(Randomly OOS @ EB.com) Paper Mario (GC) $20 at EB B&M & EB.com - Back at $30?

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"In case anyone purchased this game just because it was free after rebate(we all hope) and does not actually want the game.

The trade in valuse at FYE is $24.04 in cash and $30.00 in store credit"

Just for the heck of it, I called them up and asked them the prices on a few different games, and they told me it was only merchandise credit.

On PM2 specifically, they said 24.04 also, but that wasn't for cash.

Are you sure about what you said? Or do you think somebody made a mistake for you?
I am 100% sure, in the mall next to my office there is an EB and an FYE.

I purchased the Paper Mario for $19.99 and just to see went into FYE to see the trade in price, they made me register then checked the price it came up $24.04 in cash, I asked if I take a store credit how much and he took out a calculator and told me $30.00.

I left FYE with a $30 gift card, what they did tell me is the only way they will know the price is to scan the actual item and the amount that comes up is for cash, you must actually ask how much for a store credit to get it.

It sounds like the amount that shows up is being given as a store credit and not as a cash option, this is wrong. The store I was in, in NJ just started taking games last week and the manager went to a training session and this is how it should be working at every store. The default in their system is always a cash price not a store credit price, they have no way to change it.
[quote name='schultzed']In an odd sort of way, I think that this will be the beginning of the end of our good times with EB . . . if they hold their ground on this. I have to agree that they ought to honor this deal . . . I wasn't informed by the clerk that they couldn't be combined!

But the big blow is coming if they combine with Gamestop . . .[/QUOTE]

I couldn't agree more with this sentiment. This could be the turning point for EB, whether or not they will honor their own rebate could determine how they will treat us in the future.
[quote name='desaroni']I am 100% sure, in the mall next to my office there is an EB and an FYE.

I purchased the Paper Mario for $19.99 and just to see went into FYE to see the trade in price, they made me register then checked the price it came up $24.04 in cash, I asked if I take a store credit how much and he took out a calculator and told me $30.00.

I left FYE with a $30 gift card, what they did tell me is the only way they will know the price is to scan the actual item and the amount that comes up is for cash, you must actually ask how much for a store credit to get it.

It sounds like the amount that shows up is being given as a store credit and not as a cash option, this is wrong. The store I was in, in NJ just started taking games last week and the manager went to a training session and this is how it should be working at every store. The default in their system is always a cash price not a store credit price, they have no way to change it.[/QUOTE]

which store in NJ
[quote name='desaroni']I am 100% sure, in the mall next to my office there is an EB and an FYE.

I purchased the Paper Mario for $19.99 and just to see went into FYE to see the trade in price, they made me register then checked the price it came up $24.04 in cash, I asked if I take a store credit how much and he took out a calculator and told me $30.00.

I left FYE with a $30 gift card, what they did tell me is the only way they will know the price is to scan the actual item and the amount that comes up is for cash, you must actually ask how much for a store credit to get it.

It sounds like the amount that shows up is being given as a store credit and not as a cash option, this is wrong. The store I was in, in NJ just started taking games last week and the manager went to a training session and this is how it should be working at every store. The default in their system is always a cash price not a store credit price, they have no way to change it.[/QUOTE]

I've heard about this and it must be fairly new because at the fye I go that gives out cash they deduct 20% off whatever the total price is if you decide to get cash. I'm going to ask them about the extra credit whenever I go back to trade in some games.

You can check fye trade in values here
not sure if someone posted this already but...

not to burst all your bubbles but we receive a message from the higher ups a day or two ago and they told us that customers who got Paper Mario for 20 dollars will not get the rebate. They said the rebate only applies if the game was bought at regular price of 49.99. They said the current price of 20 dollars is a sale price. Just thought I would tell you.

In other words, don't buy the game expecting to get the rebate.

for those who don't know, I work at an EB down south.
[quote name='lordopus99']not sure if someone posted this already but...

not to burst all your bubbles but we receive a message from the higher ups a day or two ago and they told us that customers who got Paper Mario for 20 dollars will not get the rebate. They said the rebate only applies if the game was bought at regular price of 49.99. They said the current price of 20 dollars is a sale price. Just thought I would tell you.

In other words, don't buy the game expecting to get the rebate.

for those who don't know, I work at an EB down south.[/QUOTE]

but the gift voucher is like.. a couple days old! Who the fuck is working at EB headquarters who thinks "well durr we just put the gift voucher on the market so lets lower the price and then disable the gift voucher because we cant make up our fucking minds durrr"
[quote name='DN']I went to EB to pick up a copy and the guy said they had only one left and I knew it was a display copy. There was another EB about 2 blocks away so I said I would go to the other one to get a sealed copy and the guy said let me check their inventory. (How can one store check the inventory of another EB store?) Anyway, he said they were all out and they were sending back all new copies back to the distributor so this was the LAST copy left. I walked out of the store and went over to the other one and guess what? They had 3 copies left. EB employees are good at bold face lying.[/QUOTE]

WOW. I would have gone back and asked him "whats up with lying to me dipshit" ala Happy Gilmore. Their open case policy is also BS, practically every time i go there its "uh yeah all we have left is an OPEN copy, but its BRAND NEW!! we swear! take our word for it even though we probably cant tie our own shoe let alone keep a game in good condition!".
[quote name='lordopus99']not sure if someone posted this already but...

not to burst all your bubbles but we receive a message from the higher ups a day or two ago and they told us that customers who got Paper Mario for 20 dollars will not get the rebate. They said the rebate only applies if the game was bought at regular price of 49.99. They said the current price of 20 dollars is a sale price. Just thought I would tell you.

In other words, don't buy the game expecting to get the rebate.

for those who don't know, I work at an EB down south.[/QUOTE]

That's insane.

The coupon starts on the 23rd; the price reduction was discovered on the 24th. Were that true, the only way it would be possible to redeem the coupon at all would have been to buy the game on the 23rd....assuming that the price drop hadn't taken affect yet.

Moreover, it didn't ring up as a sale; it's a price reduction!
(Double-checks his receipt....and I'm right.)
honestly, I have never liked EB for their practices... This is just like a cherry on top.

It's not that I'm throwing a fit because I'm not getting my rebate... but I'm throwing a fit at their way of running business.

Just like what bjkrautk said above... the coupon STARTS on the 23rd AND the fact that the coupon never said anything about in case of price drops.... AND the coupon gives a time frame of WHEN game PURCHASE (with no specification of price point) from 5/23 till 6/30... and ONE day after the coupon takes effect, the price "drops" (not sale)... and there they sit refusing to honor the rebate.

What kind of business practice is THAT? That's almost like luring people into buying the game... then not keeping their end of the bargain...

This is why 85% of my gaming money goes to GameStop. For the record, they have been extremely cooperative with my needs. (example is the splinter cell 3 CE on GC issue)

I'm glad EB got bought out by GS... and I hope, GS will impose their good practice over EB as well...
I'd hate to call GS the better retailer here but they honored the $20 voucher on the $20 brand new Phantom Dust. Granted the game was a $20 game to start. But it's the same situation, and GS came through. EB hasn't even screwed us yet and I hate them.
It hasn't even been two weeks yet. For all we know everyone will get their voucher still, all we can do is wait. As far as GS being the better retailer, I've experienced and heard a lot to the contrary, but this is definitely YMMV depending on managers and other reps.
[quote name='electrictroy']ASK.

If EB is like Penneys, they will have a sale price this week, put it back to retail next week, and then have a permanent markdown to $20 on the third week.

Also it's not "fun" for me to bash my customers. But when a guy or gal comes to me and says, "I want to use this coupon," and I point to the back where it says in bold - Not To Be Used For Sales - and instead of saying, "Oh okay," they have a hissy fit and call me names....

...I think I have a right to be frustrated. THEY made the mistake of not reading the coupon. Why are they yelling at me????? They should be yelling *at themselves* for being too stupid to read the damn coupon.

MOST of the time I enjoyed working in retail, but there's always that ONE dickwad that comes along once per week, throws a temper tantrum, calls you names, and basically ruins your day.


Asking doesn't seem like it would've done much good, either. It seems that on Tuesday (the day the price first dropped) most of the employees of the store even thought it'd work. For example, I was told about this deal by an EB employee on Tuesday. Other people on here who work at EB reiterate the point:

[quote name='Scoobert']He shouldn't have told you that yesterday. We received the emails yesterday that the voucher wouldn't work. The thing is though, the $19.99 price went into affect on Tuesday. So I actually told any customers that were looking at GC games about the whole "deal." But we didn't get any notification it wouldn't work until the following day. [/QUOTE]

Anyway, I'm sure you had to deal with plenty of douche bags wherever you worked. I'd never work in a retail store because I wouldn't want to have to put up with any of the shit that I'd almost certainly get on a regular basis from moron customers. That doesn't mean that customer complaints are never justified, though. And in this case, EB is *clearly* the one in the wrong.
[quote name='DN']I went to EB to pick up a copy and the guy said they had only one left and I knew it was a display copy. There was another EB about 2 blocks away so I said I would go to the other one to get a sealed copy and the guy said let me check their inventory. (How can one store check the inventory of another EB store?) Anyway, he said they were all out and they were sending back all new copies back to the distributor so this was the LAST copy left. I walked out of the store and went over to the other one and guess what? They had 3 copies left. EB employees are good at bold face lying.[/QUOTE]

For the record, we can check other stores inventory within the disctrict. It's so much easier than just calling individual stores and asking them if they have a certain game. Of course if a store has only 1 copy left, I'll call them up and ask if they can hold it for a customer.

I'd rather accommodate the customer then have our store get a sale. Some guys/girls are just WAY into their jobs trying too hard, and when they do they just hurt themselves or the customer.

I don't know why so much bashing goes on about EB, maybe it's the "in" thing to do. Look at what cag1000 said, "EB hasn't even screwed us yet and I hate them." Seriously, what's that about? It really is the "in" thing to do.

Honestly, a lot of EB employees I have met would love to change things around. Certain things just don't make sense. And now we have to start putting another sticker on game boxes, saying you can get 10% off! I hate all that, it just makes everything ugly with clutter.

Personally, I like making the customer happy. I treat everyone like how I would want to be treated. I have regulars who only come to me. I have customers who come into the store only want to talk with me. Hell, I've had job offers because of my customer service skills. Yes, I've actually have been approached in person and over the phone.

Anyways, /rant off.
People who bash EB mostly do it based on the employees they've met, which is way YMMV. Personally, of the 3 EBs I shop at I've liked almost all of the employees at all of them, where as I've disliked most Gamestop employees. I'm sure in other towns things are different though.
oh no, don't get me wrong. I don't bash EB because of their employee. I even had some good talks with some of them. It's the whole company's practice that pissed me off. I know the employees are just grunts doing dirty work for the big corp. I know and sympathize with them as I was once in their shoes.
Totally agree that $20 for this game is still a great price, but I'll wait and get it for $15 or $12.50 during one of those 2 for $25 sales and its a player's choice.

Just returned mine this morning -- now at least I have some money to buy food :)
[quote name='shrike4242']Just remind her you saved $30 on it. :D[/QUOTE]

Like that's going to work . . .

This is the reason why I do tradeins at EB (5 for $50 cancel the preorder type of deals) . . . with a few hundred on gift cards, I can make frequent orders and not take any crap.

I still get feedback for how much time that I'm on CAG :whistle2:0
[quote name='schultzed']Like that's going to work.

This is the reason why I do tradeins at EB (5 for $50 cancel the preorder) . . . with a few hundred on gift cards, I can make frequent orders and take any crap.

I still get feedback for how much time that I'm on CAG[/QUOTE]

yeah, that's not going to cut it. It's not $30 in savings - it's $20 wasted on a game I never planed on picking up in the first place but now that it's kind of cheap I couldn't help myself because I can't seem to pass up a deal no matter how many games are piling up that I'll never have time to play... it's a serious problem.
[quote name='javeryh']yeah, that's not going to cut it. It's not $30 in savings - it's $20 wasted on a game I never planed on picking up in the first place but now that it's kind of cheap I couldn't help myself because I can't seem to pass up a deal no matter how many games are piling up that I'll never have time to play... it's a serious problem.[/QUOTE]

This is why I'm thinking of skipping the new systems for a year . . . try to catch up on the good games I have on hand.

I traded in a slew of games in the 3 for $40 PSP game deal at EB (returned the PSP games for store credit of course). I traded in 20 games (mostly from CC $5 sale) and don't miss them at all. Most I had played at least a little.

But I see that while I was getting $13.33 per game, I can buy many of them for $7ish with coupons on EB.
[quote name='javeryh']yeah, that's not going to cut it. It's not $30 in savings - it's $20 wasted on a game I never planed on picking up in the first place but now that it's kind of cheap I couldn't help myself because I can't seem to pass up a deal no matter how many games are piling up that I'll never have time to play... it's a serious problem.[/QUOTE]

I hear you, Sir -- I am in the same shoes. Most of the games I pick up I play for perhaps a few hours tops before they get stashed away. It's the age old catch 22 of videogames. If you're a gamer, you want to make sure you're in on the next big game but every time you pick up the controller and spend a few hours, you can't help but feel you're in your mid 20s and you should be trying to figure out what to do with the rest of your life.

Ah, to be part of the "Garden State" generation.

I have about 20 games on my Xbox, and ~30 each on my PS2 and GCN, and oddly, the only system I play at all nowadays is Mario & Luigi on my SP -- and sparingly, at best.

Go figure.
[quote name='javeryh']it's $20 wasted on a game I never planed on picking up in the first place but now that it's kind of cheap I couldn't help myself because I can't seem to pass up a deal no matter how many games are piling up that I'll never have time to play... it's a serious problem.[/QUOTE] I was planning to buy Paper Mario 2, even if it was still $40. I loved Mario RPG, and I keep hoping for more of that same goodness.

As for justifying a purchase, I frequently hear a lot of smack from my mom. (I don't even live with her anymore, but she still bosses me around, and tells me to stop wasting money. If I listened to her, I'd be living in a flimsy $100 a month shack w/ no tv or games or anything. She calls that saving money. I call it hell. Might as well be dead.) Anyway, usually I just say:

"I bought it for $2, and will sell it at Christmas for $25. I'm not wasting money..... I'm *making* money." Of course, she still doesn't believe me, so I just whip out my Ebay invoice, and show her the $500 profit I made last Christmas.

[quote name='electrictroy']"I bought it for $2, and will sell it at Christmas for $25. I'm not wasting money..... I'm *making* money." Of course, she still doesn't believe me, so I just whip out my Ebay invoice, and show her the $500 profit I made last Christmas.[/QUOTE]
:headache: :wall:
I got 2 copies of Paper Mario 2 today at EB B&M today, however they were both display copies. A display copy is okay, but the copies I purchased weren't even on display. The clerk did mention that the rebate wouldn't work for the $20 price point. :bomb:

I also got an "Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc: Version 24" for the Gamecube. Not a bad freebie. :D
Since I can't seem to be online when this is in stock, and seeing as how there are no EB's near me within 2 hours worth of driving, can someone help me out with a copy? I'd appreciate it if at all possible.

Thanks, I'll keep trying to get it online in the meantime...
[quote name='schultzed']Like that's going to work . . .

This is the reason why I do tradeins at EB (5 for $50 cancel the preorder type of deals) . . . with a few hundred on gift cards, I can make frequent orders and not take any crap.

I still get feedback for how much time that I'm on CAG :whistle2:0[/QUOTE]

I feel your pain. That sounds like the EXACT situation I am in....
Well I went to two EB's so far no luck getting a sealed copy. One had no copy's except the display and for some freakin stupid reason another store had opend and re-sealed with a little sticker like 6 copies it appears. I'll hold out till I get a sealed it has to drop sometime and I'm patient.
I picked up two new copies @ $20 each, one for me, one for my sis. Plus, got 2 copies of the May 05 catalog with the rebate coupons inside! Thank you CAG.com!!!!!
[quote name='Blustrk98']I picked up two new copies @ $20 each, one for me, one for my sis. Plus, got 2 copies of the May 05 catalog with the rebate coupons inside! Thank you CAG.com!!!!![/QUOTE]

Dont waste your time with the vouchers since they will not accept them at the new 20 price point of Paper Mario... I returned my copy the other day (was going to ebay the sealed copy to recoup my 20 dollar investment, and get the voucher for free)... Guess I DONT feel as bad about getting MY copy last week for 10 with my syphon filter $20 voucher
[quote name='electrictroy']"I bought it for $2, and will sell it at Christmas for $25. I'm not wasting money..... I'm *making* money." Of course, she still doesn't believe me, so I just whip out my Ebay invoice, and show her the $500 profit I made last Christmas.
:headache: :wall:[/quote]
Stop pounding your head against the wall. Paper Mario will be sold as a USED game, and there's nothing wrong with that.

I picked up a copy of the catalog with the $20 gift voucher yesterday... but Paper Mario was nowhere in sight... also LOTR 3rd Age was still priced $14.99 at the B&M.
I just bought a copy of Paper Mario 2 from my local EBgames for $19.99 + tax. I asked about the $20 rebate but the guy at EBgames said it was for people who buy the game at $49.99. Still a very good deal even without the $20 off.
I picked up a sealed copy in SF, CA. The EB rep then handed me the May'05 catalogue, and told me to send in for the rebate. He said the game just dropped to $20, and there's a $20 rebate form inside. So I responded, 'Then it's pretty much free right?' He said, 'Well not exactly, it's in a gift voucher, so you'll have to spend it here.'
[quote name='Mospeada_21']I picked up a sealed copy in SF, CA. The EB rep then handed me the May'05 catalogue, and told me to send in for the rebate. He said the game just dropped to $20, and there's a $20 rebate form inside. So I responded, 'Then it's pretty much free right?' He said, 'Well not exactly, it's in a gift voucher, so you'll have to spend it here.'[/QUOTE]

Exactly so places don't care. Everyone who bought the game should have bought it because it's a good game. So what is there to lose in sending the form in?
i really hope this is a price drop, rather then a sale! I need to get a few bills paid in a few days, and then hopefully am able to get this.. !!

Do price drops (on GOOD games) make anyone else really happy? lol I really am smiling like this is a huge ordeal. I really need a life ::suicide::
this thread and this game is ruining my life....

I have finals comming in roughly 1 and 1/2 weeks... and... becuase of this thread, I picked up a copy and couldn't put down the controller from 8pm to 8am yesterday.... T_T
[quote name='lilboo']i really hope this is a price drop, rather then a sale! I need to get a few bills paid in a few days, and then hopefully am able to get this.. !!

Do price drops (on GOOD games) make anyone else really happy? lol I really am smiling like this is a huge ordeal. I really need a life ::suicide::[/QUOTE]

It makes me happy.
BUT it makes the people who brought it at full price sad.
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