PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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We fixed cag?
I've been looking forward to Curses 'N Chaos, though I think it still hasn't gotten a release date. Soon, I guess.

Also did you guys realize it's by the Mercenary Kings dev? I didn't.

Thanks I'll get that fixed.

Yeah I saw that on GAF after I started working on the article, so figured I'd better get it posted. We were both inspired by the same thing, Mega Man not having a platinum and having half as many trophies as the X1 version has achievements.

if i don't get into this trial(raid) group tonight, i'll come play some rocket league. not being on australian time on eso anymore sucks. 

that would also make 5 different games played by me today/ after only having played basically one for two months. i'm coming for that title cakes.

I mean, I don't have sex a lot and it's probably not very freaky or hot. And I know I'm setting myself up on this one.

But does anyone else think that sex is overrated? I mean, yeah it's great. But so are a lot of other awesome things in this world.
It's overrated.

Of course, I've been with my fiancee for 8 years and she keeps gaining weight and refuses to go to the fucking gym.

But yeah, it's overrated.

New PlayStation Blogcast: ep 174 (08-11-15)


  • Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
  • Goat Simulator
  • Gauntlet: Slayer Edition
  • Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
  • Kung Fury: Street Rage
  • Prototype --- sold separately
  • Prototype 2 --- sold separately
  • Commander Cherry's Puzzled Journey
  • Toy Soldiers: War Chest

  • Goat Simulator
  • Space Hulk
  • XBlaze Lost: Memories

  • Actual Sunlight
  • XBlaze Lost: Memories
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I have officially topped the friends leaderboard on Vita GW3 Adventure level #34 with the 46th best global score.

Sometimes I wish Wi-Fi didn't suck the life out of the Vita's battery life so I could (probably) top the friends leaderboard on pretty much every level.

The only cliques I see are tyler/stotch/gator/topside and everyone else. I guess munky is on the tyler side now cuz I posted too often today for his liking, lol. I'm bad at keeping track, but im pretty sure everyone else in this thread is cool as fuck. Wren is awesome, him and I just poke fun at each other sometimes. I love the chill dudes like fatality, mild, bums, zimm and diamond. I love the awesome trophy guys like cro and simmias and vig. I love dudes like therm and rpg even. Im all peace and love til someone calls my loved ones ugly, lol. and i put them on ignore a month ago so its all good.

here imma help everyone out

  • pharm - getting divorced, pretty awesome drunk poster, kid is a hassle, your/you're/blah blah
  • zimm - also getting divorced, for some inexplicable reason won't buy a ps4. also works for target/cartwheel which is awesome because I love target.
  • stotch - thread troll and revels in it. also heavy but I think he ditched some weight a while back. whores out IA with no shame constantly.
  • tyler - cheap. single. loves penis but in denial. hasn't paid for a game in years because of all his sweet IA hookups thanks exclusively to our clicks.
  • vig - apparently bases his opinions on review scores but I never got that one. hordes of flipping credit and his hands shake like he has an illness after an intense gaming moment.
  • cro - so good at video games he can use virtually any appendage to accomplish feats none of us can dream of. and it's soooo easy.
  • chewy - old; pinball wizard
  • me - blathering idiot who swears too much and steals other people's jokes with reckless abandon. also failed three times at getting hired by bugles. wannabe trophy slut but fails at that too. incredibly handsome.
  • top - anger issues (YOU GO PLAY BIOSHOCK ASSHOLE), something about a dishwasher. part of the kickass early morning wake up crew! yeah!
  • pancakes - constantly lies about streaming and can't play anything for more than 5 minutes.
  • madchemist - so far nothing, but the day will come
  • cleaner - chick magnet
  • bums - has an unending love affair with mary and just terrible taste in music
  • crazy - probably has a pretty tawdry personal life but we've only gotten hints
  • gator - trophy addict. sleeps on a pillow made of gold from all of the IA referral money he gets from cag. pretends to know a lot about beer but is probably just really good at using Bing(tm).
  • jay - loves ridiculous shoes and hoodies that are hilariously overpriced. I miss the power rankings. thread troll junior. rip

I could probably keep going but I need to get to work. start there.

stop taking this shit so seriously. srsly.
I posted a picture of myself standing next to a bear and I can't even get a mention from Mild.

That's it, I'm driving off a cliff.

Sometimes I wish Wi-Fi didn't suck the life out of the Vita's battery life so I could (probably) top the friends leaderboard on pretty much every level.
If you get a score offline, it'll still show up on the leaderboard if you go online later to check the boards out.

But don't you dare take my high score away from me Skippy LaRue.
edit: Removed due to sounding snarkier than intended.

We apologize for the fault in the post.  Those responsible have been sacked.

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Played a few hours of Lords of the Fallen. A bit of texture pop-in and some framerate dropping/screen tearing on occasion, but I also started playing as soon as it let me so I dunno if that can be caused when you start the game before it's completed downloading. It does feel like a slow version of Demon's Souls, but easier. Lots of back and forth, opening shortcuts, hidden things to find, easy pathways and side areas you can go into with harder shit. It's not bad so far. 

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bread's done