Retail Employee Stories Part 6: The Life & Tragedies Of GrilledWitOnions

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Muscle also doesn't weigh more then fat. Fat is less dense which visually fives it the appeal of taking up more space then muscle. You weight a pound of muscle and a pound of fat and its still going to show 1 pound on a scale.

lol someone needs to push this one threw mythbusters.
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']Muscle also doesn't weigh more then fat. Fat is less dense which visually fives it the appeal of taking up more space then muscle. You weight a pound of muscle and a pound of fat and its still going to show 1 pound on a scale.

lol someone needs to push this one threw mythbusters.[/quote]

For the space the two take up, muscle does weigh more than fat. But you are correct, yes.
[quote name='redshadow']For the space the two take up, muscle does weigh more than fat. But you are correct, yes.[/QUOTE]

This true, but the proper term is density, not weight :\
A customer once told me that a cent difference is too much.

Basically I work in grocery in the produce area. Well 1 lbs. strawberries were 2 for $3.99 while 2 lbs strawberries were $3.98. We ran out of 2 pound ones so I suggested just buying two of the 1 pound ones and that's where he said, "A cent is too much."
I worked in the mattress department at macys. Because its a big ticket item we get the cream of the crop when it comes to A-holes. Had a lady come in once with a boscovs coupon for 50% off a single item(which im pretty sure didnt include 5k mattresses) and wanted me to accept it. I told her that we were MACYS and not boscovs, but we were running a sale blah blah. She says "well I can get this mattress at boscovs for 50% off. I assured her that if it did work on their mattresses it would be 50% off retail price (tip: when they say 50 off mattresses, its not that big of a sale the markup is crazy high) and we dont honor coupons from out competitors. Anyway she kept insisting that I take 50 off of our already 50 off prices because she had the coupon. After trying to get me to use the coupon for half an hour I eventually said "Your right, they do have the better deal. If I were you Id hurry over and take advantage of that coupon." Then sat at my desk till she left.

And this is one of my BETTER customers. You dont want to hear about the guy that wanted to fight me.
[quote name='LXL_Guy']A customer once told me that a cent difference is too much.

Basically I work in grocery in the produce area. Well 1 lbs. strawberries were 2 for $3.99 while 2 lbs strawberries were $3.98. We ran out of 2 pound ones so I suggested just buying two of the 1 pound ones and that's where he said, "A cent is too much."[/QUOTE]

Not as bad as yours, but I had a lady fight in the middle of a christmas line for 10 min to get 10% off a 3.99 shirt. Love how dozens of people mean nothing to that 40 cents she saved.
[quote name='tankass']And this is one of my BETTER customers. You dont want to hear about the guy that wanted to fight me.[/QUOTE]

Yes I do. Very much.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Yea you can't be 6'0", 350, and muscular heh.[/quote]

Haven't been in this thread for awhile, but to clear things up, I said a lot of it was muscle but I wouldn't consider myself muscular. I'll be the first to admit I've got some fat and my weight according to my latest DOT physical was 319lbs, so I guess I embellished a little.
Whoever said you can't be 6' and weigh 300lbs and still be muscular....darling, there are many types of body builds and perhaps you haven't found this one yet.
He wanted to be a pilot in the Air Force and the recruiter eyeballed him, guessed he weighed 190-200 lbs, and was told 300. He was shocked, yes. Weighed him and goes, "Huh. Well, you're too big to pilot one of our planes. We have strict weight requirements."

It's possible. Now, I can see 350 lbs pushing it, but still...I was trying to point out that just because *most* people weigh a certain amount for a certain height, that's not always the case.

And yes, muscle is denser than fat, not heavier. My bad. :wall:
I worked at a full service carwash in my town during my late high school / early college years.

The full service basically consisted of a vaccum, automatic carwash, and then an exterior dry-off/clean interior windows/quick wipe down of the dash.

We had our share of awesome customers:

One guy pulls up in a dually truck. Naturally, the first thing we try to explain to him is that the dually wheels won't fit in the wash's track (the thing that pulls the vehicle through the wash). He interrupts us saying he realizes that but he wants us to hand-wash it. We try to explain that we don't offer that service, and even if we wanted to, we aren't setup to do it easily. Almost instantly, the guy loses his temper and slams his truck in reverse and guns it back to the front of the building (the area where customers are greeted and the entrance to the carwash are at the rear of the building) while yelling something about how he's "been coming here for years!". He jumps out of his truck and goes inside the front door to talk to the owner who tells him the same thing we were trying to. A few minutes later he storms out, gets back in his truck and takes off spinning his tires pulling out onto the road. I guess the owner basically told him to take a hike.

Another lady pulls into the exterior wash only lane, snatches her ticket from my hand, and proceeds to "drive" through the carwash without waiting for us to give her any direction, put her car in neutral, wait for us to activate the track, etc. I'm pretty sure she went through the wash at idle speed, triggering the sensors for each part of the wash but obviously going too fast. Then she pulls out front and gets out and starts bitching about how there are soap and suds all over her car, lol. Another employee ended up driving her car back around the building and putting it through the wash properly.

We also had people try to bait us into stealing money from their vehicle so they could have something to bitch about. I'm vaccuming out this one car which seemed to be brand new and I lift up one of the obviously still new floor mats. There is a crisp ten dollar bill underneath square in the middle of where the mat goes. It was obvious that it didn't get there by accident. Of course, I left it exactly where I found it. :)
[quote name='tankass']I worked in the mattress department at macys. Because its a big ticket item we get the cream of the crop when it comes to A-holes. Had a lady come in once with a boscovs coupon for 50% off a single item(which im pretty sure didnt include 5k mattresses) and wanted me to accept it. I told her that we were MACYS and not boscovs, but we were running a sale blah blah. She says "well I can get this mattress at boscovs for 50% off. I assured her that if it did work on their mattresses it would be 50% off retail price (tip: when they say 50 off mattresses, its not that big of a sale the markup is crazy high) and we dont honor coupons from out competitors. Anyway she kept insisting that I take 50 off of our already 50 off prices because she had the coupon. After trying to get me to use the coupon for half an hour I eventually said "Your right, they do have the better deal. If I were you Id hurry over and take advantage of that coupon." Then sat at my desk till she left.

And this is one of my BETTER customers. You dont want to hear about the guy that wanted to fight me.[/QUOTE]
I do ^^
[quote name='Hush']We also had people try to bait us into stealing money from their vehicle so they could have something to bitch about. I'm vaccuming out this one car which seemed to be brand new and I lift up one of the obviously still new floor mats. There is a crisp ten dollar bill underneath square in the middle of where the mat goes. It was obvious that it didn't get there by accident. Of course, I left it exactly where I found it. :)[/quote]

When I worked at Rite Aid in '01 we had something similar. Except it was the corporate security that would pull that crap. We would build displays that looked like things, like a wall of coke or pepsi or this one time a "castle turret" of napkin packages. It was built up higher than you could reach the top of and had stacks of the napkins in front so people wouldn't knock it down. Well we go to take it down after the sale and right in the middle of the display is a $20. Of course we all knew of the crap they would pull, so it just went right to the manager on duty. They would also drop money on the floor to see if we would pocket it, anytime I saw it on the floor I would find the nearest customer and tell them they dropped some money. Once in a while the corp. goon would try and get the money back from the customer in the parking lot and an argueing match would ensue.
:twisted: I like the way you handled that. Someone tried to set you up (in a lame attempt to justify their continued employment) and you end up flipping it back on them. Well played.:applause:
Some idiot complained to me and another worker tonight about a $0.25 price increase on an item. How the store 10 minutes away has it for $0.25 less and it will ruin our reputation by raising prices like this and how we will probably go out of business with these price increases. Maybe 10 items have had small ($0.10 - $0.30) price increases in the past few months.

Of course after she walked out we made fun of her, the other employee even imitated her and called her some names I probably shouldn't say.
I got a few stories on both sides.

For starters, I worked at a movie theater about ten years ago. It was an OK job; didn't pay well, hours were crappy, and the theater had one of those annoying "Movie preview" things running on a loop in the lobby, but if I worked the closing shift on Thursday night I was allowed to clock out and watch the new films in the theater, since the projectionist had to "Check the print."

Anyways, this is about the night I walked off the job. For starters, whoever ordered food and supplies for concessions didn't know what the fuck they were doing. We had a shit-ton of Raisinettes and pickles but were low on stuff that actually sold (Hot dogs, Reese's Pieces, soda syrup) plus the teenagers they hired as "Supervisors" spent 90% of their time on the clock either in the office or in the projection room.

This happened during that rare 10% of the time when the manager was working. I was at concessions, she was in the back changing out soda syrup bags. A couple comes up to the counter and orders a combo with two drinks, both root beer. All I said was "I need to go check with my manager bec-" he cuts me off and goes batshit crazy. "YOU fuckING LITTLE SHIT, YOU THINK YOU'RE FUNNY, HUH?!?! I'LL KICK YOUR SORRY ASS!" For some perspective on this, he was about 5'10", average build. I'm 6'5", 300 lbs, and built like a linebacker. My manager comes up front to see what the problem is. He goes off on her and threatens to kick her ass as well. You know what she did next? SHE fuckING APOLOGIZED!!! I was livid. At that moment, I took off my badge, said "I quit" to her and to him I said "C'mon, buddy. Let's rumble!" He ran off, I walked out, and never went back.

Next job I got (Day after I walked off my theater job, in fact) was at a Wendy's. It was made explicitly clear to me I, along with the rest of the night crew, were hired because everyone else who applied couldn't or wouldn't work until 3 AM. In a book, this is called "Foreshadowing."

First night was pretty uneventful, people were learning how to do things, we had trainers with us, all went well. A week later, trainers left and we were on our own. This is when the job got fun.

Two weeks into my job the old, toothless lady who worked the first window and did dishes said "Need a potty break, be right back." This was around 9PM and all the dishes were done, so it was no biggie. Around 10:45PM we're preparing to close the lobby down for the night and prepare for the last few hours, which are all drive-thru service. Kristin, our lobby manager, goes to clean the women's restroom before she leaves for the night. We hear her enter, we hear a scream, and that is followed by the toothless old lady who works the first window bursting into the food prep area like a bat outta hell, screaming "I'm sorry, y'all. I fell asleep on the shitter." Everyone in the restaurant and the guy at the pick-up window all burst out laughing.

About a week after that its around 7PM on Friday night and we're in the middle of the dinner rush. James, our sandwich guy, and Nina, the fryer girl, get into an argument over...something, and James responds by throwing down a spatula, screaming "Yeah, well you're wrong, you stupid fucking bitch!" and storms off. I should note that James is black, as this will become important in a bit.

The lady (who is white, again its important and you'll see why) at the pick-up window can see and hear this going on. I say to her "I'm sorry, I'll see what I can do about getting your order to you." I walk into the back, grab a manager, and for the next twenty minutes (I'm not exaggerating here) Nina, James, and the manager all argue with each other over whatever the fuck it is that started the argument.

Tempers eventually cool and food service resumes. I finally get the (very patient) lady at the window her food and ask if there's anything else I can get her, to make up for the wait. Her response is "No, but you can tell your manager to stop hiring n******" and drove off.

A few years later I got a job, which I had for five years. The only reason I lost it is because of budget cuts. It was a pretty crappy job, my co-workers were assholes, and I swear that building would suck the life out of you, but the starting pay was $25K a year with benefits, was a 9-5 M-F, and there was room for advancement, so for someone with a HS diploma and previous job experience in fast food and retail, this was as good as it was going to get.

The job: Customer service representative at a PBS station. I soon found out why there was so much "Room for advancement." The people above me were the "Tier 2's" who had to deal with the people who were "Exceptional donors." Near as I could tell, all they gave us was stress and heaping piles of bullshit.

While I have plenty of excellent stories to tell, I'll share with you all one of my favorites. This happened during a pledge drive, when we would show marathons of different kids shows, interjected with call-in's for DVD's of the show and stuffed animals.

Since it was Pledge, my hours were shifted from 9-5 to 7-3, since Pledge began at 7AM. Around 8 AM, I get a call from a mother with a clearly upset child. I can barely hear her over the kid's bawling, so I ask her to speak up . She shouts, in a VERY snooty voice, "Where is Sesame Street?" I explain that we're in Pledge right now and we'll be doing a Sesame Street marathon on Saturday. She responds by screaming "Well, that's just unacceptable. My child watches Sesame Street everyday at this time and I need you to put on Sesame Street." I explain to her that we're a non-profit organization that relies on donations. She screams back "Well, you'll get nothing more from me!" and hangs up. Using my phone's caller ID I do a search for her in our donor database. Imagine my lack of shock when the search turns up nothing.

For five years, that was my life. People bitching about our pledge drives, people bitching about us not having their favorite show on anymore, and more than a few calls from people asking for the phone numebrs of our on-air personalities. One time, right after I started, I gave the extension number to the requested personality without hesitation. Later that day, the personality in quesiton came over to our area of the building and raised hell because "Some pervert called me up and wanted to know if I'd go out with him for some dinner and casual sex." From that moment on I'd politely say "I'm sorry, I don't have her number" and leave it at that.

On the other side, I've dealt with some bad customer service. The one that takes the cake, though, was on Halloween last year. My roommate was home sick and myself and my girlfriend were going out to a party. While picking up supplies, I decided to be nice and stop off at Panera to get him some food, since he's always going on about how good they are. It was a nightmare all around.

Twice the order was given to us in the "Dine in" fashion despite our repeated requests that the order was "To go." When that was cleared up, we went to pay the bill. The total came to $7.53 and I gave the girl at the register $20.53. She hit the button for "Exact payment," took my money, and then looked at me. I said "I gave you a $20 and exact coin change. You owe me some money back." She said "oh, sorry" and the odyssey to get my change back began. She couldn't figure out how much chnage I was owed, even though it was a pretty basic math problem. The total was $7.53 and I gave her $20.53, therefore she owes me...wait for it...$13! It took two employees, a calculator, and a good five minutes to get this figured out.

As we were leaving, my girlfirend loudly noted that the only way someone that stupid could keep their job is if they're fucking the manager. The store's female manager storms out of the back and before she can say a word my girlfriend says "Hey, look. I got nothing against homosexuals, I just hate incompetent service." Jaws hit the floor, people started snickering, and I ushered her out.

As soon as I can, I'm gonna marry that girl.
I was livid. At that moment, I took off my badge, said "I quit" to her and to him I said "C'mon, buddy. Let's rumble!" He ran off, I walked out, and never went back.

lol. I'd die laughing if someone told me they wanted to "Rumble"
New one, happened a few days ago.

Some tween girl walks in, looks me over, and gives me the evil eye. Whatever, I'm not making her food, i'm just taking her order. Turns out, she's an idiot.

Girl: Can I like, get two medium cups of ice?
Me: Well, it's self serve, so all I can give you is a kids cup(Note: We are forced to do this. To cut down on stealing. Of pop. No joke.)
Girl: Oh, it's just ice. Please?
Me: Sorry. My manager's right there, so there's not much I can do.
Girl: Taco Bell does it all the time!
Me: *takes off hat, looks at logo. Looks at boxes for burgers. Looks at logo on shirt.* Something tells me I don't work at Taco Bell.
Girl: Yeah, you're better than them! I complimented you, can I have the mediums now?

At this point, the manager was gone, and I just didn't care anymore.

Me: If I give you two smalls, will you go away?
Girl: Yes.
Me: *hands her the drinks, which she then filled with pop, flipped me off, and walked out.*
[quote name='LowEndLem']New one, happened a few days ago.

Some tween girl walks in, looks me over, and gives me the evil eye. Whatever, I'm not making her food, i'm just taking her order. Turns out, she's an idiot.

Girl: Can I like, get two medium cups of ice?
Me: Well, it's self serve, so all I can give you is a kids cup(Note: We are forced to do this. To cut down on stealing. Of pop. No joke.)
Girl: Oh, it's just ice. Please?
Me: Sorry. My manager's right there, so there's not much I can do.
Girl: Taco Bell does it all the time!
Me: *takes off hat, looks at logo. Looks at boxes for burgers. Looks at logo on shirt.* Something tells me I don't work at Taco Bell.
Girl: Yeah, you're better than them! I complimented you, can I have the mediums now?

At this point, the manager was gone, and I just didn't care anymore.

Me: If I give you two smalls, will you go away?
Girl: Yes.
Me: *hands her the drinks, which she then filled with pop, flipped me off, and walked out.*[/quote]

I'd have chased her down, flipped them out of her hands spilling them onto her clothes, and went back to work. I win. She loses.

I just don't have the passive "Walk all over me" personality to work retail or food.
Had this story happen yesterday.

I work at Old Navy. I was working on putting some flip-flops away at the moment.

Me: "Can I help you?"
Old Lady: "Do you have those?" (not pointing or holding anything)
Me: *puzzled look* "Have what?"
OL: "Those flip-flops."
Me: "Umm, which flip-flops? The basic ones?" (Note: Old Navy has about 6-7 styles of flip-flops, for about 100+ colors)
OL: "I don't know. The ones over there." *pointing about 20 feet away on a display that was completely blocked from my view*
Me: "Yep, right here." *pointing right next to me*

Man, I have to work on my mind reading abilities.
Tech support story (note - I do tech support for computer hardware - this is relevant to the story.)

I can't complain too much about this guy, overall he was okay to work with, and in terms of listening skills, he was great, but I just heard someone utter the words:

I can't believe that little bit of water could do that much damage
I used to be a delivery driver and if you were ever a driver, you know that driver's have to deal with all the BS from the inside workers mistakes. Worst of all, it affects our income because drivers live on tips.

Story 1: I had a large delivery one day for 11AM (As soon as we open). The manager forgot to put the bottles of water in the fridge so they were all warm. Guess who gets yelled at and stiffed on the tip. Well I got 5 bucks but for a $300 order with tons of bottled water and sodas, it sucked.

Story 2: I got yelled at because I brought Tropicana orange twister instead of Orange slice. She thought we ran out of orange slice so we brought this. I try to tell her we do not carry orange slice and I am pretty sure they do not even make orange slice anymore (I dont really know if they do but I have not seen them in stores for a while). I mean really what place has two different types of orange soda. I then offer to call our manager so she can talk to him. She refuses. Of course she put a big 0 on the tip section of the credit card slip. After I get back, my manager tells me that she called and don't worry about it because she was a crazy b****.

Story 3: I answer the phone (yes I answered phones too), and get an order for delivery. When I tell them it will be about 30-35 minutes, they proceed to tell me why so long. I told them that is standard delivery time because we have to make the food and deliver it. She says, "well the driver shouldn't expect a tip from me." Needless to say, I let the other driver take it :lol:.

That's all I can remember- And tip your delivery drivers (unless they fuck up bad)
So this conversation occured today on the phone and I could've sworn I was on candid camera or something.

Me: (Warehouse store) in (Town), electronics, how may I help you?
Her: Yeah, can you transfer me to the Dog Grooming department?
Me: *Confused* you do know you just called (warehouse store) right?
Her: Yeah, the one in (Town), I need to talk to the dog grooming department.
Me: This is the electronics department. We don't have a dog grooming department.
Her: Yes you do, I go there all the time.
Me: No, this is (warehouse store) we don't deal with pets besides selling their food and some accessories.
Her: Well, just transfer me to the other (warehouse store) in (town) they'll know what you're talking about.
Me: Ma'am, there's only this one store in this town, we don't deal with pets, are you sure you called the right place?
Her: Yes! oh wait, maybe I'm thinking about Petco.
Me: Yeah, that's a different phone number. Have a good day, bye.
[quote name='sonderiaom']So this conversation occured today on the phone and I could've sworn I was on candid camera or something.

Me: (Warehouse store) in (Town), electronics, how may I help you?
Her: Yeah, can you transfer me to the Dog Grooming department?
Me: *Confused* you do know you just called (warehouse store) right?
Her: Yeah, the one in (Town), I need to talk to the dog grooming department.
Me: This is the electronics department. We don't have a dog grooming department.
Her: Yes you do, I go there all the time.
Me: No, this is (warehouse store) we don't deal with pets besides selling their food and some accessories.
Her: Well, just transfer me to the other (warehouse store) in (town) they'll know what you're talking about.
Me: Ma'am, there's only this one store in this town, we don't deal with pets, are you sure you called the right place?
Her: Yes! oh wait, maybe I'm thinking about Petco.
Me: Yeah, that's a different phone number. Have a good day, bye.[/quote]
So, I wonder, did she think a pet store had an electronics dept? Like, to buy stereos for your cats? Maybe your doghouse could use a home theater system? I love it when people don't listen to anything you say, they just assume you are wrong and keep asking the same thing over and over.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']So, I wonder, did she think a pet store had an electronics dept? Like, to buy stereos for your cats? Maybe your doghouse could use a home theater system? I love it when people don't listen to anything you say, they just assume you are wrong and keep asking the same thing over and over.[/quote]

I have no idea, but it's been my experience that they just ignore you unless you give them an answer they want; case in point, a customer I had a few weeks ago. And I swear to god I wish I were making this up.

Him: Excuse me, I'm looking to by a DSLR right now.
Me: yes, we had some other ones previously, but we only have the D90 right now.
Him: Can you tell me anything about it?
Me: I'm not as knowledgeable on it, but I do know that the package that it comes with is a very good price. And as it's the only one we have right now, guess it doesn't give you much of a selection. *can see he's looking at the other cameras*
Him: Don't you have any more?
[quote name='sonderiaom']I have no idea, but it's been my experience that they just ignore you unless you give them an answer they want; case in point, a customer I had a few weeks ago. And I swear to god I wish I were making this up.

Him: Excuse me, I'm looking to by a DSLR right now.
Me: yes, we had some other ones previously, but we only have the D90 right now.
Him: Can you tell me anything about it?
Me: I'm not as knowledgeable on it, but I do know that the package that it comes with is a very good price. And as it's the only one we have right now, guess it doesn't give you much of a selection. *can see he's looking at the other cameras*
Him: Don't you have any more?[/QUOTE]

Ah yes, I have dealt with these types too. My personal favorite:

*answers phone* Thank you for calling [town name][store name], how may I direct your call?"
"Is this [store name]?"
"And you're in [town name?]?"
"Ok, I'll be in later. *click*"

I love when customer's have JUST enough common sense to speak to you.
Case in point, few months ago at the game store I work at

Me:"Thank you for calling (Location)(Game Store) how can I help you?"
Customer:"Do you guys have Mortal Kombat v DC Comics for the PS2?"
Me:"No, I'm sorry sir, they did not make that game for the PS2, just the PS3 and XBox 360."
Customer:" they probably didn't make it for the PS1, did they?"
Me:" sir."
Customer hangs up phone.

Me: Thank you for calling RadioShack. How can I help you?
Cust: Hi. I'm looking for a battery for a motor boat.
Me: OK do you have the battery number?
Cust: No, I lost it.
Me: Oh alright. Do you know anything else about it?
Cust: No.
Me: OK well bring it in and we'll see what we can do.
Cust: It's for a motor boat.
Me: I know but there isn't a universal battery for stuff like that. We'll have to do some investigating.
Cust: Do you have a male working there?
Me: ...I am
Cust: No you aren't
Me: *hangs up phone*

Me: Thank you for calling Radioshack.
Me: I helped you with what you needed. The rest was unnecessary and insulting.
Cust: I wanted to speak to a man.
Me: I AM ONE! I'm not even sure why that's important either.
Cust: Well because...
Me: Because why?
Me: Know what? Is there some universal law that all men are born knowing what battery goes to one out of a million toy motor boats?
Cust: ...What time are you open until?
Me: We're open until 9 o'clock. Please feel free to come in so I can help you.
Cust: I'll find out if you're a man later!
Me: *hangs up the phone*
Tales from the drive thru, goody!

It was about 1 on Sunday, and for some reason, the lunch rush is worse than usual. So I'm trying to move as fast I can, when I realize the dude in the huge truck....isn't pulling up. I lean out the window, motion. Nothing. I go halfway out the damn window and yell. Nothing. At this point, people are honking, driving away and giving me the finger. A manager goes out to look.


So, we get his ass away, and the beep for another order goes off, and i answer:
Me: Welcome to White Castle, I'm really sorry about this, but it'll be just another moment.
Dude: Are you kidding? Is this really the service I'm supposed to get here? What the hell, man?!
Me: Sir, it's not my fault someone took a nap in the DT lane. You can't even begin to pin that on me. If I give you the wrong food, that's all me. Would you like to order now?

He was surprisingly nice the rest of the time.
[quote name='LowEndLem']Tales from the drive thru, goody!

It was about 1 on Sunday, and for some reason, the lunch rush is worse than usual. So I'm trying to move as fast I can, when I realize the dude in the huge truck....isn't pulling up. I lean out the window, motion. Nothing. I go halfway out the damn window and yell. Nothing. At this point, people are honking, driving away and giving me the finger. A manager goes out to look.


So, we get his ass away, and the beep for another order goes off, and i answer:
Me: Welcome to White Castle, I'm really sorry about this, but it'll be just another moment.
Dude: Are you kidding? Is this really the service I'm supposed to get here? What the hell, man?!
Me: Sir, it's not my fault someone took a nap in the DT lane. You can't even begin to pin that on me. If I give you the wrong food, that's all me. Would you like to order now?

He was surprisingly nice the rest of the time.[/QUOTE]

lol classic

The cust was stupid though, who the hell yells at the person making your food? It dosent take much to spit in someones food. I am always super nice to people who make my food and stuff to avoid them doing stuff to my grub.
[quote name='davo1224']Me: Thank you for calling RadioShack. How can I help you?
Cust: Hi. I'm looking for a battery for a motor boat.
Me: OK do you have the battery number?
Cust: No, I lost it.
Me: Oh alright. Do you know anything else about it?
Cust: No.
Me: OK well bring it in and we'll see what we can do.
Cust: It's for a motor boat.
Me: I know but there isn't a universal battery for stuff like that. We'll have to do some investigating.
Cust: Do you have a male working there?
Me: ...I am
Cust: No you aren't
Me: *hangs up phone*

Me: Thank you for calling Radioshack.
Me: I helped you with what you needed. The rest was unnecessary and insulting.
Cust: I wanted to speak to a man.
Me: I AM ONE! I'm not even sure why that's important either.
Cust: Well because...
Me: Because why?
Me: Know what? Is there some universal law that all men are born knowing what battery goes to one out of a million toy motor boats?
Cust: ...What time are you open until?
Me: We're open until 9 o'clock. Please feel free to come in so I can help you.
Cust: I'll find out if you're a man later!
Me: *hangs up the phone*[/QUOTE]
Should of called him a motor boating son-ofa-*****
[quote name='davo1224']Me: Thank you for calling RadioShack. How can I help you?
Cust: Hi. I'm looking for a battery for a motor boat.
Me: OK do you have the battery number?
Cust: No, I lost it.
Me: Oh alright. Do you know anything else about it?
Cust: No.
Me: OK well bring it in and we'll see what we can do.
Cust: It's for a motor boat.
Me: I know but there isn't a universal battery for stuff like that. We'll have to do some investigating.
Cust: Do you have a male working there?
Me: ...I am
Cust: No you aren't
Me: *hangs up phone*

Me: Thank you for calling Radioshack.
Me: I helped you with what you needed. The rest was unnecessary and insulting.
Cust: I wanted to speak to a man.
Me: I AM ONE! I'm not even sure why that's important either.
Cust: Well because...
Me: Because why?
Me: Know what? Is there some universal law that all men are born knowing what battery goes to one out of a million toy motor boats?
Cust: ...What time are you open until?
Me: We're open until 9 o'clock. Please feel free to come in so I can help you.
Cust: I'll find out if you're a man later!
Me: *hangs up the phone*[/QUOTE]

So....are you a man or what? >_>
So there were 2 cashiers and me. It was slow so I left my register to recover some clothes. After a little while I got called back because they needed me. Turns out the 1st cashier had a customer have their card declined and the customer wanted to call and get it fixed. So the 2nd cashier had to make the call and the 1st cashier was unable to process any other customers. I went up to the 2nd cashiers lane and said to the guy "I can take you over at that register." and went to grab his stuff for it. He said "Nah, I'll wait for her (2nd cashier)." I told it might be a while and he was fine with that. The guy ended up waiting a good 15 minutes before the cashier he wanted to ring him out was able to do so. And the girl isn't even that good looking imo.
[quote name='PenguinoMF']So there were 2 cashiers and me. It was slow so I left my register to recover some clothes. After a little while I got called back because they needed me. Turns out the 1st cashier had a customer have their card declined and the customer wanted to call and get it fixed. So the 2nd cashier had to make the call and the 1st cashier was unable to process any other customers. I went up to the 2nd cashiers lane and said to the guy "I can take you over at that register." and went to grab his stuff for it. He said "Nah, I'll wait for her (2nd cashier)." I told it might be a while and he was fine with that. The guy ended up waiting a good 15 minutes before the cashier he wanted to ring him out was able to do so. And the girl isn't even that good looking imo.[/QUOTE]

lol this happens to me all the time. Im ringing up people and the line gets backed up and someone else comes and they next customer says ill just wait here. Im a dude though so it just must be lazy people in NJ.
Tales from the Old Navy.

Past Saturday was $1 Flip Flop day. We had a good 250-300 people waiting outside for us to open. I go to open the door and there are 5 women standing together away from the line and starting moving towards the door. I told them they have to go to the end of the line. But they kept coming and just rushed in the door. I didn't feel like getting in a fight or anything (stores did have fights) so I just let them go. About a half hour later they get to the check out and they go to the cashier next to me. They start telling him about how they are going to call corporate and report me because I was rude to them and didn't have good customer service. I just kept my mouth shut and ignored them. Dumb bitches.


Today, was at the register and had a lady come up with a bag full of items I didn't recognize.
Customer: "I hoping you can help me out."
Me: "Lets see what I can do."
C: "Okay, I just moved from Erie and I found this bag of clothes and want to see if I can return the stuff. I have the receipt right here."
M: "Alright, let me check out the receipt." *grab the receipt*

I didn't recognize the receipt style so I look for the date on it. The thing was like 2 feet long so I scan through and finally find the date. 9/12/01. Yes, 2001, you read right.

M: "I'm sorry but I can't return these because these where bought back on 9/12/01 and that's too long for us to take them back."
C: "Can't you take them back because I still have the receipt? They took my stuff back at The Gap that was from that long ago. Aren't you the same company?"
M: "We are owned by the same company but operate as our own. I can't because these items we don't carry any more and won't be in the system any more so we won't be able to sell them."
C: "I want to talk to a manager."
*call up a manager and explain the situation away from the counter because I knew they would blow it off. They told me no of course.
M: "Sorry but we can't return them. I'm surprise The Gap took back your items. They probably shouldn't have. Sorry."
C: "I'm never shopping here again."
M: "Alright."

She go to complain to the manager in person. Apparently the receipt (back then) said something along the lines of "Receipts dated more than 30 days can be exchanged for items for the value shown." So she thought she was good to go....8 years later. We'll probably get a complaint to corporate about this.


Today, lady brings up a few items. I scan everything in and she watches the little screen that shows everything that rings up.

C: "Weren't those on sale for $6?" (They rang up $8)
M: "Maybe. Let me call back and have someone check it out." (The sign did say $6)
M: "Alright, let me change those for you. I'm sorry about that, we have had some problems with things ringing up the wrong price today."
C: "What happens if the customer doesn't notice?"
M: "Well they usually watch and notice them."
C: "That doesn't sound fair."
M: "I know but we have no control over the prices only corporate does. So if someone in corporate enters the wrong price or something happens to the system items can come up wrong."
C: "You know what that is?"
M: "Umm, no."
C: "That's them trying to trick customers and hoping that they won't notice."
M: "That's not true. It was just a mistake in the system, I took care of it for you."
C: "No, they just expect the customer to not notice."
M: "Okay." *Drops subject and finishes the transaction.

At least she didn't play the "I'm never shopping here again" card.
[quote name='PenguinoMF']Tales from the Old Navy.

Past Saturday was $1 Flip Flop day. We had a good 250-300 people waiting outside for us to open.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='rainking187']wat[/QUOTE]

Yep, all to save $1.50 on a pair of flip flops with a limit of 5 per person. 5 X $1.50 = $7.50 savings!!!!!!!111
[quote name='PenguinoMF']Yep, all to save $1.50 on a pair of flip flops with a limit of 5 per person. 5 X $1.50 = $7.50 savings!!!!!!!111[/QUOTE]

Never doubt the mania that will ensure when people think there are massive savings on something. Especially because its "in the ad" or they "saw it on TV." :lol:
I have you all beat.

Customer asked me the other day what the difference between a corded and cordless phone was.

I am 100% serious.
[quote name='UncleBob']I have you all beat.

Customer asked me the other day what the difference between a corded and cordless phone was.

I am 100% serious.[/QUOTE]

What's the difference?

It's that GHz crap isn't it.
[quote name='UncleBob']I have you all beat.

Customer asked me the other day what the difference between a corded and cordless phone was.

I am 100% serious.[/QUOTE]

What's a cord?
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Well?

What's the difference?

It's that GHz crap isn't it.[/QUOTE]

Sadly, this guy was completely serious, so I had to explain that, obviously, with a corded phone, you're tethered to the base - but the phone will generally work even when power is out, etc., etc.

Thankfully, he didn't even get into wireless frequencies, digital answering machines, voice mail, caller ID, etc.. He settled for the most basic, cheapest, corded headset we had. Then, he was worried about having to install it.

One of the strangest questions I ever had was a customer who asked "What's the difference between Bluetooth and DTV." I asked if she meant BluRay (the *only* thing I could think of) and she said no, Bluetooth.
[quote name='PenguinoMF']Yep, all to save $1.50 on a pair of flip flops with a limit of 5 per person. 5 X $1.50 = $7.50 savings!!!!!!!111[/QUOTE]

Haha. yeah, some people are like that during store "deal". I never work at retail but I hate those customers that's holding the line at supermarket because of their $0.25 coupon doesn't work. How about people (young people) that still using checks? Don't they know at least a debit card?

But on the other side, that $7.50 is probably 1 hour of work for some people.
[quote name='UncleBob']Sadly, this guy was completely serious, so I had to explain that, obviously, with a corded phone, you're tethered to the base - but the phone will generally work even when power is out, etc., etc.

Thankfully, he didn't even get into wireless frequencies, digital answering machines, voice mail, caller ID, etc.. He settled for the most basic, cheapest, corded headset we had. Then, he was worried about having to install it.[/QUOTE]I believe this man was from the past and has never seen a telephone before. It's actually pretty amazing how well he was taking it all
[quote name='Man from Past']So I talk into this... thing, and someone else can hear me? WITCHCRAFT![/quote]
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