Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

There are more songs on RBN, apparently - or at least, more songs classified as "approved."

They do not appear to be adhering to any particular pattern, songs just trickle out as they are ready. I've seen two different updates for today already. I added some links near the top of the OP, one of them links to every available song for the music store and RBN, if you sort by date added it'll show you what's new.
oh my god

[quote name='HMXHenry']




Cambridge, Mass. – March 9, 2009 – Harmonix and MTV Games today announced that a four pack of songs from pop sensation Lady Gaga, as well as a special Lady Gaga cover by COMEDY CENTRAL’s South Park’s own Eric Cartman will be added next week to the Rock Band Music Store of downloadable content for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Wii™.

Lady Gaga joins the more than 400 artists currently available through the Rock Band platform. With more than 1,100 songs available, Rock Band is, without question, the industry leader in providing the best selection of interactive musical content, songs and artists.

Rock Band DLC Additions for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 System and Wii

Musical maven and international fashionista Lady Gaga makes her Rock Band debut next week with a four pack of songs from both her Grammy® Award-winning and Diamond-certified album The Fame and her latest release The Fame Monster. Lady Gaga became the first artist in Billboard history to chart four No. 1 singles when her smash single “Paparazzi” reached No. 1 in 2009. Recently named creative director for a specialty line of Polaroid® products, Lady Gaga has proven herself to be an innovative powerhouse outside the music realm as well.

“Lady Gaga Pack 01” will include “Bad Romance,” “Just Dance,” “Monster” and “Poker Face” and will be available for purchase as “Lady Gaga Pack 01” as well as individual tracks on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system, and as individual tracks only on Wii. Lady Gaga is touring Europe and the United States this spring and fall, as part of her successful Monster Ball tour. For more information on tour dates, please visit

Additionally, a special version of Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face,” made famous by South Park’s Eric Cartman, will also be available in the Rock Band Music Store next week. The track first appeared in the “Whale Whores” episode which will re-air on COMEDY CENTRAL March 16 at 10:30 p.m. ET/PT. The 14th season of COMEDY CENTRAL’s Emmy and Peabody Award-winning series South Park premieres Wednesday, March 17 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT.

MTV Networks is celebrating Lady Gaga’s debut in Rock Band across its television channels, including the following:

· MTV: “Bad Romance” video rotation during music hours, 30-minute Lady Gaga video blocks on MTV Hits, the debut of Lady Gaga’s new video “Telephone,” a collaboration with Beyonce, and an airing of the Lady Gaga episode of America’s Best Dance Crew March 16 (also on MTV2)

· Palladia: Airings of Lady Gaga performance specials including, London Live (airing March 10, 13, 16, 21 and 24), VFest (March 20 and 26) and the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards (March 19 and 20)

· Logo: An airing of London Live and NewNowNext PopLab Lady Gaga Edition (March 16)


$1.99 USD, £.99 UK, €1.49 EU (160 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) per track

$6.99, £3.49 UK, €5.29 EU (560 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) for
“Lady Gaga Pack 01”

$2.00 USD (200 Wii Points™) per track

** Dates for Rock Band game tracks are tentative and subject to change. **[/quote]
you are a bad person if you don't buy these.
Proud to be a bad person.

Good for Harmonix to get that South Park version though...a lot of people were saying they wanted that in RB after that episode aired.
Definitely picking up the whole Lady Gaga set as well as Cartman's version of Poker Face! The latter will be a great song to play with friends after a few adult beverages. :)
Only the Cartman version of Poker Face and only because I'm a huge SP fan and would love to see Cartman's version of "Come Sail Away" on RB. Lady Gaga is a blight on humanity as far as I'm conserned.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']I'll be interested to see what the charts for the Lady Gaga songs look like.[/QUOTE]
Probably similar to that RBN Alias Unknown " Top Back" track.

And I'll pick it up for novelty sake.

Rather than, we don't know, a press release or any other professional method of disseminating a message (Twitter, perhaps?), Harmonix took to Facebook to tell friends and friends-of-friends that Rock Band 3 will be released "this holiday season."

The announcement is brief and detail-free, but reveals that EA will publish the game -- apparently having renewed its Rock Band distribution deal with Viacom. With Rock Band 3, the developer promises to "innovate and revolutionize the music genre once again, just as Harmonix did with the original Rock Band, Rock Band 2 and The Beatles: Rock Band."

If previous comments by Dhani Harrison are to be believed, you may even learn something from playing RB3!
Well, there it is. We knew it was coming but it's nice to finally see it. Hopefully by holiday season they mean like...September or October rather than December.
I don't even like Rock Band, and I don't play it much. But I will definitely buy this Cartman track tonight. That's awesome. I wonder if it's just strictly what was sung in the episode or if they made it a full version of it (I could be wrong, but I thought that he didn't sing the full song)
Maybe they will cancel Rock Band Greenday because they started to realize that they are drowning the market with enough pointless music games...?

Up the ante, Harmonix.
If Rock Band 3 could teach me to play REAL guitar I'd buy it in a second. I play a little but haven't really picked it up since the kids were born - I'd love to get back into it again.
[quote name='bardockkun']Probably similar to that RBN Alias Unknown " Top Back" track.

And I'll pick it up for novelty sake.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, I'll have to check out the trial in RBN tonight.

Glad RB3 is finally announced! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']Lady Gaga is a blight on humanity as far as I'm conserned.[/QUOTE]

yeah I hear ya, Pop artists with actual singing and writing talent definitely suck.
[quote name='DestroVega']yeah I hear ya, Pop artists with actual singing and writing talent definitely suck.[/QUOTE]

She has neither in my eyes. feel free to love her. Your music taste may varry.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Bad-fucking-ass![/QUOTE]

You won't even play it if you buy it.

Lady Gaga and her attention whoring antics drive me up the wall. Her music stinks too. Plus she looks discusting. Just check the cover of Cosmo this month to see evidence of this.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']You won't even play it if you buy it.

Lady Gaga and her attention whoring antics drive me up the wall. Her music stinks too. Plus she looks discusting. Just check the cover of Cosmo this month to see evidence of this.[/QUOTE]

Oh stop your fucking whining.
Man, I'm pumped for RB3 and they haven't even announced any features yet.

A few quick things I would like to see:
- More customization in custom logos/clothing/hair, with the ability to upload/download created characters, creatable hometown venue (unlock items throughout your career mode)

- Upload to YouTube account option at the end of a song and save replays to your hard drive

- A mode like GH5's Party Mode, but with customizable options (exclude certain songs/genres, set timers between songs, etc)

- A retroactive application of harmonies/multiple singers to previous songs is a bit much to ask (but would be awesome), but the feature being applied to all future songs would be awesome. Points gained from multiple singers should be strictly bonus points, and should not affect the 5 star/gold star threshholds

- Extension of the Rock Band Network into more than user-created songs, to an extensive online community hub. See players that are online, see what songs they have downloaded, meet people to play with, create flyers for seeking bandmembers, access to Rock Band forums from your console, download created characters/instruments, review/rate songs, watch recorded replays, watch special event "live concerts" (other people playing), etc. etc.

- Bass solos being identified

- Open note on bass (I know some people don't like it, I personally do)

- Most of all, an amazing song list. One idea I was considers was having different releases of the main disc with specialized song styles. For example, if the disc setlist was 75 songs, have a second disc of 25 genre-specific importable songs that are prepackage in different versions. The main disc would have party favorites, must-have songs, and the bonus songs would be metal, indie, girl songs, etc.

- I anticipate the announcement of premium controllers or something that enable the in-game guitar tutor that actually teaches chords or something, but I'll have to wait and see to make judgements on this kind of thing.

Will post more as I think of them
[quote name='CaseyRyback']You won't even play it if you buy it.

Lady Gaga and her attention whoring antics drive me up the wall. Her music stinks too. Plus she looks discusting. Just check the cover of Cosmo this month to see evidence of this.[/QUOTE]^^^Closet Lady GaGa fan :cool:
[quote name='fizzywix']Man, I'm pumped for RB3 and they haven't even announced any features yet.

A few quick things I would like to see:
- More customization in custom logos/clothing/hair, with the ability to upload/download created characters, creatable hometown venue (unlock items throughout your career mode)

- Upload to YouTube account option at the end of a song and save replays to your hard drive

- A mode like GH5's Party Mode, but with customizable options (exclude certain songs/genres, set timers between songs, etc)

- A retroactive application of harmonies/multiple singers to previous songs is a bit much to ask (but would be awesome), but the feature being applied to all future songs would be awesome. Points gained from multiple singers should be strictly bonus points, and should not affect the 5 star/gold star threshholds

- Extension of the Rock Band Network into more than user-created songs, to an extensive online community hub. See players that are online, see what songs they have downloaded, meet people to play with, create flyers for seeking bandmembers, access to Rock Band forums from your console, download created characters/instruments, review/rate songs, watch recorded replays, watch special event "live concerts" (other people playing), etc. etc.

- Bass solos being identified

- Open note on bass (I know some people don't like it, I personally do)

- Most of all, an amazing song list. One idea I was considers was having different releases of the main disc with specialized song styles. For example, if the disc setlist was 75 songs, have a second disc of 25 genre-specific importable songs that are prepackage in different versions. The main disc would have party favorites, must-have songs, and the bonus songs would be metal, indie, girl songs, etc.

- I anticipate the announcement of premium controllers or something that enable the in-game guitar tutor that actually teaches chords or something, but I'll have to wait and see to make judgements on this kind of thing.

Will post more as I think of them[/QUOTE]

Personally I would hate to see the GH features making their way in. I hate open note bass, party mode, and same instrument bands. It takes away the idea of "being in a rock band." The only feature I hope for is the ability to allow mix vocals so two or more can sing based on song choice i.e. Atreyu - Alex & Brandon, 311 - Nick & S.A., etc. I expect that my songs will transfer so that is all that really matters. I just hope they keep the same setup for how the notes stream as I wasn't a fan of the Beatles version of that. I look forward to hearing what songs will be included.
I Think one thing I want in RB3 is in vocal practice mode to be able to choose specific parts to practice or skip parts. Goddamn I Hate parts with long guitar intros or solo's when I just want to try and nail one part in a song.

Other then that I'd like a more in depth world tour mode then what's offered in all rhythm games so far with DLC being taken a more direct approach in it. Something on the lines of choosing to be metal, punk, classic rock band or whatever and you have specific goals you try to attain when playing as those genres.
I guess I'll try to ride out my RB2 guitar for another 6 months and wait for the inevitable new instruments to come out. I've noticed the light sensor on mine doesn't seem to be working anymore (for the auto calibrate). I've still got an unused Beatles guitar from the premium bundle I won in case I need a backup.

I hope they open up the customization a lot more. It was ok for RB1, but the sequel barely improved on it. They really need to integrate some kind of design online/import to game option for logos/tattoos/etc. It's annoying have to design stuff in the game itself.

They need some kind of vocal practice mode if they are going to keep harmonies in. While playing BRB in the past I've had no idea what part I'm supposed to be singing until I've already missed several seconds of the song, especially on songs I'm not overly familiar with.

Some of the GH features I'd like to see, but others I couldn't care less about. I don't think it would hurt to add same-instrument play. Party mode is an interesting feature but not one they really need to include, and I'd rather they leave out open note bass. Frankly, as long as it has the unpause countdown (I'm sure it will since BRB had it), I'm happy.
If they're putting garbage like Lady Gaga in this, they shouldn't be calling the next game Rock Band. What's next for DLC, Lil Wayne and Miley Cyrus?
Heh, I think the "upload to Youtube" thing is asking for a bit much, though it would be awesome.

Personally, I trust Harmonix to make the general game improvements. I think RB2 was a huge improvement over RB, and I think RB3 will be the same.

I really want them to add more stats. Throw everything at me. How long have I played RB over time? How close was I to gold starring a song?

They really need to put a stat page in between songs in a setlist too. It sucks playing one song at a time, but you can't see you streak and potential other stats in a setlist.
simple things that would make the game more user-friendly and fun:

- "calibration profiles" that you could save; perfect if you play on different TVs

- a playable test song right after you calibrate

- a collapsible song list that makes large song libraries easier to navigate, i.e. you'd see "QUEEN (12 SONGS)" instead of seeing all the songs on their own line. Press the green button to expand the list and select a song.

- The ability to add/remove players in the middle of a quickplay setlist (between songs at least; the GH5 approach I could take or leave)

- Harmonies, which are probably a given since even Green Day is getting them. For older songs I hope they at least allow you turn on the extra mics, so extra players can improvise whatever uncharted vocals they want without affecting the score.

anything else is just gravy and I'm excited to see what they come up with!
[quote name='CaseyRyback']You won't even play it if you buy it.

Lady Gaga and her attention whoring antics drive me up the wall. Her music stinks too. Plus she looks discusting. Just check the cover of Cosmo this month to see evidence of this.[/QUOTE]

How about you check out that ass in the Bad Romance music video. You know when she drops that polar bear cape thing?

[quote name='tcrash247']If they're putting garbage like Lady Gaga in this, they shouldn't be calling the next game Rock Band. What's next for DLC, Lil Wayne and Miley Cyrus?[/QUOTE]

It could very well be possible!

You need to realize that Rock Band its DLC doesn't work like most games. Harmonix has said that Rock Band is a "platform". Think of Rock Band as more of a "console" with the music being the "games". You buy Rock Band and then you buy the songs you want. Just like on your Xbox there are games that you think are super awesome and there are also games you think suck donkey dick. Same with Rock Band, there are songs you love and then there's the shit you hate!

There's no reason to get pissy about them expanding the genre through DLC that you don't have buy. It is OK to get pissed though if they add anymore Foo Fighters or Red Hot Chili Peppers.:bomb:

[quote name='Trakan']Heh, I think the "upload to Youtube" thing is asking for a bit much, though it would be awesome.

Personally, I trust Harmonix to make the general game improvements. I think RB2 was a huge improvement over RB, and I think RB3 will be the same.

I really want them to add more stats. Throw everything at me. How long have I played RB over time? How close was I to gold starring a song?

They really need to put a stat page in between songs in a setlist too. It sucks playing one song at a time, but you can't see you streak and potential other stats in a setlist.[/QUOTE]

The stat thing is something I have mentioned time and time and time again. We need to have every kind of stat there is! Organized by song, genre, artist, etc! How many times have a played a certain song, how many songs I have played (by myself, 2 people, 3 people, and full band), how many sets I've played, how times I have failed, the list go potentially go on forever. If they get super stat heavy like everyone wants though they'll need to implement some kind of convenient profile switching mechanism because I could see myself becoming a real stat whore and not wanting my friends to taint my profile, lol.

They also need to implement perhaps platinum or diamond stars to symbolize when you F/C a song. The Full Combo is something that has been around in communities since the first Guitar Hero. Why the hell isn't this monitored in the games yet?!
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[quote name='CaseyRyback']You won't even play it if you buy it.

Lady Gaga and her attention whoring antics drive me up the wall. Her music stinks too. Plus she looks discusting. Just check the cover of Cosmo this month to see evidence of this.[/QUOTE]

Personally, I think she looks like Bruno.

Anyway this game is supposed to appeal to everyone, even the one's who like crap.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']^^^Closet Lady GaGa fan :cool:[/QUOTE]

So you are telling me we are getting the band back together? Big Trak I think we need your answer.
lots of new info on Green Day Rock Band:

I'll just quote something that sticks out as particularly interesting:[quote name='HMXHenry']

In addition, the six Green Day tracks already available in the Rock Band Music Store as downloadable content can be played in Green Day: Rock Band with added vocal harmonies, unique performance visuals, and exclusive archival material.[/quote]Don't wanna get my hopes up too high, but we now have a precedent set for harmonies being added to old DLC tracks!
June 8th release date. Sifting out the bullshit in the press release...

Green Day: Rock Band™ features an export fee of $9.99 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system. The export feature is not available for the Wii system. In addition, the six Green Day tracks already available in the Rock Band Music Store as downloadable content can be played in Green Day: Rock Band with added vocal harmonies, unique performance visuals, and exclusive archival material.

Green Day: Rock Band pricing is as follows:

Green Day: Rock Band standalone game for Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 system
US MSRP $59.99

Green Day: Rock Band standalone game for Wii system
US MSRP $49.99

Green Day: Rock Band Plus for Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 system (US/Canada only)
US MSRP $69.99
Includes special packaging, export and six Green Day DLC tracks ($22 total value)
I wonder if you'll have to download a "patch" for the older DLC if you already have it to include the harmonies. Wonder if the export fee will have that annoying one-time-only use code that Lego Rock Band did.

Not that I'm buying this thing, but it's interesting that they may have had harmonies in the DLC file itself that far back.
[quote name='KaneRobot']June 8th release date. Sifting out the bullshit in the press release...

I wonder if you'll have to download a "patch" for the older DLC if you already have it to include the harmonies. Wonder if the export fee will have that annoying one-time-only use code that Lego Rock Band did.

Not that I'm buying this thing, but it's interesting that they may have had harmonies in the DLC file itself that far back.[/QUOTE]

Another Goozex game for me. Still waiting for Van Halen to drop to about 500 or less, too.
bread's done