Ron OTT's Doodlepost

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[quote name='Kayden']Actually, I talked to a manager at GS and he said that coupon in the last GI counted as their B2G1 since you could buy as many of the coupons as you wanted. :roll:[/quote]

I just want a good trade-in deal to come around so I can unload some of the games that I haven't been able to get rid of on CAG. Stupid hangers-on. :bomb:
Well I went to BB and picked up Black Hawk Down 3 Disc Deluxe and Leon: The Professional Deluxe Edition. Not bad for 19 bucks.
[quote name='Strell']Man.

Mods have gone crazy with power lately.

I feel the need to printscreen all my posts from now on.

But not really.[/quote]
WTF now? :whistle2:s
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I think one of my friends may have freaked the fuck out and left the country last night. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Had he been drafted?
[quote name='karsh']I forgot how entirely overpowered Freya is at the beginning of Valkyrie Profile. It saddens me that she only stays for this little bit. I love Ether Strike and it's 11000 damage at level 2.[/QUOTE]

I should definitely get back to VP. xD
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']My head, it aches.[/quote]

That's just a post-coital reaction. Once you regulate your frequency for sex, it'll go away.:lol:
Why is this OTT so amazingly slow? Anyways, morning OTT. My day is planned as follows: Shower, eat, do something, convince everyone to play poker tonight.
[quote name='zewone']Had he been drafted?[/QUOTE] No. He just got back from Iran, and he has dual citizenship. So if he did decide to go back, he would be thrown in the army there for 2 years. Hopefully this isn't what happened, but he had expressed a desire to go back and told another friend of ours that he had the money for it. Crazy bastard. :lol:

[quote name='jaykrue']That's just a post-coital reaction. Once you regulate your frequency for sex, it'll go away.:lol:[/QUOTE] Well, I could have just been a bit dehydrated from the effort. :lol:
I heard a new form of rap on the Northwestern radio station last night: Nerdcore.

yeah, it's what it sounds like. hardcore geeks making beats in their rooms on their computers and rapping about being hardcore geeks. It was surprisingly fresh and well done. Very true to the geek gamer/haxor/internet nerd way of life :lol:
[quote name='Apossum']I heard a new form of rap on the Northwestern radio station last night: Nerdcore.

yeah, it's what it sounds like. hardcore geeks making beats in their rooms on their computers and rapping about being hardcore geeks. It was surprisingly fresh and well done. Very true to the geek gamer/haxor/internet nerd way of life :lol:[/QUOTE] Had you not ever heard of mc chris? :shame: :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Had you not ever heard of mc chris? :shame: :lol:[/QUOTE]

(wikky wikky wow)
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']No. He just got back from Iran, and he has dual citizenship. So if he did decide to go back, he would be thrown in the army there for 2 years. Hopefully this isn't what happened, but he had expressed a desire to go back and told another friend of ours that he had the money for it. Crazy bastard. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Ok, so he's not leaving the country ... yet. :lol::

[14:16] SblymnlCrymnl: where you at?
[14:17] Morty: DC
[14:17] Morty: Baltimore actually
[14:17] SblymnlCrymnl: shit
[14:17] Morty: hells yeah
[14:17] SblymnlCrymnl: when are you coming back?
[14:17] Morty: don't know
[14:17] SblymnlCrymnl: what about school?
[14:17] Morty: don't know
[14:18] SblymnlCrymnl: shit
[14:18] Morty: I'm going to see if I can do everything by internet and get my degree that way
[14:18] SblymnlCrymnl: ok
[14:18] SblymnlCrymnl: does anyone else know where you are?
[14:18] Morty: I drove up here with no clothes...just the ones I have on, and I don't have socks
[14:18] SblymnlCrymnl: hahaha
[14:18] SblymnlCrymnl: shit
[14:20] Morty: I'm sitting in a panera right now
[14:20] Morty: ha!
[14:20] SblymnlCrymnl: i would think your dad would be on the next flight out haha
[14:20] Morty: if my dad flies up here, I'm leaving this city
[14:21] SblymnlCrymnl: hey, you could go to LA
[14:21] SblymnlCrymnl: hahaha
[14:21] Morty: hahahahaa
[14:22] Morty: a 4 day drive from here
[14:22] Morty: piss on that
[14:22] Morty: shit, I should have brought a camera
[14:22] SblymnlCrymnl: sell the car and fly
[14:22] Morty: uh huh
[14:22] Morty: well, the title is kinda at the house in kc
[14:23] SblymnlCrymnl: so what?
[14:23] Morty: hahaha
[14:23] Morty: no
[14:23] SblymnlCrymnl: it's not like they want to pay taxes on it anyway
[14:24] Morty: un huh
[14:24] Morty: oh yeah
[14:25] SblymnlCrymnl: hey, you know it's my sister's birthday
[14:25] Morty: un huh
[14:25] SblymnlCrymnl: and tomorrow is brad's
[14:29] Morty: don't know what I did when I left
[14:29] Morty: I left the house with my phone, laptop, glasses, and phone charger....
[14:30] Morty: but I'm in baltimore with just the phone and laptop
[14:30] Morty: I put my glasses and charger ontop of the car in kc and drove off
[14:30] SblymnlCrymnl: hahaha
[14:30] Morty: so now I gotta go buy a charger
[14:30] SblymnlCrymnl: shit
[14:30] Morty: and I drove 18 hours straigh
[14:30] SblymnlCrymnl: where did you leave from?
[14:30] Morty: straight
[14:31] Morty: my dad thought I went to the post office...I did go there...butttttt.......
[14:31] SblymnlCrymnl: haha
[14:31] SblymnlCrymnl: you are insane
[14:32] Morty: I went to the post office, and I locked the keys in the car, and there was no way in hell I was going back home or calling somebody, so I kicked the window in and drove until I arrived here
[14:32] Morty: :whistle2:D
[14:32] SblymnlCrymnl: holy shit!
[14:32] Morty: yeah, so the car is kinda missing a window
[14:33] SblymnlCrymnl: which window?
[14:33] Morty: driver....yeah...MISTAKE
[14:39] Morty: yeah dude...I'm thinking I'm going to stay here...that is if I can do my classes through the internet...if I can, I'm staying here and then I'm going to Iran in march
[14:39] SblymnlCrymnl: and if not?
[14:39] Morty: I'm really close to saying "fuck school" and going to iran now
[14:40] SblymnlCrymnl: wouldn't you be put in the army?
[14:40] Morty: ummm....yeah, but the reason I came to DC is because there's an office here that can help get me out of the army ;-)
[14:40] SblymnlCrymnl: oh shit
[14:41] Morty: it might cost 5500 bucks, but I'll just wait tables until I can afford it
[14:41] Morty: a couple months and I'm good to go
[14:41] SblymnlCrymnl: shit
[quote name='flowery']I need to find the slipcover for Leon. Those cheap bastards at Best Buy didn't have any with them on.[/QUOTE]
Check the DVD manufacturer. They might be able to do anything.
[quote name='flowery']I need to find the slipcover for Leon. Those cheap bastards at Best Buy didn't have any with them on.[/quote]

I think that after a certain amount of time, they just stop using them. But most of the time, its dumbass people taking them off and such, and when an employee sees the slip just lying there, rather than puting it back on, they just toss it. I know the feeling man. When I picked up Dazed and Confused at CC, none of them had the cover. It honestly pisses me off, as I always keep the slip cover
Slip covers? Those cardboard sleeves with the same artwork as the case that slow down getting that disc out? Those suck. Why would you be upset at getting a more convenient product?
I am a big DVD fanatic and love having the slipcovers. This one is a cool slipcover that differs from the cover art. It is like a small form of OCD when it comes to my DVDs.

Also I guess the stopped using the slipcovers though since the handful that were left didn't have them either.
The Office gets a little more amusing with each episode I watch.

"I'd like to change my emergency contact. Just write down....The Hospital."


Makes me wonder if I ought to go through the trouble of getting the British versions....
Not really thread worthy but its OTT worthy

Cats that look like Hitler:

Where is Mel Gibson's cat?
[quote name='senorwoohoo']...
The Roots with Talib Kweli and the Pharcyde...[/QUOTE]

Oh nice. Yeah I think Kwe was going to play with them in Dallas the night before Austin, skipped Austin (we had some almost-OKPs from TX & Blackalicious instead... got to meet Gift of Gab!) and then did the Houston show the night after us... so I'm jealous of you too. Do you remember the set lists? I'm sure it was a great show.

Way to not wear earplugs... hopefully you didn't experience the eardrum busting experience I had... :cry:
[quote name='zewone']I sat about the halfway point. Which isn't that bad, seeing as how I had just bought my ticket a week before the concert. I didn't pay the bill for the VIP. I'm way too broke for that. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Ha. I feel your pain but I think I might have had to sacrifice the c-note... either that or spent $100 on water bottles.
[quote name='Apossum']I heard a new form of rap on the Northwestern radio station last night: Nerdcore.

yeah, it's what it sounds like. hardcore geeks making beats in their rooms on their computers and rapping about being hardcore geeks. It was surprisingly fresh and well done. Very true to the geek gamer/haxor/internet nerd way of life :lol:[/QUOTE]
I know I shouldn't be drinking at home alone again but I'll be damned if these amaretto martinis aren't the tasiest fucking drink.
[quote name='mr ryles']It's 187 on a mutha fuckin cop![/QUOTE]
FTP, yes you know me.
[quote name='MadChedar0']Oh nice. Yeah I think Kwe was going to play with them in Dallas the night before Austin, skipped Austin (we had some almost-OKPs from TX & Blackalicious instead... got to meet Gift of Gab!) and then did the Houston show the night after us... so I'm jealous of you too. Do you remember the set lists? I'm sure it was a great show.

Way to not wear earplugs... hopefully you didn't experience the eardrum busting experience I had... :cry:[/QUOTE]

I don't remember it exactly, but here's what I do remember(not in order):

The Pharcyde
Ya Mama
Passing Me By
Several new tracks

Talib Kweli
Never Been in Love
His verse in Re-Definition
Move Somethin'
Get By
I Try
The Blast
His verse in Old School
Get Em High freestyle with Akrobatik

The Roots
Mellow My Man
In the Music
Act Too: Love of My Life(Talib did a verse)
Here I Come
You Got Me
Don't Say Nothin'
Long Time
Seed 2.0

Damn, I wish I could remember more of the songs. I don't really mind though, the show was amazing and my memory gives me enough to write a nice review.
I became friends with two co-workers at work three years ago -- guy and girl. (Coincidentally, they started dating around the same time I started dating another co-worker.)

Anyway, I've always been more of a friend with the girl than the guy. They moved away to college a couple of years ago, and I would only see them a few times during the summer.

Recently, she tells me that her boyfriend is seeing another girl on the side, and that they're "not together", but are still talking (or something...). This comes to a huge surprise, to me, and her (naturally), as I always thought they'd get married, or at least be together for quite a while.

Last week, when I gained that knowledge, she expressed how she "missed" me, how she loves my sense of humor, how she wants me to "please call" her and asked me stuff, like if I thought she was cute, and whatnot.

Now, anyone can tell what was going on there... but, naturally, I went into a self-denfense mode where I try to pretend to not catch the dirft, and not respond to stuff like that.

... I regret doing that. :whistle2:s

Yeah, that wasn't that smart. If he's fucking another girl, why not give it to her? Unless he's a real good friend....but even then...I don't know.
[quote name='zewone']Yeah, that wasn't that smart. If he's fucking another girl, why not give it to her? Unless he's a real good friend....but even then...I don't know.[/QUOTE]

I think two of the reasons I tried ignoring it was that it may be weird, and that it may actually develop into something.

Then I remember, she's actually attractive, has a personallity and is really funny. And, in a sense, I already like her.
[quote name='Brak']Right...

I think two of the reasons I tried ignoring it was that it may be weird, and that it may actually develop into something.

Then I remember, she's actually attractive, has a personallity and is really funny. And, in a sense, I already like her.[/QUOTE] And how many years has it been since you had sex again? I mean, with a woman.
[quote name='Brak']Right...

I think two of the reasons I tried ignoring it was that it may be weird, and that it may actually develop into something.

Then I remember, she's actually attractive, has a personallity and is really funny. And, in a sense, I already like her.[/QUOTE]

There's nothing more scary than change and/or commitment.

Except for snakes. I fucking hate snakes.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']And how many years has it been since you had sex again? I mean, with a woman.[/QUOTE]

Just cuz you're finally getting some doesn't mean you have to rub it in.
[quote name='mr ryles']Just cuz you're finally getting some doesn't mean you have to rub it in.[/QUOTE] I'm just saying, he's been out of the game a long time. Perhaps even evolved beyond that. Might be difficult, mentally, to go back there.
I think crickets have gotten into the walls or something since I've been hearing an annoying chirping sound for the past half hour and its driving me insane. At least Hellboy's on to make it bearable, for now.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I'm just saying, he's been out of the game a long time. Perhaps even evolved beyond that. Might be difficult, mentally, to go back there.[/QUOTE]
I think I'll be alright. I'll probably have performance anxiety and slip into a deep depression.

I might get into hard drugs and booze, in order to get it up, and wind up on the streets within two years.


[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I'm just saying, he's been out of the game a long time. Perhaps even evolved beyond that. Might be difficult, mentally, to go back there.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck is going on around here?!?! Maybe Sub gave Jaykrue his login info? We haven't seen Jaykrue around in a while...
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