PSNOT 3.0 - Let's Talk About University of Kentucky, Baby!


What was the hardest Hatsune Miku: Diva F song for you? I've just got Negaposi*Continues left and it's kicking my ass over and over again even with the combo cheat running. I just can't hit the keys fast enough and the beat is just too damn irregular. I've already beat a song on expert, too. 

This one, if you don't remember:

Remember when you were slumming it and set your challenge to pass me on TT? Ahh, those were the days. Don't forget the little people you stepped on to get to the top.

Also, stop having kids people. Everyone hates other people's kids but then seem to think theirs are so precious.

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Seems like Wren and Kanamit have already hit on this, but there is little to no redeeming value in having children. Having kids is so 1990s and early 2000s. 


What was the hardest Hatsune Miku: Diva F song for you? I've just got Negaposi*Continues left and it's kicking my ass over and over again even with the combo cheat running. I just can't hit the keys fast enough and the beat is just too damn irregular. I've already beat a song on expert, too.

This one, if you don't remember:
I'm not sure if that one was the most difficult for me, but I remember having some trouble before finally getting the rhythm down.

I more vividly remember 2D Dream Fever being the hardest song for me in Diva F 2nd:

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I'm not sure if that one was the most difficult for me, but I remember having some trouble before finally getting the rhythm down.

I more vividly remember 2D Dream Fever being the hardest song for me in Diva F 2nd:
Wow, that looks rough.

Despite the one song being a pain in the ass I'm enjoying the first game quite a bit. I didn't like the songs that much at first but they really grew on me as I played them more and got into hard. Not sure if I'll go straight to the 2nd game or play Xonic Superbeat next, though.


It's going to be awesome.

Good for you for doing something stupid that you wanted to do.

Think of something funny to yell when you jump out of the plane.
I literally don't care what happens to people or the planet when I'm dead. It seems grossly unnecessary to make my life less fun because it will impact someone 100 years from now. fuck them, I don't even know them.
I literally don't care what happens to people or the planet when I'm dead. It seems grossly unnecessary to make my life less fun because it will impact someone 100 years from now. fuck them, I don't even know them.
Breaking News:

ProffesorStorch is up in a tower with a rifle shooting strangers.

PSNOT's least favorite NBA player, O.J. Mayo, is banned for at least 2 years for violating the NBA's drug policy.  Gotta think it's more than just pot to be banned that long.

If he chooses Knicks, he wants to win. If he chooses bucks, then he just wants the money.

No lie I would love to see a super team of Carmello, Wade, and rose.
He's not gonna win on the Knicks either. Maybe if it was five years ago with Rose and Carmello and Noah.

Seems the Bucks meeting next week is just for leverage. I mean he did go to college in Milwaukee and is from Very-near-by Chicago, plus the Bucks have a young up and coming team with Giannis and Jabari and Middleton, so it's not that ludicrous to think Wade would want to go there for reasons other than money.
He's not gonna win on the Knicks either. Maybe if it was five years ago with Rose and Carmello and Noah.

Seems the Bucks meeting next week is just for leverage. I mean he did go to college in Milwaukee and is from Very-near-by Chicago, plus the Bucks have a young up and coming team with Giannis and Jabari and Middleton, so it's not that ludicrous to think Wade would want to go there for reasons other than money.
I don't know it seems pretty ludicrous to me. Lol. The Bucks. I love Wade, though. He was my favorite player for many years and it was nice to see him have a good year last season.

I really wish Dungeon Travelers 2 was more fun.  I like dungeon crawlers, and  enjoyed Demon Gaze quite a bit; but Dungeon Crawlers 2 is just so generic. The combat is pretty generic and there's little to no incentive to use skills or magic, the normal enemies are tissue paper but the bosses are steel, necessitating dull grinding. The dungeons are so straight forward, and out of the first 4 or 5 there's been one pit trap and nothing complicated about any of them.

Operation abyss was too obscure providing no direction about where to go or what do do, and Mind Zero was just dull featuring endless dialogue with little game play.

I really wish Dungeon Travelers 2 was more fun. I like dungeon crawlers, and enjoyed Demon Gaze quite a bit; but Dungeon Crawlers 2 is just so generic. The combat is pretty generic and there's little to no incentive to use skills or magic, the normal enemies are tissue paper but the bosses are steel, necessitating dull grinding. The dungeons are so straight forward, and out of the first 4 or 5 there's been one pit trap and nothing complicated about any of them.
Bit surprised to read this. Most posts I'd seen about DT2 were pretty positive prior to yours.

I haven't played a dRPG in a while. Too many damn games to play. Not sure which I should do next; I've got Mind:0, DT2, Operation Abyss, Stranger in Sword City, Ray Gigant, Moe Chronicle, Elminage, and Class of Heroes 1 and 2 for Vita. Then I've got another handful for 3DS.

How're you liking Mark of Kri on PS4?
It's...intriguing. I never played it on PS2, but I like the originality in the world-building and combat system (which feels like a precursor to the Arkham games' Freeflow system). It's also more violent than I expected.

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bread's done