PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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I don't have any new library games to pick up this week so I'm back to being tempted by transformers with the target deal. If I don't get it I might spend all weekend playing super meat boy and that sounds like a bad idea.
My son keeps kicking me off of the ps3/ps4 cuz he wants the big tv. We have 2 other ps3s not to mention other stuff to do etc. I'm getting too old to fight him. lol. and he is only 4.

in other news my 1y/o is just too cute. she is at the perfect age where she is walking around and hugging and kissing and being super cute but she isn't talking yet cept daddy and iloveyou. enjoy it while i can cuz soon it's terrible 2s ;)

peace guys and have a great day

Well shit.

do I want to buy either bloodborne or gow3 remastered???

20 for each is a good price, but whats the chance either comes to plus fairly soon OR goes below 20...

I may or may not have gow3 on ps3 still too, never really played it, I think I started it and only got a little into it before I quit playing, I like gow games ive played before though, prolly quit cause it was ps3.

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Well shit.

do I want to buy either bloodborne or gow3 remastered???

20 for each is a good price, but whats the chance either comes to plus fairly soon OR goes below 20...

I may or may not have gow3 on ps3 still too, never really played it, I think I started it and only got a little into it before I quit playing, I like gow games ive played before though, prolly quit cause it was ps3.
If you're asking from a value standpoint, Bloodborne is better (it's still my GotY), but only if you plan on playing it to the end. Then again, if you finish GoW3R fast enough, you could trade it in or sell it for close to what you paid.

If you're asking from a value standpoint, Bloodborne is better (it's still my GotY), but only if you plan on playing it to the end. Then again, if you finish GoW3R fast enough, you could trade it in or sell it for close to what you paid.
Ordered both for in store pickup, have like 7 days to decide that way.

Prolly get both though, need something else to play with FIFA right now, waiting for fallout 4 so one or both will hold me over.

All my other games are boxed up in storage right now and dont feel like finding them. This living in an apartment shit blows, hopefully only 6 more months to go.

Well shit.

do I want to buy either bloodborne or gow3 remastered???

20 for each is a good price, but whats the chance either comes to plus fairly soon OR goes below 20...

I may or may not have gow3 on ps3 still too, never really played it, I think I started it and only got a little into it before I quit playing, I like gow games ive played before though, prolly quit cause it was ps3.

GoW3 Remastered!  If only to do what Vig said.  You can play it real quick and get most of your money back from trade in.

Amazon is giving $16.67 as of now but interestingly I cannot find it on Best Buy's site.  All the other God of War games come up and I know I traded my own copy in at Best Buy.

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Well shit.

do I want to buy either bloodborne or gow3 remastered???

20 for each is a good price, but whats the chance either comes to plus fairly soon OR goes below 20...

I may or may not have gow3 on ps3 still too, never really played it, I think I started it and only got a little into it before I quit playing, I like gow games ive played before though, prolly quit cause it was ps3.
Yeah just pick up both. Those are good prices for good games (and neither one is coming to plus anytime soon or at all).
GoW3 Remastered! If only to do what Vig said. You can play it real quick and get most of your money back from trade in.

Amazon is giving $16.67 as of now but interestingly I cannot find it on Best Buy's site. All the other God of War games come up and I know I traded my own copy in at Best Buy.
Shocking that youd pick gow3 remastered...

Well shit.

do I want to buy either bloodborne or gow3 remastered???

20 for each is a good price, but whats the chance either comes to plus fairly soon OR goes below 20...

I may or may not have gow3 on ps3 still too, never really played it, I think I started it and only got a little into it before I quit playing, I like gow games ive played before though, prolly quit cause it was ps3.
I am slightly tempted on Bloodborne. I know I would end up rage quiting it though. The little I have seen/played of the early GOW games I just don't get the love for the series. Probably pass on both. Played 2 hours of Payday 2 last week. Haven't played anything since. Hope to get on and play the Battlefront beta tonight and/or Payday 2. Also started Sleeping Dogs and have a few games coming out soon I am actually looking forward to.

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Does anyone here know how Broken Age fares on Vita? I'd like to play that on-the-go if possible, but if the PS4 version is noticeably better, I'll just play it there.

Ordered both for in store pickup, have like 7 days to decide that way.

Prolly get both though, need something else to play with FIFA right now, waiting for fallout 4 so one or both will hold me over.

All my other games are boxed up in storage right now and dont feel like finding them. This living in an apartment shit blows, hopefully only 6 more months to go.
So you done with Borderlands TPS then for now?


I am slightly tempted on Bloodborne. I know I would end up rage quiting it though. The little I have seen/played of the early GOW games I just don't get the love for the series. Probably pass on both. Played 2 hours of Payday last week. Haven't played anything since. Hope to get on and play the Battlefront beta tonight and/or Payday 2. Also started Sleeping Dogs and have a few games coming out soon I am actually looking forward to.
Just keep playing Sleeping Dogs. Lots o fun.

You like pork bun!? A man is not a man without pork bun!

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Does anyone here know how Broken Age fares on Vita? I'd like to play that on-the-go if possible, but if the PS4 version is noticeably better, I'll just play it there.
I can't help because in order to fit it on my Vita I'm going to need to delete stuff again. Should I post my paypal for funding a 64 GB memory card?

Just keep playing Sleeping Dogs. Lots o fun.

You like pork bun!? A man is not a man without pork bun!
Yeah I just have been mad busy at work and personally. Had to do some work outside the house one night, worked till 8pm Wednesday and did some computer shit on the side last night. Got home at 9:30 and had dinner. Easy money though.

Funny same type of thing happened to me when I started it on PS3 too. Then I sold my original PS3 (sounded like a Jet).

So is the new SMB soundtrack worse than the original's? The last few times I've played, I had the volume low for varying reasons.

EDIT: Never mind, I found the new tracks at their Bandcamp page:
I have to say that the new soundtrack isn't great. It was fine at first, but after having headphones on a while I wanted to just turn the music off. Not sure if the old one was better or not, though. I need to go back to the 360 and listen to it.

Yeah I just have been mad busy at work and personally. Had to do some work outside the house one night, worked till 8pm Wednesday and did some computer shit on the side last night. Got home at 9:30 and had dinner. Easy money though.

Funny same type of thing happened to me when I started it on PS3 too. Then I sold my original PS3 (sounded like a Jet).
I dont care about your life story bro.

Seriously though just play it when you have time. I didnt mean you have to play it now.

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If you have a Hastings nearby, Bloodborne should trade in for 40.25, GOW3 for 25, and LBP 3 for 40.25 (it dropped to 19.99 on BB website) based on that sheet I posted awhile back. Thinking about picking up one copy of each to play and one copy of each to turn ~$60 into $105.
Yea well someone went through it without me and I only really care for borderlands for the coop and playing with randoms gets annoying most of the time.
That someone probably figured you were never coming back since you were playing that crappy Mad Max game and FIFA. And then moved. I will still work on it with you if we ever find the time. Not as much fun for me as BL2 though. But we still have the two DLCs that came with it. I got a trophy on one of them playing with randoms trying to get the last two Claptrap random power things but otherwise really haven't played them.

I have to say that the new soundtrack isn't great. It was fine at first, but after having headphones on a while I wanted to just turn the music off. Not sure if the old one was better or not, though. I need to go back to the 360 and listen to it.
It's amazing:

Even the first boss theme is fantastic:

I'm glad I bought the physical soundtrack (Nice to Meat You) when I could.

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I tried to play a big of Kick Beat last night and got totally overwhelmed in the first song and couldn't complete it.  I started on Hard like the trophy guide says, but I may have to bump it down for my first go round.  Seems an interesting concept for a rhythm game, but the screen seems a little too crowded.

That someone probably figured you were never coming back since you were playing that crappy Mad Max game and FIFA. And then moved. I will still work on it with you if we ever find the time. Not as much fun for me as BL2 though. But we still have the two DLCs that came with it. I got a trophy on one of them playing with randoms trying to get the last two Claptrap random power things but otherwise really haven't played them.

Any game that glitches so bad I have to replay it to get past a point SUCKS.

Seriously for $20 I would probably play it. Didn't see the need to rush out and get it on release though even with the $10 cert.
Umm I paid 5 dollars to play it basically.

YOUR #cagmath aint up to snuff buddy.

If you have a Hastings nearby, Bloodborne should trade in for 40.25, GOW3 for 25, and LBP 3 for 40.25 (it dropped to 19.99 on BB website) based on that sheet I posted awhile back. Thinking about picking up one copy of each to play and one copy of each to turn ~$60 into $105.
good looking out, thanks. I might grab an lbp3 copy for ~$17 to run through the main story and then send to amazon for ~$17.

It's amazing:

Even the first boss theme is fantastic:

I'm glad I bought the physical soundtrack (Nice to Meat You) when I could.
Sucks that I guess there was some disagreement between Team Meat and the soundtrack guy that kept us from getting the original soundtrack.

I just checked and the original soundtrack is on Spotify. Too bad there's no way to get the songs to sync up with the game levels....

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I dont understand why you would not want to have your music on a game that you already made for another platform.  Even if they were low balling you how does not having your music in the game help you at all?  It was already in another version of the game anyway.

It has to be a personal thing between the dev and the music guy.  The music guy got butt hurt somehow.

Any game that glitches so bad I have to replay it to get past a point SUCKS.

Seriously for $20 I would probably play it. Didn't see the need to rush out and get it on release though even with the $10 cert.
I agree that gamebreaking glitches suck, but it really wasn't that hard to avoid the glitch as long as you didn't buy upgrades willy-nilly until after the Wasteland Classic story mission. I haven't encountered any progress-affecting glitches at all in my playthrough, and the developer released a patch within the last week to fix a bunch of issues.

One thing that's kind of weird, though, is that I'm unable to manually switch autosave slots after playing for a little while, but that doesn't bug me since I'm past any glitches that keeping multiple save slots would help me avoid.

I tried to play a big of Kick Beat last night and got totally overwhelmed in the first song and couldn't complete it. I started on Hard like the trophy guide says, but I may have to bump it down for my first go round. Seems an interesting concept for a rhythm game, but the screen seems a little too crowded.
I played the demo of that a long time ago and it was way more difficult than I was expecting. I didn't really have fun with it at the time. I suppose I'll try it again now that we have the full version, though.

Sly1 plat get! Fun game, the minigames were kind of annoying though. I'd rather it had been straight platforming/minor stealth. Gonna take a break from Sly and play either Rayman Legends, Akiba's Strip, or AssCreed Lib before starting the second one. 

Played a bit of the Battlefront beta last night too, mostly a lot of fun, but I got stuck on the rebel side for the walker battles and that was awful. You just get mowed down non stop with no real chance of doing anything else. Kinda cool killing Vader whenever he popped up though. 

I dont understand why you would not want to have your music on a game that you already made for another platform. Even if they were low balling you how does not having your music in the game help you at all? It was already in another version of the game anyway.

It has to be a personal thing between the dev and the music guy. The music guy got butt hurt somehow.
Was this posted in here before? Or did I find the link elsewhere? Either way, the way the composer talks, it sounds like it was more a personal issue for ending their working relationship. Pricing sounds like an excuse to say no.

Was this posted in here before? Or did I find the link elsewhere? Either way, the way the composer talks, it sounds like it was more a personal issue for ending their working relationship. Pricing sounds like an excuse to say no.
Yeah, it was posted here yesterday or the day before or so. Sucks.

EDIT: actually it was the blog post that was posted here, not this article.

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Sly1 plat get! Fun game, the minigames were kind of annoying though. I'd rather it had been straight platforming/minor stealth. Gonna take a break from Sly and play either Rayman Legends, Akiba's Strip, or AssCreed Lib before starting the second one.

Played a bit of the Battlefront beta last night too, mostly a lot of fun, but I got stuck on the rebel side for the walker battles and that was awful. You just get mowed down non stop with no real chance of doing anything else. Kinda cool killing Vader whenever he popped up though.
You should definitely join me in the unending hell of rayman legends daily challenges. It takes a while to unlock them, so you can play the fun part of the game first (it actually is excellent, but I'm sick of doing these fucking challenges).

when you kill vader does he disappear in to an empty pile of costume on the floor?

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