RPG Thread XV Will Hunt and Kill His Brothers and Absorb Their Essence

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[quote name='The Crotch']Like I said (I think), Drakengard 2 kinda-sorta gave me a soft-spot for the original. "Annoying voice side-kick" is a lot better than "I wish I could stab myself to death" main character, and Caim's consistent policy of killing everything he saw was a lot better than Nowe's "let's get some hippy chick pussy oh wait I forgot that causes the apocalypse". Some of the imagery towards the end of Drakengard 1 was pretty good, though the sequel wimped out on that one.

Also, Drakengard 2 takes its best cutscene
the death of the main character from Drakengard 1
and puts this abomination of a song on top of it. What in the world's entire supply of fucks is that?[/QUOTE]
Best cutscene is when Caim first shows up and Manah has that "Oh shit, we're fucked!" look on her face.
[quote name='Rodimus']How does Graces compare to the rest of the series? One of the worst or somwhere in the middle? And if it's the later which Tales games do you think are worse (and don't worry about including Symphonia 2)[/QUOTE]
The battle system in Graces is fantastic. Just everything else isn't as good as the other Tales games. Honestly, other than Symphonia 2, I'd probably rate it the worst. That being said it's still worth playing for the awesome battle system.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Best cutscene is when Caim first shows up and Manah has that "Oh shit, we're fucked!" look on her face.[/QUOTE]
Compromise: the best part of Drakengard 2 is when Caim does anything ever.
Just beat DQVI, after Final Boss Attempt #2. Loved the ending-- simple and sweet in that DQ way.

Have no idea what I'm going to play next, other than something shorter.
So, yeah. Beat the final boss of the future arc in Graces. fuck everything about that boss, seriously. Guess I'll give the post-game dungeon a try next.
[quote name='jello44']ftfy[/QUOTE]

[quote name='bvharris']You're doing it wrong. It being having good taste in games.[/QUOTE]

I agree.

Now let's all play something good...like The Last Remnant.
[quote name='Draekon']So, yeah. Beat the final boss of the future arc in Graces. fuck everything about that boss, seriously. Guess I'll give the post-game dungeon a try next.[/QUOTE]

Hah, half-hour battle last night. Ended up dying after
she spawned two queens.
Then I tried it on hard, got to 70% hp. I'm definitely doing something wrong.
[quote name='elessar123']Hah, half-hour battle last night. Ended up dying after
she spawned two queens.
Then I tried it on hard, got to 70% hp. I'm definitely doing something wrong.[/QUOTE]

When the chests right before the boss give you 5x Elixirs and 5x Hourglass, you know shit is going to be bad. I don't even want to imagine this fight on the hardest difficulty unless I'm a really damn high level.
Even though there is a bit of sarcasm going on here with regards to Eternal Sonata, I actually really enjoyed that game. I mean, yes the story is awful, but the game is so beautiful and the combat system is a blast (although it does take a little while for it to get fleshed out). I never did the new game+ for it though.
[quote name='icebeast']Even though there is a bit of sarcasm going on here with regards to Eternal Sonata, I actually really enjoyed that game. I mean, yes the story is awful, but the game is so beautiful and the combat system is a blast (although it does take a little while for it to get fleshed out). I never did the new game+ for it though.[/QUOTE]

No sarcasm here, I love Eternal Sonata. The story is eyeroll inducing at best, but for my money it has just about the most fun combat system in any RPG this gen. The turn-based elements always made it seem like a more fun version of the Tales system to me.

I also agree on the graphics, it's very colorful and the environments are great. It also has great music, though I suppose it would be pretty weird if it didn't.
[quote name='blueshinra']I think this is the first time I've seen you say something complimentary about a game, at least in an RPG Thread o_O;;;[/QUOTE]

I've liked most of the DQ games. Most of the SMT games lately. Didint care for the last persona ones becaues of the HS setting.

I played through all of Luminous Arc 2 even though it was boring and generic. (Being home all of December helped)

Might and Magic Clash of Heroes was great fun too.
[quote name='icebeast']Even though there is a bit of sarcasm going on here with regards to Eternal Sonata, I actually really enjoyed that game. I mean, yes the story is awful, but the game is so beautiful and the combat system is a blast (although it does take a little while for it to get fleshed out). I never did the new game+ for it though.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, that's how I feel about it. The story was pretty bad, but the combat was great.

Then.. after the ending, when the credits roll? Oh god, fuck all of that.
I actually feel kind of the same way about Eternal Sonata as I do about Baten Kaitos (probably somewhat because they were made by the same company), namely that the combat in Baten Kaitos is amazing, but the story is a bit week (although Baten Kaitos has a much better story than Eternal Sonata, it even has one of my favorite plot twists ever, but at times the plot is kind of hit or miss, and the voice acting requires an enjoyment of B movie acting (which might have added to the game for me, haha, but if you didn't like it you could turn it off). In reality Baten Kaitos is the better game (although I didn't really like Baten Kaitos Origins, since it drastically changed the combat system and focused a lot more on puzzles and annoying talking quests where you had to find the one person in town (with no hint as to who) that you need to talk to so that the story would advance).

Baten Kaitos also had great music:



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Combat in ES was okay, probably one of it's stronger points, but it was far from great. It got bland by the later part of the game. It's actually a very shallow combat system, but it was enough to keep me intrested.

[quote name='jello44']Then.. after the ending, when the credits roll? Oh god, fuck all of that.[/QUOTE]

Yes this!!! All that pretentious babble really got on my nerves. I actually enjoyed the first half of the story, but the later half just became an incoherent mess. Also it didn't help that I hated most of the characters. I think Jazz, Falsetto, and Chopin were my favorites, but even they were bland and not well developed. I just didn't want to punch them in the face as much. Viola was okay, but she had absolutly zero character development. You could've taken her out of the game completly and never even notice it.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Baten Kaitos does have one of the coolest plot twists ever.[/QUOTE]

I agree

What was the plot twist? I've never played it
[quote name='Rodimus']You could've taken anyone out of the game (except probably Chopin) completly and never even notice it.[/QUOTE]

Fixed. Seriously, nobody in that story was really important. My only choice for my party was who looked cool (which for me was Falsetto and Claves (especially since if I spend all the time to get her back I'm gonna use her)) and Polka for her healing.
[quote name='whoknows']I liked girl that tried to kill herself at the beginning.

That was actually the end, but they put it at the beginning. BRAAAAAAAHM.

[quote name='icebeast']Fixed. Seriously, nobody in that story was really important.[/QUOTE]

I dunno man, Arco was the shit.
[quote name='whoknows']Game spoiled itself!!

Guess that means I don't need to play through now.[/QUOTE]

Correct, you do not. Nothing but disappoint awaits if you do. If you played the first several hours you've already played the best part of the game. It's downhill from then on.
I learned about Chopin in Music today.

Supposedly he was a douchebag and was very egotistical.

Matches up with the game, what with him telling everybody that they aren't real and that he made them up and hurting their feelings.
[quote name='Indignate']Supposedly he was a douchebag and was very egotistical.[/QUOTE]

Probably couldn't be helped. Since he was young he had people telling him how much of a genius he was, and well... he was.
[quote name='Rodimus']Combat in ES was okay, probably one of it's stronger points, but it was far from great. It got bland by the later part of the game. It's actually a very shallow combat system, but it was enough to keep me intrested.[/QUOTE]
I feel pretty much the same way. The light/shadow gimmick was really cool, but very simple, and any other unique stuff thrown your way (like the picture taking thing) was ultimately pointless.

Also, count me in as someone else who didn't like the ending, and thought the story/characters erred on the bland side, and the field areas had generic layouts for the most part. I liked most of the playable characters, but yeah, they didn't have much depth to them.

The game's graphics and music are quite good, though.
[quote name='ihadFG']I have all the Eternal Sonata faceplates because I am such a cool person.[/QUOTE]

I only have the Polka one (I wish I could be as cool as you :cry:, although the Faceplates neglected the awesome characters like Falsetto and Claves), and I used it for a while, but I think my 360 has the Deathsmiles one on it now.
[quote name='whoknows']Whatever IGN said.


I just remembered that article because I just started the game yesterday
Jesus fucking fuck did he ever go with a dumb scene for "It's so emotional, guys!".
The kid was stupid and his repeated appearances god damn irritating. Unless you're unfortunate enough to have a kid that resembles that little bastard, I have no idea how anyone could give anything resembling a shit about him.
[quote name='panzerfaust']ME3 circle jerking began long before it came out[/QUOTE]
Locking out all information about games that I intend to play is a specialty of mine - I have really lame specialties, apparently - so that terrible, terrible article is new to me.
I don't like seeing or hearing stories about children getting hurt either.... in real life. I'll admit the scene was sad, but I wasn't anywhere close to shedding a tear.
And yeah, those dream sequenaces were annoying and out of place.
[quote name='Rodimus']I don't like seeing or hearing stories about children getting hurt either.... in real life. I'll admit the scene was sad, but I wasn't anywhere close to shedding a tear.
And yeah, those dream sequenaces were annoying and out of place.

I hate it in real life.

I don't give two fucks in fiction. The Dead Island trailer did absolutely nothing for me. ME3 probably won't do anything either.
[quote name='Rodimus']I don't like seeing or hearing stories about children getting hurt either.... in real life. I'll admit the scene was sad, but I wasn't anywhere close to shedding a tear.
And yeah, those dream sequenaces were annoying and out of place.
My specific problems were two:

First, this is the only child model in the game. It is alien. It is an other. It arouses our suspicion. You see it and you think, "Okay, something is off right now." And perhaps someone could manipulate this suspicion to do something really cool. But they didn't try to manipulate your suspicion, they tried to smash through it. I said to them, "Okay, this is the one and only time a child has been depicted in 70+ hours of gameplay, and I probably won't see another one in the next ~35. You're probably going to use him to hammer home some point or another, but that doesn't work if I'm expecting it." And they said, "fuck you The Crotch, fuck you personally, here's a hammer."

Second, yeah, the fucking dream sequences. Like, losing your entire family in a slaver raid? Being the sole survivor of a thresher maw attack? Ordering soldiers to their deaths? Watching helpless - but very much awake and aware - prisoners (which may or may not be your crew) get their flesh and bones slowly melted? Dying?

No big thang.

A kid dying (though you don't actually see him or his body; you merely know that he died)?

Recurring nightmares everywhere in this bitch.

The indoctrination hypothesis accounts for it fairly well, at least. Though it has some other problems...

EDIT: Oh, and fuck running in slow-mo. I was expecting someone to start yelling, "Max? Max!"
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