PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Escape Goat 2? I got stuck on one level on the original and it took me forever to figure out.
Yeah. I figured out a couple other side things I needed to do. But besides looking up where the secret levels are (which I don't want to do yet) and this level that is 3 away from the end, I'm pretty damn stuck. I'm taking a break and will try again later.

New Hobbit movie was way better than I was expecting.  I'm almost not mad that it destroyed Being Human UK.  Almost.

And the movie theater was packed as usual.  Good to see my family's not the only one that prefers sitting together in perfect silence for the holidays.

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So my final haul was:

Rayman Legends (PS4)

Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)

Game of Thrones Seasons 2 and 3 on Blu Ray

Playstation 4 Camera

2 button down shirts

2 pairs of pants

2 snapback hats


R/C car

urbeats headphones

Bunch of scratchers that I got about $56 from

Shit ton of candy

and finally, $1,800 cash money.



Other vita questions:

Any purpose to collecting the DNA Helixes in Stealth Inc? I got all from the stage 3 levels and all it did was open yet another level. No costume or power rewards?

Soul Sacrifice:

Does it get any better? Easier to control?  Weapons that don't constnatly break? (Think I just finished chapter one)

A hearty fuck Yeah for the Dark Tower series
What about it? And fuck yeah no matter what because it's awesome.

Finished Hobbit 2 a few minutes ago. A few bad green screen moments like the first one. Really disjointed on the timeline stuff from one scene to the next. Stuff like when they got to Beorn's house and the Azog got summoned by the necromancer. Somehow Azog is summoned to a place that takes Gandalf half the movie to get to, and the orc that summoned him goes along and then makes it back in time to follow the dwarves from Beorn's house the next morning. Stuff like that. I imagine they'll have some transition scenes built into the extended version (we watched the standard versions of both movies), but the transitions were somewhat awkward because of stuff like this.

Good movie, though. Still enjoying them way more than I did LotR. Looking forward to seeing 3 this weekend.

Here's my xmas gaming haul. Mostly older stuff, especially the PSP/PS1 games that never go on sale so I've never picked up previously:


Child of Light


Disgaea 4

AC: Liberation

Silent HIll: Book of Memories


Killzone: Liberation

Disgaea 2

Prinny 2




El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron

Untold Legends: Dark Kingdoms

Yakuza 3


Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm

The wife got me a handful of other PS3 games but she gave them to me before we came down to Florida and I've no idea what they are now. At this point, though, I believe I've collected all the disc-only PS3 games I've any interest in. I think I've gotten or have access (gameshare and whatnot) to all the PS3 exclusives out at this point that I am interested in playing as well, with the exception of ToX2, KH2.5, and any upcoming releases. The end is in sight...and only ~100 games away! :D/ :D/ :D/

Holy crap, I hope Matt gets a new game for Christmas.
Hey hey hey newcomer!! Ha, I do have hundreds of other games, thats the problem. And I did get new ones. No excuses though, I play that shit a lot. But I do end up leaving it on a lot though, I dont quite think my rest mode works as intended. My system stays on, at times, days at a time.

Edit: Damn you Stellar for attacking me on Christmas!!!

Edit Edit: Munky has the best vision EVER or he owns a bottle of galactic grape body wash too :)

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Merry Christmas, everyone!

I don't remember saying that. Maybe during the beta? But since day one of release I was defending Destiny against the likes of Breakfuss and Matt who were hating on it. I eventually turned them both around on it though.
lol, come on, I "never turned around". Is it really that hard to believe I can acknowledge the shortcomings and failures of a game while fully enjoying the things it does right to the point where I'm able to overlook said shortcomings? However, I recall two individuals here who blindly defended Destiny and have hardly touched the game in months. In the spirit of the holidays we won't name names!

Anyway, your weekly pointers have been invaluable and for that I'm appreciative. Good luck on your road to platinum.

If I could, I'd gift you mine! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ



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Merry Christmas, everyone!

lol, come on, I "never turned around". Is it really that hard to believe I can acknowledge the shortcomings and failures of a game while fully enjoying the things it does right to the point where I'm able to overlook said shortcomings? However, I recall two individuals here who blindly defended Destiny and have hardly touched the game in months. In the spirit of the holidays we won't name names!

Anyway, your weekly pointers have been invaluable and for that I'm appreciative. Good luck on your road to platinum.

If I could, I'd gift you mine! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ


Congrats on the plat!

And yeah...I've never understood why people think having issues with aspects of a game means you don't like the game. If I don't like a game I'll say that. Saying I don't like a specific part of a game means I don't like that specific part--that's it, it doesn't imply the rest of the game is crap or that I'm hating playing it. It's so bizarre that people round up from "I don't like this one thing" to "Throw the whole game out, it's garbage!"

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Hey hey hey newcomer!! Ha, I do have hundreds of other games, thats the problem. And I did get new ones. No excuses though, I play that shit a lot. But I do end up leaving it on a lot though, I dont quite think my rest mode works as intended. My system stays on, at times, days at a time.

Edit: Damn you Stellar for attacking me on Christmas!!!

Edit Edit: Munky has the best vision EVER or he owns a bottle of galactic grape body wash too :)
Don't you attack me just because stellar attacked you! The grape is terrible. I only use the berry one. It makes me smell like a real stormtrooper.

Now that you've ruined the spirit of Christmas, let's all talk about what a jerk breakfuss is. Not only is he rubbing it in our faces that he has the destiny plat, he's also able to check his trophies on his phone while psn is down for all the rest of us. That guy's the worst!
You guys can have your fancy games and hoodies, I got a bacon bowl maker, a remote grilling thermometer, and the gaming edition of the 2015 Guiness Book of World Records besides my GODDAMN LACY jersey.
I'm going to be spending the rest of my evening figure out how to put together this  Lego Creator Motorcycle and making Ribbon Barrettes.

You guys can have your fancy games and hoodies, I got a bacon bowl maker, a remote grilling thermometer, and the gaming edition of the 2015 Guiness Book of World Records besides my GODDAMN LACY jersey.
If you get dibs on Pete's 20th anniversary PS4, I get dibs on the bacon bowl maker.
All I got today was coal.
yeah, where are you guys getting all this stuff from? Aren't most of you adults?

I must be old or it must be all the kids I got, but the only gift I got was from my sister who gave me $20.

and I was thankful.

A bunch of you act like kids listing all the crap ya got.

I guess I bought myself a ps4 for blackfriday so that might count as a xmas gift.

cb tmi
I got to have a hot 3sum (ffm) the other night and made $150, I guess that's a gift too, but really that is work...

peace n hugz ya spoiled bastards :)

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yeah, where are you guys getting all this stuff from? Aren't most of you adults?
I've been wondering that too. Between my two grandmothers, mom, and brother, the total value of my Christmas gifts will be a little bit over $100.

Not too much in this thread, but I've seen other Xmas gift threads with people getting tons of shit. Games, consoles, ipads, etc. Either they're listing things they picked up for themselves over the holiday sales or we have a bunch of little spoiled kids on this site that have no business being cheapasses.

yeah I didn't get anything but a 3sum for Christmas either.
Life is rough. and then I went to do a show right now and I got an age verification warning and says I can't earn tips. ugh. I just tried to verify some new girl this morning so hopefully they just messed up, and I cashed out all my tokens so I have 0 and forgot when you have 0 you lose 'membership', usually I keep at least a single token so I stay blue. I emailed support and resubmitted our ids and reminded them who Lamay was (chic from few nights ago) just so they know we are all verified. Hopefully it gets worked out soon, I hate missing work.

(actually anyone catch my show the other night? That chic is craycray. She hadn't come over in 2 months and gained 20 lbs, but it was healthy pounds, but still crazy show. peace all)

I didn't mean to sound wah wah, it just seemed this was turning into a 'shit i got' thread, which is silly, especially on a cheapassgamer thread :)

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Those ones with the giant lists of Christmas loot must either

1. Still live with parents (or within driving distance)


2. Have no kids of their own.

Once you get more than one kid the number of presents for the adults in the family drops dramatically. Which is fine by me.

I've been wondering that too. Between my two grandmothers, mom, and brother, the total value of my Christmas gifts will be a little bit over $100.

Not too much in this thread, but I've seen other Xmas gift threads with people getting tons of shit. Games, consoles, ipads, etc. Either they're listing things they picked up for themselves over the holiday sales or we have a bunch of little spoiled kids on this site that have no business being cheapasses.
I'm not telling you all my Christmas gifts now. :(
I've been wondering that too. Between my two grandmothers, mom, and brother, the total value of my Christmas gifts will be a little bit over $100.

Not too much in this thread, but I've seen other Xmas gift threads with people getting tons of shit. Games, consoles, ipads, etc. Either they're listing things they picked up for themselves over the holiday sales or we have a bunch of little spoiled kids on this site that have no business being cheapasses.
I'm surprised too. I just got a few sweaters, some old Fear Street novels, and cologne. Then again we don't really celebrate Christmas.

My friend did get that new Samsung tablet that cost like $600. That thing is freaking sweet.

I couldn't sign in on my PS4.
I'm on my ps4

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Those ones with the giant lists of Christmas loot must either
1. Still live with parents (or within driving distance)
2. Have no kids of their own.

Once you get more than one kid the number of presents for the adults in the family drops dramatically. Which is fine by me.
I have a kid, we all made out well. I'm well loved ;)

Jk jk
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So someone paid off Lizard Squad to allow XBL and PSN back online.

You really have to zoom in on that shit to read it. Basically, they offered them lifetime memberships to something called Mega Privacy.

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Hmmm...I'm gonna restart my PS4 and see if that helps.  There are some fun rooms in Escape Goat 2 that I want to stream.

Nope, nothing.  Lame.  And it keeps making me re-enter my password.  What the hell happened to the "Save Password" option?

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