Resident Evil 5 - Out Now - 2/17: Lost in Nightmares DLC arriving on 2/18 for $4.99

@tavohl I didn't need the rocket launcher on either fight. it was just getting sheva past part 5-3 without getting shot by wesker.

finally got the platinum last night. now I don't have to ever play this game again unless I am trying to unlock infinite ammo on the rest of the guns or me and my best friend get the online pack to play which I doubt. now i am going back between street fighter 4 and I will play uncharted again until I get platinum in that.
I'm stuck on Chapter 6-3 right now, at
The first form of Wesker. I tried turning off the lights, and still struggle to shoot an RPG at him or damage him. I'll eventually figure it out.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I'm stuck on Chapter 6-3 right now, at
The first form of Wesker. I tried turning off the lights, and still struggle to shoot an RPG at him or damage him. I'll eventually figure it out.

you dont really even have to use the rpg. the main thing is to attack him when he doesnt see you or isnt looking at you directly. the rpg speeds things up but if you have a fully upgraded hand cannon or rifle those work just as well. just be ready to move in on him once he drops down. that part of that fight can be over with pretty quick.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I'm stuck on Chapter 6-3 right now, at
The first form of Wesker. I tried turning off the lights, and still struggle to shoot an RPG at him or damage him. I'll eventually figure it out.
I can Co-op if you want.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Hey, gang. Could someone help in Professional mode 5-3 to the end as well as the 2-3 boss?

I'm so close to my Platinum! :bouncy:[/quote]
I can as long as you have a headset.
Anyone wanna play tonight and help this fellow cag beat the game on Normal
I do have a headset.

So how about 10pm pst?
I can help out some peeps too. Not so much today, but usually 9-11 est weekdays.

I'm toying with the idea of a platinum on this one. I'm about halfway through on Professional mode, although it's frustratingly hard without a human sidekick.

I'll play on any difficulty and any level though as I need exchange points and money. :p
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Hey, gang. Could someone help in Professional mode 5-3 to the end as well as the 2-3 boss?

I'm so close to my Platinum! :bouncy:[/quote]

I recommend doing both of these stages alone.

2-3: Make sure you play as Sheva. I don't think you can win as chris. All you need to do is worry about hitting him when he's about to attack and taking out the zombies. It might take a little longer than you'd like- but Chris will eventually target all of the parasites by himself.

5-3: If you have the rocket launcher- you can finish wesker pretty easy (and in my experience, Sheva and Jill don't factor into that part of the match. For the Jill fight- stay up stairs- she'll run up the stair to your right- and you can start knocking her down. Once she is down, stand at her feet and get ready to do the action- Sheva SHOULD run to the other side of her right before she stands up and grab her immediately (I did it 8 times in a row on my game). You have to shoot the chest thing 7-8 times- Sheva will comment on it when it's time.
I just picked this up last night. I got through 1-2 on Normal and I'm playing single-player right now.

I'm trying to play without a walkthrough or guide, so any general tips on what guns to upgrade or how to handle the AI partner? I don't want to spend too much $ upgrading the shotgun if I get a better one in a few levels. Also, what guns should I give the Sheva? Is it better to sell or give her the ones I don't want?
[quote name='jalu6']I just picked this up last night. I got through 1-2 on Normal and I'm playing single-player right now.

I'm trying to play without a walkthrough or guide, so any general tips on what guns to upgrade or how to handle the AI partner? I don't want to spend too much $ upgrading the shotgun if I get a better one in a few levels. Also, what guns should I give the Sheva? Is it better to sell or give her the ones I don't want?[/quote]

I'd hold off on upgrading the shotgun until you get the M3.

Sheva seems to default to the pistol if she has more than 1 weapon- so if you want her to use a particular item- only give her that gun (although I have seen her change weapons in attack mode).
[quote name='nbballard']I recommend doing both of these stages alone.

2-3: Make sure you play as Sheva. I don't think you can win as chris. All you need to do is worry about hitting him when he's about to attack and taking out the zombies. It might take a little longer than you'd like- but Chris will eventually target all of the parasites by himself.

5-3: If you have the rocket launcher- you can finish wesker pretty easy (and in my experience, Sheva and Jill don't factor into that part of the match. For the Jill fight- stay up stairs- she'll run up the stair to your right- and you can start knocking her down. Once she is down, stand at her feet and get ready to do the action- Sheva SHOULD run to the other side of her right before she stands up and grab her immediately (I did it 8 times in a row on my game). You have to shoot the chest thing 7-8 times- Sheva will comment on it when it's time.
In response to the second part of your spoiler, it's 6 times at the weak point. Then 1 pull is all that's needed.
[quote name='nbballard']I'd hold off on upgrading the shotgun until you get the M3.

Sheva seems to default to the pistol if she has more than 1 weapon- so if you want her to use a particular item- only give her that gun (although I have seen her change weapons in attack mode).[/quote]

i agree with the m3 id also wait till you get the sig 556 machine gun and the H&K PSG1 rifle and upgrade the hell out of those. in the end youll have to upgrade some weapons to get other weapons unlocked to further upgrade those. it took me like 2 and a half runthroughs to get all my weapons upgraded fully. getting infinite ammo is a bitch though.
Is the multiplayer to this actually good? Far as the vs goes.

I rented it, and beat it when it first came out. I could get it cheap now to play though it again, and play some vs if it was good enough reason to get it.
Versus is pretty fun and random. I play it often. Team Slayers is the best mode in my opinion (it's like Mercenaries, but you can kill each other). LMK if you get it, maybe we can play a match or something.
So still could use a hand one of these nights, I think I can play Thursday or the weekend. Also if anyone is interested in sharing their DLC let me know. I have stuff to offer on my TL
Two more questions: is it worth saving the gems I'm finding along the way? Do they get combined later on like in RE4? Or should I just sell them?

Also, the body armor that's for sale? Does that cut down on the damage you take permanently, or just until it runs out? Is it worth the investment?
[quote name='jalu6']Two more questions: is it worth saving the gems I'm finding along the way? Do they get combined later on like in RE4? Or should I just sell them?

Also, the body armor that's for sale? Does that cut down on the damage you take permanently, or just until it runs out? Is it worth the investment?[/quote]

you dont combine gems but some of them can be hard to find especially if youre looking to get the treasure hunter trophy. i think the body armor is crap especilly when you play on pro mode. i guess its supposed to work but i cant tell any real difference. depending on what difficulty youre playing on you wont need it but id suggest giving it to sheeva since she can be kinda dumb.
[quote name='jalu6']Two more questions: is it worth saving the gems I'm finding along the way? Do they get combined later on like in RE4? Or should I just sell them?

Also, the body armor that's for sale? Does that cut down on the damage you take permanently, or just until it runs out? Is it worth the investment?[/quote]
You can go ahead and sell those treasures. There is no combining of treasures in RE5 and you don't need to have all of them at once for the Treasue Hunter trophy. You just need to have had each of them once.

As for the body armor, it's helpful in all modes but Professional (to an extent). It can make noticeable differances. In Pro, almost every hit will put you into Dying state, however, the correct armor can sometimes leave you with a sliver of health, so you can heal yourself. It's random though and not too reliable. I say it's worth the slot.
so I just played professional mode tonight. Even with the body armor I got my ass handed to me in chapter 1 lol. But I like it, it's a challenge.
Just got a new HDTV. Hooked up my ps3 with HDMI RE5 is a little box in the middle. Does RE5 not support widescreen?
[quote name='darkk']Just got a new HDTV. Hooked up my ps3 with HDMI RE5 is a little box in the middle. Does RE5 not support widescreen?[/QUOTE]

Is the PS3 itself displaying in widescreen, then the game formats down to 4:3? That's strange. Are you playing local co-op??
Hey guys I will be getting this game in a week or two. I've got some others to finish up but once that's done I'll be ready to do some RE5 co-op. It's my understanding that the game isn't as good without a buddy. I've got a mic. MSG me on PSN if you're soon to be a RE5 newb like me.
Wondering if anybody here would be willing to set up the Eye of the Tiger trophy (30 wins in Survivors) with me. Last trophy and need to finish this ASAP. LMK.
[quote name='Neo-Nut']I hope they don't price the motion control resident 5 at 60.[/QUOTE]

I believe the RE4: Wii was sold at a discounted price. And few consumers would be willing to pay $60 for RE5 AND Motion Controller AND PS Eye.

Wonder how much a bundle of all three components would cost.
There has not been much info around the "Directors Cut" Alternative version of RE 5. Magazine Famitsu got to interview the RE5 producers to get more details. Here is the interview paraphrase and translated:

If you don't want to read, I will highlight that the extraJill/Chris Mission WILL NOT BE DLC, but a standalone release similar to Super Street Fighter IV

here is the interview:

  • Capcom came up with the name "Alternative Edition" because the term "Complete Edition" didn't seem appropriate when considering the adequacy of the original package.
  • Capcom wanted to place the new content in the original release, but felt that the game was adequate already, and wanted to get it released soon.
  • When the original game was released, players expressed their desire to play as Jill.
  • Capcom originally proposed to make the new content downloadable, but there was too much content for that.
  • The game begins at the entrance of the Spencer Mansion featured in the flashback of the original game, but fans of the original Biohazard will certainly love the new content.
  • The Spencer mansions in Biohazard and Biohazard 5 are indeed separate.
  • The game is intended for the PS3 Motion Controller. The series' combat system warranted the addition of the motion controls. The game uses the Dual Shock 3 to move the characters, while the Motion Controller is used for attacking and other functions.
  • All the DLC content for the original release can be enjoyed on the Biohazard 5 Alternative Edition disc. Players can play with or against players of the original Biohazard 5.
  • Owners of the original can transfer their game saves, trophies, etc. to Alternative Edition.
  • Capcom is thinking about adding new costumes and game modes as well.
  • The blood in the main hall of the mansion symbolizes that an incident has occurred, and gamers will understand as soon as they step in what that incident was.
  • The original Biohazard was a game that did not have a cooperative aspect to it, though Biohazard 5 Alternative Edition will have it in spite of their similar environments.
  • The behind-the-shoulder camera will be used, although if you noticed from the screenshots, there are no enemies present…
  • When asked whether the enemies with be majinis or zombies, with regards to this chapter, Capcom is making preparations for the type of enemies to be included, especially since the setting is Spencer's mansion, with him actually living there.
  • Capcom believes the game will have the types of rooms and locations fans are expecting.
  • Takeuchi finished just Jill's episode in 1 hour and 40 minutes, but that is because he is an experienced player. New players should take around 2 hours the first time. Of course, this isn't the only new content being included…
  • Capcom understands that there are varying tastes for the Biohazard series up to this point.
  • Players who both played through Biohazard 5 and have yet to try it will enjoyed Alternative Edition. Capcom would like buyers of the new PS3 Slim to try the game out, as well.
  • Capcom is preparing the Xbox 360 version in a different form, and asks gamers to wait for more information on that in the future.

Also here is a trailer, and screenshots for the new RE5 Jill/Chris story:

Screenshots/Scans from Famitsu Magazine(from

Trailer (VERY POOR QUALITY) taken from TGS presentation:
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*sigh* Capcom, if you honestly expect us to believe that these RE5 and SF4 updates can't be patched in with DLC... I've got a dune buggy and an island, and some motorcycles that say otherwise.
In anticipation of the Director's cut, I'm sending my copy of to Amazon for trade in. Getting $24 (you can buy it used for $25 at Gamefly right now if you want). It's going to hurt to be without it, but I'll live.
[quote name='John Hyperion']In anticipation of the Director's cut, I'm sending my copy of to Amazon for trade in. Getting $24 (you can buy it used for $25 at Gamefly right now if you want). It's going to hurt to be without it, but I'll live.[/QUOTE]

You might want to wait for the announcement that says you should keep your original game for a special surprise! :)

And what's up with Amazon's TIV on the collector's edition? it's only 13 bucks...
[quote name='nbballard']You might want to wait for the announcement that says you should keep your original game for a special surprise! :)[/QUOTE]

Ha! I'm betting, if it's anything, it'll be linked to a game save.
So we need to hold a Normal controller and the Wand thing at the same time?????? No thanks Sony/Capcom, I only have 2 hands...WTF
RESIDENT EVIL 5: GOLD EDITION announced. The original game plus all additional content (all DLC except the 2 unreleased ones & 2 unreleased costume packs), making this the ultimate Resident Evil 5 experience.

RESIDENT EVIL 5: GOLD EDITION will be available for $49.99 as a single Blu-ray disc for the PLAYSTATION 3 or as a DVD with a token for the downloadable content for XBOX 360.

Haha can't fit on 360 so they make it download only. :lol:
[quote name='J7.']RESIDENT EVIL 5: GOLD EDITION announced. The original game plus all additional content (all DLC except the 2 unreleased ones & 2 unreleased costume packs), making this the ultimate Resident Evil 5 experience.

RESIDENT EVIL 5: GOLD EDITION will be available for $49.99 as a single Blu-ray disc for the PLAYSTATION 3 or as a DVD with a token for the downloadable content for XBOX 360.

Haha can't fit on 360 so they make it download only. :lol:[/QUOTE]

That is crazy. And yes, the 360 couldn't handle something like this. :D

We should get a cag night going for co op and/or mercenaries mode. If there is already please link me to the thread. I tried searching for one but couldn't find anything. :cold:
I'm not sure it's a size thing as much as an anti-piracy issue. For instance, you can rent Fallout 3 GOTY and just install all the dlc to your hard drive and be done with it if you have an original copy of the game. My guess is they don't want people doing that and it will encourage more people to just buy the dlc straight from the store.
I know this game is oldish but I just picked it up recently. Anyone interested in some coop? I've got a headset (that I don't use much but will if it makes the game experience better).
I just picked it up during some holiday sales. Only problem is I just started GTA 4 and will probably play through Uncharted 2 before I get to this.
[quote name='bornrunnin31']I'm not sure it's a size thing as much as an anti-piracy issue. For instance, you can rent Fallout 3 GOTY and just install all the dlc to your hard drive and be done with it if you have an original copy of the game. My guess is they don't want people doing that and it will encourage more people to just buy the dlc straight from the store.[/QUOTE]

Then why release it on 1 Bluray & the PC game's file size is 6.95 gb. Capcom just went cheap and decided the fees on a 2nd disc were not worth it I think.
bread's done