Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

[quote name='lordopus99']Pro Mode to me is why bother. Why I say this is if I want to play real guitar, I am just going to pick mine up and play.[/QUOTE]

It's not nearly so much a feature for real guitarists as it is a way to get people to actually pick up and maybe learn a real guitar. I know I'm considering it. I have a guitar, taught myself all of 4 songs on it, and it's just been sitting there collecting dust cuz I don't want to take the "time" to really sit down and practice. I know if it was playing a game, I could kill 2 birds with one stone. (I know, I know, poor time management/priorities :D )
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Another issue with promode is something I brought up in an earlier post.

What about songs that are way more difficult in game than when actually played on a real guitar? Green Day's Good Riddance came up right before all the RB3 info hit as a song that is waaaay more difficult on the game than on a real guitar.

How will promode deal with this and maintain accuracy?[/QUOTE]

Well, here's the thing about the way Good Riddance is in the game. If you think of the note highway as representing the STRINGS, and not the frets (the way it's played in the game), the charting is fairly you do a lot of picking around the strings. But where the problem comes in is that it's not your left hand doing all the moving. Your left hand stays basically stationary, and your right hand just plucks different strings. See a cover I did of the song a couple years back as an example (no real reason to post this other than shameless self-promotion...but what the hell, lol)

It's almost like the game has it backward because of how limited the plastic guitars are at representing acoustic music. Really, it's probably as good of a reason as any of why we haven't seen more acoustic artists like Dave Matthews or Paul Simon (and the two Simon and Garfunkel songs offered as DLC are boring as hell in the game). As is, the game just can't portray those songs very accurately.
Yeah, I guess an acoustic song was kind of a bad example? Whatever though, I play the rb drums.

I really should invest in a real kit, I just wouldn't know where to start as far learning goes. And I'm not really into the whole pay for lessons thing. :whistle2:/
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Good that they're doing this, I guess. But it would have been retarded not to. Remember, it's a real guitar. Why completely neuter a real guitar? Even without the amp, you'll be able to hear what you're actually playing. For some reason, people seem to have trouble grasping that once you're in "pro mode" and using that Squier, you're basically taking guitar lessons. It's as real as it's going to get, and many of the songs in the game are going to be ridiculously "fuck me in the ass" hard. I am curious to see how some of the "expert shredders" take to having to deal with 6 strings and 22 frets though.

I will say after watching that video, I don't think I'm going to really like Pro Mode. Having to read the fret numbers on the screen with all the regular Rock Band color changing, lights, and trippy backgrounds is just going to be distracting as hell. If I'm trying to really learn how to play a song and keep up with the tempo, and basically sight read the damn thing, the last thing I want is annoying backgrounds and flashing lights pissing me off. I think at that point, I'd rather just sit down with the printed tabs and learn to play the song.

Also, the person who wrote that Engadget article is a dumbass. He was actually "put off" at first that they went to Fender's 2nd tier brand to make this controller? Did he want to pay the $500-$600 it probably would have cost to put this technology in even a MEXICAN made Fender Strat? At least Harmonix is TRYING to keep this accessible to the general public. I'm sure this thing will cost $100 more than what a regular Squier would ($180-230), so it's going to take quite a bit to get people jumping into Pro Mode, which is going to be far less enjoyable (at least right away) and far more work than the standard play up to this point.[/QUOTE]

600 would be generous, Im assuming this is a low end squire that without all the fancy electric doohickeys would be 100 dollars, this will probably retail for 250-300. if they used a Mexi-strat you can easily be looking at 650-800 dollars.

With that said...I kinda wish it did too :lol:
[quote name='Bioshocked360']What are the chances of Beatles Rock Band getting a patch so we can use the real guitar? Have they said anything about this?[/QUOTE]
I Doubt it. I Think it's Rock Band 3 and DLC forward that will teach. UNLESS they intentionally didn't release those other albums as DLC for those sole reason...I Think I'm only being overly wishful though.
There was nothing to see when I clicked the link. They were apparently having difficulties.

Whatever though, all they keep doing is relaying the same information about promode.
The question of drum overdrive settled:


(grabbed from a SomethingAwful forum post)

RB2 style by default; Beatles style if you disable the fills
Spent some time at E3 today, and was able to catch Harmonix's presentation on Rock Band 3 as well as play some of the game itself. I'm sure that once the game has come out and we've spent time with it, we'll all have our complaints and wishes. But for now, I have to say that I was very impressed by how they addressed nearly every issue I had with the Rock Band series to date. You can drop in and drop out at any time without interrupting anyone else in the band. You can disable drumpad navigation. There's a full-fledged filtering system. You can save setlists. You can customize tours. I'm certainly not as hardcore a Rock Band player as many of you, but I honestly couldn't think of a complaint I had that they didn't address today. They're clearly a company that listens to its consumers.

The new guitar is amazing. I didn't realize that it truly is a real guitar that simply has the addition of tracking technology so it knows where and how your hand is placed on the neck. Playing this game in Pro mode on Expert is the real deal.

Unfortunately I couldn't get a clear answer on the method of RB2's export or how one system was supporting so many devices. I think that by the time I was able to ask my questions the available persons weren't the right ones to ask.

They had a very impressive wall in the booth that listed every RB song to date, whether from the retail games, Music Store or RBN. Really showed the immensity of the game's breadth. I would guess it was around 15 feet high and 50 feet wide.
The only thing that could crap in my cereal at this point regarding RB3 is if for some reason we can't export the RB2 songs. I don't see any reason why we wouldn't be able to, but it still has me nervous until we get confirmation.
Here's the DLC hitting the RB Music Store next week! 5 Miley Cyrus singles, perfect for the pop fans out there, the female vocalist, parents looking for more family friendly content for Lego Rock Band and HMXjohnd. Yes, HMXjohnd dances to Miley Cyrus and at one point he explained that "her hooks are insane". Between Ozzy last week and Miley this week, we've pretty much got both ends of the spectrum covered!

Available on Xbox 360®, Wii and PlayStation 3 system (June 22):

“7 Things” +
“Can’t Be Tamed”
“Fly On the Wall” +
“See You Again” +
“Start All Over” +

(All tracks are original master recordings)

(These tracks will be available in Europe on PlayStation 3 system June 23)

These tracks will be available as individual tracks on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 system and Wii, as well as “Miley Cyrus Pack 01” on Xbox 360. Songs marked with “+” will also be available in the family-friendly LEGO® Rock Band Music Store.


$1.99 USD, £.99 UK, €1.49 EU (160 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) per track
680 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360 for Miley Cyrus Pack 01
$2.00 USD (200 Wii Points™) per track

[quote name='n8rockerasu']Wow, can't wait to hear people bitch about[/QUOTE]

I'll put a positive spin on it: a) they're saving the good stuff for RB3, and b) they're saving most of us some money this week! ;)
[quote name='BustaUppa']Ozzy Osbourne, Miley Cyrus... I love when two weeks give us such a violent contrast in DLC :D[/QUOTE]

Next week, Barry Manilow and Slash team up to remake the best of Barry only for Rock Band. ;)
[quote name='rapsodist']The new guitar is amazing. I didn't realize that it truly is a real guitar that simply has the addition of tracking technology so it knows where and how your hand is placed on the neck. Playing this game in Pro mode on Expert is the real deal.[/QUOTE]

I want to see bands play their own songs in Pro mode on Expert. It would be interesting to see how they do.

[quote name='KaneRobot']The only thing that could crap in my cereal at this point regarding RB3 is if for some reason we can't export the RB2 songs. I don't see any reason why we wouldn't be able to, but it still has me nervous until we get confirmation.[/QUOTE]

I doubt this will happen because Harmonix is all about the huge selection of music and DLC being carried over. It will probably cost us something or will have a "Plus" version like Green Day.
My family will be excited for the Miley tracks. They play the hell out of Band Hero and Lady Gaga on RB, so this is perfect for them.

I like how a Miley Cyrus song is too risque to be played on Lego Rock Band. Lego RB removes songs needlessly for even the smallest innuendo that kids probably wouldn't even get.

And how did they NOT include "Rock Star" if they're putting her songs in Rock Band???
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[quote name='lordopus99']I am under the assumption all the vocals will be talking parts.[/QUOTE]

I would buy these tracks but I don't think I can get my voice to go that deep...and I'm a guy.
[quote name='mr ryles']can't let my girlfriend hear these songs are gonna be on rock band. It will be the biggest waste of microsoft points EVAR.[/QUOTE]

Join my campaign to STOP dating middle schoolers!!
[quote name='mr ryles']can't let my girlfriend hear these songs are gonna be on rock band. It will be the biggest waste of microsoft points EVAR.[/QUOTE]

So making your girlfriend happy would be a waste of money/points? Dude, she plays games with you, buck up and have some fun playing Miley with her.
Really disappointed to hear the rumors about a GH Queen game. If they're willing to do the band-focused game, it would be infinitely better to do a RB game, especially with the keyboard controller coming soon. Well, it would be better to do a RB game keyboard controller or not, but you get what I'm saying.
I won't complain about any Queen game, but yes, Rock Band would be infinitely better. GH will be over-charted and have 1/3 of the songs be from other bands, without as many cool bonuses and personal touches. I like GH: Metallica and all, but The Beatles and Green Day: RB blow that out of the water.
[quote name='GunstarRed']And how did they NOT include "Rock Star" if they're putting her songs in Rock Band???[/QUOTE]

Thats under Hannah Montana, these songs in the pack are all under her name. Guess they couldnt get the rights to it from Disney.
I'd imagine there was some form of licensing issue due to the songs in the Hannah Montana movie game and/or any other Hannah branded games that may have been released for the DS.
I agree that Queen should be RB, but I think it is an overall issue of image. The general, non-gaming public, especially musicians (or those that manage their catalog now) seem to be more familiar with Guitar Hero as a name brand, than Rock Band. Guitar Hero came out first, and has been around a couple years longer. They don't know/care that RB is the better overall product, or that it cares more about the music than GH.
[quote name='hmxhenry']

Hey gang,

Next week's DLC will feature a 6 pack from Rock Band newcomers Nickelback. What more do you need to know?! I think that says it all right there. Here's the run down of tracks and pricing.

Available on Xbox 360®, Wii and PlayStation 3 system (June 29):

“Burn It to the Ground”
“Figured You Out”
“Never Again”
“This Afternoon”

(All tracks are original master recordings)

(These tracks will be available in Europe on PlayStation 3 system June 30)

These tracks will be available for purchase as “Nickelback Pack 01” as well as individual tracks on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system, and as individual tracks only on Wii.


$1.99 USD, £.99 UK, €1.49 EU (160 Microsoft Points) per track

$9.99, £4.99 UK, €7.99 EU (800 Microsoft Points) for Nickelback Pack 01

$2.00 USD (200 Wii Points™) per track


Let me be the first to say ... UGH.
Looks like the second week in a row I'll get nothing from the real rock band store. Its good timing though between Risk Factions and Puzzle Quest 2, I'll need all the points I can get.
I almost did a spit-take all over my laptop in disgust. Gotta remember not to have a mouthful of water on Fridays when I check this thread.
I won't be buying those Nickelback tracks, but I have to admit that they are really great live. I saw them 4-5 years ago because my cousin got free tickets and they really rocked the place. They really don't play many of their pussy songs live, only the radio ones. Everything else is pretty fast and hard. Hell, they even played the intro and a verse of Metallica's Sad But True and an instrumental of Pantera's Cowboys From Hell.
[quote name='epb']I don't know what's worst, this or the Miley Cyrus pack.[/QUOTE]

I honestly would rather have Miley than Nickelback for Rock Band parties. I'd rather the girls have some fun than the douchebags.
bread's done