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Just call in to sign up. I always call in with all my selections ready to go. I usually have a couple that probably shouldn't be eligible, so I have backup choices ready too.was the movie club topic deleted?
anyways, sorry if i bring that up, but it seems they may have changed their enrollment selection process. This was like my 5th time enrolling with the club. Used one of the promo codes that let you do 5 for $1 and then only 3 commitments. This offer also lets you bick a 6th title for $11.95 that counts as one of your 3 and then a 7th movie for $8.95.
anyways.......... the layout when enrolling seems different now and it doesnt let you add your 6th and 7th title till you checkout. And when you do that it gives you a selection of like 20 titles only for the 6th and 7th movie. Was a little disappointed as it seems theres no way to cancel your order once you get to the stage on if you want to add a 6th and 7th title as it gives you a timer to pick your 6th and 7th title and if you dont then you just get charged $1 for the 5 titles. I ended up getting Beauty and the Beast live action, Cars 3, The Good Dinosaur, Pirates Dead Men Tell No Tales, and Disneynature Born In China as my initial five titles. Was going to pick two other disneynature or some muppets movies as my 6th and 7th title..................but they werent part of the select titles they offered for the 6th and 7th, so just got Hocus Pocus as a 6th and just decided against a 7th since i already owned like 80% of the titles.
if this is going to be how the enrollment process is from now on Ill probbaly stop enrolling. 
Thank you for sharing!Goodvsevil - will get you 5 pts
There's also new trivia on the site for 5 points so I got an easy 10 free points today.Savetheday - 5 pts today
Thanks for the heads-up! It works today too!Savetheday - 5 pts today
Dead now. Figured it would be.Thanks for the heads-up! It works today too!
Where did this code come from/what was the occasion?
Thanks!Likeavillain - good for 5 pts (prob not good five days from now)
Thanks a lot!Likeavillain - good for 5 pts (prob not good five days from now)
Thanks for the pointsLikeavillain - good for 5 pts (prob not good five days from now)
I think when DMA went away and MA took over, that trick was squished as they no longer give out points for purchases (just code redemptions on DMR).Hmmm. Anyone else find that the old double points trick from redeeming via amazon video then entering code on disney rewards no longer works?
Not seeing the points for the "purchase" on Amazon a couple of hours after the fact (usually appeared after an hour or so).
Thanks for the heads up! Loved this movie and just grabbed one of those posters.Infinity war poster went up yesterday
https://disneymovierewards.go.com/DisneyChallenge?campaign=69Disney Trivia is no longer an option under Earn Rewards. Did they discontinue it, or is there another route to it?
Got it, thanks a ton!36pmpy994md
from Space Buddies dvd
It's back up in case you still want itInfinity War poster is gone. I was gonna order it now.
I guess it's OOS again?Figures I get boned on the Infinity War poster.-_-
Thanks, I actually did pretty well on these, though I got the same amount of points as the straight up Disney ones I usually bomb.There's a Marvel Cinematic Universe specific trivia at https://disneymovierewards.go.com/DisneyChallenge?campaign=74
And a Star Wars one at http://www.familysavings.com/rewards-programs/disney-movie-rewards-star-wars-challenge/
Good for 5 points each. Plus the usual trivia for the first Mon of the month
that sucks I would hate to lose our DMRThe UK DMR program was discontinued a couple years ago unfortunately
Already used. But thanks gator.that sucks I would hate to lose our DMR
I forgot I bought Aladdin on bluray from the UK before it came out over here
Princess Protection Program dvd hopefully someone needs this
sadly a couple hours before you posted this i redeemed points for The Incredibles 2 poster... now Im 325 shortWoohoo! The Infinity War poster is back! Redeemed for that instantly. Now I th itta save my points back up for an Antman and the Wasp poster
Walmart doesnt sell 29 x 40 posters,and these are usually the posters you see theaters use. They also tend to be double sided.Are they quality posters or something? It always struck me as odd using points to buy a poster you could pay a couple bucks for at Walmart.
They aren't Walmart cheap if that's what you're asking. They are a better quality paper.Ah that's why. Are they made well or is it still potato quality?
im 20 shyPin collectors - there’s an exclusive toy story land pin that comes out today at 10am pst, 700 points