Sega has Cut Yakuza 3 content, Listings of entire Cuts now available.

[quote name='phantasyx']Dude its coming, we got it now. Can't we have Cheese with our whine?[/QUOTE]

Haven't you been doing most of the whining?
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']Dont worry Dingo, I am still buying it day one.

I remember watching the sales of Yakuza 2 and thinking theres no way theyd bring the sequel, but here we are, only a week away, and I am as psyched as ever. I even switched to the Yakuza 3 theme, despite its obnoxiously loud gunshot sound effects.

During this past weekend, I also sent Sega a hand written letter thanking them for supporting the Playstation with titles such as Yakuza and Valkyria Chronicles (despite their terrible sales). I let them know that I support their decisions to localize titles even if it means they have to make cuts.

I figured they could use a nice letter amidst all the negativity.[/QUOTE]

I need to do that too. I thought I'd wait and play the game before writing the snail mail letter (couldn't find an e-mail address to contact them); if the game isn't that great, I probably won't care either way if we get DLC or not.
[quote name='dingo_stole_mybaby']Very interesting conspiracy theory. I just really figured it would never even make it over here. I think it would be the cat's pajamas if there was some some kind of special edition that included the feudal age prequel game.[/QUOTE]
LOL ha ha HA in your dreams sir, they removed a item called the uki something bell which gave you special powers if you had a previous Kenzan save (I don't remember what the game is actually called).

Little things like that and the fact that the game is even older then Yakuza 3 and is TEXT heavy.. it was never coming here, ever. It doesn't resonate with western gamers its WAY to Japanese for us to understand(JK its not its about Miyamoto Mushashi's life).
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']I'm glad we live in an age so spoiled that there's an obligation for publishers to localize any and everything.[/QUOTE]
There's no obligation for a publisher to publish their own games in every territory, but there are plenty of publishers out there that are willing to pick up those kinds of games, put a lot of effort to get the word out about their release, and treat the localization and fans with a bit more respect.
LOL ha ha HA in your dreams sir
Yeah, I remember reading an import review in PLAY magazine, and the reviewer loved it. I knew that one had no shot at localization. I think that Yakuza Kenzan!(or whatever it's called) and Mother 3 are the only two games that I've ever really wanted to come over here that didn't.
[quote name='dingo_stole_mybaby']Yeah, I remember reading an import review in PLAY magazine, and the reviewer loved it. I knew that one had no shot at localization. I think that Yakuza Kenzan!(or whatever it's called) and Mother 3 are the only two games that I've ever really wanted to come over here that didn't.[/QUOTE]
well there are translation guides available online and such for those games if you really wanted to play them, it won't be as fun looking at a book then looking at the screen but its better then never playing them.
The sega blog comments section is well over 600 comments now, the average for comments is 20-30. When does Sega EVER get this big of a response?

we now know whats cut via wikipeda but everybody uses it as a referance nowadays
10 (all) Hostess/Cabaret Clubs Cut
4 Mini-Games cut
(Answer X Answer, Shogi, Mahjong, Massage Parlor)
2 Missions Cut (idk but one was a Transexual one so...)
and a few items/dlc stuff not worth mentioning

The game is Gold so all anyone can hope for is a patch, please don't avoid buying this game however do speak out. Who seriously makes a excuse like we didn't have enough time or budge? I have never heard that before thats total BS they could have finished this in a week!

Triple Edit
Ruby aka the Administerator at the Sega Forums left this message to all Yakuza 3 fans

You don't necessarily have to boycott the release of a game to get a point across. If anything, doing so hurts the brand on the whole, making it less likely that support would continue for that series. As fans of the series, you want to see the game succeed, but you also have a statement you want to get across.

That said, what's important is the message you guys want to make, and that's a message our community teams are here to pass onward and upward for you. All of the comments, the threads, and blog posts are being read, archived, and sent off for others to read.

While we in the community team are not in a position to be able to make the decisions for the game, know that some of us are fairly passionate about Yakuza and our games in general (especially that one Ruby guy), and we'll push hard to at least make sure the fans are heard.

What does that mean? Bring your butt to the Sega Forums and comment away. This discussion is better suited there anyway. I will make a link there from this thread.

You have to sign up but its a painless minute to do so.
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You don't necessarily have to boycott the release of a game to get a point across. If anything, doing so hurts the brand on the whole, making it less likely that support would continue for that series. As fans of the series, you want to see the game succeed, but you also have a statement you want to get across.

Wow, those comments from Ruby the Administrator sound very very familiar to me...

Well gawrsh, hold up a minute, oh yeah, I said that days ago!
[quote name='phantasyx']Update!
we now know whats cut via wikipeda but everybody uses it as a referance nowadays
10 (all) Hostess/Cabaret Clubs Cut
4 Mini-Games cut
(Answer X Answer, Shogi, Mahjong, Massage Parlor)
2 Missions Cut (idk but one was a Transexual one so...)
and a few items/dlc stuff not worth mentioning[/QUOTE]

yo man...I know it's been said before, but those cuts completely blow.
I'll probably still get the game, but I'll also find some way to import that ish.

say what anybody will, but I was totally lookin forward to that Tsubaki Ayana stuff :bomb:
[quote name='jh6269']Wow, those comments from Ruby the Administrator sound very very familiar to me...

Well gawrsh, hold up a minute, oh yeah, I said that days ago![/QUOTE]
lol did he quote you word for word?
There is a new blog post about Yakuza 3 here

And that’s that! In addition, we’d also like to spotlight another post that went up on our forums earlier this week, with regard to the many responses that continue to pour in from fans about the Hostess clubs and Answer X Answer. (To confirm as well, the Hostesses are in the game, and you can still go on dates, Karaoke, etc, with them.) Please know that while we aren’t able to respond to every comment, our community teams are reading and listening to all the comments, and we are passing those on internally for you guys. You can also add your comment to that discussion here

What do you guys think? This isn't really a offical response however its better then nothing. We will have to see once it comes out.
I'll be waiting to see how they handle this game post-launch. Hopefully they add content back in via DLC, otherwise I'll save my money for something else (GoW III?).
I'm not buying Yakuza 3 yet. I'll probably buy it used sometime later this year or next year. I've decided against purchasing it now because of a few of reasons.

I am currently playing through Yakuza 2 right now, and I surmise that it's going to take me a long while to beat the game; I already have six hours logged and I have barely touched the surface.

I do not support the cuts that Sega has made in order to release the game over here. I don't like that content was cut, and I don't like that they are using the time constraint excuse when the game is being released alongside Final Fantasy XIII and other big name releases — it's as if they want this game to perform as poorly as possible.

I am quite displeased with how Sega has handled the cut content situation. They knew from the beginning that they needed to cut content because they needed to re-configure the game so that the content was cut and that the game could still function without the content. It seems like they weren't even going to tell us to begin with, and then two weeks before release, Sega tells IGN that content was cut, and after this turned into a fiasco, Sega hasn't really made an overt effort to bring the situation under control — the only information we are getting from Sega is the information posted by Sega's community managers. I would appreciate a statement from Sega stating whether the cut content has a possibility of being released as a download sometime after the game goes to retail — it doesn't matter if it is a yes or a no. Being left in the dark is much more worse than being told no.

I understand that cuts, regardless of the nature of the content, needed to be made in order to meet their time constraint. However, I think their reasoning behind their choice of what to cut is insulting to Yakuza 3's North American audience. They chose to cut content that they felt didn't resonate with a western audience, but the problem I have with that is that Yakuza 3 is not a mainstream game in North America. Most, if not all, of Yakuza 3's North American audience contains people where the cut content does resonate with them.

This whole fiasco really bums me out, and I wish Yakuza 3 was getting the localization that it deserves.
Well, I hope you guys end up supporting the game. I watched the Yakuza 4 trailers on today, and I think the graphics look quite a bit better... I hope I like Yakuza 3 and am able to get through it. Somehow, I thought the demo was difficult.
Do I still need to reserve this at Gamestop for the pre-order bounus: "Challenge Pack?" Or will this pre-order bonus from Gamestop be available in the future on PSN? Thanks ahead.
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']Do I still need to reserve this at Gamestop for the pre-order bounus: "Challenge Pack?" Or will this pre-order bonus from Gamestop be available in the future on PSN? Thanks ahead.[/QUOTE]

yeah it'll be available in the future! so buy wherever you want XD
Frankly, I don't buy a lot of Sega games. I don't really get what's going on with that company. The only Sega system I ever had was a Genesis, and never had another one after that. But, frankly, I think that they're a shell of their former selves. They own a lot of good IPs but they just can't really deliver, it seems. But, the fact is that they own the Yakuza franchise, so you're stuck with them.
[quote name='jh6269']Frankly, I don't buy a lot of Sega games. I don't really get what's going on with that company. The only Sega system I ever had was a Genesis, and never had another one after that. But, frankly, I think that they're a shell of their former selves. They own a lot of good IPs but they just can't really deliver, it seems. But, the fact is that they own the Yakuza franchise, so you're stuck with them.[/QUOTE]
Its sad, I liked Sonic unleashed until I got to the kitty characters and story not to mention the werewolf fighting ugh, that turned me off of it just as fast. They haven't released a new Jet set radio yet if they do and its good they may have a chance but if they try to make a dreamcast too hell no, not interested.

I wish nintendo would just sell software to the other systems however the wii ended up being victorious. We all need to boycott nintendo so they just release games.
[quote name='phantasyx']Its sad, I liked Sonic unleashed until I got to the kitty characters and story not to mention the werewolf fighting ugh, that turned me off of it just as fast. They haven't released a new Jet set radio yet if they do and its good they may have a chance but if they try to make a dreamcast too hell no, not interested.

I wish nintendo would just sell software to the other systems however the wii ended up being victorious. We all need to boycott nintendo so they just release games.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think I played Sonic and the Secret of the Rings (I think that's what it's called) for the Wii, and didn't care for it much. I've been a huge Nintendo fanboy up to and including the Wii. But in 2009, there hadn't been any really great games coming out, so I bought a PS3. Since then, I really haven't turned the Wii on.

I think it's good to have 3 consoles and have all 3 competing for our attention. Honestly, 2009 and this year really remind me of back in the SNES / Genesis days where there were just tons of great games out. I really haven't had so much fun with all the really great games in a long time. The worst thing that I think could happen is if one of the manufacturers gets the upper hand on the other two and creates a monopoly, and limits the others' ability to compete, or locks them out of the market.

I know the feeling about Nintendo though. I don't necessarily want them to stop making hardware, but I do want them to start competing with hardware that's as good or better than the competition. I'm really excited for the Wii 2 or whatever is next. In the mean time, I'm having a blast with my PS3, so I'm in no hurry. I don't personally think that the casuals will continue to support Nintendo for the long term (maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I'm guessing). I think they'll get bored with it and move on to other stuff, then Nintendo will have to change their strategy and win back all of those (like me) who have defected to their competitors.
Well, I'm ready for Yakuza 3 this Tuesday. I just polished off God of War Collection, so I'm ready for a new challenge. Still have an unwrapped copy of Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time and an unfinished Valkyria Chronicles sitting on my shelf...
I'd like to beat it, it's just that I'm not that good at it. I'm up to the part where I just beat the tank guy in the woods level, and I nearly lost that one. I've tried leveling up by using those practice battles, but there aren't enough of them for me to power up a lot. I may play it some this weekend and see if I can get back into it.
Seen that one already its funny though.

The following quests were cut because they were deemed unsuitable for the Western audience. (between Chapters 3 and 4)

I Wanna Go to Tokyo pt. 1
The Brewer's Treasure
Make the No. 1 Cabaret Club Girl!
English Conversation Solicitor step 1
English Conversation Solicitor step 2
Love's Cupid
Love's Cupid Continues
Love's Cupid Continues Again
A Trip Before Marriage

Now I bought my copy of Yakuza 3 however people who are playing it now are finding more stuff that was left out. Everyones at Chapter 4 idk how many chapters there are but I'll keep you all updated on the cuts
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There is so much to do, in fact, that after completing the main story, all sub-missions, and dabbling here and there with the plethora of mini-games, my save file read a whopping seventy-five hours. Seventy-five hours – and that was with my total completion percentage at forty-five. It may be cliché, but this is one of the few games on the PS3 that really does keep on giving.

*wonders if Whiny responded to me*


But seriously. Everyone else in the thread. With that much content - was anyone really going to waste time on Shogi?
[quote name='Halo05']I dunno but it sure would've been nice to have the option.

*resumes waiting for the game to drop to $20 new*[/QUOTE]

Oh look! It's someone lying to themselves. Hah. Loser.
I've got even more cuts! WTF!!! chapter 5 cuts
Chapter 5

Manga Artist Debut (Mangaka Debut)
The Runaway Phone Chat Girl (Terekura Iede Musume)
I Wanna Go to Tokyo pt. 2
Great Genius Showdown

There are more in chapter 6 that will be posted later, confirmed now are cuts in chapters 3-6. This really pisses me off.
[quote name='phantasyx']I've got even more cuts! WTF!!! chapter 5 cuts
Chapter 5

Manga Artist Debut (Mangaka Debut)
The Runaway Phone Chat Girl (Terekura Iede Musume)
I Wanna Go to Tokyo pt. 2
Great Genius Showdown

There are more in chapter 6 that will be posted later, confirmed now are cuts in chapters 3-6. This really pisses me off.[/QUOTE]

That is ridiculous! You should return it right now! Even better, break the disc and mail the pieces to SEGA. We need to send a message. This will not be tolerated!
The OP is the Gremlin of CAG.

Anyway. This thread should be merged with the other Yakuza 3 thread. The one that was here first.
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']That is ridiculous! You should return it right now! Even better, break the disc and mail the pieces to SEGA. We need to send a message. This will not be tolerated![/QUOTE]
I'm very tempted to return my copy, from what I've already played of it the Subbing is really half assed, they say Kiryu in Japanese then alway sub it as Kazuma its annoying and also they say the word aniki means boss when it means more like brother in Japanese. From what I've heard the dating is really watered down.
[quote name='phantasyx']I'm very tempted to return my copy, from what I've already played of it the Subbing is really half assed, they say Kiryu in Japanese then alway sub it as Kazuma its annoying and also they say the word aniki means boss when it means more like brother in Japanese. From what I've heard the dating is really watered down.[/QUOTE]

The subtitles in Yakuza 2 do the same thing; most of the characters refer to Kazuma by his last name, but the subtitles always use Kazuma's first name. I'm not too concerned about that, albeit it is quite annoying.

Anyway, after hearing about how there are even more cuts than before, my decision to not buy this game is even more justified. I'll wait a year or two and buy Yakuza 3 used. I don't support editing media in this age.
LOL I found the Mah Jong camp and you can even go in and see people playing, but the guy won't talk to you. And I also found the Shogi (or whatever it's called) and it's the same deal.

I think those 2 parts will probably be DLC or some kind of unlock code.
[quote name='jh6269']LOL I found the Mah Jong camp and you can even go in and see people playing, but the guy won't talk to you. And I also found the Shogi (or whatever it's called) and it's the same deal.

I think those 2 parts will probably be DLC or some kind of unlock code.[/QUOTE]
yeah your suppose to be able to talk to a bunch of people, they simply cut out everything related. It sucks

also one of the hostesses you could have dated was cut.

Can someone Please confirm this! Has the Cigerette Heat been cut? some people are saying its not there idk for sure but this will be my deciding factor whether or not to keep my copy.

*edit* if you haven't seen it basically Kazuma takes a second and lights up a cigarette then spits it into the enemys eye (ballin!). However no one can confirm yet if its in the game...
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Finally Wrexmanor you see the light, there is still more however, I'm waiting to hear back from people who have played the Japanese ver.

*edit* Cigarette heat is still in the game (wipes sweat) Dragon of Dojima likes to cause drama in the Yakuza forums...Its after you beat Majima in Chapter 9.
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I got an e-mail today from Sega about buying Yakuza 3. I'm going to write a letter this weekend.

Unfortunately, they don't have the balls to publish an e-mail address.

Send us comments to: Sega of America, 350 Rhode Island Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94103.
[quote name='jh6269']I got an e-mail today from Sega about buying Yakuza 3. I'm going to write a letter this weekend.

Unfortunately, they don't have the balls to publish an e-mail address.[/QUOTE]
Send like 30 pages of the same thing lol they will be like WTF no more letters!
[quote name='phantasyx']Finally Wrexmanor you see the light, there is still more however, I'm waiting to hear back from people who have played the Japanese ver.

*edit* Cigarette heat is still in the game (wipes sweat) Dragon of Dojima likes to cause drama in the Yakuza forums...Its after you beat Majima in Chapter 9.[/QUOTE]

Oh, nice to see you two unblock each other, why don't you french kiss and make up?

See, doesn't that feel better now?
[quote name='phantasyx']Send like 30 pages of the same thing lol they will be like WTF no more letters![/QUOTE]

LOL, too bad it's not a Fax machine, I'd Fax-spam them :bouncy:
[quote name='gettinmoney662']Wow, you guys take the word nerd to incredible new heights. I feel bad for you guys.[/QUOTE]

You stfu and write a letter to Sega. Right now.
bread's done