Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

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[quote name='kaze0']Has anyone gotten replacement drum pads?[/QUOTE]

Yes, got mine yesterday (after putting the request in the day before Thanksgiving).

It still doesn't seem perfect (but better), and I'm going to chalk that up to me not being very good. With my original set, there were blatantly obvious cases of it just flat-out not registering hits.

And I'll also endorse the Black Sabbath pack.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Anyone download Joker and the Thief? It sounds fun to play but watching the youtube video it seems like theres only two different sections that keep repeating themselves.[/QUOTE]
I downloaded it, along with the Police pack. I own Wolfmother's CD, so I knew I'd be cool with the song. It's a short, punchy song, a la Blitzkrieg Bop.

[quote name='Razzuel']I did calibrate for lag. Maybe thats the problem. It also doesn't help that the hammer on's and pull off's are so hard to distinguish from the regular notes. When they were testing this, didn't anyone say, "Yeah um these hammer on's are really fucking stupid, can't you just make them have a white center with a black edge."

I played the drums mostly. So I need to put more time into the guitar portions. Maybe it's the game, maybe the rock band guitar, or maybe I'm just actually fucking up (even though I doubt that).[/QUOTE]
GH III treats players like drooling babies, in that if you're anywhere close, they give you the note. In Rock Band, you have to actually be dead-on to get credit for it (at least to keep your score multiplier going, as you can kill that but still get 100%).

By the way, my guitar was dying last night, but I didn't know right away as my wife was playing it. Funny thing, I commandeered it and it ended up working again eventually (after 3 or 4 songs). Tried a litany of little things; not sure what worked. We'll see if it stays fine or gets worse.
I got Rock Band today (free from Goozex!). My little brother and I love it, but my guitar is missing a piece (or pieces) on the strum bar. It is very loose and clicks. I played Rock Band at Walmart (eww I know) and strumming was very different. It lasted about 2 hours, but now it doesn't register some down strums. At least I got my Les Paul to continue playing while it gets fixed.
how'd you get it free from goozex? contest?

o and my replacement strat came, looks new. not dirty i'd say like the other cag's replacement. still have trouble hitting those multiple consecutive notes though, but that's not from the guitar not registering.
[quote name='ViolentLee']I downloaded it, along with the Police pack. I own Wolfmother's CD, so I knew I'd be cool with the song. It's a short, punchy song, a la Blitzkrieg Bop.

GH III treats players like drooling babies, in that if you're anywhere close, they give you the note. In Rock Band, you have to actually be dead-on to get credit for it (at least to keep your score multiplier going, as you can kill that but still get 100%).

By the way, my guitar was dying last night, but I didn't know right away as my wife was playing it. Funny thing, I commandeered it and it ended up working again eventually (after 3 or 4 songs). Tried a litany of little things; not sure what worked. We'll see if it stays fine or gets worse.[/quote]

Yea, hitting notes in Rock Band is like 2-3x's harder then GH3. Although, the songs in GH3 are like 20-30x's harder than Rock Band.

But I am stuck on Devil Went down to Georgia on Expert. And I played it literally 4 hours last night and couldn't beat it. Frusturating. As. fuck! It's seriously ruining my life.
Mine sitll hasn't shipped and I put my request in the day before Thanksgiving. After receiving basically the same replies from them over and over, yesterday I got this

Hello Michael,

Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts.

Thank you for your question on the status of your order. As you have mentioned, it does seem like your order has not properly processed yet. In reviewing orders like yours, we've noticed that errors in the shipping address could be causing these delays. Our records show that you entered the following shipping address:

street a
Town 1 NJ

However, I've manually checked the address and the correct address for that street address and zip code in the address database seems to be:

street a
town 2 NJ
Can you confirm that we have the correct shipping address in our system?


EA Rep Talos
Game Support
Electronic Arts

Someoen couldn't say that 6 messages ago?

[quote name='KaneRobot']Yes, got mine yesterday (after putting the request in the day before Thanksgiving).

It still doesn't seem perfect (but better), and I'm going to chalk that up to me not being very good. With my original set, there were blatantly obvious cases of it just flat-out not registering hits.

And I'll also endorse the Black Sabbath pack.[/quote]
I highly recommend both The Police Pack and Fortunate Son (despite it being a cover). They're both great, and a lot of fun to play.
Okay, so I didn't want to tie up $100 on my credit card, so I opted to have them send me a box and I'll live a little while without my guitar. I fill out the form on 11/16, they send me the box, I shipped it in and it arrived on 12/4, just a few days ago. All this time I've received NOTHING from EA regarding this. So I log into the warranty support site and find:

Reference # 071126-00xxxx
Subject Trouble shooting incident
Last Updated 12/01/2007 | 07:34 PM
Status Cancelled RMA

I had to reformat it as it was a table, which doesn't translate well on here.
So, they ship me a box and then post a question that I wasn't notified about, and then they cancelled my RMA while the guitar was in transit. WTF? Anyone else have this? Looks like I may have to call to get the lowdown on this. Ugh. I don't need this shit today. *grumble*grumble*
[quote name='triforcer']how'd you get it free from goozex? contest?

o and my replacement strat came, looks new. not dirty i'd say like the other cag's replacement. still have trouble hitting those multiple consecutive notes though, but that's not from the guitar not registering.[/quote]

I won it in the CAG/Goozex contest.
Downloaded the Metallica, Police, and Sabbath packs. All three are great. Police stuff is fun, though a bit easy, Sabbath is awesome, and the Metallica tracks are fun. A couple of them were pretty ridiculous on Expert guitar though. Freakin' solos.
Has anyone noticed you can really rake in the money by playing DLC songs in Tokyo on solo career. I get like $150/song even on easy, even on songs like Roxanne.
[quote name='lordwow']Has anyone noticed you can really rake in the money by playing DLC songs in Tokyo on solo career. I get like $150/song even on easy, even on songs like Roxanne.[/QUOTE]

I think the money you get is the same for any difficulty. I played through the guitar career on both hard and expert, and was getting the same exact amount of money for finishing songs. Except on expert you can gold star songs which gives you a little extra money.
Too bad you can't use the money for more things. Seems like I keep earning money and I don't wanna buy anything.

I was playing and comparing the duplicate tracks from here and GH3. The GH3 note charts for When We Were Young, Reptilia, and 3s and 7s are much more complex in GH, however you can hit the notes a lot more sloppy and still nail them. The HO/POs are much more forgiving as well. In RB the charts are sorta stale, less challenging but you need to be dead on with the timing. Sorta balances out I guess.
I just got this game yesteday finally from amazon and played for a little bit.
I really like the drums and did not really get to play them alot but I will over the weekend. the Guitar is really nice and comfortable.

Out of the songs I've played so far on Medium I only did not 5* two, Go with the Flow and the Wave of Mutilation. Everything else is great.

I think I going to try to sing and play guitar also I want to try that. It should be cool. I'm planning on getting into a drum solo career after I finish up my guitar solo career on medium.

I also downloaded the Metallica pack, the Police pack and Joker and the Thief and Jukebox Hero. After reading through the thread I might even download some more tracks from Sabbath and Queens.

Has anybody downloaded the Bowie pack? How is it?

This is a great purchase and I love it so far.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Theres an adapter to put your headset into the guitar or drumset.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but I don't see where to plug it into the guitar, I don't see a port or anything.
I seen No lie over 45 today at Wal Mart in Fairmont MN

Does not really help you but I am saying they are around

Seen about 5 at a Shop-Ko today as well.

I got mine upstairs for Xmas. Waiting sucks.
[quote name='flybrione']
Has anybody downloaded the Bowie pack? How is it?
I love it, but I'm a huge Bowie fan. The two covers are far from terrible, and the songs are all fun to play. Vocals might be an issue, though--even if you manage to find someone who knows the songs well enough to sing them, chances are they won't be able to. :lol:
[quote name='ViolentLee']By the way, my guitar was dying last night, but I didn't know right away as my wife was playing it. Funny thing, I commandeered it and it ended up working again eventually (after 3 or 4 songs). Tried a litany of little things; not sure what worked. We'll see if it stays fine or gets worse.[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to my friend and I tonight. The strum bar wasn't registering for him during our band world tour mode, so I tried Orange Crush and Highway Star on expert in solo quickplay and it worked fine. If it keeps acting up tomorrow, I'll probably wind up replacing it.
My Target got a shipment of 360 Rockbands in yesterday, so those are hanging around. Interestingly, my Target isn't even going to carry the PS3 version anymore. We got in 4 with the initial shipment, and zero since. Other Targets carry it, but apparently my store is too small to make space for it.
Time to celebrate. Allow me to explain...

My wife is an avid anti-gamer. She hates that I got both my kids (boy-7, girl-5) into video games. She spent about 2 minutes playing Wii Sports, which was the longest she played a video game since Ms. Pac Man hit the arcades, and decided she didn't like it.

Well, on Saturday she came home to find my son and me in the Den, with me drumming on RB. I mentioned that there was an option to sing, and she was intrigued. Unfortunately though, she is not a Rocker--she's more of an R&B Hip Hop girl, although she does enjoy some of the more popular rock songs. I mentioned the Police downloads, and she said she would sing Roxanne if I downloaded it, which I did. She picked up the mic, and with me on drums went into her best Sting voice for our first co-op gameplay ever. My boy kept saying, "Mommy, you don't like games, why are you playing?" I kept telling him to be quiet, this was too good (yes, it's that BIG of a deal). Next, she surprised me even more when she asked to play the drums. I grabbed the mic, and we switched over to "Say it Ain't So" by Weezer, which is probably the easiest song for the drums. She was HOOKED. Hooked, I tell you. We went into "one more time" mode about 10 times (my voice became so hoarse I had to switch to the guitar). I started having visions of playing through the touring mode with her--a real fantasy--but I didn't want to push it.

Fast forward to last night. We get home from going out to dinner, and as soon as she walks through the door, she says "hook up the drums, and let me play while you get the kids ready for bed." I set her up, get the kids ready, and bring them down to find her jamming out to Say it Ain't So, looking for that elusive 100% (OK, on easy, but hey). We all sat there captivated as she kept playing it "just once more." Finally, I put the kids to bed, and came downstairs. Now, it was the moment of truth.

In something akin to a marriage proposal, I got down on one knee and asked her if she wanted to play a co-op world tour (I had to explain what it meant--what type of commitment it was). She said yes, and tears welled up in my eyes. She primarily wanted to sing, but I had to agree to let her drum if a song came up that she wasn't interested in singing. We created her avatar, and for about an hour and a half we played Rock Band together. It was bliss. Then, we went upstairs and went into Fleetwood Mac mode.

I can't wait for tonight. Mass Effect is just going to have to wait.
[quote name='Kromax']
My wife is an avid anti-gamer.

I can't wait for tonight. Mass Effect is just going to have to wait.[/QUOTE]

Man dude, I wouldn't marry someone who was anti-game. But congratulations on getting her to join in. :)
[quote name='Kromax']Time to celebrate. Allow me to explain...

My wife is an avid anti-gamer. She hates that I got both my kids (boy-7, girl-5) into video games. She spent about 2 minutes playing Wii Sports, which was the longest she played a video game since Ms. Pac Man hit the arcades, and decided she didn't like it.

Well, on Saturday she came home to find my son and me in the Den, with me drumming on RB. I mentioned that there was an option to sing, and she was intrigued. Unfortunately though, she is not a Rocker--she's more of an R&B Hip Hop girl, although she does enjoy some of the more popular rock songs. I mentioned the Police downloads, and she said she would sing Roxanne if I downloaded it, which I did. She picked up the mic, and with me on drums went into her best Sting voice for our first co-op gameplay ever. My boy kept saying, "Mommy, you don't like games, why are you playing?" I kept telling him to be quiet, this was too good (yes, it's that BIG of a deal). Next, she surprised me even more when she asked to play the drums. I grabbed the mic, and we switched over to "Say it Ain't So" by Weezer, which is probably the easiest song for the drums. She was HOOKED. Hooked, I tell you. We went into "one more time" mode about 10 times (my voice became so hoarse I had to switch to the guitar). I started having visions of playing through the touring mode with her--a real fantasy--but I didn't want to push it.

Fast forward to last night. We get home from going out to dinner, and as soon as she walks through the door, she says "hook up the drums, and let me play while you get the kids ready for bed." I set her up, get the kids ready, and bring them down to find her jamming out to Say it Ain't So, looking for that elusive 100% (OK, on easy, but hey). We all sat there captivated as she kept playing it "just once more." Finally, I put the kids to bed, and came downstairs. Now, it was the moment of truth.

In something akin to a marriage proposal, I got down on one knee and asked her if she wanted to play a co-op world tour (I had to explain what it meant--what type of commitment it was). She said yes, and tears welled up in my eyes. She primarily wanted to sing, but I had to agree to let her drum if a song came up that she wasn't interested in singing. We created her avatar, and for about an hour and a half we played Rock Band together. It was bliss. Then, we went upstairs and went into Fleetwood Mac mode.

I can't wait for tonight. Mass Effect is just going to have to wait.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I love going into my Sting falsetto for Roxanne.
[quote name='Kromax']Time to celebrate. Allow me to explain...

My wife is an avid anti-gamer. She hates that I got both my kids (boy-7, girl-5) into video games. She spent about 2 minutes playing Wii Sports, which was the longest she played a video game since Ms. Pac Man hit the arcades, and decided she didn't like it.

Well, on Saturday she came home to find my son and me in the Den, with me drumming on RB. I mentioned that there was an option to sing, and she was intrigued. Unfortunately though, she is not a Rocker--she's more of an R&B Hip Hop girl, although she does enjoy some of the more popular rock songs. I mentioned the Police downloads, and she said she would sing Roxanne if I downloaded it, which I did. She picked up the mic, and with me on drums went into her best Sting voice for our first co-op gameplay ever. My boy kept saying, "Mommy, you don't like games, why are you playing?" I kept telling him to be quiet, this was too good (yes, it's that BIG of a deal). Next, she surprised me even more when she asked to play the drums. I grabbed the mic, and we switched over to "Say it Ain't So" by Weezer, which is probably the easiest song for the drums. She was HOOKED. Hooked, I tell you. We went into "one more time" mode about 10 times (my voice became so hoarse I had to switch to the guitar). I started having visions of playing through the touring mode with her--a real fantasy--but I didn't want to push it.

Fast forward to last night. We get home from going out to dinner, and as soon as she walks through the door, she says "hook up the drums, and let me play while you get the kids ready for bed." I set her up, get the kids ready, and bring them down to find her jamming out to Say it Ain't So, looking for that elusive 100% (OK, on easy, but hey). We all sat there captivated as she kept playing it "just once more." Finally, I put the kids to bed, and came downstairs. Now, it was the moment of truth.

In something akin to a marriage proposal, I got down on one knee and asked her if she wanted to play a co-op world tour (I had to explain what it meant--what type of commitment it was). She said yes, and tears welled up in my eyes. She primarily wanted to sing, but I had to agree to let her drum if a song came up that she wasn't interested in singing. We created her avatar, and for about an hour and a half we played Rock Band together. It was bliss. Then, we went upstairs and went into Fleetwood Mac mode.

I can't wait for tonight. Mass Effect is just going to have to wait.[/quote]

A true love story.. congratulations to you both. :applause: Maybe now she'll be more open to trying new games.
[quote name='Kromax']Time to celebrate. Allow me to explain...

My wife is an avid anti-gamer. She hates that I got both my kids (boy-7, girl-5) into video games. She spent about 2 minutes playing Wii Sports, which was the longest she played a video game since Ms. Pac Man hit the arcades, and decided she didn't like it.

Well, on Saturday she came home to find my son and me in the Den, with me drumming on RB. I mentioned that there was an option to sing, and she was intrigued. Unfortunately though, she is not a Rocker--she's more of an R&B Hip Hop girl, although she does enjoy some of the more popular rock songs. I mentioned the Police downloads, and she said she would sing Roxanne if I downloaded it, which I did. She picked up the mic, and with me on drums went into her best Sting voice for our first co-op gameplay ever. My boy kept saying, "Mommy, you don't like games, why are you playing?" I kept telling him to be quiet, this was too good (yes, it's that BIG of a deal). Next, she surprised me even more when she asked to play the drums. I grabbed the mic, and we switched over to "Say it Ain't So" by Weezer, which is probably the easiest song for the drums. She was HOOKED. Hooked, I tell you. We went into "one more time" mode about 10 times (my voice became so hoarse I had to switch to the guitar). I started having visions of playing through the touring mode with her--a real fantasy--but I didn't want to push it.

Fast forward to last night. We get home from going out to dinner, and as soon as she walks through the door, she says "hook up the drums, and let me play while you get the kids ready for bed." I set her up, get the kids ready, and bring them down to find her jamming out to Say it Ain't So, looking for that elusive 100% (OK, on easy, but hey). We all sat there captivated as she kept playing it "just once more." Finally, I put the kids to bed, and came downstairs. Now, it was the moment of truth.

In something akin to a marriage proposal, I got down on one knee and asked her if she wanted to play a co-op world tour (I had to explain what it meant--what type of commitment it was). She said yes, and tears welled up in my eyes. She primarily wanted to sing, but I had to agree to let her drum if a song came up that she wasn't interested in singing. We created her avatar, and for about an hour and a half we played Rock Band together. It was bliss. Then, we went upstairs and went into Fleetwood Mac mode.

I can't wait for tonight. Mass Effect is just going to have to wait.[/quote]

Big time congrats Kromax! My wife has been playing a good bit of Rock Band with me as well. She isn't a big gamer either but I could tell she was intrigued by singing in Rock Band even though when I told her I pre-ordered it and what the price tag was her jaw almost hit the ground. She also likes Scene It too so that is an idea of you are looking for another game to play with her.

That said, I finally gave up on my Rock Band guitar and just put in for the replacement. Not sure if the 'mushy' strum bar is one of the problems, but I figured getting a replacement couldn't hurt. I guess we'll see how it goes when it arrives later this week.
Been playing this a lot with a good dosage of Mass Effect over the week, and I can successfully 5-star a majority of the songs on drums on Hard, I just still can't get past Foreplay though.

I've been getting better and better at separating my feet from my hands, and bass notes that are on off-beats are really feeling more natural, I'm not suddenly stomping on the bass pedal, I can quickly tap my foot and still keep my rhythm going. Hell, sometimes my foot goes into auto-pilot if the song has a steady beat (Maps, Orange Crush, Celebrity Skin, Suffragate City, etc).
anyone request a new pedal cause their's snapped in half?

was wondering if you have to send back the pieces when they send you a new one.

if not, i would love to get a spare now [ just in case ] and get some double pedal action in the meanwhile.
After playing Guitar Hero 1-3 and 80s, the guitar tracks just aren't challenging enough to keep my interest - not that they are meant to be, just stating the obvious here. If you can 5 star guitar hero songs, expect to do them all pretty much in a single playthrough of rock band.

At the end of the setlist, my xplorer strum bar broke. After that I finally decided to take out the Fender, and the strum bar on that was broken out of the box. Add that on top of the broken Les Paul I have from the GH3 bundle, and I have 3 trashed guitars in about a week's time. To be fair, I used the xplorer a bit before it broke, the other two are just incredibly poor construction.

I wasn't going to keep the drums, but now that I have no guitars left to play GH3 or RB, I guess I have to. :x (until those break as well)
Thanks for the kind words, CAG friends.

In response to eastx's very valid question as to why would I marry a woman who isn't into gaming, all I can say is "big mistake."

Just kidding. My wife of nine years (who I dated for four) and I have pretty much nothing in common, other than our family. I have no idea how it's worked so far, but it has. True love? I guess. In fact, not only do we not have anything in common, we are exact opposites.
[quote name='xdl']After playing Guitar Hero 1-3 and 80s, the guitar tracks just aren't challenging enough to keep my interest - not that they are meant to be, just stating the obvious here. If you can 5 star guitar hero songs, expect to do them all pretty much in a single playthrough of rock band.

At the end of the setlist, my xplorer strum bar broke. After that I finally decided to take out the Fender, and the strum bar on that was broken out of the box. Add that on top of the broken Les Paul I have from the GH3 bundle, and I have 3 trashed guitars in about a week's time. To be fair, I used the xplorer a bit before it broke, the other two are just incredibly poor construction.

I wasn't going to keep the drums, but now that I have no guitars left to play GH3 or RB, I guess I have to. :x (until those break as well)[/QUOTE]

Uck, sucks about your guitars.

For me, I love the difficulty, as I could barely get through GH Hard, and Rock Band hard is like GH medium with 5 notes, which is exactly what I enjoy playing.
I feel for you xdl! The down strum on my LP stopped working this past weekend and the Fender doesn't pick up all of the notes. Hopefully the Xplorer will hold out until I can get a replacement for one of the other two.
I got my guitar coffin in this morning and sent out the broken guitar on my way to work. Lets see how long this takes. I opted against doing the express thing because of the credit card hold and I have no rush to get my guitar back.
[quote name='CokeCola']My Strat just broke. I heard a snap and the whammy bar went flat. It still works, there's just no spring to it.[/QUOTE]

:lol: that just sounds wrong Coke.
[quote name='Dingleberry']any ideas on what the DLC will be tomorow?[/QUOTE]
Supposedly the punk package:

Ramones - Rockaway Beach
The Clash - I Fought The Law
Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love?

The Buzzcocks tune will be a cover.
the Punk package? Aw, damn! I might just have to get that one.

Does the DLC show up in your Band World Tour, or is it totally separate as in the Guitar Hero games?
[quote name='CouRageouS']I got my guitar coffin in this morning and sent out the broken guitar on my way to work. Lets see how long this takes. I opted against doing the express thing because of the credit card hold and I have no rush to get my guitar back.[/QUOTE]

Shouldn't take long, at least on their end.

I did the express option, and the guitar came to me in under 40 hrs.
Assuming yours isn't broken, are any of you folks having trouble adjusting to the Strat? I'm coming from the wired Explorer, and I'm having problems playing fast notes with the mushy strum bar. I can pretty much 100% most songs on medium with the Explorer, but I'm in the low to mid 90s with the Strat. Every time a fast series comes up, I botch it.
[quote name='Kromax']Assuming yours isn't broken, are any of you folks having trouble adjusting to the Strat? I'm coming from the wired Explorer, and I'm having problems playing fast notes with the mushy strum bar. I can pretty much 100% most songs on medium with the Explorer, but I'm in the low to mid 90s with the Strat. Every time a fast series comes up, I botch it.[/QUOTE]

I seem to miss one note every long string of quick notes. The Killers song destroyed me on medium with the Strat.
What are you guys doing for a guitar stand or something to keep everything all nice and clean?

I plan on going to guitar center and picking up a mic stand. Do they have a guitar stand for 3/4 scale guitars? Or do they have like a stand for a child's guitar that I could use?
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