PSN Network Error

I really hope this gets fixed soon. And I think its funny. I bought a 23in hd monitor off of newegg friday and there might be the off chance that I could get that in the mail tomorrow. And I was thinking about replaying Uncharted 2 and many other games that would be needed to be replayed. And this happens.
Boy im gonna be sounding like a big jerk here but, I am so HAPPY i own me one of them PS3 Slims :D

But seriously, if this problem doesnt fix, sony better send everyone who has gone through this garbage a free PS3 Slim if their old system in.
[quote name='defmonkey05']I really hope this gets fixed soon. And I think its funny. I bought a 23in hd monitor off of newegg friday and there might be the off chance that I could get that in the mail tomorrow. And I was thinking about replaying Uncharted 2 and many other games that would be needed to be replayed. And this happens.[/QUOTE]

I was going to start Heavy Rain tonight but had to do laundry and other errands and never got around to even turning my PS3 on. And it looks like I won't be for awhile.
[quote name='LakersForLife82481']Boy im gonna be sounding like a big jerk here but, I am so HAPPY i own me one of them PS3 Slims :D

But seriously, if this problem doesnt fix, sony better send everyone who has gone through this garbage a free PS3 Slim if their old system in.[/QUOTE]

If mine's tanked, I just want what I had. A 20gb BC model.
[quote name='panzerfaust']My gripe is that you wouldn't play Dead Space with only the plasma cutter if that little trophy didn't tell you to.

Where as before when trophies and achievements never existed, people did this kind of stuff all the time in games because they enjoyed them that much.

I don't mind trophies, really. When I'm doing something for fun, a little congratulations popping up on my screen is nice every now and then. As you said, they are simply a record of how much you love that game. Cool.

But let's be honest, many people simply play for those trophies, and not because those trophies are very enjoyable at all.

Collecting flags in Assassin's Creed? I'd rather pick up candy wrappers around my local park.[/QUOTE]

All valid points I guess but at the same time, as you pointed out, there isn't really any benefit to earning achievements/trophies so you're still free to play games how you usually would (using all the weapons in Dead Space as opposed to just the Plasma Cutter).

I like the little doo-dads that pop up but I don't really do anything different to get them to appear. If people really want to laugh at my gamerscore or trophies, let them. I'll happily stack my real life achievements up against anyone's ability to haul a gnome statue through the entirety of Half Life 2 - Episode 2.
From a Gamespot poster.

OK guys some ofthe PS3 are starting to turn theselves on.
This can only mean one thing... They are becomeing self aware. They have created a time machine with our Folding@home data and processing sapce and have managed to send back 1 single PS3 to March 1999. with its overwhelming power none will be able to stop it in the past, and it will no doubt take over the world.
try to not turn your back to your PS3 for one second or fall asleep. You PS3 will kill you the first chance it gets.


Yes, they harvested the power from all the ps3s in order to make the time machine functional.

We thought we were curing cancer

We were

But it turns out WE were the cancer
[quote name='LakersForLife82481']But seriously, if this problem doesnt fix, sony better send everyone who has gone through this garbage a free PS3 Slim if their old system in.[/QUOTE]
Maybe you'll get Undertow...FOR FREE.

[quote name='mykevermin']I fuckin' love this thread.[/QUOTE]
Yup. I laughed my ass off at the idea of Folding@Home reveailing itself to be some evil AI all this time.
[quote name='FroMann']From a Gamespot poster.[/QUOTE]

That's why we haven't heard from TMK. The PS3s took him back in time with them to rule the future, Sony-dominated Urth. I hope none of you all laughed at him singing karaoke...
Man its really good to see though that the PS3 community is taking this like good sports.

Lmao if it was the 360 community, people would be tossing their 360s across the streets, kids would be crying not able to be playing halo, it would be total madness
[quote name='panzerfaust']My gripe is that you wouldn't play Dead Space with only the plasma cutter if that little trophy didn't tell you to.

Where as before when trophies and achievements never existed, people did this kind of stuff all the time in games because they enjoyed them that much.

I don't mind trophies, really. When I'm doing something for fun, a little congratulations popping up on my screen is nice every now and then. As you said, they are simply a record of how much you love that game. Cool.

But let's be honest, many people simply play for those trophies, and not because those trophies are very enjoyable at all.

Collecting flags in Assassin's Creed? I'd rather pick up candy wrappers around my local park.[/QUOTE]

I used to do the same in games (and still do), and actually was doing the Plasma Cutter one before learning it was an achievement (since I don't check achievements / trophies on games anymore, until after I beat them once or twice).

I do get exactly what you mean, though, and you are right. Some people take it too far. Granted, my GamerScore is quite high, but I don't go out of my way to get achievements (maybe a few I have, but not normally). If I get them while playing, that's great. If I don't, that's fine too.

If you aren't going to have fun while going for an achievement or trophy, then I don't see the point in going for them. That I entirely agree with you on, and it's the sole reason I never did collect those flags in AC. ;)

You're 100% correct on people taking it too far, only caring about achievements and trophies. However, for someone like me, who constantly plays game after game, it's just nice to have a track record of what I've done or accomplished in all the games I've played. It might not mean anything, per-se, but it's just a nice little bonus, to me at least, but I know many people view them differently.
[quote name='LakersForLife82481']Man its really good to see though that the PS3 community is taking this like good sports.

Lmao if it was the 360 community, people would be tossing their 360s across the streets, kids would be crying not able to be playing halo, it would be total madness[/QUOTE]

What are you talking about? I'm crying on the inside! I wanted to play the new borderlands dlc tonite! :cry:
[quote name='LakersForLife82481']Man its really good to see though that the PS3 community is taking this like good sports.

Lmao if it was the 360 community, people would be tossing their 360s across the streets, kids would be crying not able to be playing halo, it would be total madness[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately if this is not solved in the next 2 days, it will be the PlayStation 3 launch again with PS3 Slims.
[quote name='LakersForLife82481']LOL @ that pic that shows the sony executive saying "just as i planned"[/QUOTE]

I know. I hate it though when Sony executives plan the demise of their own products.
[quote name='yohsh']Just hooked up my Nes. It also cant go online but I can still play duck hunt.[/QUOTE]

Lol, funny you say that because I have all my NES games backed up onto my PC and just played Contra and Tetris.
Someone needs to make a vid of one of these and then have the consol lights start blinking red, blue, green, yellow faster and faster until the PS3 swallows itself up, like the house did on one of those Treehouse of Horror Simpsons cartoons.

[quote name='LakersForLife82481']Man its really good to see though that the PS3 community in this thread is taking this like good sports.[/QUOTE]
Fixed. Don't kid yourself.
anyone notice any of there downloadable games not working? All of a sudden my Zen pinball won't start up. My other downloaded games start up fine though. Plus I noticed that the parental settings had changed. They were off previously. The one damn game I wanted to play before oh well.
[quote name='LakersForLife82481']Man its really good to see though that the PS3 community is taking this like good sports.

Lmao if it was the 360 community, people would be tossing their 360s across the streets, kids would be crying not able to be playing halo, it would be total madness[/QUOTE]

I really wanted to play Uncharted 2 not to the point I'm really mad or anything. Sony will fix it. Everything will be fine in a day or so. If it was the 360 community I guess they would call Microsoft and talk trash to them like they do on XBL.
[quote name='Thomas96']anyone notice any of there downloadable games not working? All of a sudden my Zen pinball won't start up.[/QUOTE]

Apparently the licences for all games are borked. They revert to demos, or wont let you launch them at all.
[quote name='Thomas96']anyone notice any of there downloadable games not working? All of a sudden my Zen pinball won't start up.[/QUOTE]

Just checked Rez...that seems to work fine.
[quote name='mitch079']Someone needs to make a vid of one of these and then have the consol lights start blinking red, blue, green, yellow faster and faster until the PS3 swallows itself up, like the house did on one of those Treehouse of Horror Simpsons cartoons.


LMAO! I REMEMBER THAT EPISODE. Its the one when that house has that paranormal presence is in their new house and at the end its given a choice to live with the simpsons or destroy itself, and we are given the impression it would live with the simpsons, but it doesnt.

LOL i loved simpsons back then. Best show on TV defiantly. Someone PLEASE make a vid or picture of the ps3 doing it.
[quote name='jman619']I really wanted to play Uncharted 2 not to the point I'm really mad or anything. Sony will fix it. Everything will be fine in a day or so. If it was the 360 community I guess they would call Microsoft and talk trash to them like they do on XBL.
[quote name='Thomas96']anyone notice any of there downloadable games not working? All of a sudden my Zen pinball won't start up.[/QUOTE]

Only tried two games. They started up,but acted like it was the trials instead of the full game. :roll:
[quote name='whoknows']I just did that with Sony. I sure told them.[/QUOTE]

Did you remember to tell them the PS3 wasn't in fact washable and they owe you a new one? ;)
[quote name='moon_knight']I haven't gone online all day, but the date and time changed.[/QUOTE]

it's true. regardless of whether you go online or not, the time will change. 7 seconds have since passed since I hit the reply button, now 12.
This is probably a stupid question, I'm not extremely tech savvy, but is there any chance that this issue could do permanent damage to a console? Or are the details still too vague to know?
I'm starting to think that maybe Sony is trying to re-launch the PSP-Go via the PS3. That can be the only explanation for no games to be available, along with the now apparent lack of trophy support and dynamic themes.
Well, it seems like having my newly bought used 40gb PS3 shipped to my home instead of college was a good move...I have to wait until March 5th to play anyway lol.

That was quick.

This is probably a stupid question, I'm not extremely tech savvy, but is there any chance that this issue could do permanent damage to a console? Or are the details still too vague to know?
Seems more like a software issue that can be fixed with a firmware update.
bread's done