Screw E3, Xbox 2 premieres TONIGHT on MTV at 9:30pm EST

I'm surprised that there is an IR receiver on the console. I guess it is for the media center remote, but wouldn't an RF remote be better? And plus the RF receiver is already built into the console so possibly less hardware cost.
[quote name='gsr']not touching this thing with a 10 ft. pole..

It looks just like the xbox but with wireless controllers out of the This console is going to be purely for fanboys[/QUOTE]

Damn fellas, they showed us a few games that are still under development. We already know a bunch of other games that will be coming out for it.

We saw four or five games that might be launching with the 360 and now we're calling it a Fanboy machine?

Well, I am glad that I taped the show and watched CSI instead. It took all of 3 minutes to see what I wanted to see......nothing that makes me think I'll get one of these at launch day. What little of the game footage was average. I was really disappointed in Perfect Dark Zero, but I assume that it will be a lot better with another six+ months of polish.

I didn't expect much from this show and I got what I expected.

Lets see what Sony and Nintendo have for us at E3.

One final know that Microsoft only came up with this crap show after Sony bumped them for the new system reveal at E3. Make a craptacular special and sneak it on in the last minute without Sony having any chance to beat you to it......Oh could have been worse....the girl carrying the console in the beginning could have been ugly.

[quote name='gsr']not touching this thing with a 10 ft. pole..

It looks just like the xbox but with wireless controllers out of the This console is going to be purely for fanboys[/QUOTE]

I knew I'd find a moron in this thread soon enough.

If you're basing your console preferences on an MTV special which showed you next to nothing, you need some help.
[quote name='Scorch']I don't understand what people are pissed about. It was a 360 unveiling, not a 360 convention. The point of the show was to reveal the system design and a few tidbits, and it did. The game discussion is saved for E3.[/QUOTE]

I think the point is it was underwhelming, I didn't even watch the thing and I feel sad for you guys. When a new system comes out even if it's just to show 10 seconds of game play it should make you want the system more not sit around and go "WTF!? this crap sucks!" and that's all I've read here in the last 15 minutes.

After seing this Ninty and Sony are probably rubbing their hands in glee because if WE'RE unimpressed by the first guys out of the gate it'll be all the easier for them to come in later and impress with THEIR systems because they'll know what we didn't like.
I WANT 30 MINUTES OF MY LIFE BACK!!! That tricked out West Coast Xbox was the best part of the whole show. Perfect Dark Zero looks like an Xbox game. PS3, HERE I COME!!!
[quote name='gsr']not touching this thing with a 10 ft. pole..

It looks just like the xbox but with wireless controllers out of the This console is going to be purely for fanboys. I am such a turd.[/QUOTE]

............................You are a fucking dumbass. It doesnt come out for months. These are just tech demos of the games. They are not finished. You cant judge anything until its out or finished at least. You are a gigantic turd...
[quote name='pubes']I'm surprised that there is an IR receiver on the console. I guess it is for the media center remote, but wouldn't an RF remote be better? And plus the RF receiver is already built into the console so possibly less hardware cost.[/QUOTE]
You can use any universal remote on the system.
[quote name='pubes']I'm surprised that there is an IR receiver on the console. I guess it is for the media center remote, but wouldn't an RF remote be better? And plus the RF receiver is already built into the console so possibly less hardware cost.[/QUOTE]

IR receivers are extremely cheap as are IR remotes. Plus an IR remote is not going to interfere with a machine that will in many cases already have two radios going: one for the controllers and the optional WiFi plug-in.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']You can use any universal remote on the system.[/QUOTE]

That makes sense, and it fits in with the whole high end home theater kind of appeal Microsoft is going for.
that was a COMPLETE waste of my time. There was NOTHING that I learned about. Basically watched a bunch of MTV wanna-be's dropping their jaws at things I couldn't see.

Perfect Dark Zero looked very bland, from what I could see - granted it was beta...

All we've learned is that it is called Xbox 360.

I'll wait for E3 news...

Thanks for nothing MTV.

Microsoft, you should be ashamed.
[quote name='stocker08']............................You are a fucking dumbass. It doesnt come out for months. These are just tech demos of the games. They are not finished. You cant judge anything until its out or finished at least. You are a gigantic turd...[/QUOTE]

meh..look at me, i can alter people's quotes and spend my life on a message board..yeah buddy, i'm the dumbass

Heh, it was an unveiling. All they're doing is rehashing the xbox with higher resolutions on the games. Whoop dee freakin doo.
[quote name='Alpha2']I think the point is it was underwhelming, I didn't even watch the thing and I feel sad for you guys. When a new system comes out even if it's just to show 10 seconds of game play it should make you want the system more not sit around and go "WTF!? this crap sucks!" and that's all I've read here in the last 15 minutes.

After seing this Ninty and Sony are probably rubbing their hands in glee because if WE'RE unimpressed by the first guys out of the gate it'll be all the easier for them to come in later and impress with THEIR systems because they'll know what we didn't like.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't the system that was underwhelming, it was the fact that they really didn't show much of the system. They showed almost no gameplay footage and barely talked about the system itself.

That was the frustrating part.
They showed gameplay of one title; PD0. That was the only game we saw that was actually able to be sampled by live people. Huge bomb...
[quote name='Ugamer_X']The only interesting thing on the program were the brief flashes of the Prototypes.

Like, I expected the event to be MTV-ized, but it was just sloppy and crappy all rolled into one.[/QUOTE]

Man, I agree. Some of those prototypes looked really cool.
The reason Perfect Dark looks like crap is because it was developed for the XBox then ported to the 360. Take a look at some of the other games they showed.. Ghost Recon 3 looked amazing.

The fact of the matter is that pictures of the 360 were not supposed to be leaked out. Had they not been leaked out and this was the first view in the world, everyone would be talking about the system, not how much MTV sucks.
I'm sure Im probably reiterating some people's points here, but since I just got done watching the special...

I dont know what people expected out of this special, particularly because after all, it was MTV. And its not E3. All MS wanted to do was create some chatter. It was splashed on the front pages of MSNBC, and maybe the other major news sites as well. They're not gonna tell all, mainly because the casual gamer doesnt get it (specs and whatnot), and also because if MS dropped too many bombs, they wouldnt have anything to say at E3. If anything, this was a teaser. If it turns out that MS has nothing else to say at E3, thats when it becomes a disappointment.

As for what I saw, I liked it, but not to the point that ill buy at launch. Im pretty disappointed that the DVR rumor was false, but to be honest, tacking DVR to this thing might send the price upwards of 500 bucks. Once E3 comes around, Ill have a better idea, depending on what Sony and Nintendo show.
[quote name='gsr']not touching this thing with a 10 ft. pole..

It looks just like the xbox but with wireless controllers out of the This console is going to be purely for fanboys[/QUOTE]


everyone is going to bash you, but what kept the Xbox alive for the first few years of this generation? Hype and fanboys. MS is great at using this as a marketing tool. The system now has some really good games, but the majority of them came out last year and the first six months of this year.

and I probably won't get one after this until I see a price drop. I probably would have bit had their been some quality games, but a sequel to a FPS I hate, and a bunch of PC and EA games don't do shit for me. The lack of Battlefield as a launch title is really the nail in the coffin as far as getting it at launch
The average MTV viewer will probably be in their Junior High homeroom tomorrow proclaiming "dat xbox shit be bangin'! you see da new madden? shit be hot!"

It was a extended ad. Get over it. It was almost exactly as I warned.

Meanwhile there is a lot of good info on the web. For instance, if you have a MP3 player that doubles as a USB storage device, it can be plugged into the console to supply your custom soundtrack in a game or stream across the network from your PC. For just listening they have visualizer from Jeff Minter, who is legendary for his work in this area. (The single best reason to own the Jaguar CD.)

It's nice what you can do with software once a certain minimal set of hardware features is provided.
As much as this show sucked, let's keep and mind that it was geared towards casual gamers who probably have no idea what E3 is, not people like us who follow the industry daily.

I agree though that the game clips were pretty meh, but these games still have roughly six more months of development. Also, we weren't seeing them in high-def. There' s still a lot of potential to see what it can do so I won't write off the system just yet.
[quote name='Scorch']The reason Perfect Dark looks like crap is because it was developed for the XBox then ported to the 360. Take a look at some of the other games they showed.. Ghost Recon 3 looked amazing.

The fact of the matter is that pictures of the 360 were not supposed to be leaked out. Had they not been leaked out and this was the first view in the world, everyone would be talking about the system, not how much MTV sucks.[/QUOTE]

I disagree. There were some things I learned that I felt were cool (faceplates,games coming out,etc) but it didnt stop me from thinking "suck fest". Learning the shape, a few features, and some other light info would only carry the chatter so far. We'd all bitch until E3 and the really hardcore of us will bitch after ;)
The people on that show were not gamers. How can I tell? An Asian lost to other human beings at an FPS.

This, my friends, is a paradox.
One thing I will say is that I think the 360 will be the beginning of mass commercialization in gaming with this "Live Marketplace" concept. Now instead of just seeing billboards and product placement in games, we'll be reminded that we can purchase the new Nike Air Jordans for use with our NBA Street characters.

The same way that advertisements slowly made their way onto TiVos, we'll be seeing the same thing with the 360 (and probably the PS3 as well).
The show was as expected, mostly hype. I expect pretty much a replay of the Xbox's first year . . . a little flash but not much substance. If Sony can get out a more powerful system within a year, they can remain in the driver's seat.

I hate to say it, because I have a soft spot for Nintendo, but Sony really knows how to cultivate games and that will make the difference.

The amazing part (at this point) is the enormous waste of cash that MS made in buying Rare.
That program was so horrible. I'm seriously about to do what most stupid people do right now, sue both MS and MTV for making me watch that horrible show. Seriously, I went through tons of pain and sufferring watching that show. I'll admit, I was hyped for the show, but it was horrible. I thought the show would be a huge blow for Sony, but I guess it's a huge boost for them and Nintendo.

Oh well, I still want an Xbox 360. Hopefully E3 makes me forget that show. Worst 30 minutes I ever wasted.
[quote name='Grugger']Nintendo is probably laughing their asses off to think that MS was getting a steal by buying Rare...[/QUOTE]

That's exactly the case . . . Nintendo saw that Rare was going nowhere.

I hope Rare can recover (I still want to play the new Conker) but it will be a miracle if they do.

Hundreds of millions of dollars for Grabbed by the Ghoulies?
the live marketplace is the shitties thing ever. Whoever buys clothes for their character in the game to wear is an asshat and should have their balls removed.

Soon the load scenes will turn into commercials which will be bought by clothing companies and such, advertising the clothes that you can buy to use on your character.

Sweet my character is now wearing air jordans! i'll be the envy of all of the online kids now! I'll be beating the online nerd girls back with a stick once they see that my online car is riding on 22 inch rims.

Having trouble picking up chicks? Just let them bitches know that your online NBA character has some sick virtual bling which you bought with real money. They'll be all over you before you can say pocket-protector.
All I have to say is that damn show made me not want to buy the console... I had already started saving, and after the show I felt like getting the money and buy some DVDs and some games... Hopefully they'll make me change my opinion during E3... At least thanks to my DVR I did not have to watch the comercials...
[quote name='road3283']As much as this show sucked, let's keep and mind that it was geared towards casual gamers who probably have no idea what E3 is, not people like us who follow the industry daily.

I agree though that the game clips were pretty meh, but these games still have roughly six more months of development. Also, we weren't seeing them in high-def. There' s still a lot of potential to see what it can do so I won't write off the system just yet.[/QUOTE]

The problem is those casuals aren't going to be first in line to buy the system. The problem is those casuals have eyes that can see a minimal difference between what was shown and what they already have. The problem is those casuals won't get excited about half the stuff they showed (like online tournaments etc)

IMO the show pissed of the hardcore gamers and didn't show the casuals any compelling reason to drop 300 bones. I am sure MS can overcome this but no way around it, it was bad.
What a letdown. I knew it was going to be a half hour commercial but it was really bad. Perfect Dark Zero was unimpressive to say the least.
[quote name='usickenme']The problem is those casuals aren't going to be first in line to buy the system. The problem is those casuals have eyes that can see a minimal difference between what was shown and what they already have. The problem is those casuals won't get excited about half the stuff they showed (like online tournaments etc)

IMO the show pissed of the hardcore gamers and didn't show the casuals any compelling reason to drop 300 bones. I am sure MS can overcome this but no way around it, it was bad.[/QUOTE]

I guess I have a different view of the casual gamers/ mass market. I think if you tell them to buy something essentially they will. This show was to hype the 'next big thing'. Get a handful of celebrities, try to make your product 'cool' and hype it to hell. These are people who follow trends like lemmings. Hype sells them. The general mtv viewer has no fucking mind.

I do agree with you though that this show was detrimental to hardcore gamers.
[quote name='mcwilliams132']the video from should have been the MTV show...

if you haven't seen it...get there and download it...30mb+[/QUOTE]

Geez...whoever produced that show needs to get out of television. I learned more about The Killers than I did the Xbox 360. 30 minutes and all we get is seconds of game footage (which wasn't that impressive)! No mention of the hard drive accessory or whether it would play Xbox games. Hell, they didn't even show the controller!
I missed the premier (I was watching the heat game) and I'm to lazy to read 12 pages... does anyone now if it is backwards compatable?
[quote name='redgopher']I have never felt so alienated in my entire life.
fuck MTV and fuck Microsoft for doing this to me.[/QUOTE]

I felt about 30 times smarter after watching the show and thinking about the dumbass MTV kids that were enjoying it.
[quote name='cyberlian']I missed the premier (I was watching the heat game) and I'm to lazy to read 12 pages... does anyone now if it is backwards compatable?[/QUOTE]

bump for my question ( I was lost as the last post on the 12th page...)
Well, it just ended at my house... one of these days, I will learn that mainstream game related TV sucks @$$ and remember not to get excited... I read a 5-paragraph article this morning with more info. Umm... I know it looks like the unholy love child of my hard drive and a half-used bar of soap now... yay?

And guys, promise me something- if I ever say 'represent the female gamers!' and mean it- ban my ass. I hated her. (Then again, my laothing may be overblown from lousy ADD camera shots and repeating commericals. WTF?)
[quote name='stocker08']............................You are a fucking dumbass. It doesnt come out for months. These are just tech demos of the games. They are not finished. You cant judge anything until its out or finished at least. You are a gigantic turd...[/QUOTE]

I totally disagree with your comment. We ALL have the right to judge these unfiinished products because Microsoft felt confident enough with them to premiere them to the world. Had somebody stolen footage that was not meant to be released, than that would be a different story. As it is, MS chose the footage and hyped it up to no end. So if they didn't deliver, than we all have the perfect right to say so and judge the footage.
I dunno bout anyone else, but does anyone else feel that the footage they showed for most games wasnt gameplay footage but alot of movie/demo footage like most commercials show for a game. I had to ask that question after seeing the Perfect Dark footage and being underwhelmed. Also, I dunno how they did this show but it seems like they asked people to show up to a Killers show and then told them they'd be on MTV for the XBox 360.
I'm glad I recorded that... I only lost 5-10 minutes of my day. I didn't see anything new to excite me... I doesn't help that the majority of the games they showed are sequels to games I don't care about to begin with. Oh well... Like the other 2 new consoles, and the last 3 consoles as well, I'll be waiting for the first price drop to get XBox 360.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

5 months of missing all the good stuff on EB's morning update every day at 6. Now I finally miss out on something that I'm glad I missed. I hope at least one of you out there who sat through this crap is the guy that snagged the PSX Bubble Bobble out of my cart last month.
bread's done