Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread Nine

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First off, let me welcome you all to the new guide thread. Second, I'd like to ask you all to please keep conversations not pertaining to guide drops or which ones you've grabbed to a minimum to avoid cluttering the thread. It's not that I don't enjoy the chit chat, but that it may stop others from locating information on the newest drops.

That being said, let me thank Cheapy for creating this site, without which I would've spent probably 10 times what I HAVE spent on games and guides. Moreover, let me thank each and every one of my fellow CAGs for continuing to contribute to making this site a great place to find out about sales and clearances of the items we as gamers use most. Without a great community, NONE of this would be possible.

Furthermore, I would like to thank our Wiki editors HeatDolphin and Rocko for updating the Wiki. Great job.

Now, with that out of the way(and before I get to rambling), let's get on to making this new thread.

Useful Information(and links):

Game Guide Trading Clearinghouse(old one, locked now):


PLEASE keep ALL trade requests in there or PM's. Thank you.


Guide Lists(master drop lists and recent drops):

Master Drop List(by store, alphabetically):

Recent Guide Drops(by date,also check the second post in this thread):

What is the purpose of this thread?

The purpose of this thread is to let our fellow CAGs know when a guide has dropped to a low price(it's NOT ALWAYS A PENNY), so they can go out and grab guides for themselves and for trading with other CAGs.

Anytime you have guide drops to report, post them here. Please specify at which store you found them and which guides you found and list them in alphabetical order. Thank you.

What are penny guides?

Penny guides are guides which have been on the market for a while and the publisher(or store chain) decide that the remaining stock of these guides have little to no chance of selling, so they issue an order to pull them from the shelves and destroy them. At that time, they are also marked as .01 in their inventory system, except in the case of BBV, which marks them .01 only AFTER pulling them.

Most stores have an agreement with the publisher that states that if they destroy the remaining stock of those items, they will receive a credit for their value from the publisher. This is why many stores are usually annoyed when we CAGs come in and buy the guides AT the penny price, since otherwise they would've received a full credit for those items.

According to an employee at a local BB, they also have a recycling program for the pennied stock, so as to not clutter landfill space with the guides. As to how true it is, I cannot confirm, but I would hope that the paper is at least recycled instead of just dumpstered.

Prior Reduced price game guide threads:

Guide Three:
Guide Four:
Guide Five:
Guide Six:
Guide Seven:
Guide Seven and a half:
Guide Eight:

Finally, below is a list of website links, each of which goes to their respective guide page. Whenever possible, I will update the links with better ones(if available).


Thanks to floormat, Guinavere and anyone else who has created and maintained the guide thread before, as well as to all of those who find out either advance information on drops or provide a list of which ones dropped when we do have a drop.

The post below this one contains a list going back at LEAST six months of the more current guide drops, which stores they occured at and which ones dropped. Note that sometimes(Oblivion guide, Quake Wars: Enemy Territory)there are multiple versions of a guide, be it that there are Prima versions, Brady versions and the occasional Nintendo and Doublejump guides.

Please specify WHICH version has dropped when mentioning possible guide drops. Thank you.

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[quote name='Fatagooyman']Its one of the dumbest reasons I ever head in my life. I went to the first best buy today and got a whole bunch of guides with no problem. Then I went the another one. Huntington ny and I got a couple of guides. I have went there before with no problem. Any way after they scanned them all it came to 23 cents and before I could pay the cashier said hold on and went to get a manager. I asked him why he said I don't know why there coming up a penny. I tried to explain it to him. Anyway the manager comes and says I can't sell you these for a penny and the lowest I could do is 20 cents each. I said if there ringing up a penny and there pennid out why can't you sell me them. She said there not really a penny and there just a code 001 saying to take them off the shelf. I asked if they were not taking off the shelf why cant I buy them and she said that Bestbuy did not get the notice to take them off the shelf and I am using illegal infomation or I know someone who works at bestbuy that is telling me. I said there all over the internet just look and she said that the only way I would be able to get them before bestbuy does is knowing someone that works there. I told her that I spoke with best buy corporate and they said its ok and if there on the shelf you have to sell them for what they ring up for. Anyway after about 30 min of going back and forth she said I'll sell them to you for a penny now for the only time but never again and its the first time that some one is buying them. I told her I have got them from that store before and she got really really mad. Then she said there is no way I could have got them from that store because they would not allow it. She said she is going to make sure there never on the shelf again and I am not welcome to come back into the store. I asked why and she said because I am using illegal info on these guides and I am selling them on ebay and making money from bestbuy. so i got the guides and left.[/quote]

First off, periods and spaces are your friend because that is just one ginormous WALL O' TEXT!! Seriously. Second, DEMANDING anything from a store when if they did their jobs the right way you would never once find a penny guide, that's a HUGE mistake.

Believe me, I've gone through with many of the errors you made, but being demanding when they don't even HAVE to sell you the items is NOT a good way to ingratiate yourself to anyone there.

I've heard the 'you're going to Ebay them' thing and I answer every manager who bellows that at me in the same way. I say that I've researched that possibility and that the market is flooded with them making them almost as worthless to me as they are to this store at this point and that if anything I trade them for other ones I want with friends online.

Why the hell the manager changed the price to 20 cents each is beyond me, but I've had that happen before(at a CC store, where the clearance games weren't properly marked). In my case, the manager wanted to charge the marked price, I balked and said 'I'm not buying any of this, sorry for inconveniencing you'(to the clerk who probably had to restock it) and I walked out without anything.

Now due to inept management Circuit City is on the way out and I couldn't have a bigger smile on my face because that bitch manager who denied me on price is out of a job. Sure, everyone else is and I feel really sorry for the grunts who were just doing what they were told, but the management makes or breaks a store.

However, on a final note, ALL retail stores are considered private property and you are invited to shop there. If a store feels that you should not be allowed to shop there, then they can bar you from there. They CAN have you arrested for trespassing should you decide to try to ignore being 'banned', so don't try and go back there once you've been told you're barred from there.

Of course, the only time I ever shop at Best Buy or Gamestop is for penny stuff(and Kmart for clearance games), so I'm sure they wouldn't shed a tear if they banned me.

[quote name='lawdood']That's why you don't try to hoard 23 guides at one time.[/quote]

The only problem with NOT hoarding, is what happened to me during the LAST drop, where I was allowed to leave with 5-6 guides and when I came back in to loot the rest of the store of guides I was met by a manager who said I 'was lucky to have managed to get out of the store with what I did'.

Basically, I missed out on around 50-65 guides from ONE store, all of which are STILL MIA from that store's shelves. Mind you, I would've grabbed only those which I felt I could've traded/sold on here and left the numerous Madden LE's and other junk guides, but still I missed out on a BUNCH.

That is why you hoard every damn thing you can when you see it, since you never know when you'll be denied on a guide/game/whatever.
Two HUGE Mistakes here;

1)yes this is hoarding and is looked down upon

2)getting into arguement over penny guides will kill future deals

About a year ago i went on a little road trip and decided to hit up the BB in the area. Got a few guides from all. One of the last stores was a gold mine and had guides from drops going 3 years back. Had at least 7 Dead Risings and 13 Lego SW Complete guides. Went to the counter with the ones i wanted most. Checker was cool and made fun of me a bit to my girl friend for being a nerdy guide collector. Half way thru the transaction a manager came over and said they were suppose to be pulled and couldn't be sold to me. I asked to speak with manager and he said he was in charge of the store so all management decisions went thru him. I said it's cool man and left. Came back a few days later and cleared the place out by making many small transactions and to this day i still have a 3 dead risings and 7 Lego SW Completes in my colllection! Lesson learned is Karma...what goes around comes back around!

[quote name='Fatagooyman']Its one of the dumbest reasons I ever head in my life. I went to the first best buy today and got a whole bunch of guides with no problem. Then I went the another one. Huntington ny and I got a couple of guides. I have went there before with no problem. Any way after they scanned them all it came to 23 cents and before I could pay the cashier said hold on and went to get a manager. I asked him why he said I don't know why there coming up a penny. I tried to explain it to him. Anyway the manager comes and says I can't sell you these for a penny and the lowest I could do is 20 cents each. I said if there ringing up a penny and there pennid out why can't you sell me them. She said there not really a penny and there just a code 001 saying to take them off the shelf. I asked if they were not taking off the shelf why cant I buy them and she said that Bestbuy did not get the notice to take them off the shelf and I am using illegal infomation or I know someone who works at bestbuy that is telling me. I said there all over the internet just look and she said that the only way I would be able to get them before bestbuy does is knowing someone that works there. I told her that I spoke with best buy corporate and they said its ok and if there on the shelf you have to sell them for what they ring up for. Anyway after about 30 min of going back and forth she said I'll sell them to you for a penny now for the only time but never again and its the first time that some one is buying them. I told her I have got them from that store before and she got really really mad. Then she said there is no way I could have got them from that store because they would not allow it. She said she is going to make sure there never on the shelf again and I am not welcome to come back into the store. I asked why and she said because I am using illegal info on these guides and I am selling them on ebay and making money from bestbuy. so i got the guides and left.[/quote]
I hope to find a Silent Hill Homecoming and Infinite Undiscovery guide for my collection, but the way things have gone I'm not too hopeful.
[quote name='Antic']I hope to find a Silent Hill Homecoming and Infinite Undiscovery guide for my collection, but the way things have gone I'm not too hopeful.[/quote]

Same with me. I went to best buy like 5 days ago and I don't recall seeing any of these drops there, except the wrestling one. I want IU mostly, I couldn't care less about the rest. I would have went today but damn snow. I'll be there tomorrow at opening though.
[quote name='Fatagooyman']Its one of the dumbest reasons I ever head in my life. I went to the first best buy today and got a whole bunch of guides with no problem. Then I went the another one. Huntington ny and I got a couple of guides. I have went there before with no problem. Any way after they scanned them all it came to 23 cents and before I could pay the cashier said hold on and went to get a manager. I asked him why he said I don't know why there coming up a penny. I tried to explain it to him. Anyway the manager comes and says I can't sell you these for a penny and the lowest I could do is 20 cents each. I said if there ringing up a penny and there pennid out why can't you sell me them. She said there not really a penny and there just a code 001 saying to take them off the shelf. I asked if they were not taking off the shelf why cant I buy them and she said that Bestbuy did not get the notice to take them off the shelf and I am using illegal infomation or I know someone who works at bestbuy that is telling me. I said there all over the internet just look and she said that the only way I would be able to get them before bestbuy does is knowing someone that works there. I told her that I spoke with best buy corporate and they said its ok and if there on the shelf you have to sell them for what they ring up for. Anyway after about 30 min of going back and forth she said I'll sell them to you for a penny now for the only time but never again and its the first time that some one is buying them. I told her I have got them from that store before and she got really really mad. Then she said there is no way I could have got them from that store because they would not allow it. She said she is going to make sure there never on the shelf again and I am not welcome to come back into the store. I asked why and she said because I am using illegal info on these guides and I am selling them on ebay and making money from bestbuy. so i got the guides and left.[/quote]

So, for the rest of us LI Cags, aside from Huntington, which other Best Buy did you ruin? :roll: Thanks for the heads up.
[quote name='Slim Gatsby']So, for the rest of us LI Cags, aside from Huntington, which other Best Buy did you ruin? :roll: Thanks for the heads up.[/quote]

I don't think I ruined any considering that all the guides there was the same ones I seen about 7 months ago.
Random post of the day - my GC is absolutely loaded with old guides. They had the original Fable guide there (still $4.99) and some other rarities like Shadow Hearts FTNW and Valkyrie Profile 2. I picked up Lego Stars Wars Complete Saga for myself (at full price).
[quote name='rarebucky']Random post of the day - my GC is absolutely loaded with old guides. They had the original Fable guide there (still $4.99) and some other rarities like Shadow Hearts FTNW and Valkyrie Profile 2. I picked up Lego Stars Wars Complete Saga for myself (at full price).[/quote]

Wow you passed up old RPG guides for Lego Star Wars lol.. to each his own I guess good find though hopefully now some ebayer dont go and gut it.
I wish I wouldve checked more guides. I just saw one copy of infinite undiscovery so I figured I'd take it up to check it for you guys, I was so happy to see it pennied and to report it back here. I shouldve gone back in to check more after that but I was in a rush. Just happy to contribute to the thread though but I eish I couldve checked more guides cause I really enjoyed the excitement of everybody on the drop of some of the guides. The one thing I realise now though is that I have tons of guided but I never seem to look through them. It's awesome to just collect them though.
I'll bs trading in a lot of extras for guides I really want, then again I could just wait for those to drop too.
[quote name='Derrick1979']Wow you passed up old RPG guides for Lego Star Wars lol.. to each his own I guess good find though hopefully now some ebayer dont go and gut it.[/QUOTE]

Well, considering if he wanted to buy the guide for Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga on EBay he'd have to pay $60 - $80 for it, I think he made the correct choice ;)
[quote name='Josef']Well, considering if he wanted to buy the guide for Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga on EBay he'd have to pay $60 - $80 for it, I think he made the correct choice ;)[/quote]

Well not everyone is looking at what they can make for items on Ebay.... ;)
[quote name='Derrick1979']Well not everyone is looking at what they can make for items on Ebay.... ;)[/QUOTE]

That's not what Josef was saying. He means if he wanted to buy that guide, he would have to PAY $60 - $80 for it on eBay. He's talking about BUYING the guide, not SELLING it. It's either buy it at regular MSRP in the store, or buy it at outrageous markups on eBay.
[quote name='Ubiiquitous']That's not what Josef was saying. He means if he wanted to buy that guide, he would have to PAY $60 - $80 for it on eBay. He's talking about BUYING the guide, not SELLING it. It's either buy it at regular MSRP in the store, or buy it at outrageous markups on eBay.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. Rarebucky said he got it for himself and he made the right decision by picking it up at GC instead of paying out his ass on EBay.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
The only problem with NOT hoarding, is what happened to me during the LAST drop, where I was allowed to leave with 5-6 guides and when I came back in to loot the rest of the store of guides I was met by a manager who said I 'was lucky to have managed to get out of the store with what I did'.

Basically, I missed out on around 50-65 guides from ONE store, all of which are STILL MIA from that store's shelves. Mind you, I would've grabbed only those which I felt I could've traded/sold on here and left the numerous Madden LE's and other junk guides, but still I missed out on a BUNCH.

That is why you hoard every damn thing you can when you see it, since you never know when you'll be denied on a guide/game/whatever.[/quote]

Well, here's where I'll disagree with you, then if it we need to continue we should probably just take it to the guide discussion thread. The last drop was HUGE, 23 guides might not have been hoarding if there was say like 2 copies of each guide in your haul. I also understand about picking up an extra copy, maybe two of some RPG guide or LE guide. I wouldn't consider that hoarding, esp. if you're picking up the extras to trade or sell to other CAG's.

23 guides from THIS drop? When only a few guides dropped and really only one, maybe two was even worth picking up, THAT is what I consider hoarding. Who needs multiples of Midnight Club:LA? or SCIV when the LE already dropped?

I picked up one of each save the two Infinite Undiscovery's I found as I knew that would be in high demand and what do ya know, I already traded it for a Silent Hill which my store didn't have.

Just because penny guides are on the shelf doesn't always mean we have to clean them out, sure they might be pulled but in the case of say, a Midnight Club, is anyone really going to care? I think once someone goes beyond picking up a copy for themselves and maybe an extra or two to trade of more potentially in demand guides, an argument could be made for hoarding.

Plus, the more guides you try to haul out of there at one time, the more of a target you make yourself as well as potentially future CAG's who go to that store for penny guides AND possibly alerting that store to be more on top of pulling pennied guides in future drops. I believe it's best to stay fairly low key when buying penny guides.
I'm heading to two best buys later today, and maybe a blockbuster, but in regards to the former, has anyone noticed if the stores were as quick on the draw as they were with the last drop? I'm just trying to know what to expect this time around (this store usually leaves things up, and left the October drops fully on shelf for 3 weeks, but last drop all but 4 were gone)
[quote name='Visc']in regards to the former, has anyone noticed if the stores were as quick on the draw as they were with the last drop? [/QUOTE]

Every store is completely different and mutually exclusive.
Hi Fuss and IATCG, Thanks for the update. I managed to pick up IU, Bioshock, SH, and Midnight Club, all x 2. I also got 2 copies of Civilization. I had Civ from Last drop but accidentaly traded my last copy to another CAG.
Managed to pick up 18 guides from this and last drop at the BB in Tensleytown, DC. Funny enough, I saw another person there looking for penny guides.
Thank you OP. Managed to pick up everything I wanted. Will add a few to the trade threat as well.
Also, very glad that the last 'heads up' from corporate was a one time thing.
[quote name='lawdood']Well, here's where I'll disagree with you, then if it we need to continue we should probably just take it to the guide discussion thread. The last drop was HUGE, 23 guides might not have been hoarding if there was say like 2 copies of each guide in your haul. I also understand about picking up an extra copy, maybe two of some RPG guide or LE guide. I wouldn't consider that hoarding, esp. if you're picking up the extras to trade or sell to other CAG's.

23 guides from THIS drop? When only a few guides dropped and really only one, maybe two was even worth picking up, THAT is what I consider hoarding. Who needs multiples of Midnight Club:LA? or SCIV when the LE already dropped?

I picked up one of each save the two Infinite Undiscovery's I found as I knew that would be in high demand and what do ya know, I already traded it for a Silent Hill which my store didn't have.

Just because penny guides are on the shelf doesn't always mean we have to clean them out, sure they might be pulled but in the case of say, a Midnight Club, is anyone really going to care? I think once someone goes beyond picking up a copy for themselves and maybe an extra or two to trade of more potentially in demand guides, an argument could be made for hoarding.

Plus, the more guides you try to haul out of there at one time, the more of a target you make yourself as well as potentially future CAG's who go to that store for penny guides AND possibly alerting that store to be more on top of pulling pennied guides in future drops. I believe it's best to stay fairly low key when buying penny guides.[/quote]

Actually, the third Best Buy I typically hit, I usually wait until a week after a drop to hit there. If the store STILL has stuff on the shelf, then I assume that no CAG's live around there and the store doesn't give a crap to do their job.

So I walk in, grab a cart and go nuts grabbing everything that dropped(save for the sports title guides).

From the last three drops, I've picked up probably 30-45 guides from that one store alone.

I'm probably headed there today actually to see what I can grab. If there's nothing left there, then I know I red flagged the store by grabbing so much or my one friend from CAG hit there before me.
Went to both the Capital Blvd. and Garner Best Buys in NC. I found 4+ of each guide sitting on the shelves at Capital Blvd, picked up two of each and tried to check out. The employee wound up calling his manager over and she decided not to sell them to me. No big deal, I just said ok and walked out. The Garner store, however, was a goldmine. They had put all the guides from this drop and quite a few from the last drop on the shelf with $0.01 price tags on them. I grabbed what I wanted and checked out with no problem.

To save any other NC CAGs the trip: don't bother heading out to the Capital Blvd store.
Can't believe it. I got nothing. BB has always been a gaurantee for me.

Went to 6 stores today; 5 had pulled them. The other store had what I wanted but a yellow shirt came up and denied the sale as I was being checked out. I always forget how frustrating that is. All I wanted was Undiscovery and Silent Hill. :bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb:

Now I have to try and put my life back together and work.
[quote name='Doomstink']Went to both the Capital Blvd. and Garner Best Buys in NC. I found 4+ of each guide sitting on the shelves at Capital Blvd, picked up two of each and tried to check out. The employee wound up calling his manager over and she decided not to sell them to me. No big deal, I just said ok and walked out. The Garner store, however, was a goldmine. They had put all the guides from this drop and quite a few from the last drop on the shelf with $0.01 price tags on them. I grabbed what I wanted and checked out with no problem.

To save any other NC CAGs the trip: don't bother heading out to the Capital Blvd store.[/quote]

They should all just do that :D
I got denied today.

only grabbed 7 guides... i got unlucky that the dept manager (w/e) was right there. she just grabbed my guides and said oh hold on, we can't sell these....

she was a b**ch~

oh well.
I got denied today.. Only had 2 guides that were pennied.. SC IV and Infinite Discovery. A CSM was called and they said to mark them 1/2 off . So it was ~$20 for the two. I said , "No Thanks"... I can't believe people are actually get stacks of these elsewhere.
[quote name='tbassett']Does anybody know if the MGS4 LE was pennied? I see it's taken off Best Buys website. Haven't heard any mention of it.[/QUOTE]

The second post of this thread has everything that dropped today.
I'm surprised this time around too. 4 BB I went to had all the penny guides pulled. (And conveniently rearranged from the last time I was there) At one of the stores. I found two guides and went to check out, and the cashier just said that we aren't supposed to sell those guides.. He sold them to me anyway, so I dont get that.. lol

And the last one I went to had all of the guides untouched, and I had zero problems buying the guides. I may have found my new favorite best buy.. lol

Although this is only me second penny guide trip. Ive learned quickly not to hoard guides.. they can stack up quick.
Found 1 copy of IU and was going to grab it, but my cashier was a n00b and apparently whoever she asked about it was also a n00b. Ended up waiting 2-3 minutes while they ran around trying to add 1+1 and just walking out, not worth the wait. :/
[quote name='tbassett']Does anybody know if the MGS4 LE was pennied? I see it's taken off Best Buys website. Haven't heard any mention of it.[/QUOTE]

I was totally oblivious to this drop, but manage to snag a few today.
[quote name='fanopants']To the DUDE IN CHARGE:

Mario Kart (Wii) dropped at Blockbuster back in Nov/Dec. Big props for maintaining the list![/quote]


It's on the list twice!

>>>Dropped on 2.21.09Dropped on 11.17.08
Sorry to hear the stories about getting denied, honestly. The two Best Buys I go to though haven't had a problem with me so far. I even showed up to one three times in two days since yesterday. The guy checking my receipt even said "what a deal.". Picked up some Infinite Undiscovery's and some SOCOM's
Anybody go to Best Buy in Joliet, IL for the recent drop? Were there some guides left so I can go tommorow, or should I not waste my time?
[quote name='Slim Gatsby']Somebody bought 98 guides at the Bayshore store yesterday. THANKS LOCAL LURKERS.[/quote]

How'd you find out that number?
I'm very amused by the idea of someone checking out with an entire shopping cart worth of guides and handing the cashier a dollar, then waiting patiently for the two cents back. Hey, that's two additional guides!

The Fenway Best Buy in Boston, MA had some goodies. I got 2 each of Silent Hill, Infinite Undiscovery, Midnight Club LA, and Soul Calibur IV. A big fat dime. :) There were still copies of SCIV, 007, and Bioshock as well. Might've been more, I didn't look too closely after I got the ones I wanted. I haven't checked out the Mass Ave BB or the one in Cambridge, and I'm not planning to since I got all the ones I wanted, so there might still be stuff there, too.
[quote name='NegativeZero']I was totally oblivious to this drop, but manage to snag a few today.[/QUOTE]

So are you saying MGS4 LE was pennied at the Best Buy you went to today?
[quote name='Fayt13']How'd you find out that number?[/quote]

The clerk ringing up my handful told me, apparently he had taken care of him yesterday. :roll: 98.
You know I always read all these posts about cags getting up to the front register and being denied...but how do you guys even get to that point!!! The last 2-3 times for these bestbuy drops, I go the day of or after and every time, each of the 3 stores I check has nothing. Do you guys all use this thread as your homepage and find out instantly every time? I imagine the list comes in at the beginning of the day, they pull the guides and that's all she wrote. There used to be a fellow (whose name escapes me) who could give us two days notice or so on what's going to drop, but that's impossible anymore I guess.

Do you folks all know someone there or something? I just don't understand it... It's so frusterating.
My local BB was a gold mine in the past but not now. BB pulled all guides this time around and pulled most on the previous drop. I managed to get a couple last time but they pulled them all this time. This is my only BB for a 100 mile radius. I am starting to think that I will not be buying anything at my local BB unless I am able to score some guides. I know that sounds silly but it's my money and I can do better than BB on just about everything BB sales.
[quote name='Josef']So are you saying MGS4 LE was pennied at the Best Buy you went to today?[/quote]

Yes, I'm interested to know this as well! If so, I'm hittin my local BB up again tonight!
I priced the MGS4 LE yesterday at two different BB's - $30. The guide was not on the website then either.

NegativeZero posted his trade list 5 minutes before his post here and there is no MGS4 LE listed. I think he was referring to this drop in general.
I don't understand why stores are refusing to sell the guides. If they aren't supposed to be sold why did someone show a picture of a shelf tag of 1 cent during the last drop and I have been to Best Buy stores before where they actually stickered the guides 1 cent.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I don't understand why stores are refusing to sell the guides. If they aren't supposed to be sold why did someone show a picture of a shelf tag of 1 cent during the last drop and I have been to Best Buy stores before where they actually stickered the guides 1 cent.[/quote]
It is most likely a training issue. Employees are probably used to doing price changes and see these as .01 and sticker them instead of pulling them.
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