Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

[quote name='KaneRobot']Sigh.

...GH5 is getting Gwar AND The Misfits DLC. And it's old school Misfits, at that (Astro Zombies). I've never been so tempted to plunk down the dollars for a main-series GH game.

fuck. Come on, Harmonix! Get with it!![/QUOTE]

I'll be interested to see what version of Astro Zombies it is to see if it is truly "old school" Misfits. As much as I want some misfits I'll probably just hold off to see what RB comes up with. Maybe there will be a Halloween theme pack from Harmonix or at least they will hint at getting some Misfits tracks at some point. Either way, if it is Danzig-less Misfits I'm not sure its a day 1 buy even if it is an old school song.
Astro Zombies > I Turned Into a Martian. Come on. Not that any of their material was that off-their-own-beaten-path anyway barring the occasional one off (American Nightmare, Come Back), but...come on.

[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']I'll be interested to see what version of Astro Zombies it is to see if it is truly "old school" Misfits. As much as I want some misfits I'll probably just hold off to see what RB comes up with. Maybe there will be a Halloween theme pack from Harmonix or at least they will hint at getting some Misfits tracks at some point. Either way, if it is Danzig-less Misfits I'm not sure its a day 1 buy even if it is an old school song.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. I'd buy any Misfits, be it Graves or Danzig eras...but anything post-Graves, forget it. It would be hilariously sad to see everyone all excited for Astro Zombies...and then when it's released it's some Jerry Only-vocals 2009 version.

I haven't lost hope for seeing Harmonix content from both of the bands I mentioned, it seems that more and more often stuff is overlapping now. It's just annoying because GH announces stuff well ahead of time and Rock Band is week-to-week...although I guess that suspense makes Rock Band more "fun" or whatever.
Yea there has been alot of overlap, and most of the stuff that I'd want to play has made it to RB as well. I actually just looked at the list of DLC for GH and I was really surprised they have been releasing weekly DLC since GHWT came out. I mean, I've heard about it from time to time, but just kind of tucked it away in the back of my mind. The weekly RB announcements do seem to be more "fun" than the monthly blast of GH. That plus the fact that like most people we have built up a hefty catalog of RB stuff so it makes it easy to focus on DLC on one platform over the other.

That said, for me, there aren't a ton of bands that command my attention when these announcements are made, but the Misfits are definitely one of them, regardless of the song.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Also, referring to the Queens of the Stone Age as, "QOTSA" might be a bit much. I had to sit there for a minute and think, "WTF?" What album is it?[/QUOTE]

I feel like I see "QOTSA" as much as I see the band's full name; it's pretty standard for mags and blogs to use "QOTSA" to refer to the band.
I can't believe GH5 is getting Gor Gor. Oh how I would love to sing that. This is a good sign though that GWAR is on the music game bandwagon, and that they released an old song. If they come out with Have You Seen Me? I might actually shit my pants.
[quote name='tcrash247']I can't believe GH5 is getting Gor Gor. Oh how I would love to sing that. This is a good sign though that GWAR is on the music game bandwagon, and that they released an old song. If they come out with Have You Seen Me? I might actually shit my pants.[/QUOTE]
As awesome as that would be - no way in hell. Way too much censoring would need to be done, and the overall theme of the song would probably get them in hot water anyway.

I'd love to see a 3-pack with the first three songs off that album though (which includes Gor-Gor) since they all sort of go together anyway. There's so much good stuff they have, especially on Ragnarok-and-prior albums. Saddam A Go-Go, Jack The World, Sonderkommando, The Road Behind, Sick of You, not to mention Dirty, Filthy would be hilarious to be able to play. So many others.
[quote name='KaneRobot']As awesome as that would be - no way in hell. Way too much censoring would need to be done, and the overall theme of the song would probably get them in hot water anyway.

I'd love to see a 3-pack with the first three songs off that album though (which includes Gor-Gor) since they all sort of go together anyway. There's so much good stuff they have, especially on Ragnarok-and-prior albums. Saddam A Go-Go, Jack The World, Sonderkommando, The Road Behind, Sick of You, not to mention Dirty, Filthy would be hilarious to be able to play. So many others.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure that'd never come but I can dream!

The opening 3 songs to America Must Be Destroyed is probably the best opening for any of GWAR's albums and would be a welcome DLC. You know what would be even better? Downloadable avatars. I'd KILL to have Oderus, Balsac and Beefcake along with the others and some slaves up on stage. Of course they'd take out Oderus' mutant cock, but I can live with that. And in the middle of Gor Gor they can bring him out and Oderus can be eaten!
[quote name='DestroVega']Which QOTSA album is Guitar Hero getting?[/QUOTE]
not the full album, just three tracks off the first (avon, how to handle a rope, mexicola).

goddamn it i love that band
[quote name='tcrash247']You know what would be even better? Downloadable avatars.[/QUOTE]


I would buy the clothing to complete this avatar ensemble.
[quote name='erectiontown']not the full album, just three tracks off the first (avon, how to handle a rope, mexicola).

goddamn it i love that band[/QUOTE]

Pretty awesome... too bad no Regular John or If Only
Two guaranteed party favorites with Alanis so I'm in for those. Probably "Steady As She Goes" as well. Geez, other than Backspacer I've bought something every week since the Gorillaz... you gotta chill out with all this good DLC, Harmonix!
So whats up with GS getting smarter? Two that I went didn't have the gutted RB: Metal Track Pak on display (PS3 or 360 versions). They do however have them for Wii and PS2.

Not that I wanted to do anything illegal, except for sticking it to the man? (Is that how it goes??)
I ended up buying the Breaking Benjamin pack; they are kind of kickass. Nothing for me on Tuesday though, if that rumored content is true.

The HOPO patch definitely made the game a bit more lenient with the notes. I haven't played in a long time and was doing pretty bad, but I still managed to finally beat Painkiller because more notes in the first solo were registering for me.
[quote name='sp00ge']No "Don't stop me now," "We are the champions" or "Bohemian Rhapsody"??? Laaame...[/QUOTE]well "We are the champions" is already in Lego Rock band at least.
Eh. I would've picked different Raconteurs songs (no "Level," guys?), but it's better than Guitar Hero's pack that completely ignored the first album.

I'll probably end up getting the Alanis eventually too. "You Oughta Know" got a lot of plays last year back at college. :oops:

[quote name='sp00ge']No "Don't stop me now," "We are the champions" or "Bohemian Rhapsody"??? Laaame...[/QUOTE]

I would've been willing to give up "One Vision" or "I Want It All" for "Don't Stop Me Now," but clearly I don't have that choice. I wanted "Seven Seas of Rhye" too, and there was no chance of that happening.

I can't justify it now, but I'm going to need to get that entire pack eventually. I'm really happy that "Somebody To Love" made the cut, although I'm not sure I want to hear amateurs trying to sing it. :lol:
[quote name='sp00ge']No "Don't stop me now," "We are the champions" or "Bohemian Rhapsody"??? Laaame...[/QUOTE]

I agree. I would be all over Bohemian Rhapsody if it was there.
I think the lack of "Bohemian Rhapsody" probably has to do with the condition of the original master tape. I remember reading something about how they recorded it to get the epic sound of the vocals and the process they used almost destroyed the tape. They may not have been able to separate it to use in the game.

I haven't seen anyone post about the extended drum pedal warranty yet:

Now good through March 2010 for original all-plastic pedals.

EDIT: Here's some info from Wikipedia:

May, Mercury, and Taylor sang their vocal parts continually for ten to twelve hours a day, resulting in 180 separate overdubs.[8] Since the studios of the time only offered 24-track analogue tape, it was necessary for the three to overdub themselves many times and "bounce" these down to successive sub-mixes. In the end, eighth-generation tapes were used.[5] The tapes were passed over the recording heads so frequently that the oxide layer began to wear off, and the normally opaque tapes turned nearly transparent.[9] The various sections of tape containing the desired submixes had to be spliced (cut with razor blades and assembled in the correct sequence using adhesive tape).
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To be fair, outside of doing karaoke with it, Bohemian Rhapsody would be damn boring on instruments for the first two minutes or so.
Not a drop-dead amazing Queen list (no Hammer to Fall or Keep Yourself Alive = ARGH) but still damn good and a worthwhile purchase. Glad to see no Stone Cold Crazy since I'd be hesitant to buy it because it's in GH:M.

I could do without Fat Bottomed Girls and Somebody To Love, but no big deal. Tie Your Mother Down is a welcome surprise, that should be fun as hell. Glad they aren't wasting space with We Will Rock You and/or We Are The Champions.

[quote name='BustaUppa']keep in mind that 10/20 is the same day as the Abbey Road DLC... damn, gonna be a pricey week![/QUOTE]

Shiiiiiiiiit. Glad I got a couple of 1600 cards from the Microcenter sale a couple weeks back.
[quote name='bardockkun']To be fair, outside of doing karaoke with it, Bohemian Rhapsody would be damn boring on instruments for the first two minutes or so.[/QUOTE]

The song might have lulls for three of the four players, but for a singer it'd be one of the best songs in the game. It wouldn't be the first time we've had a song in the game with long lulls, either. Weezer's "Greatest Man That Ever Lived" (breaks for pretty much everything BUT vocals) and The Killer's "Spaceman" (no guitar during the verses) come to mind.

If the masters allow it, I think we'll see it eventually. I also think we might see a Queen Track Pack 02 eventually. Off the top of my head, we're missing Bohemian Rhapsody, Radio Ga Ga, Bicycle Race, and Don't Stop Me Now. Throw in a few songs like Flash or Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy, and you've got another track pack. :)

[quote name='KaneRobot']Not a drop-dead amazing Queen list (no Hammer to Fall or Keep Yourself Alive = ARGH) but still damn good and a worthwhile purchase. Glad to see no Stone Cold Crazy since I'd be hesitant to buy it because it's in GH:M.[/QUOTE]

Agreed on Stone Cold Crazy. I've heard covers that I like better than the original.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']The song might have lulls for three of the four players, but for a singer it'd be one of the best songs in the game. It wouldn't be the first time we've had a song in the game with long lulls, either. Weezer's "Greatest Man That Ever Lived" (breaks for pretty much everything BUT vocals) and The Killer's "Spaceman" (no guitar during the verses) come to mind.[/QUOTE]The other night I had some friends over and we played Baba O'Riley. I was on guitar. During the intro to the song, I literally got up, walked into the kitchen, poured myself some coffee, and leisurely walked back to the TV while I was waiting for my part to start. :D
[quote name='BustaUppa']The other night I had some friends over and we played Baba O'Riley. I was on guitar. During the intro to the song, I literally got up, walked into the kitchen, poured myself some coffee, and leisurely walked back to the TV while I was waiting for my part to start. :D[/QUOTE]

That sounds about right. I've had full conversations during the intro to the song before. :lol:
After that Mario Galaxy video and the recent EBA/Phoenix Wright crossover, I'm a bit sad to see Don't Stop Me Now missing from the list.
For anyone interested in Rock Band 2 for PS3, it is/was on clearance for $89 at Sam's Club in Louisiana. Cheapest on Amazon Marketplace is $120. I dunno how YMMV it is, may be nation wide, may be other systems, I have no idea.

I live in Seattle, my mom lives in Louisiana, but I mentioned to her a week or two ago that I had been shopping around for Rock Band 2, she came across it when she was shopping at Sam's Club so she bought it and shipped it to me. I'm 23 years old and she bought & mailed a video game to me. I have the best mom.
Saw this on Neogaf. In the zine RB email, it says "While the Queen DLC is still over 2 weeks away, that will give vocalists a chance to rest up in anticipation... that is if you think you can pass on the 10 songs coming out as DLC next week"

The Raconteurs – Many Shades of Black
The Raconteurs – Salute Your Solution
The Raconteurs – Steady, As She Goes
Alanis Morissette – Head Over Feet
Alanis Morissette – Ironic
Electric Six – Dance Epidemic
Electric Six – Gay Bar
Electric Six – I Don’t Like You
The Flobots – Handlebars

What's the tenth song?
I would imagine RB3 (probably coming sooner than we think) will have vocal harmonies, and that they would hold back Bohemian Rhapsody for the RB3 disc to take advantage of the new feature.

I would much rather have had Death on Two Legs than One Vision. Oh well.
[quote name='porieux']I would imagine RB3 (probably coming sooner than we think) will have vocal harmonies, and that they would hold back Bohemian Rhapsody for the RB3 disc to take advantage of the new feature.

With Harmonies potentially in the mix, here's hoping for some Eagles and Meat Loaf.
[quote name='porieux']I would imagine RB3 (probably coming sooner than we think) will have vocal harmonies, and that they would hold back Bohemian Rhapsody for the RB3 disc to take advantage of the new feature.

I would much rather have had Death on Two Legs than One Vision. Oh well.[/QUOTE]
One Vision is fine with me, but I'd gladly drop Fat Bottomed Girls or Somebody to Love for Death on Two Legs. Awesome song.

I was just thinking about what you said regarding Rock Band 3 yesterday. It seems really unlikely to me that Harmonix is going to wait until next fall to release it. The Beatles game has obviously laid the framework for some of the improvements, and another 6 months of development since they've been done with the BRB game should really be enough to implement whatever other tricks and surprises they have come up with. You know they've been working on it along the way. It would be awesome if they brought it out in the Spring. Heck, if they just had the features of BRB (harmonies, unpause countdown, better leaderboard sorting/access, etc) plus the Rock Band Network stuff, I'd be satisfied anyway.

Surprised next week's DLC hasn't been discovered yet, unless they closed up whatever hole was leaking it.
I'd like to see RB3 in the Spring, though I think it'll be Fall.

I'd also like Keep Yourself Alive in that Queen pack.

I ain't complainin' though.
I'm thinking full-on duets in RB3, along with harmonies. Stuff like Meat Loaf, System of a Down, Linkin Park, Lacuna Coil, etc, bands that often use two vocalists in the same song, they would work very well that way. I'm sure some of you can think of better examples as well...

And I'd imagine our existing libraries of older songs would continue to work, just as single vocalist only.
bread's done