RPG Thread IX is a steaming pile of pointless monologue. Just Youtube the ending!

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[quote name='icebeast']Dragon Quest VIII did that too, and you didn't zone nearly as much as FFXII. DQVIII is also a much, much better game.[/QUOTE]

DQVIII is a much, much better game than most games. :D It's tough for me to pick a favorite Dragon Quest since I love them all so much, but VIII might be it.

The only PS2 RPG I enjoyed more was Persona 4.
[quote name='icebeast']Dragon Quest VIII did that too, and you didn't zone nearly as much as FFXII. DQVIII is also a much, much better game.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this statement in its entirety.
[quote name='icebeast']Dragon Quest VIII did that too, and you didn't zone nearly as much as FFXII. DQVIII is also a much, much better game.[/QUOTE]

It's what good games tend to do, apparently :cool:
[quote name='icebeast']Dragon Quest VIII did that too, and you didn't zone nearly as much as FFXII. DQVIII is also a much, much better game.[/QUOTE]
I think this should be the argument ender. Dragon Quest FTW!
I mostly agree with panzer on XII. If only the story hadn't fallen apart halfway through...

I played FFX shortly after it came out, and after playing PSX RPGs (Star Ocean, VII-IX, The Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Cross, mainly), I was floored. Everything, from the main menu music, opening FMV, to the main menu itself screamed next gen.

I still think that recreating Chrono Cross in a current gen setting - even if every piece of the game were perfectly replicated from the original, only in FFXIII-level graphical quality (to say nothing of the audio) - would blow my socks off by a greater degree than anything I've ever played. Can't put my finger on exactly what it is, but the art direction in that game deserves a more powerful medium than the PSX.

Question on the DQ series: I'm not really feeling JRPGs lately; couldn't get into Persona 4 (impressive visuals for a PS2 game for sure), not a fan of the high school-oriented/dating sim type RPGs. Can't really bring myself to play FFXIII, even though I liked X and XII. Loved Demon's Souls, but that's not exactly a traditional JRPG. What series/games are DQ most like (and to that end, which console DQ is the one I should try out?)
I would love a game on the scale of DQVIII without the DQ-ness of it... IE, scale back the random battles and maybe make the story a bit more epic. But DQVIII is the best "World" I've played in an RPG in a long time.
[quote name='bvharris']DQVIII is a much, much better game than most games. :D It's tough for me to pick a favorite Dragon Quest since I love them all so much, but VIII might be it.

The only PS2 RPG I enjoyed more was Persona 4.[/QUOTE]

Truth right here, I really can't think of any other PS2 RPGs that blew me away more than these two. Although plenty of them were very good, these games were AMAZING! I guess the next game I would put after these is Tales of the Abyss. I don't think I've played a game with a better, more engaging story except Tales of Symphonia and Persona 4.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']
Question on the DQ series: I'm not really feeling JRPGs lately; couldn't get into Persona 4 (impressive visuals for a PS2 game for sure), not a fan of the high school-oriented/dating sim type RPGs. Can't really bring myself to play FFXIII, even though I liked X and XII. Loved Demon's Souls, but that's not exactly a traditional JRPG. What series/games are DQ most like (and to that end, which console DQ is the one I should try out?)[/QUOTE]

DQ is about as traditional as JRPGs get. You're looking at lots of random battles, lots of grinding, all that. I guess the early Final Fantasy games are reasonably comparable, though the two series have obviously diverged mightily. But any traditional JRPG is a decent comp.

If you're new to the series, I'd recommend starting with either VIII on PS2 or the DS remake of IV (which starts a loose trilogy with V and VI). DQVII is a great game, but it feels more dated than any other game in the series at this point. DQIX is also fantastic, but it has a lot of innovations which might ruin the other DS games for you if you go back and try to play them after and end up thinking "why can't I do ______ anymore?"
DQVII also have more grinding required then any of the others I can think of. I had a friend who put 80 hours just into Disc 1. I didn't put that much but remember having to grind for huge patches even early on in the game.
I liked DQ8 way better than DQ9. 9 had too much locked away in the post-game content and the story never really went anywhere or had a threat in 9.

gathering alchemy ingredients seemed easier in 8 vs 9 as well.
if you don't plan on playing all the dqs, i'd start off with DQ5.

5 is probably the most linear and is the easiest to get into, imo.

dq7 looked more dated than the SFC versions of DQ5-6 when it came out, lol.

if you like 5, I'd actually recommend you go through the entire series from the start. maybe skip dq2, cause it sucks.
I skipped the first 3. I would definitely say 4, 5, and 6 are worth a playthrough along with 8. I wasn't a fan of 7, and 9 is fine if you need a portable easy to pick-up and play kind of game.
[quote name='eldergamer']I liked DQ8 way better than DQ9. 9 had too much locked away in the post-game content and the story never really went anywhere or had a threat in 9.

I'm not really sure that's a fair criticism of DQIX, which still provided more playtime before the post-game than the vast majority of RPGs released in this day and age. Yes, there are hundreds of hours to be played in the post-game (which is fantastic), but the main game is nothing to shake a stick at either.
[quote name='bvharris']If you're new to the series, I'd recommend starting with either VIII on PS2 or the DS remake of IV (which starts a loose trilogy with V and VI).[/QUOTE]
I agree with either of these starting points.

FWIW, a spinoff (Rocket Slime) was my first DQ game, but although it's very good, it also plays quite differently from the regular series.
[quote name='Backlash']You really can't recommend DQ1 to anyone at this point. When it came out it was amazing, but playing it now would just be painful.[/QUOTE]
maybe not the original NES version, but the remixed versions are pretty easy and remove a lot of the grinding. there is still some, after all, that was pretty much the core game since grinding was a revolutionary strategy back then.

it shouldn't take more than 4-5 hours on a remixed version. i'm thinking GBC although with the upcoming DQ anniversary, i think DQs 1-3 are coming out for Wii? i'm not sure.

it's very interesting too; you get to see the root of all console RPGs and see how they did things. damn, there isn't even a boat in the game... nowadays when you get a new mode of transportation it's a big thing. =)
Oh I have never seen those remixed versions. DQ 1 on the NES was maybe my first RPG (either that or Ultima Exodus on the NES, I forget). Followed closely by FF1 on the NES. Good times.
I'm about 15 hours into DQ7 right now and I'm wondering when the job system is going to become available. Does it happen automatically, or can you miss it?
In Dragon Age : O. Does lying about killing flemeth grant the same romance benifits with Morrigan as opposed to killing her? That dragon is just tearing me to shreads at level 11-12.
[quote name='default_shepard']I'm about 15 hours into DQ7 right now and I'm wondering when the job system is going to become available. Does it happen automatically, or can you miss it?[/QUOTE]

Why would you even attempt to fight her at such a low level? She is easily one of the toughest fights in that game.
[quote name='default_shepard']I'm about 15 hours into DQ7 right now and I'm wondering when the job system is going to become available. Does it happen automatically, or can you miss it?[/QUOTE]
I mentioned this earlier in the thread. DQ7 is the only DQ game I've played and it turned me off of the series because you don't get access to the job system until 15-20 hours into it.
I remember I pretty much gave up on the game after I got access to the job system because the monsters that I was easily beating before getting access to the job were suddenly kicking my ass and I had to grind up job levels.
Square Enix producer Yoshinori Kitase said that he would be interested in making Final Fantasy VII-2, and it would have to be a really big budget title

God damnit Squenix, don't feed the fanboys with good ideas. Besides we already have after stories with Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children. Are we really going to dig in your empty bucket of ideas for another reason why ol' Seph is coming back?
[quote name='eldergamer']In Dragon Age : O. Does lying about killing flemeth grant the same romance benifits with Morrigan as opposed to killing her? That dragon is just tearing me to shreads at level 11-12.

Yeah it does. You can beat her at that level though. I think I was around 13 when I beat her. (Main character tank, Wynne healer, Sten DPS, and Leliane as ranged DPS)

Now I only had my main and Wynne left alive but it is doable.
[quote name='Rodimus']God damnit Squenix, don't feed the fanboys with good ideas. Besides we already have after stories with Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children. Are we really going to dig in your empty bucket of ideas for another reason why ol' Seph is coming back?[/QUOTE]
Speculation, with a side of Dirge of Cerberus spoiler:
Chances are, an FFVII-2 would have Gackt Genesis as the main villain, given the secret ending of DC. Bleah.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']I mentioned this earlier in the thread. DQ7 is the only DQ game I've played and it turned me off of the series because you don't get access to the job system until 15-20 hours into it.
I remember I pretty much gave up on the game after I got access to the job system because the monsters that I was easily beating before getting access to the job were suddenly kicking my ass and I had to grind up job levels.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, 7 is my least favorite so far. I still like it, but it's not even in the same league as 8. I was really hopeful because DQ + job system sounds like a formula for awesome.

It is pretty funny though how the instruction manual makes such a big deal out of the fact that it's in 3D, like people just wouldn't be able to handle it.
[quote name='Rodimus']God damnit Squenix, don't feed the fanboys with good ideas. Besides we already have after stories with Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children. Are we really going to dig in your empty bucket of ideas for another reason why ol' Seph is coming back?[/QUOTE]

Except that FFVII-2 is a not a good idea. A remake is not a good idea. The whole FFVII Compilation flopped. Enough is enough.
BTW, Genesis's origins were just about as poorly explained as Sephiroth's so boo on that front.
I also say no to FFVII-2 but that's only because I don't consider it the end all be all of RPG greatness like many gamers.

I'd rather see a Dragon Quest, Suikoden, Grandia, or Persona with a big budget.
[quote name='Hell Monkey']Suikoden VI baby!!![/QUOTE]
God dammit. I come in here, see this and my heart skipped a beat because I thought for a second it was announced.
[quote name='default_shepard']I'm about 15 hours into DQ7 right now and I'm wondering when the job system is going to become available. Does it happen automatically, or can you miss it?[/QUOTE]
since no one answered your question...

yes, it'll happen automatically.

and when you get it, omg, you're gonna feel like you earned it.
[quote name='Rodimus']I thought Suikoden V was every bit as good if not better than Suikoden II.[/QUOTE]
I enjoyed V more than 2 honestly. I think 2 is a bit overrated.
[quote name='panzerfaust']A VII-2 sounds infinitely better than wasting resources on remaking the same game.[/QUOTE]

Crisis Core is basically VII-2.
[quote name='ChibiJosh'] I think 2 is a bit overrated.[/QUOTE]

I agree, 1 is still my favorite despite the heavily pixelated graphics. It had some really interesting moments
His dad just died, that sucks... oh wait my rune is now more powerful? Awesome!!!
But Crisis Core was a prequel. VII-2 would make more sense if it happens after VII.

For me it's hard to rank the Suikoden series. I liked each one for something different, except I know for sure IV would be on the bottom. The first Suikoden gets much love from me, I've beaten it several times. When I first found out
you could level up Pahn and actually beat Teo I was ecstatic. I always thought it was one of those battles you had to lose.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']I enjoyed V more than 2 honestly. I think 2 is a bit overrated.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't disagree more, I think Suikoden II is one of the three or four best JRPGs ever made. But then I guess you're entitled to your opinion. ;)

I love every Suikoden game, even the black sheep IV in its own misguided way (though I'll never forgive Konami for trying to reduce the party size).
[quote name='Rodimus']But Crisis Core was a prequel. VII-2 would make more sense if it happens after VII.

For me it's hard to rank the Suikoden series. I liked each one for something different, except I know for sure IV would be on the bottom. The first Suikoden gets much love from me, I've beaten it several times. When I first found out
you could level up Pahn and actually beat Teo I was ecstatic. I always thought it was one of those battles you had to lose.
I have a hard time really ranking them too. I just think 2 is over-rated because everyone acts like it's Jesus reborn or something. (Not as over-rated as something like FF7 though) Although, I still think 2 is a great game.

[quote name='bvharris']Couldn't disagree more, I think Suikoden II is one of the three or four best JRPGs ever made. But then I guess you're entitled to your opinion. ;)

I love every Suikoden game, even the black sheep IV in its own misguided way (though I'll never forgive Konami for trying to reduce the party size).[/QUOTE]

4 was the weakest of the main Suikoden games, but I really enjoyed it for the most part. Particularly the fact that
mothafuckin Ted was in it.

I always thought 1 had the best army battles because they were so simple.
[quote name='bvharris']Couldn't disagree more, I think Suikoden II is one of the three or four best JRPGs ever made. But then I guess you're entitled to your opinion. ;)

I love every Suikoden game, even the black sheep IV in its own misguided way (though I'll never forgive Konami for trying to reduce the party size).[/QUOTE]

I have to agree about II,it really is one of the best JRPGs made.It had a really well done story and the characters who all have there own story for why there fighting.Also the game had Luca Blight who is one of the best villains in a game,even better than people like Kefka.
One thing you need to give Konami credit for: After trying to shake up the formula in IV and (for the most part) failing miserably, they weren't too stubborn to go back to what worked and make a fantastic game in V. I can't see some other JRPG developers admitting their mistakes and abandoning "innovations" which didn't pan out. I think it you all know who I'm talking about. ;)
[quote name='panzerfaust']A VII-2 sounds infinitely better than wasting resources on remaking the same game.[/QUOTE]

Wanna bet that if they do it, since they'd have to create most of the assets anyway, that they'll put out an FFVII remake after (almost a reverse effect of X-2 and XIII-2)?

Beat Vesperia last night... meh. Glad it's over. Had to force myself to finish it. IDK what it was, but I played for 60 hours and it never really gripped me. Symphonia and Abyss: I just had to get back to playing. And I really liked the characterization in Legendia. But to me, Vesperia just had a slow story that didn't build up much, uninteresting characters (though I liked Raven and Judith), and just felt tedious.

I think it might be time for an RPG break. Maybe rent the new Alice game, or see if my friend's done with LA Noir so I can borrow it.
Update: Still stuck in Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky. I'm working through one of the end dungeons. Been playing FFIV on PSP in spare moments. Really enjoying it. I thought I wouldn't, but I do. It's been over 6 years or more since I've played it so I've forgotten some stuff, which is pretty embarrasing, as I've beaten the old games around 26+ times at least. :drool:
[quote name='bvharris']I can't see some other JRPG developers admitting their mistakes and abandoning "innovations" which didn't pan out. I think it you all know who I'm talking about. ;)[/QUOTE]

The SaGa series?
[quote name='bvharris']I can't see some other JRPG developers admitting their mistakes and abandoning "innovations" which didn't pan out. I think it you all know who I'm talking about. ;)[/QUOTE]
Surely you can't be talking about Final Fantasy... At least since VII, every game has been a complete U-turn from the previous game's mechanics. For better or worse, I think we can rely on XV being completely different from XIII.
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