PSNOT 3.0 - Let's Talk About University of Kentucky, Baby!


Welp now i am not traveling at all for work.  They finally realized it doesnt make any sense to spend $15K to send me overseas for a week for a job I no longer have at the end of the month.  Hopefully this also means they let me go sooner.

Is anyone going to hit the 100$ for the promo this month? I'll probably get Disgaea 5 this week, but I don't know about ~80$ of other stuff. 

Started playing Transformers Devestation.

One of the things I love about these sandbox games is the arbitrary destruction the "hero" causes.


"Optimus, I parked my car right here,  it was just fine after the robot attacks on the city, what happened?"


"I picked it up and smashed it.  No reason. Same for those trees over there too. Thought there might be some items inside."

Yay!  I got my Prominence Poker bankroll up to ~$700,000.  I just gotta resist he urge to play at tables higher than $50,000 and I should be good to get the $1,000,000 Trophy.

The $1,000,000,000 Trophy seems a bit excessive.

Heads-up tournaments is the best way to grind.  I always chuckle when my opponent snapcalls my all-in pre-flop with garbage like J5, but you could fry an egg on my face when they actually win.

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Is anyone going to hit the 100$ for the promo this month? I'll probably get Disgaea 5 this week, but I don't know about ~80$ of other stuff.
Oh, definitely - although it's harder to do since Rock Band DLC as of late has been more pop oriented.

Currently $60 away from the goal. If there's nothing good for the rest of the month, I'll probably get Destiny and sell my physical copy.

Oh, definitely - although it's harder to do since Rock Band DLC as of late has been more pop oriented.

Currently $60 away from the goal. If there's nothing good for the rest of the month, I'll probably get Destiny and sell my physical copy.
Do you already have the DLC? I doubt you can even buy the standard digital version from the store now...
So is Amazon cancelling Amazon Prime Music (the free stuff) and then asking you to sign up for Music Unlimited ($7.99 a month with prime)

That kidna sucks. I've added 30,000 songs with prime music. It looks like they're still there, but I guess there won't be any more free stuff?

I thought I read on Engadget that it would continue on. Not sure how you managed to find 30k songs on Prime Music....
Easy. They add anywhere from 200-2000 albums every week. I'd go through them all and pick which albums seemed interesting to me.

Last 3 albums I played

Oliver Lake Organ Trio - Makin' It

Paul Bley - Modern Chant

Wilco - Sky Blue Sky

I finished the Mafia 3 story and thought it was a pretty fun game and a cool story.  My favorite part was in the middle of the credits another cut scene started.

I dont really believe in many conspiracies but I find them fascinating.  I thought this cut scene was really cool.  I liked all these senate scenes anyway and most of the other interludes from present day as well.

I finished the Mafia 3 story and thought it was a pretty fun game and a cool story. My favorite part was in the middle of the credits another cut scene started.

I dont really believe in many conspiracies but I find them fascinating. I thought this cut scene was really cool. I liked all these senate scenes anyway and most of the other interludes from present day as well.
It was interesting and intense. It just came so far out of left field it left me puzzled. If they wanted to build in some weird conspiracy theory like that, they should have dropped hints during the game.

maybe they did and i missed them. who knows.

It was interesting and intense. It just came so far out of left field it left me puzzled. If they wanted to build in some weird conspiracy theory like that, they should have dropped hints during the game.

maybe they did and i missed them. who knows.
I definitely felt like I'd skipped some important cut scenes. It'd be a good setup for a new game or sequel though. Like maybe a game where you're working for the government and you're enlisted to stop him from completing his hit list but you're never sure if the people you're defending actually conspired to murder the president or not.

The game was pretty fun though. I wish I hadn't fucked up the underboss thing but I can't spend another week pushing through another playthrough (especially when dqb is sitting on my shelf).
It was interesting and intense. It just came so far out of left field it left me puzzled. If they wanted to build in some weird conspiracy theory like that, they should have dropped hints during the game.

maybe they did and i missed them. who knows.

I definitely felt like I'd skipped some important cut scenes. It'd be a good setup for a new game or sequel though. Like maybe a game where you're working for the government and you're enlisted to stop him from completing his hit list but you're never sure if the people you're defending actually conspired to murder the president or not.

The game was pretty fun though. I wish I hadn't fucked up the underboss thing but I can't spend another week pushing through another playthrough (especially when dqb is sitting on my shelf).
I didnt think they dropped any hints either. I just felt like they threw that in as a reason why he was in front of that committee and so forth right in answering all their questions. Cause he knew he was going to kill that sumbitch and expose him for being involved in the mob. I felt like it went with that guys character. I think they were just saying the mob was responsible for JFK which is definitely a conspiracy theory in real life. Besides, we are talking about a video game story after all. It doesnt all need to be completely connected.

No mention of the Flash Sale? PSNOT is DEAD!!/en-us/flash-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-FLASHSALEWEBLP

Downwell for $2 is a no-brainer. I have it already, but I did buy ARCADE GAMES pack (finally on sale) and Shadow Complex Remastered.
I don't even feel the slap for Downwell because it was that good (paid full price at launch). I'm also in for the Arcade 3-pack, but I opened the LRG physical edition of Shadow Complex Remastered because of a floater disc, so I'm "stuck" with playing it that way.

Sometimes I wonder if there are YouTube videos for discretely opening a game to fix floater discs. I never care enough to search, but some dum dum has to have tried. I imagine it goes like a game of operation.
Sometimes I wonder if there are YouTube videos for discretely opening a game to fix floater discs. I never care enough to search, but some dum dum has to have tried. I imagine it goes like a game of operation.
I don't know, but people at Walmart seem to be experts in removing discs from sealed cases in the dump bins.

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Apparently there's two new classes in Garden Warfare 2.

One is a goat on a hoverboard.

Best multiplayer game available on current-gen, imo.

A kid in Detroit was cut by one of those evil clowns.

Last I read, law enforcement was unsure if the clown slashed the child, or if the kid was injured by moving away from the knife.  Either way: wtf?

Edit: Looked into it again, and the knife was a butter knife.

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crazy strike bowling ex: the game has some really cool stuff gamewise, but it has some rage inducing control issues including a mysterious input delay where it feels like it takes a whole second to register a button press.  plan on never ever throwing a straight ball because it is not actually possible, only hooks seem to work.  if you've decided to pick it up, note that higher power characters control better for some reason - after I swapped I was able to get 5 strikes in a row.  the challenge mode sticks you with individual characters though and every character controls different, so get ready to relearn how to play the game with every single new challenge.  Although I'm stuck on #3 where you have two frames to throw two spares with a character that has a very low velocity and fast hook.

bread's done