Question about this girl...

Dude, be careful. Sounds like you are being the stepping stone over her troubled waters until something better comes along. I mean you admit to being way out of her league? The BEST that will happen is hat you MIGHT to get to bang her once and then you will be wondering if she is your girlfriend....then you will be scared that she will meet someone better. (she will, because you seem to have such low self-esteem). Everytime she goes to work you are going to be wondering if she is banging a co-worker or going to meet someone else. You're fucked either way, dude.

BTW....just curious. What did you get fired for?
[quote name='jousley']Dude, be careful. Sounds like you are being the stepping stone over her troubled waters until something better comes along. I mean you admit to being way out of her league? The BEST that will happen is hat you MIGHT to get to bang her once and then you will be wondering if she is your girlfriend....then you will be scared that she will meet someone better. (she will, because you seem to have such low self-esteem). Everytime she goes to work you are going to be wondering if she is banging a co-worker or going to meet someone else. You're fucked either way, dude.

BTW....just curious. What did you get fired for?[/QUOTE]

Ooh boy. We're opening up a whole separate can of worms there, but I'll share. I actually got fired because she wrote out a complaint against me that the supervisors took as grounds to terminate me. I talked to her about it afterwords, and she was claiming up and down that getting me fired was not her intention and practically begged me to forgive her. To this day, I get maybe 2 or so Facebook messages a week telling me that she wants me to be back at work with her.
[quote name='pacifickarma']Take her to a bar and buy her a beer. Let her do the talking, you listen, and see where it goes...[/QUOTE]

I really can't go that route. I'm 21, but she's only 18, so I can't take her to the bar.
[quote name='Organization_XIII']Ooh boy. We're opening up a whole separate can of worms there, but I'll share.[/QUOTE][quote name='Organization_XIII']I really can't go that route. I'm 21, but she's only 18, so I can't take her to the bar.[/QUOTE]no kidding dude that's a whole lot of worms.

Its hard to say if you know her well enough to take her excuse (plausible though it is). I've been on the receiving end of miscommunication, and that's dangerous waters to tread thru. If, however, you are going to take it then at this juncture you need to get together for something. Invite her to Inception or something, and then just watch the movie you don't have to make out in the theatre or anything. You can take her mind off her troubles without being an 'emotional tampon' and on the walk back to your respective cars you can drop the 'glad it happened' line in and if it works you can grab a ... whatever there is to eat at that time of night* and if it doesn't you can end it there and start over later. The movie even gives you something to initiate conversation about the next day.

* do chicks still like Starbucks? My younger sister used to drink that cold stuff that came in the white and green bottle like it was water.
[quote name='Organization_XIII']Ooh boy. We're opening up a whole separate can of worms there, but I'll share. I actually got fired because she wrote out a complaint against me that the supervisors took as grounds to terminate me. I talked to her about it afterwords, and she was claiming up and down that getting me fired was not her intention and practically begged me to forgive her. To this day, I get maybe 2 or so Facebook messages a week telling me that she wants me to be back at work with her.[/QUOTE]

Damn, son. Maybe she just feels sorry for you about getting fired. While that can make you look pathetic, maybe you can get her to throw you a sympathy fuck. Hell though....still sounds pretty messed up that you would want this chick. She sounds like a manipulative bitch. I mean she got you FIRED by being a SNITCH. Sounds like the kind of girl that would throw ya some nookie and then the next day call the cops and tell them you raped her. Uppity careful dude. She ratted you out before. Now she might be being nice to you just to deal with a little guilt she had with it. fuck her dude. Figurtively and not literally. You are better than that.
[quote name='Organization_XIII']So I got hired in at a business with this one girl who was immensely hot. Not only was she hot, but very nice and not a complete airhead, so I never really thought that I, of all people, would have a chance with her. I was fired recently, and she and I stayed in touch as friends. Like I said, I never really thought anything would happen, but out of the wild blue she sends me a message that threw me. Here's what she Facebook messaged me:

"I broke up with my bf last night.. Idk why I'm telling u just thought u should know.. It's crazy right now..."

This was completely unexpected, especially as we were just friends and was pretty obvious that nothing would happen. I was just wondering what I should say back - maybe to get on her good side and maybe start something up with her.[/QUOTE]
What's the problem here?

This is a no brainer....your first message should have been "That's what's up. Let's go somewhere and chill out..."
pics or.....

18, huh? Do yourself a favor and don't get caught up in a teenager's love life drama. Do, however, be a good friend and offer a listening ear.
[quote name='dannyox718']18, huh? Do yourself a favor and don't get caught up in a teenager's love life drama. Do, however, be a good friend and offer a listening ear.[/QUOTE]

Haha. I just love the fact that this advice comes from a CAGer with the "O" face avatar. Classic!
[quote name='dannyox718']18, huh? Do yourself a favor and don't get caught up in a teenager's love life drama. Do, however, be a good friend and offer a listening ear.[/quote]

[quote name='Organization_XIII']I really can't go that route. I'm 21, but she's only 18, so I can't take her to the bar.[/QUOTE]

This changes everything. A young girls high and kicks come from getting attention and drama. Dont get taken for a spin dude.

[quote name='Organization_XIII']Call me crazy, but the allure of this young woman is quite powerful.[/QUOTE]

Call me crazy, but the allure of BEING A DUDE WITH A PENIS AND WANTING TO PUT IT IN ANY WOMAN is quite powerful.

Im sure that's what you mean. Seriously man, give her a try, talk to her and see what her motives are.

If you just want to be a good friend, and she can be one for you too - then go ahead and be it.

If you want to persue a relationship or to hit that and get nowhere in 2 weeks - Bail out.

Anything else, shes just gona use you to get attention for her own self satisfaction.

Invite her to tag along in something fun but not too nerdy that you want to do, and try to feel as comfortable with yourself and confident as you can, have a good time.


Go out with friends bar hoping and get waisted so you get a mental break from shit. :)
Well, she's 18, so she's clearly gonna fuck anything with a dong. I'd avoid it all costs IMO. Plus, if she got you fired, why would she --or you, really -- want to talk to her? If some broad got me fired, I'd be angry as fuck.
Now you have to tell us what she complained about that got you terminated.

She's 18, its not like you're gonna freakin' marry her, so be her rebound fuck and even guilt her into it for getting you fired.

Its either fuck her or move on. There is no relationship to be had here. Being her friend will just needlessly frustrate you.

Rebound fuck + Guilt fuck = You're Getting Laid. Do it and move on to other conquests!
Wait she got you fired, you left that part out initially. I take back my earlier sound advice and say instead treat her like a piece of trash, conversely this may end up with her in your bed to your surprise. Bang her then tell her to gtfo.
Workplace relationships are the most dangerous things in the world (even though 75% of people meet their significant other at work regardless of most companies Fraternization Rules and Policies). Move on. There's tons of other chicks and if this one got you fired...then you definitely should stay away.

I could tell you story after story about friends and co-workers of mine who did this (1 night stands at Xmas parties, off-site/out of town meetings, etc.) and lost their "high paying" jobs or word got out which resulted in one or the other getting fired or quitting.

Believe it or not, there are some who do this "for a living" (especially if they hate their job or location). Hot chick starts work, hits/insinuates/etc to an employee or boss....quits or gets fired because the other person is now "interested" or gets turned down by her, then sues the company for unlawful termination or distress. 90% of the time, the person (I'm not just saying females...males do this also) wins or gets "settled" out of court and gets a nice check or "promoted/transferred" (companies don't need this type of press and if you're with a pretty big company it's almost retirement money).

Enough of my rant...move on and get a chick more mature and your age.
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[quote name='dannyox718']18, huh? Do yourself a favor and don't get caught up in a teenager's love life drama. Do, however, be a good friend and offer a listening ear.[/QUOTE]

Just stay away from her... trust me. Don't be her friend. She'll have two-dozen desperate guys wanting to listen to her problems and be her pal in the off chance they might get some. Teenage females are like toxic jelly donuts. They look nice on the outside but on the inside there's a giant pocket (right where the brain is supposed to be) of the most vile drama-induced ichor you can imagine. It's as if, before hitting twenty they're unable to process anything outside of reality TV, relationships, shopping, and good/bad emotional-spikes.
[quote name='Organization_XIII']Ooh boy. We're opening up a whole separate can of worms there, but I'll share. I actually got fired because she wrote out a complaint against me that the supervisors took as grounds to terminate me. I talked to her about it afterwords, and she was claiming up and down that getting me fired was not her intention and practically begged me to forgive her. To this day, I get maybe 2 or so Facebook messages a week telling me that she wants me to be back at work with her.[/QUOTE]If this alone isn't a huge warning sign to leave her alone and have nothing to do with her, you need a smack across the head by the Clue x 4.

She was party to you getting fired and now she's begging to get you back to work with her? Why would she do that, so she can get you fired again? :whistle2:s

Plus, since you mention she's 18, she doesn't have her head on close to straight at this time, so that's another reason to run far far away from her.

Unless you plan to be FWB or something else in a non-relationship status, avoid her like the plague. She's bad news IMO.
This bitch is crazy but, if you hit it make sure you use protection and lay the ground rules down.

Actually, if she got you fired from your job, I wouldn't put it past her that if you need up having sex she claiming you raped her the next day.

Be careful with this one man.
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tell us, is the vile wench a redhead? If so, nail it like her name is Jesus and you've got a few 4x8"s handy. If not and she's just some hot teeny-bopper, give it a shot, if she turns you down the first time you go for the pants then get up and walk away. Don't even say anything, just up and leave. Quit responding to her if she continues to try and contact you. She'll eventually get the hint.

As has been stated earlier, the 18 year old female brain can't cope with very much, maybe she'll feel like crap for about 18 minutes after you leave, but that's her own thing to deal with and shouldn't be any of yours.
There's some really terrible advice in this thread. I didn't read every post in detail, but the guys who said to hit and run are the only ones I'd listen to. Oh and Jousley seemed to know what he was talking about.

Never be a shoulder to cry on to any girl you ever want to sleep with, unless you've already banged her.

Since this 2+ month old thread got mysteriously bumped, how did this one play out? I'm at least moderately intrigued.
Tell us! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

And I'd still like to know what her "complaint" against you was. Sexual harrassment?

If you're worried about the age difference, just don't bang her. A little BJ goes a long way.
[quote name='Organization_XIII']It didn't play out well. Let's just leave it at that.[/QUOTE]

Well of course it didn't, my guess is you brought the proverbial knife to a gunfight and got smoked. I just wish I'd seen this thread sooner.

So, you have two choices now:

A. You can lick your wounds, tell us what went down and you can learn from the experience so you're better off next time.

B. You can suppress what happened and likely repeat your mistakes next time a cute girl comes your way.

I vote for Option A, because:
1. It's been months, you should be over this already.
2. You don't know any of us in real life, so any excessive judgmental opinions shouldn't bother you.
3. Someone else here may have made a similar mistake, and can empathize.
4. You might as well walk away from this crappy ordeal with something gained, especially since you lost your job in the process.
5. If you follow the right advice (you have to figure out what that is unfortunately) it might help you get laid.
ok, well there is something to be said about letting something go.
tell us what went down and you can learn from the experience
a bit presumptuous. As if the only way you can learn is by telling us. That's like the blog that suggested that video games are the only way people can escape their day to day life. For all we know 13 has learned from this. I realize the internet is a great tool but it's almost insulting to assume that we can't learn from our mistakes in real life. It was one thing when we were trying to prevent a mistake but since it's past I think he's in the clear about whether his action did or (presumably) did not work.

That said Vince does have a point that we are all strangers and you can use us as a sounding board. I've done it. Once you factor in a 90% BS 10% helpful ratio it's not the worst idea in the world.
So...I read through this and initially I am thinking, okay another nerd (No offense your on CAG, you are) "talking" about a girl at his job. I admit you at least have a job, who knows how many cag's here do not have one so I will give you props for that, before I go too far, you were fired so I take the props back...sorry. I was about to give advice when I read that she got you fired, and you still want to have anything to do with her? I remember replying in another thread...oddly enough in the OTT about a car accident and a hot girl who supposedly committed the crime. I will tell you like I told that guy, since she got you fired or assisted, however it makes you feel better to say she assisted or did it, either way you were fired. Give her a pearl necklace and be on your way. Any girl that says "Don't know why I am telling" that she broke up with her boyfriend is either screwing with your head because she can push your buttons and knows she doesn't want anything to do with you, or she wants to see what you'll do. I hate 18 year old girls and do not miss that period of my life, they are so much damn trouble. Regardless of how hot they may be, they aren't worth the damn trouble unless you hit it and then leave the zip code.
@ Wolfkin

Meh, I'd wager if he'd really taken something away from this the response would've been slightly more descriptive than that.

13, you're welcome to PM me about this, as I empathize with your cause. I've made terrible mistakes before, but have learned a lot, and I want you to bang this girl (if it's still possible) or the next one like her. Then again, maybe you still have a soul, unlike me :lol:
[quote name='kodave']Pay attention to this:

And don't put pictures of her on here. Just imagine if she found out about it. Then you can't even be her gay-friend.

She's on the rebound right now, which is dangerous for you because you could easily fall into the friend zone by being a nice human being and supporting her through this time.

What you should really do is try to be the rebound hookup, so at least you can get a piece of her before she's ready to move on.[/QUOTE]

Even though i am late,
this man has posted the "ten commandments" here that you should be aware and know.

Pretty good read.
Read this if you have not :)
bread's done