PSN has returned. What freebie games are you getting?

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']If you don't mind a UK import, has the UK version for $22-ish and I believe that price is SHIPPED.

Capcom has been doing that since AT LEAST the Genesis/SNES gen with re-releasing shit(namely Street Fighter) as 'super/turbo/etc' editions. People still buy their shit day one, even though they know they have a tendency to release a slightly different version within a year of the initial release for close to MSRP again:roll:.[/QUOTE]

Option.iv does not care. He's there at launch day with his Sanwa stick and Capcom branded lube saying BRING IT! :booty:
[quote name='Paco']YES please do that. Jump Ship where Microsoft charges 35-50% on total profit on sale of your game instead of Sony which charges 15-20% plus bandwidth charges. OH PLEASE BEND ME OVER WITH DEM FEES. But seriously every time I hear about PSN complaints, I just remember how much Microsoft charges and see those complaints dry up. Oh yeah, for indie games they charge even MORE.[/QUOTE]

Uh, where did you get those numbers? They certainly don't charge more than 35-50% for indie games. The Xbox Live Indie Game service the fee is 30%. It'd be interesting to see that information.
[quote name='wwe101']are we getting any free games for this?[/QUOTE]

If we have to wait a month, maybe they will throw us Heavy Rain, or Socom 4
[quote name='dgwillia006']Personally, i always kind of like Digital Format. Though, this is a prime example of why i like having a big collection of both Retail and Downloadable games.[/QUOTE]

I agree with the digital format. I like having access to my games without having to get up and swap discs. Plus we have so many more options now and can easily buy cheaper smaller titles that are easy to get in and out of. I am loving Lara Croft and the guardian of light right now. That is the type of game that never would have come out on a regular retail version. Same goes for Pixeljunk Shooter among many other great digital downloads.
PS will definitely hook the consumer up to make up for this, games, psn, whatever. I think we will all be surprised at what they do for us...I hope
Ready for the Fun?

"If you had a 70% deal... for a game, then you'll get your 70% for the life of the product. There is now a sliding scale in place for royalty payouts that is sure enough less than 70% at its best, but I've always thought that 70% to be unsustainably high from the get go, not that I was going to complain about it...

In return for the more realistic but still commercially viable lower rate, you get a variety of services for free that would've cost you plenty and would previously have presented a barrier to entry. Worldwide [game] ratings, localization, etc. It's a good deal. Unless you think saying M$ makes you clever, in which case I'm sure it will suck."

So basically - yes, the rumor is essentially correct, in that some royalty deals on first-party games may now be as low as 35%. But these lower royalty deals will now apparently include a lot of the 'grunt work' in localization that the developer had to pay up front - and sometimes perhaps couldn't afford.

In the N+ postmortem at the Indie Games Summit this week, it was noted that the minimum estimated cost to make an XBLA title was $125,000. It's possible (though it's unclear) that you can reduce that significantly with this new option - so you have to pay less up front, but you'll be making less on the back end.

And another fantabulous quote

News of Microsoft's democratization of indie game development was overshadowed this week by an increasing discontent among established indie developers that the company was halving the royalties paid to them for future Xbox Live Arcade projects, several well-informed sources told Kotaku.
Several developers directly affected by the cut told Kotaku that the once generous royalty share of 70 percent given to them by the company was within the past few months cut down to 35 percent.
[quote name='whiptcracker']That was a 2008 article about first party titles, as far as Xbox Live Indie Games go, 30% is still the cut. You can visit the app hub at if you'd like to learn more about the Indie Game process. Otherwise if Microsoft has to do the testing/localizing the game than they charge additional fees.[/QUOTE]
These indy developers should go the "Minecraft" route. Sell their games on the pc directly from their website. If the game is good, they could probably make more money even if they sell less games. I saw an interview on Game Trailers with three indy developers (including the guys who made Braid and Minecraft) and they all said to start on the pc.
[quote name='Blackout']Knowing Sony, they'll do some speech at E3 saying how much of a victim they were, but somehow overcame all the obstacles to return PSN back to their valuable (lol) customers. [/QUOTE]

I'm really gonna be interested in seeing how Sony approaches their E3 press conference this year. It's exactly 4 weeks away (June 6) and would be an epic disaster if they didn't have PSN back up and running...

What are they gonna do? Unveil the NGP, a new handheld focused around using PSN and online gaming...but with no working network?

I'm guessing they plan on showcasing Twisted Metal as well, which will be utterly useless without online matches...

I don't know, even if Sony manages to get PSN back up and running, not sure even Kevin Butler can take away the inevitable awkwardness. I can already here the cheap jabs and online jokes from the 360 presser...
how bout actually being the middle segment of the human centipede?

is having someone shit in your mouth worse than socom 4? maybe smigs can join in on the conversation. :D
[quote name='dgwillia006']I'd rather watch Human Centipede while being forced to play Superman 64[/QUOTE]

C'mon now, I think even the feds have outlawed Superman 64 because it's cruel and unusual punishment. :D
[quote name='Josh5890']You gotta wonder just a little bit, does this outage have any affect of the lifespan of the PS3 or the eventual release of the PS4?[/QUOTE]

I have posted my thoughts on this very question in a few places and got told there was so much wrong with my post and line of thinking it wasn't even funny..

I think this is the worst PR nightmare Sony could possibly have landed in. There will be no easy way out of this one. There is absolutely no positive PR spin I can think of they can put on this when it's said and done. Granted I only use PSN to sync up trophies (I felt that should be automatic but after this fiasco I can see why it's not) and buy stuff from the store but I can see why so many are upset. I've got a stack of games that have to get played through so I should be good through this.

You've got to seriously wonder if Sony's Gaming Division can truly get up from this and survive. I hope it can but the reality is the PS3s entire 5 year life so far has been one thing after another after another. This time they're truly on the ground and getting kicked around-and quite hard too. The backlash has been massive and will probably continue long after PSN does finally come back up. This fiasco was probably the straw that broke the camel's back. They've lost revenue they could have had the last few weeks, the developers are getting very angry and it's not a great scene :(

Even if they were planning on a PS4, which I have my doubts about anyway, it's probably been put on hold indefinitely after this. I've posted in a few places my guess what Sony might do the next few years and this is what I think and it's becoming more possible by the day now:

First, I think they did have a certain amount of R&D money set aside for either a full blown PS3 successor or a PS3.5 type deal like what some rumors were suggesting. My guess was the PS3.5 route. But, after this they have probably had to spend a very large portion if not all of that to rebuild, repair and try to get PSN back up so the only option they've really got is to go forward with NGP plans and use any left over R&D funds to stretch out the PS3 and try to get it's capabilities to their upper limits.

Sony going forward will hedge all their hopes on PS3 and NGP. Connectivity between the two devices will be a huge focus. After this mess they'll be forced to really make the most of and push the PS3 to it's limits the next few years. Plus, look at how with NGP they can easily port over PS3 games. I think that point alone is very telling in what their plans are over the next couple of years. Produce PS3 games that can also be perfectly ported to NGP..start a game on PS3, continue it in the car, on a train or plane. It's a smart business strategy. I think when they get PSN back up and running you'll find that to be the central point that helps connect and the devices and compliment each other.

I read through alot of forums, and keep up with news..been frankly very hesitant to post too often on them but when I do I make sure the topics I do post in are worthwhile and ones I can contribute something to.
Can't decide what to do about Brink though =/. I want the PS3 version since i know my friends will get it, but at the same time....i really wanted to play Online at launch
[quote name='dgwillia006']Can't decide what to do about Brink though =/. I want the PS3 version since i know my friends will get it, but at the same time....i really wanted to play Online at launch
[quote name='bjstucker']Way things are going I would wait it out till it PSN comes online by then you will probably be able to get it for ~40.[/QUOTE]

Well, i can get it tommorow for 45$ for either system. Though, i think i still might get the PS3 version
[quote name='dgwillia006']Can't decide what to do about Brink though =/. I want the PS3 version since i know my friends will get it, but at the same time....i really wanted to play Online at launch
[quote name='8bitArtist']just play through the campaign by yourself the 1st time. i dont see the big deal about it, but thats just me.[/QUOTE]

I heard it was fairly short though (like 4-5 hours), dont want to beat both, then just end up bored with it by the time PSN comes back up.
[quote name='bh7812']I have posted my thoughts on this very question in a few places and got told there was so much wrong with my post and line of thinking it wasn't even funny..

I think this is the worst PR nightmare Sony could possibly have landed in. There will be no easy way out of this one. There is absolutely no positive PR spin I can think of they can put on this when it's said and done. Granted I only use PSN to sync up trophies (I felt that should be automatic but after this fiasco I can see why it's not) and buy stuff from the store but I can see why so many are upset. I've got a stack of games that have to get played through so I should be good through this.

You've got to seriously wonder if Sony's Gaming Division can truly get up from this and survive. I hope it can but the reality is the PS3s entire 5 year life so far has been one thing after another after another. This time they're truly on the ground and getting kicked around-and quite hard too. The backlash has been massive and will probably continue long after PSN does finally come back up. This fiasco was probably the straw that broke the camel's back. They've lost revenue they could have had the last few weeks, the developers are getting very angry and it's not a great scene :(

Even if they were planning on a PS4, which I have my doubts about anyway, it's probably been put on hold indefinitely after this. I've posted in a few places my guess what Sony might do the next few years and this is what I think and it's becoming more possible by the day now:

First, I think they did have a certain amount of R&D money set aside for either a full blown PS3 successor or a PS3.5 type deal like what some rumors were suggesting. My guess was the PS3.5 route. But, after this they have probably had to spend a very large portion if not all of that to rebuild, repair and try to get PSN back up so the only option they've really got is to go forward with NGP plans and use any left over R&D funds to stretch out the PS3 and try to get it's capabilities to their upper limits.

Sony going forward will hedge all their hopes on PS3 and NGP. Connectivity between the two devices will be a huge focus. After this mess they'll be forced to really make the most of and push the PS3 to it's limits the next few years. Plus, look at how with NGP they can easily port over PS3 games. I think that point alone is very telling in what their plans are over the next couple of years. Produce PS3 games that can also be perfectly ported to NGP..start a game on PS3, continue it in the car, on a train or plane. It's a smart business strategy. I think when they get PSN back up and running you'll find that to be the central point that helps connect and the devices and compliment each other.

I read through alot of forums, and keep up with news..been frankly very hesitant to post too often on them but when I do I make sure the topics I do post in are worthwhile and ones I can contribute something to.[/QUOTE]

We can all sit here and speculate, but that is what it all is- speculation. The video game industry since the beginning has been a guessing game. There has been ups and downs and I think Sony will weather this, but it will definitely be a different company after this incident and the way they approach online. People are going to be fans of Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony, regardless of what is put out. This will eventually blow over after everything has been up and running.

I remember back in the days where the NES had a shortage on cartridges and it cause many places to go without product for a couple of months. I remember when the Nintendo 64 and Wii sold out everywhere and people were getting crazy. That too died down. I remember the whole PS2 debacle with the DRE's and all the shit that went with that. Then the 360's RROD debacle. People still bought the units, the games, and whatever.

So this with people spelling Sony's doom and demise need to take a look at history. Simply put, the PS3 will be back on eventually, this too will pass. Then they will look into the future. I personally have enjoyed playing offline in campaigns and single player modes. It has made me appreciate the game and system. Plus using a media server on it helps ease the pain too.

The whole connectivity thing between systems have never been fully utilized in mass, so the NGP and PS3 idea sounds great in theory, but reeks of the old GBA and Gamecube connectivity thing, which never caught on. Niche gamers might take it up, but not in mass gaming groups.

Look at the 3DS, it is not selling as well as I thought at this point. Reason: people are strapped financially, got big backlogs on games, and quite frankly, there really isn't too many compelling games. I also think people are satisfied with what they have on the DS. The Ipod and Ipad right now are big players in the portable scene and it will be hard for NGP to crack that. I would like to see them do it, but it simply is not realistic . The NGP will hold its own in the long run, but not at the level of DS and PSP.

Go ahead and sell your PS3, swear up and down at them. At the end of the day, we will
still be playing games, and SONY will still be a corporation. Simple as that. In the end, it is the big consumer who will decide what happens, not hardcore gamers like ourselves. The whole idea that they will scrap plans for the future is simply ludicrous. There is too much money to be had in it. You can't say they are not planning something new, even with this happening. If they stopped at big controversies and mishaps, they should have bowed out long ago. But they are still here.

I know I game on the PS3, but to say that morale is hurt by this incident and that backlash has been massive is simply exaggerated. I have many friends that play PS3 that while the online portion is offline, simply doesn't mean they are not playing games or watching movies on the unit or streaming their movies. None of my friends are that shallow to think that this will last for months or years. People have blown this situation way out of proportion. Simply put, if you feel that Sony has let you down and you can't handle the fact they are trying to work on the situation and you can't handle being offline, get rid of the thing and buy something else. There are other choices out there. Good ones.

The whole online thing bugs me too. Everyone beats up on them, but no one has no qualms about putting their personal bullshit on Facebook and pics of their one night rager. You never have privacy online. Once you put yourself out there, that is it. Apparently it is out there for many years. Once you open a window in your browser, get on Live or PSN, play online against strangers, chat online, and buy anything, your privacy goes out the window. It shouldn't be that way, but it is. Stop playing the victim and expect everything to be Sony's fault when it is not only theirs but yours as well. It is a two way street. Be honest with yourself and the way you conduct yourself online and take precautions and you will be fine.
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[quote name='bjstucker']Way things are going I would wait it out till it PSN comes online by then you will probably be able to get it for ~40.[/QUOTE]

Kmart has it for 60 but includes a 20 Coupon off you next gaming purchase which can be used starting next week.
I wonder what the new estimates are on how much money is lost. Those were given when the projected date of PSN returning was last week.
At this point, since I'm not a huge PSN user (sympathetic to those who are though), I'd almost selfishly wish this extends past E3 just to see how Sony would handle the two events running simultaneously.
The Reviews for Brink seem to make it seem like its extremely short. Mostly 4's and 6's so far.

Might just pass until it hits the magic 30$ point. (or a B2G1 sale)
[quote name='dgwillia006']The Reviews for Brink seem to make it seem like its extremely short. Mostly 4's and 6's so far.

Might just pass until it hits the magic 30$ point. (or a B2G1 sale)[/QUOTE]

Should only be a few weeks for a price drop.
[quote name='wwe101']sony should give us infamous 2 for free :p[/QUOTE]

I heard there was talk from a Sony employee on some possible stuff.

God of War Collection, LBP1, and Infamous (1 lol) were on the list.

Modnation, God Of War, and a few others for PSP.

If thats true, then its pretty awesome.

As for Brink, 99% sure im gonna wait. Too much good stuff coming in the next few weeks, doubt i'd play it for more than a week anyway.
[quote name='dgwillia006']I heard there was talk from a Sony employee on some possible stuff.

God of War Collection, LBP1, and Infamous (1 lol) were on the list.

Modnation, God Of War, and a few others for PSP.

If thats true, then its pretty awesome.

As for Brink, 99% sure im gonna wait. Too much good stuff coming in the next few weeks, doubt i'd play it for more than a week anyway.[/QUOTE]

i'd be happy with GOW and infamous. although, this is probbably good since now im actually getting studying done for finals:lol:
[quote name='dgwillia006']The Reviews for Brink seem to make it seem like its extremely short. Mostly 4's and 6's so far.

That and having technical issues. Makes me glad I canceled my pre-order earlier today. Price drop on this is not too far off, but I'll just play other games until BF3.
[quote name='bh7812']I have posted my thoughts on this very question in a few places and got told there was so much wrong with my post and line of thinking it wasn't even funny..

I think this is the worst PR nightmare Sony could possibly have landed in. There will be no easy way out of this one. There is absolutely no positive PR spin I can think of they can put on this when it's said and done. Granted I only use PSN to sync up trophies (I felt that should be automatic but after this fiasco I can see why it's not) and buy stuff from the store but I can see why so many are upset. I've got a stack of games that have to get played through so I should be good through this.

You've got to seriously wonder if Sony's Gaming Division can truly get up from this and survive. I hope it can but the reality is the PS3s entire 5 year life so far has been one thing after another after another. This time they're truly on the ground and getting kicked around-and quite hard too. The backlash has been massive and will probably continue long after PSN does finally come back up. This fiasco was probably the straw that broke the camel's back. They've lost revenue they could have had the last few weeks, the developers are getting very angry and it's not a great scene :(

Even if they were planning on a PS4, which I have my doubts about anyway, it's probably been put on hold indefinitely after this. I've posted in a few places my guess what Sony might do the next few years and this is what I think and it's becoming more possible by the day now:

First, I think they did have a certain amount of R&D money set aside for either a full blown PS3 successor or a PS3.5 type deal like what some rumors were suggesting. My guess was the PS3.5 route. But, after this they have probably had to spend a very large portion if not all of that to rebuild, repair and try to get PSN back up so the only option they've really got is to go forward with NGP plans and use any left over R&D funds to stretch out the PS3 and try to get it's capabilities to their upper limits.

Sony going forward will hedge all their hopes on PS3 and NGP. Connectivity between the two devices will be a huge focus. After this mess they'll be forced to really make the most of and push the PS3 to it's limits the next few years. Plus, look at how with NGP they can easily port over PS3 games. I think that point alone is very telling in what their plans are over the next couple of years. Produce PS3 games that can also be perfectly ported to NGP..start a game on PS3, continue it in the car, on a train or plane. It's a smart business strategy. I think when they get PSN back up and running you'll find that to be the central point that helps connect and the devices and compliment each other.

I read through alot of forums, and keep up with news..been frankly very hesitant to post too often on them but when I do I make sure the topics I do post in are worthwhile and ones I can contribute something to.[/QUOTE]

Great post. Interesting take on this whole debacle and one you'd think more gaming sites/blogs would cover or even speculate on.
[quote name='Mixer236']I'm always a fan of physical copies in the Physical vs. digital debate, but there's tons of awesome games out there that would've never seen the light of day on a retail disc... There's no telling how many promising games that could have been great that ended up getting the axe because there just wasn't enough there. And even the games that are on the PSN that could've maybe been justified into making retail wouldn't have seen near the success.

Physical copies need to never cease to exist, but digital deserves it's own place as well if only for these smaller sized games from both larger and (especially)indie developers.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I think indie developers in the situation of releasing physical copies should do so in some sort of a bundle pack with other indie devs or even at a discounted price (ala shovelware, which honestly just because they call themselves indie is probably what they are). Being tied to a single distribution method is never smart, and they should try to broaden their market across multiple platforms: be it iOS devices, PC/MAC, smart phones, or social. A great example of this is how well the Zynga games have done and Angry Birds.
[quote name='dgwillia006']I heard there was talk from a Sony employee on some possible stuff.

God of War Collection, LBP1, and Infamous (1 lol) were on the list.

Modnation, God Of War, and a few others for PSP.

If thats true, then its pretty awesome.

As for Brink, 99% sure im gonna wait. Too much good stuff coming in the next few weeks, doubt i'd play it for more than a week anyway.[/QUOTE]

D: I have all those games...
What they need to do is just give us a voucher or 50$ PSN card (100$ PSN card if you have PSP as well) Then we can buy whatever we want. Everyone is happy.
[quote name='bjstucker']What they need to do is just give us a voucher or 50$ PSN card (100$ PSN card if you have PSP as well) Then we can buy whatever we want. Everyone is happy.[/QUOTE]

i agree with this mainly because we all know the choices they will give us most of us will either already have or not want. this way you can get whatever you want and you can keep it.
[quote name='bjstucker']What they need to do is just give us a voucher or 50$ PSN card (100$ PSN card if you have PSP as well) Then we can buy whatever we want. Everyone is happy.[/QUOTE]

Never gonna happen. By only offering specific games, there's a clearly defined ceiling for how much of an apology an individual person gets. If they offered a voucher for an amount, people with multiple accounts would receive multiple rewards, with no upper limit.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Never gonna happen. By only offering specific games, there's a clearly defined ceiling for how much of an apology an individual person gets. If they offered a voucher for an amount, people with multiple accounts would receive multiple rewards, with no upper limit.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much. People would abuse it.

Just like people abused the other OS feature that got us where we are now.
Physical copies of games would be a nice way for them to say sorry. Downloadable shit that'll take me forfuckinever to download on my connection and I won't actually own and be able to resell if I'm bored with it=go fuck yourself Sony.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Physical copies of games would be a nice way for them to say sorry. Downloadable shit that'll take me forfuckinever to download on my connection and I won't actually own and be able to resell if I'm bored with it=go fuck yourself Sony.[/QUOTE]

i don't even. . .I just don't. . . :wall:
[quote name='Buuhan1']

Sounds like May 31st is NOT a deadline, and that the PSN could potentially not be back till AFTER that date. Sony reps clearly don't know anymore.[/QUOTE]

You know what I love about deadlines? The whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

No one wants PSN up as much as Sony does. Each day it's down is another day they're losing money...another day the developers they work with lose money. They have no reason to take longer than they need to to get the servers up. The fact that they haven't already means they just aren't ready. If they put 'em up prematurely and some hacker is able to find a vulnerability, it'd be catastrophic.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Physical copies of games would be a nice way for them to say sorry. Downloadable shit that'll take me forfuckinever to download on my connection and I won't actually own and be able to resell if I'm bored with it=go fuck yourself Sony.[/QUOTE]

So, if your connection sucks making it impossible for you to download games that would mean you don't use the psn service. Why should they compensate you for a service that you don't use?
[quote name='bh7812']I have posted my thoughts on this very question in a few places and got told there was so much wrong with my post and line of thinking it wasn't even funny...[/QUOTE]Pretty solid piece of speculation if you ask me...

Without recapping what you just said I think if the rumors are true and Microsoft has a new console in the works its going to be very bad for Sony. Sony spent allot of time this generation not making money... and what money they had... Well it might be gone.
bread's done