PSNOT 3.0 - Let's Talk About University of Kentucky, Baby!

Saw The Force Awakens again. Still a good crowd. I enjoyed it a lot again but I don't think it equals the original trilogy for me. Certainly not IV and V, and maybe not even VI.
I saw it for a 2nd time over the weekend as well. I think I may have liked it even more the 2nd time. I think it's time to get over the original trilogy analogys. We all know we'll love it forever. Doubt anything will top it for us. This movie if anything will usher in some young blood Star Wars fans and at least this movie looks like fuck ing Star Wars. Is it perfect? No. But it set up the next movie pretty nicely and I'm actually happy\excited for Star Wars again so it at least did something right.

They weren't kidding when they called it a giant pretzel.
I find it weird that you skinned the top of it like that. Now there's no salt left with that whole section of the pretzel!
[quote name="CrazyDiamond84" post="13136063" timestamp="1451871484"]
I find it weird that you skinned the top of it like that. Now there's no salt left with that whole section of the pretzel![/quote]
That wasn't me my friend. But there was plenty of salt on that section anyway. So buttery too. And soooo many beers on the beer list.

EDIT Seriously on the beer list.

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yeah i am not really a fan of the small and hard pretzels but a salted soft pretzel and a bit of mustard is always fantastic.  That shit Zimm has looks amazing.  Especially with beer.

If we can get some CAGs to boost the matches, it's not too bad since the leveling glitch still works and most of the rest can be done solo in a friendly public free roam.

<awesome RDR multiplayer trophy tips>
Well dang, looks like I have to start up RDR for the first time in years this week.

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yeah i am not really a fan of the small and hard pretzels but a salted soft pretzel and a bit of mustard is always fantastic. That shit Zimm has looks amazing. Especially with beer.
And now the bartender is mixing beers for the lady. First a Surly Bender & Surly Hell. Now a Stone Xocoveza (some chocolate thing) and some raspberry lambic.
RDR question: Will restarting the single-player reset my multiplayer progress? I don't think I did much in the latter, but I'm still curious.

RDR question: Will restarting the single-player reset my multiplayer progress? I don't think I did much in the latter, but I'm still curious.
I don't think so, there is a separate save file called multiplayer which you could back-up to the cloud just to make sure. It's probably a good idea to back it up periodically anyway.

The in-game Rockstar Social Club thingy to track 100% SP progress doesn't work anymore after the gamespy closure so for some of the things they don't individually track in stats (like which animals you've skinned and which saloons you've KO'd people in) here's a checklist I found to print.

One error on it, the list has 19 strangers, but the number only says 18, there ARE actually 19.

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Wow, I was gonna try and keep up with this thread! Miss one day and I'm completely out of the convo again!

So I bought an Xbox One yesterday. Anyone give me some suggestions for some good Xbox exclusives?

Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay are must haves. State of Decay as well if you never played it on 360.

Ryse is a decent one and done run through game.

Other than that, absolutely nothing until Quantum Break and Scalebound.

the espn home page is REAL FUNNY GUYS!

sorry i am just real annoyed right now as I cannot put together this stupid mother fucking robot. fuck this shit.

Zimm, does Target take back toys that you have to put together that are opened? I have all the parts but opened a lot of the bags and the hardware but serioulsy fuck this fucking thing. I cant take this shit.
Most unopened items in new condition and returned within 90 days will receive a refund or exchange. Some items have a modified return policy noted on the receipt, Target policy board (refund exceptions), or in the item department. Items that are opened or damaged or do not have a receipt may be denied a refund or exchange.

Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay are must haves. State of Decay as well if you never played it on 360.

Ryse is a decent one and done run through game.

Other than that, absolutely nothing until Quantum Break and Scalebound.
I dunno if I would call Sunset a must-have, it was very boring. I remember being quite disappointed by it.

Well Vikings really played great when they hosted Seattle earlier this year, so no doubt they'll be able to put up a serious fight in the rematch.

Wow, Stars Wars is already within spitting distance of Avatar's total domestic haul. I'd say there's a good chance its going to hit a billion in the US.

Mitch thanks for posting that Frys clearance of Toukiden: Kiwami PS4 for $19.99. I put a copy on hold and Frys actually came through with the correct game. Good looking out!
Easy there Collinsworth, Crosby did NOT chase down Patterson lol.

Also I feel like it's going to be Patriots vs Seahawks round 2 for the Superbowl.

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Easy there Collinsworth, Crosby did NOT chase down Patterson lol.

Also I feel like it's going to be Patriots vs Seahawks round 2 for the Superbowl.
Seeing the replays of the game, Brady sure got beat up though. Wonder how he will feel tomorrow. He was never mobile to begin with, so I'm sure he can cope with a bad wheel.
Mwn, who do you want to face next week? I think packers/vikings/redskins are about all on the same level.
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Mwn, who do you want to face next week?
Man, I kind of want to have the 5th seed. It's probably just my inflated opinion of Aaron Rodgers, but the son of a bitch might be able to pull off a few wins in the playoffs and then have to come back to Seattle for the Championship game if the Hawks could do their part and win a few games.

Redskins are playing with a lot of confidence and they have Reed who the Hawks can't seem to play well against good pass catching TE's.
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Mwn, who do you want to face next week? I think packers/vikings/redskins are about all on the same level.
Which stooge do you wanna play against? Larry, Curly or Moe?

I played against AssEatingMexican today in destiny. What are the chances that he's actually Mexican?

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Do you have Super Bowl tickets this year again? I like your chances, and don't think you have to worry about going out to Lambeau at all. I don't feel too bad that Ill be working during the sb.
We got plane tickets, car, hotel 10 months ago. If we get there we'll get tickets. If we miss, we'll just go to Napa. Wife likes wine so she is wanting to tour a few wineries down there.
Well, I guess Arizona is happy. Seahawks go to Carolina if they can beat the Vikings.
Oh I didn't think about that. That is real good for Arizona.

Who I want to win the Super Bowl, ranked

1. Cardinals

2. Bengals

3. Steelers

4. Panthers

5. Chiefs

6. Patriots

7. Texans

8. Redskins

9. Vikings

10. Packers

11. Broncos

12. Seahawks

Denver/Seattle Super Bowl rematch confirmed.

Yea after the Packers, bengals vs cardinals would be a nice change. I see Bengals losing to the steelers though unless Dalton is back and healthy.
fucking damnit all.

Think I just got glitched out of the Jurassic World vita plat.

Next to last level, doing the free play and getting all fossil pieces and minikits. Its a level where you are riding an ATV and shooting at raptors. So im going for the 2nd fossil piece and instead it popped the mini kit, which I was using a guide and it said it was the 2nd fossil. Thought huh maybe they have it backwards. Well in the next bit where you get the mini kit, there was a green check since id got the mini kit instead of the fossil in the last bit.

Cant get the last fossil piece now. Replayed level again and all three collectibles are green checks.

This fucking sucks, spend a lot of time doing the freeplay and now I get a shitty ass glitch that fucks me over.

fucking hell.

bread's done