PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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It's awesome, but if you button-mash you'll likely die (at least on Hard; I'm not sure how much easier the lower difficulties are). It's different from other action games I've played in that there's no dodge button--the only way you can "avoid" attacks is to either run directly away from them or parry them. To parry, you tilt the analog stick towards the attack while hitting Box; if you time it perfectly, you'll execute a counter, but otherwise the parry timing is generous.
is it similar enough to God of War that I shouldn't play them back to back?

I bet the girls in those magazines had the hugest of bushes. Big as turtles.

Thats the 70's style box!
Speaking of the 70s and bushes. Bill Walton is the man! How great would it have been to be a famous basketball player on the most famous college team in the 70s, when people were fuck ing and smoking pot all over the place without a care in the world!?

In college. AT UCLA! Southern California women are hotter than hot. Just ask Simmias.

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Yo Mild,

How many of those Invasion levels are there per world?

I've beaten three of them in the first world, but still no diamond cup for it.  There's not one for every single world is there?  Cause that's kinda crazytownbananapants.

is it similar enough to God of War that I shouldn't play them back to back?
No, it's noticeably different. There's a really cool slicing mechanic in MGR called Blade Mode where you need to continually gather "spines" (that's not what they are, they just look that way) from the cyborgs/mechs you fight to fully replenish your health and Blade Mode meters, while God of War has a more traditional combat system (again, you can't dodge in MGR but you can in GoW). Both have combo systems across different weapons, but MGR is more technical overall.

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Yo Mild,

How many of those Invasion levels are there per world?

I've beaten three of them in the first world, but still no diamond cup for it. There's not one for every single world is there? Cause that's kinda crazytownbananapants.
not every level, but there's probably 5 or 6 for each one. more open up as you progress through the other levels.

I'm envious of people that can just pack up and start a new life adventure in a new city when the whim calls them. I thought about doing that on my own when all this separation/divorce stuff started happening, but obviously can't because of the kid. Still, those emails from Amazon talking about jobs they had from me were awfully tempting.
you're not dead yet. zimm's time will come!



I'll say having no familiarity with the source material, the deadpool game is pretty damn funny.  I'm only a couple levels in but I haven't felt like they were running anything in to the ground yet.  whatever group of people wrote it had enough sense to know how avoid too much of some things (like fourth wall breaking) and when too much is just funny (like smacking unconscious wolverine for five minutes).

I'll say having no familiarity with the source material, the deadpool game is pretty damn funny. I'm only a couple levels in but I haven't felt like they were running anything in to the ground yet. whatever group of people wrote it had enough sense to know how avoid too much of some things (like fourth wall breaking) and when too much is just funny (like smacking unconscious wolverine for five minutes).
I am definitely getting the PS4 version when its $10 or less.

Yeah I love playing every Ass Creed game I can (except 3, cause fuck you George Washington!), but I dont know how anyone will ever catch up to the series. If you havent played the one that came out 3 iterations ago, just come to the realization that you will never go back to the series.
Thankfully, the modern story got so bad by AC3 that I've decided to pass on the rest of the series.

I didn't hate Connor at all, though, which doesn't seem to be the norm.

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Thankfully, the modern story got so bad by AC3 that I've decided to pass on the rest of the series.

I didn't hate Connor at all, though, which doesn't seem to be the norm.
I play the Assassins Creed series to unlock chests and find collectibles. this debate for tomorrow so Gator will have something to read at work!

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It's one thing when we talk about trophies and plats in this thread, but when I just heard someone in meatspace talking about getting 'that platinum' for some game it really sounded weird.

He also said it was "only" $25 used without a hint of sarcasm. I would've asked what game but I didn't want them to know I was one of them.
I stopped paying attention to the modern story after Ass Creed 2. Suck it George! And Gator!
Who plays games for the story? I play games to kill stuff and/or find loot. I was actually thinking about this when I was playing Tales from the Borderlands. I would have been happier watching that if it was a tv series or movie instead of game and having to choose the dialogue. It was actually quite well done and I enjoyed the characters.

I think it might be the best of the Telltale games but I'll save that opinion for tomorrow!

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I haven't played an Assassin's Creed since 1. Just couldn't get into it. Sometimes I pretend I'm going to try playing them again, and then I look at how many there are and how big my backlog is and just laugh. 

I haven't played an Assassin's Creed since 1. Just couldn't get into it. Sometimes I pretend I'm going to try playing them again, and then I look at how many there are and how big my backlog is and just laugh.
Yeah I played 1 and loved it. Traded it and picked up 2. Got maybe 1/3 the way into it got stuck/lost decided I didn't care and traded it. Only played Black Flag because there wasn't much out at the time 2 years ago when Target did their buy 2 get 1 free right after the PS4 launched. Loved the game. So I have played all the main ones since with exception of the last one. Which I will play when dirt cheap.

I couldn't care less about the story and arcs.

I heard Far Cry 4 had a great story!
It may or may not...I just need an excuse to kill people or animals to unlock stuff and get better gear. I'm pretty sure it would win an Academy Award if it was up against Just Cause.

Pagan Min is definitely one of my favorite bad guys in a game, only Handsome Jack is the better.

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Yeah I played 1 and loved it. Traded it and picked up 2. Got maybe 1/3 the way into it got stuck/lost decided I didn't care and traded it. Only played Black Flag because there wasn't much out at the time 2 years ago when Target did their buy 2 get 1 free right after the PS4 launched. Loved the game. So I have played all the main ones since with exception of the last one. Which I will play when dirt cheap.

I couldn't care less about the story and arcs.
2 is easily the best in the series in my opinion. Weird that you loved 1 and decided to give up on 2.

But in the spirit of not being a jkam, you can like what you want jimbo.

nice, except for d-bags. I don't care for d-bags. looks like one of the offices is just north of the miramar military base. I don't mind conservative having grown up in kansas and everything else sounds good or manageable. The expensive thing might be obnoxious but seeing as I was planning on ending up in oakland or going somewhat house poor when I was going to work in mountain view I suspect the situation will look slightly better in san diego. thanks!

edit - we'd probably leave in the spring. our house is all dolled up and ready to sell minus a couple little cleanup things so we're pretty well ready to jump as soon as we get the urge.
We could be best buds 4eva

Are you still up/down tonight for these trophies? Otherwise I'll focus my efforts on Minecraft.
I havent even started it and you said it took you half way through the story to get to the point where you unlocked MP? How many hours is that? Concentrate on Minecraft tonight for sure.

2 is easily the best in the series in my opinion. Weird that you loved 1 and decided to give up on 2.

But in the spirit of not being a jkam, you can like what you want jimbo.
Maybe it was too much of the same too soon? I don't know.

I was having trouble finding Michelangelo place even though I had been there a few times before. Much later (like years) I saw a video of where I was stuck and was so obvious.

2 is easily the best in the series in my opinion. Weird that you loved 1 and decided to give up on 2.

But in the spirit of not being a jkam, you can like what you want jimbo.
Well we already knew Jimbo was weird when he said he didnt like Dominos.

Ass Creed 2 was one of my favorite PS3 games. I had fun from beginning to end. And I HATED Ass Creed 1 with a passion. It was so much slower and clunkier.

I havent even started it and you said it took you half way through the story to get to the point where you unlocked MP? How many hours is that? Concentrate on Minecraft tonight for sure.
Ok np. I still have to play the Yeti dlc so I'll be ready whenever you get to that point. You could unlock that skill sooner if you wanted to but there's better skill point options.

Ok np. I still have to play the Yeti dlc so I'll be ready whenever you get to that point. You could unlock that skill sooner if you wanted to but there's better skill point options.
How many hours in? I wouldnt mind doing it sooner so I have someone to play it with and not be stuck trying to get Pancakes to (not) help me later. Plus I may need to put something in between more Just Cause. I started Unfinished Swan to play while football is on.

Assassins Creed 2 is my favorite so far in the series. I still have Brotherhood (need to finish MP Syphro, Crazy Diamond & Zimm) plus the rest of the series. I liked Unity and the MP was good. I like playing the missions Co-op. I'll finish the series one day, I swear!
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How many hours in? I wouldnt mind doing it sooner so I have someone to play it with and not be stuck trying to get Pancakes to (not) help me later. Plus I may need to put something in between more Just Cause. I started Unfinished Swan to play while football is on.
Co-op is unlocked fairly early and we could do one of the trophies but the skill you want to get the other trophy is further down the Tiger skill tree. I unlocked it late because I preferred the skills in the Elephant tree (health and syringes) earlier in the game. It's not so much the story as EXP that you need to gain skill points. If you find an exploit maybe you can do it sooner, I don't know that I could put a number of hours on it.

Co-op is unlocked fairly early and we could do one of the trophies but the skill you want to get the other trophy is further down the Tiger skill tree. I unlocked it late because I preferred the skills in the Elephant tree (health and syringes) earlier in the game. It's not so much the story as EXP that you need to gain skill points. If you find an exploit maybe you can do it sooner, I don't know that I could put a number of hours on it.
Alright then. I will try to start it tonight and see how it goes. I am off a couple days in the next two weeks and dont have the kid again until Xmas except for one day. So we will get to it.

Well we already knew Jimbo was weird when he said he didnt like Dominos.

Ass Creed 2 was one of my favorite PS3 games. I had fun from beginning to end. And I HATED Ass Creed 1 with a passion. It was so much slower and clunkier.
Definitely my problem with it. I'm sure they've gotten better since then, and I loved Shadows of Mordor so I'm sure I'd like some of the newer ones, but nothing other than black flag has seemed that appealing. And black flag makes in on pirate theme alone lol.

Yo Vig (or anyone else that's played it),

How is Revengence? Is it hard or crazy button pressing quick wittied madness? Or just fun slice shit up good times?

Thinking of starting it next after GoW Ascension.
Revengence is hard. You have to learn the parry system, no button mashing in this one except maybe on easy.

There is technically a dodge mechanic that can be unlocked, but it's kinda hard to execute and parry is almost always your best bet unless the attack in un-parry-able.

Also the story is dumb like all MGS games and I just started skipping it about half way through the 2nd chapter.

From a certain inverted website:

The biggest challenge for me in the game was parrying. Parrying is an essential skill, one that took me a while to learn and I’ve still yet to perfect it. Parrying is the only way to block enemy attacks in the game and is executed by doing a light attack and pressing towards an enemy while they’re attacking. When it works right it’s great, but it can be hard to pull off consistently without a ton of practice. There are also a lot of enemy attacks that are un-parryable, but it’s really hard to identify those. There are also certain attack animations where you’re not allowed to parry, so if you’re in the wrong combo at the wrong time, you’re going to get hit. There’s just no way around it. So while I liked the parrying mechanic and I got better at it, I much prefer the blocking and evading that is available in Bayonetta.


I had a good time with Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. However I would not put it in the Pantheon next to Platinum’s all-time greats, Bayonetta and Vanquish. After beating Bayonetta on normal difficulty, I instantly dove back in to the harder difficulties and ended up playing it three times straight. That didn’t happen with Rising; once was enough for me. But I still recommend action fans check our Raiden’s blade slashing odyssey.

Playthrough #1 done, it seems weird that the remix bosses peaked in difficulty at boss 2 and declined after that. On to NG+ to collect the last rune and the rest of the blueprints.
Skull guy is by far the hardest, fireball and eyeball are pretty similar in difficulty, and blob guy is pretty easy, so is the final boss in remix mode.

my first games were either maniac mansion or i think the dragon warrior that i got for free with a nintendo power sub ;) good times

and yeah that bart simpson vs the aliens was a crazy game. im surprised anyone made it past a few levels

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