Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

Holy crap! What a great mix of songs! It would make for one crazy ass playlist, haha, but those are all great songs, and give you a little bit of everything. Lots of duets on that list as well. Nicely done, Harmonix! Very cool.
Airplanes was my fav song from last year. Def in. Probably get Need to Know and maybe Total Ecilpse of the Heart. Nice selection. Good work Harmonix.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Airplanes dude!Everyone loves Airplanes.

...fucking everyone. :bouncy:


No, Not everyone.

I'm in for Tom Petty though.
[quote name='irratebass']No, Not everyone.[/QUOTE]

Seconded. fuck. That. Shit. Nice to see HMX adding some more variety for those that like such shitty "music" though :booty: Also glad to see some 80's cropping up finally.
Bonnie, Stevie, and Meatloaf are grabs for me, but they REALLY need a meatloaf track pack. I'd kill for some Bat Out of Hell.
Crazy Friday release?! Do all the developers have G/F/Wives and need time off Tues. or something?

What's with all these weird releases?! First Mon. for DQVI and now this!
fucking ridiculous. The shit that rep said is exactly what Harmonix's stance has been sine the beginning. I wish someone would tell those jack asses at Activision that Rock band is not Guitar Hero. Don't even sully their name by pronouncing the title in the same sentence as Guitar Hero.

It bothers me to no end to see Rock Band suffer at the hands and habits of Activision.
[quote name='2DMention']What's with all these weird releases?! First Mon. for DQVI and now this![/QUOTE]
Nothing weird about DQVI, lots of Nintendo games come out on Monday.
[quote name='pete5883']Nothing weird about DQVI, lots of Nintendo games come out on Monday.[/QUOTE]

Wut?! Name one? I thought most of them came out on Sun.?
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']fucking ridiculous. The shit that rep said is exactly what Harmonix's stance has been sine the beginning. I wish someone would tell those jack asses at Activision that Rock band is not Guitar Hero. Don't even sully their name by pronouncing the title in the same sentence as Guitar Hero.

It bothers me to no end to see Rock Band suffer at the hands and habits of Activision.[/QUOTE]

They're the reason the ship is going down and they want to take everyone down with them rather than accept blame for their own stupidity in flooding the market.

Does this mean we'll start to see more than one Call of Duty title per year now? ;)
Hope this means any exclusivity agreements will be ended in short order.

Onward and upward, Rock Band. Glad to see the company that did it right is the one left standing (even if it's not exactly a thriving genre at this point).
[quote name='KaneRobot']Hope this means any exclusivity agreements will be ended in short order.

Onward and upward, Rock Band. Glad to see the company that did it right is the one left standing (even if it's not exactly a thriving genre at this point).[/QUOTE]Agreed on all accounts. What makes the exclusivity issue even more interesting is that, according to Guitar Hero's twitter, no more DLC will be released for GH6 after February.
[quote name='2DMention']Crazy Friday release?! Do all the developers have G/F/Wives and need time off Tues. or something?
That or maybe because RBN2.0 will be so amazing come next Tuesday I will shit my pants repeatedly! WE WILL ALL SHIT OUR PANTS!

I Hope
[quote name='2DMention']Wut?! Name one? I thought most of them came out on Sun.?[/QUOTE]
Their really big stuff and systems come out on Sundays. Everything else comes on Mondays. Mario Sports Mix came out this past Monday.
[quote name='2DMention']Wut?! Name one? I thought most of them came out on Sun.?[/QUOTE]
Super Mario Galaxy 2, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Super Mario All-Stars, Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, and there've been others.

On the note of the new DLC? I'm getting it ALL! Especially Total Eclipse of the Heart, though! I LOVE THAT SONG!
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Super Mario Galaxy 2, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Super Mario All-Stars, Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, and there've been others.[/QUOTE]

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, and Sunday.

SMG2: 5/23/10
DKCR: 11/21/10
SMAS 12/12/10
Pokemon: 3/14/10

Wiki, Amazon, Gamespot and IGN all have the same release date for each of these games as well.

Mario Sports Mix did come out on Monday though.
[quote name='Corvin']Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, and Sunday.

SMG2: 5/23/10
DKCR: 11/21/10
SMAS 12/12/10
Pokemon: 3/14/10

Wiki, Amazon, Gamespot and IGN all have the same release date for each of these games as well.

Mario Sports Mix did come out on Monday though.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, it was wayy too early for me to be typing, I thought he was saying he thought they didn't come out on Sunday. D'oh!
[quote name='porieux']This thread seems to be getting off track, LOL[/QUOTE]

Didn't you hear? Music games are dead...

... oh wait, that's just Guitar Hero. :p
I hope Rock Band dances on Guitar Hero's grave.

Also, WOOO!!! Total Eclipse of the Heart comes out today!!! Anybody have any guesses as to what time they'll go up? They sadly aren't up yet.
Can someone clarify for me the whole double bass pedal version of songs on the Rock Band Network? A song came out recently that I want to purchase that has a double bass version, but I'm not quite sure how that works. Does it share the same charts as the other version, except for Expert or Expert Pro? Or do all difficulties have way more bass pedal notes?

I don't plan on getting a double bass setup any time soon, but it just seems hard to purchase a seemingly worse version of the song because I don't quite have the setup for it yet. I really wish they would leave the double bass to an Expert Pro setting or something and include it all in one song, or patch a way in to choose single or double bass, the same way you can choose difficulty.

Anyways, thanks in advance to whoever answers!
Total Eclipse of the Heart was originally written for Meatloaf to sing.

Which makes it even more hilarious IMO.
[quote name='Indiana Jones']Meh for Bonnie Tyler. I would've preferred Holding Out For a Hero.[/QUOTE] That would've been good, but man, Total Eclipse is probably my favorite song ever.

[quote name='bardockkun']Goddamn, this Valentine DLC duet pack is fucking amazing.[/QUOTE] IT IS! So fucking perfect!

[quote name='porieux']Total Eclipse of the Heart was originally written for Meatloaf to sing.

Which makes it even more hilarious IMO.[/QUOTE]
I really wish they'd gotten him to do a version of it, too. I would've loved to hear it.
When I get a chance, I definetly going to pick up everything from this week except Lady Antebellum and B.O.B. However, I do hope this opens the door for us to get B.O.B.'s "Magic" with Rivers Cuomo. I'd much prefer that one eventually.
I kinda like that B.O.B. song. Hayley is a great singer. It's an easy song, and that's why I didn't DL it. I don't like how she's dressed in that video though.

The only reason to get that song is if you're a vocalist.

How do they handle the vocal parts in that? Is B.O.B. the main vocalist or Hayley?
Probably the same as they do linkin park songs. The rapping is the main part and vocals are the other singers, or you sing the chorus in solo mode.
[quote name='2DMention']
How do they handle the vocal parts in that? Is B.O.B. the main vocalist or Hayley?[/QUOTE]
You do both parts if you're solo.
[quote name='2DMention']I kinda like that B.O.B. song. Hayley is a great singer. It's an easy song, and that's why I didn't DL it. I don't like how she's dressed in that video though.

The only reason to get that song is if you're a vocalist.

How do they handle the vocal parts in that? Is B.O.B. the main vocalist or Hayley?[/QUOTE]

The song actually is quite tricky on drums.

For Vocals, Bohemian Rhapsody should tell you that anytime there are multiple vocals that on solo mode you would be doing everything as long as the vocals are not concurrently. To answer your question, on solo you sing both Hayley and B.O.B.
bread's done