them as computing boxes and the like. They were ordering thousands upon thousands of these things, especially once the announcement of them pulling the feature.

[quote name='hiccupleftovers']WOW!

This deserves a repost. Now that is just fucking retarded. What a bunch of imbeciles. And someone posted this before, but taking away the OtherOS probably deterred q
uite a few sales as I remember reading as well about all these educational/military complexes and institutions purchasing PS3s, transforming them using some custom linux/regular linux and using them as computing boxes and the like. They were ordering thousands upon thousands of these things, especially once the announcement of them pulling the feature.[/QUOTE]
His written testimonial specifically said that he doesn't actually know what they were running, as he was just going off of what the latest rumors were saying. He's even pointed out the spin in the news that took his comments as 100% fact on his Twitter account (!/TheRealSpaf/status/66498952534573056,!/TheRealSpaf/status/65982352219848704).
One thing that will make all this worse is if identity thieves tricks people with fake Debix email and website to get info. This leads me to a question for those with more knowledge about computer security: how will I know if Sony's or Debix's email to signup for identity protection services are legit?
Someone posted on the Deals board that on XBL today they're offering 3 months for $12.50 with 800 M$ points. They'll put the points into your account within 8 weeks (huh?) but you have until year's end to spend them. I bit on it and will probably get Beyond Good and Evil HD, so that's a full game and a effectively $2.50 stint of Gold.
[quote name='laaj']One thing that will make all this worse is if identity thieves tricks people with fake Debix email and website to get info. This leads me to a question for those with more knowledge about computer security: how will I know if Sony's or Debix's email to signup for identity protection services are legit?[/QUOTE]

The email's going to be coming from Sony. First thing you can do is look at the address you got the initial Sony warning email from and add it to your address book. Second, always check both the header and any links you're thinking of clicking, make sure they're coming from/going to where it says it should be coming from/going to.

Absolute easiest thing you could do is just not click on ANY links. Whenever you get an email, just type the URL into your address bar and use the code they give you there.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']His written testimonial specifically said that he doesn't actually know what they were running, as he was just going off of what the latest rumors were saying. He's even pointed out the spin in the news that took his comments as 100% fact on his Twitter account (!/TheRealSpaf/status/66498952534573056,!/TheRealSpaf/status/65982352219848704).[/QUOTE]

Let's be clear, these were NOT "rumors" he was spreading. The man (security expert and doctor) went in front of the House of Representatives subcommittees referencing newsletters written by people in direct contact with admins that had access to the network.

No he does not know for a fact, because he wasn't in fact there himself. Just like most of the evening news you watch or see on the internet is based off of reporters going to the sources. ffs....

Our government continues to investigate this breach of security because of how poorly it was handled. So there is no doubt in my mind that that the server software was outdated without firewall protection.
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[quote name='FriskyTanuki']His written testimonial specifically said that he doesn't actually know what they were running, as he was just going off of what the latest rumors were saying. He's even pointed out the spin in the news that took his comments as 100% fact on his Twitter account (!/TheRealSpaf/status/66498952534573056,!/TheRealSpaf/status/65982352219848704).[/QUOTE]

Still, it wouldn't surprise me if it was some sort of unpatched code that Sony should have/could have known about but went along not doing anything about. This whole ordeal screams of some sort of likelihood.
So... 384 hrs wasn't enough time to fix the security issues Sony? I swear if the PS3 didn't have such good exclusives it would be in garbage right now.
[quote name='wwe101']I thought there was something like 300 episodes, no? Not sure if Adult Swim is buying more though.[/QUOTE]

There are? o_O, i thought the anime stopped right after the Kokuboro arc. And the Manga goes up into the 300's. There was supposed to be a new chapter a few weeks ago, but got delayed because of the quake

Yep, according to Wikipedia and a quick google search, it ends after the 52nd episode

Scratch my first paragraph, apparently the manga just ended a few weeks ago O_O. My usual manga site is failing me
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Still, it wouldn't surprise me if it was some sort of unpatched code that Sony should have/could have known about but went along not doing anything about. This whole ordeal screams of some sort of likelihood.[/QUOTE]
As long as you acknowledge that there's no proof for it yet, then you're free to believe what you want. The amount of questionable evidence that most of the articles about the hack use as their source has made it easy for me to tune them out.
[quote name='raistlin']Let's be clear, these were NOT "rumors" he was spreading. The man (security expert and doctor) went in front of the House of Representatives subcommittees referencing newsletters written by people in direct contact with admins that had access to the network.

No he does not know for a fact, because he wasn't in fact there himself. Just like most of the evening news you watch or see on the internet is based off of reporters going to the sources. ffs....

Our government continues to investigate this breach of security because of how poorly it was handled. So there is no doubt in my mind that that the server software was outdated without firewall protection.[/QUOTE]
I didn't say he was spreading rumors, just that the information itself is not fact and thus are rumors. He has no factual information about what state the software that they were using was in, so anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt and not as 100% proven facts that most of the articles are running with.

From the written testimonial: "I have no information about what protections they had in place, although some news reports indicate that Sony was running software that was badly out of date, and had been warned about that risk."
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']As long as you acknowledge that there's no proof for it yet, then you're free to believe what you want. The amount of questionable evidence that most of the articles about the hack use as their source has made it easy for me to tune them out.

I didn't say he was spreading rumors, just that the information itself is not fact and thus are rumors. He has no factual information about what state the software that they were using was in, so anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt and not as 100% proven facts that most of the articles are running with.

From the written testimonial: "I have no information about what protections they had in place, although some news reports indicate that Sony was running software that was badly out of date, and had been warned about that risk."[/QUOTE]

I couldn't believe how many articles and posts I've read misrepresenting the guy's testimony once that document was released.

I'll look forward to the official reports of the details if they are ever released to the public, that should definitely be a good read.
[quote name='laaj']One thing that will make all this worse is if identity thieves tricks people with fake Debix email and website to get info. This leads me to a question for those with more knowledge about computer security: how will I know if Sony's or Debix's email to signup for identity protection services are legit?[/QUOTE]

To add what Salmando said, they are suppose to provide you with a "code". You go to their site, sign up for the year service enter the promo code and you get the complimentary year on Sony.

I don't see the fake emails being a massive pandemic problem sprouting up.

Bottom line, be smart about it and be more cautious.

[quote name='8bitArtist']shame on josh5890 for not updating to day 16 with a witty comment. better bring the goods with day 17!!![/QUOTE]

I'm not, I've had to fight myself from posting over the past week with how stupid the "comments" were, but then again, this topic itself, I read some of the comments and man, some of you guys scare me. :shock:

With our massive backlogs, do all of you have absolutely NOTHING else to play?

I have enough to keep me busy literally for years offline.
We will be offering PSN users the opportunity to select two PS3 games from a list of five, as well as offering PSP users the opportunity to choose two games from a list of four. We will let you know exactly what games are available very soon.


I can already see this being abused by people with multiple PSN accounts XD. Anybody have any ideas on what those selected games may be? I hope they aren't minis -_-;

Sorry! Just saw that it was posted already.
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[quote name='Interstella 5555']SOURCE

I can already see this being abused by people with multiple PSN accounts XD. Anybody have any ideas on what those selected games may be? I hope they aren't minis -_-;[/QUOTE]

odds are its going to be a list of games everyone has, but one sucky one that nobody bought so you'll be stuck with My Little Pony Light Bright Adventures 1 and 2 - featuring MOVE support!

odds are they are going to go out to peoples home address so that way it will limit it. which means its going to take Sony a good long 6 - 9 months to fulfill all of the requests.

then knowing sony we will start to hear the reports of people being renewed for the free month of PSN+ followed by PSN+ users noticing that they didn't get their free month and credit for the 20+ days PSN has been down.

I was really behind Sony but this stuff is bullshit, I have always hated the 360 controller and the fact you have to pay for gold accounts but I am really really close to selling my ps3's and games and getting a 360.

also that link is to the European PSN it hasn't been announced for americans yet and I doubt it will....
[quote name='lokizz']im so freakin sick of their bullshit. instead of constantly telling us itd be up this week and that week they should have just said we dont know when itll be up and why. constantly jerking people around by getting their hopes up is annoying and only pisses people off.

fucking hackers and fucking sony.[/QUOTE]

It's crystal clear to me that you and many others in this thread have no idea what is involved in rebuilding an entire networking infrastructure. They never promised anything to you. They've given timely updates on the matter and continue to do so. The only one getting "jerked around" here is you with your unrealistic expectations. It takes a lot of time to rebuild your network that services millions of people.
[quote name='mtxbass1']It's crystal clear to me that you and many others in this thread have no idea what is involved in rebuilding an entire networking infrastructure. They never promised anything to you. They've given timely updates on the matter and continue to do so. The only one getting "jerked around" here is you with your unrealistic expectations. It takes a lot of time to rebuild your network that services millions of people.[/QUOTE]

actually they haven't given timely updates nor have they continued to do so. The update that stated that they wouldn't be re - launching the PSN was practically hidden on the side of the page when you go the blog. You have executives tweeting about their E3 plans and wonderful celebration plans they have for June. Meanwhile the customers and people who give them money are being left in the dark.

There is maybe 1 update a day if we are lucky. I fuck it I deserve an explanation and progress report on what is occurring. Everyone deserves and explanation.

The equipment has already been moved as of Tuesday. I am sick and tired of fanboys going on that "sony is doing a great job" fuck that noise. Sony is doing a terrible job, if I was a stock holder I would be demanding explanations and ETA's.

If I was a game developer I would be demanding explanations and ETA's , Sony hasn't given anyone any of these.

Motostorm - Brink - Mortal Kombat - Socom 4 and even Portal 2 have all had their sales impacted by this.

Hell if Sony is such good friends with Valve maybe they should ask for help because apparently the Sony techs and Sony executives are not up to the job of repairing their own infrastructure.

Jesus Christ you would think that Dennis fucking Nedry hacked into the PSN and caused all this, Sony is acting as about incompetent as Samuel L Jackson in Jurassic Park. Hell I would even cut them some fucking slack if Raptors where loose and roaming the corridors at Sony HQ. At least that is a valid excuse. The simple fact is nobody is working "around the clock" to fix this disaster, odds are everyone has taken the week off for Golden week and doesn't give a shit. Its okay I will remember this when it comes time to choose my console next generation.

On Sunday, Sony announced that "some" PSN services, including online play, would come back this week. With very little of this week remaining, you might be wondering if it's still going to happen. Well, it isn't.

In an update on the PlayStation Blog, Sony's Patrick Seybold passes along the bad news that service renewal has been delayed to an unspecified time. "When we held the press conference in Japan last week," Seybold said, "based on what we knew, we expected to have the services online within a week. We were unaware of the extent of the attack on Sony Online Entertainment servers, and we are taking this opportunity to conduct further testing of the incredibly complex system." He didn't flat out say this week is out of the question, but that's definitely the implication.

Seybold apologized for the delay. To those of us (all of us) waiting to get back to our online services, he said "trust me when I say we're doing everything we can to make it happen."
That was already posted 20 posts and 9 hours ago in this very thread.

Thanks for bringing us information we already had last night.

Read the thread next time.
:rofl: it's not been so bad for me - end of semester is crazy town, as I've been putting in 18-20 hour days regularly.

So I have gamed about 30 minutes the past 2 weeks since PSN has been down - all Mortal Kombat.

The aggravating thing for me w/r/t PSN (I may have mentioned it already) is that I have no other way to watch on my television set. So it's been my Mac (where I'm doing most of my work) or my iPad.
[quote name='blitzbllmstr']actually they haven't given timely updates nor have they continued to do so. The update that stated that they wouldn't be re - launching the PSN was practically hidden on the side of the page when you go the blog. You have executives tweeting about their E3 plans and wonderful celebration plans they have for June. Meanwhile the customers and people who give them money are being left in the dark.

There is maybe 1 update a day if we are lucky. I fuck it I deserve an explanation and progress report on what is occurring. Everyone deserves and explanation.

The equipment has already been moved as of Tuesday. I am sick and tired of fanboys going on that "sony is doing a great job" fuck that noise. Sony is doing a terrible job, if I was a stock holder I would be demanding explanations and ETA's.

If I was a game developer I would be demanding explanations and ETA's , Sony hasn't given anyone any of these.

Motostorm - Brink - Mortal Kombat - Socom 4 and even Portal 2 have all had their sales impacted by this.


It really doesn't matter what you say, because the Sony apologists and PS3 fanboys will defend the company no matter what. Sony are the victims here, remember? They've done a real shit job handling this entire thing, and after Stringer's comments (which took him an entire 2 weeks to issue a public statement...on a fucking blog of all things) it's clear Sony has their heads way too far up their own ass. Any public statements they issue you should just assume is a lie since I can't even count how many times the company's changed their story since this whole fiasco started.

You got to feel bad for the developers, especially the people who release stuff on PSN. They've got to be getting killed by this.
This whole fiasco makes me think that Sony may eventually eliminate free multiplayer gaming in order to afford secure servers / systems, etc.
[quote name='oasisboy']This whole fiasco makes me think that Sony may eventually eliminate free multiplayer gaming in order to afford secure servers / systems, etc.[/QUOTE]

Not on the PS3... The backlash would be too severe but the PS4... I think you can count on it.
Like some other posters have said, I've been incredibly busy dealing with midterms, teaching sax lessons, working on my thesis, getting permission for archive research this summer, etc. so my gaming time has been limited.

I've pretty much been set to only play games on the weekends, which is a huge bummer. I can't wait to play Portal co-op though. I would do local split-screen, but none of my friends on campus are huge gamers, so it gets sort of frustrating..
bread's done